Patch Him Up Quickly
"Master Shredder" came Tiger Claws voice as he helped his Master up off the floor. "We're extremely sorry Master, but Hamato Yoshi, and the rest of the teenagers have escaped with Karia and the injured turtle. We tried but I'm afraid that we couldn't stop them from leaving."
"UHHHH... DON'T TOUCH ME!" the Shredder growled as he knocked Tiger Claws hand off of him. "It doesn't matter anymore. We'll bring Karia back latter, and that pathetic turtle is now on a one way trip down deaths road. If that doesn't tear Splinter apart then we'll just have to get the next turtle in line, and start over! There's no way he'll survive this!" With that said, and a smug, wicked grin plastered on his face the Shredder turned and stormed back down the main hallway into the poorly lit factory.
"Get him on the table " April's dad Kirby said as Raph and Leo came running in packing their unconscious, brainy, little brother in their arms. The boys laid their brother down on the table on his plastron, and folded one arm around his head. Donnie's other arm hung loosely off the side of the table , and his legs were turned slightly with his knees facing outwards.
A soft moan escaped Donnie's lips as Master Splinter held both hands on a thick, alcohol covered cloth and began to pressed it on their brothers injured shoulder. They could see fresh blood still running down his arm from the stab wound that ran clean through. Leo, Karia, Mikey, Casey, and Raph stayed as still as statues on the other side of the table that Donnie was on, as they watched Master Splinter and Kirby in a mad rush to treat Donnie's wounds. April sat on a stole right beside the table, and held Donnie's hand that hung off the side, as silent tears ran down her cheeks.
Mikey was the first to break the silence. "So is he..."
"We don't know Michelangelo. We're doing all we can, but if you boys assist us in tending to your brother, then time will go by faster for us all."
"Yes Sensei" Leo spoke up. "What would you like each of us to do?"
It was Kirby who then interjected, and started to give each of the teens a task to do. After all having something to do that would help Donnie recover faster, would make the teens feel needed, and help to ease the heavily, growing, tension that had settled in the room. "Leo, go get some rags and two bowls of water. Karia, go get the Morphine out of the bag I brought down here, Donnie's going to need it. Raph, you've had them done enough. Go set up the things will need for a blood transfusion, his skin has already turned deathly pale he's lost to much already. April, go get the first aid supplies out of the cabinet over there. And Casey, Mikey, come over here and help us hold him down so Splinter can start working on getting Donnie's arm back into its socket."
Every teen nodded their head and hurried off to complete their given tasks.
It had been a total of three weeks since they had gotten Donnie back home, and he still wasn't awake yet. He had woken up temporarily from pain the night they got him home as Master Splinter popped his shoulder back into place, but other then that he hadn't moved. He had gotten all patched up by Kirby and his Father, and with all the bandages he wore he looked like he had just came home from a full on war, and had been on the front line the whole time.
Donnie's plastron was cracked and most of his ribs were either bruised or broken. His Sensei had sealed the crack and maneuvered Donnie's ribs back the best he could, and then wrapped his whole torso as tightly as possible so they wouldn't move while he sleep. Donnie's stab wound on his shoulder had been cleaned out and stitched after his shoulder was popped back into place. Then his Father had treated the long and deep cuts that ran from his shoulder all the way down to the top of his wrist, wrapped up the swollen arm and placed it in a sling across Donnie's chest. The deep gash that ran across his forehead had been stitched as well, and the whole top of Donnie's head had been bandaged up. Every burn and deep cut on Donnie's arms and legs had been cleaned and bandaged as well. There were so many! His Father had applied a homemade herbal healing cream to all of his son's cuts, burns, and bruises. Making sure to pay special attention to Donnie's swollen eye, and the burnt insignia on his wrist. Donnie had had three blood transfusions, lots of Morphine, and some homemade herbal medicines for severe fevers. It had taken him a full five days to get over his fever and until then his brothers had made sure that he constantly had a cool rag on his forehead and nice warm blankets draped across his sleeping form.
Kirby had come down every day to see how Donatello's condition was progressing, and even brought things he knew Donnie would need when he finally woke up, like extra medical supplies and hot soups. Meanwhile April and Casey had missed a lot of school because April had refused to leave her best friends side. The entire time keeping a constant visual on him as he sleep. "Get better soon Donnie. Please... I don't want to live without you." April would beg silently as she held his hand by the bed. He had been moved back into his bedroom after about a week in because nobody thought that the metal surgery table had looked very comfortable for the healing turtle.
But even with everyone tending to him while he sleep. When someone gets hurt to that extent there's nothing you can really do, besides hope and pray for the best.