Destiney islands was known for its beauty and peaceful environments. It was a small place yet big enough to hold countless adventures for the residence who lived there. The crashing waves at the shore ensured that everyone woke up with the knowledge that the sparkling bed of water was only a few minutes' walk away from them. Because of the size of the island, not too many people were around like in the shining Twilight Town but enough to ensure that you didn't feel like you were stranded on a random island in between the worlds.
An alarm sounded the beginning of a new sunrise for Kairi, yet the beautiful redhead doesn't want to get out of bed and seriously, who could blame her. Today was the beginning of a brand-new semester for the high school girl. She laid in bed for a little while longer, not even bothering to turn off the alarm clock right next to her bed. In her not-yet-active mind she was hoping that this was all just a bad dream that would go away after just a few more minutes of sleep.
"Kairi, you got to wake up." A young voice called out to her from beyond her door that was all too familiar to the sleepy redhead.
"Just 5 more minutes." Kairi replied from under the sheets that made her voice sound muffled and distorted. Whoever stood behind her door couldn't handle the noise that her alarm was making, thus they opened the door and walked calmly to Kairi's side and turned off the alarm for her.
"Seriously, if you keep sleeping then we are going to end up being late again." Said the mystery girl standing next to the sleeping one.
"Shhhhh…me sleep for five more minutes." Kairi was trying to sleep talk her way out of it, yet with no success. The mystery girl walked out of the room only to return a few seconds later with a horn in her hands. In her mind, she counted down from three, aimed the horn directly at Kairi and turned her head in the opposite direction.
The horn blasted shockwaves through the room which sent a very confused Kairi rolling out of bed while getting tangled up by her own bedding. Kairi struggled to escape the pleasing clutches of the beddings and jumped up to her feet just to make the noise stop.
"NAMINÉ!" Kairi yelled at her sister.
"Good, you're awake. Now hurry up, breakfast will be ready soon." Naminé walked out of the room with a joy in her step. Kairi sensed the pleasure she gets in waking her up like that and vowed to get her revenge.
The drapes on her body started to slide off of her silk like skin to reveal her perfect hourglass figure guarded by only a pink panty and bra. She walked over to the mirror to take a good look at herself to analyse what she needed to do before the usual walk to school.
Her hair was surprisingly still in order even from all the rolling and wild movements earlier. She was still half asleep but could clearly see the lines under her eyes. Nothing a warm shower won't fix. She dragged her half dead body to the closet where she pulled out her school uniform. She tossed it onto the bed with terrible aim and slugged her feet across the floor in the direction of the bathroom.
Yet again, the clothing on her body came off easily as if it felt guilty for keeping such a marvel away from the open. Unfortunately, public nudity is a crime so can't hope to see that picture any time soon. Besides, Kairi was a proper girl who wouldn't even think about doing something like that. Especially on the island where everyone knows everyone.
Kairi is a beautiful young teen who has a heart big enough for everything. She is the kind of girl who cares about the people closest to her and is always trying to be a helping hand. She's also very smart and has wonderful grades that would make any parent proud. She had everything she wanted but she didn't brag about it as if she was spoiled. She appreciated everything she had and loved everyone who was in her life. She was the definition of a shining star in the night sky.
Her sister, Naminé, was the same, yet she was a lot more shy than Kairi was. She loves to draw and is always wearing a beautiful smile on her sparking lips. She adores the colour white because, to her, it means anything could happen. White is what an artist starts with before he continues on his adventure to create a masterpiece.
By the time Kairi finished her shower, the smell of freshly roast bacon was hanging thickly in the air. Kairi couldn't wait to get downstairs and enjoy the wonderful feast that awaited her. She wasted no time in getting dressed and locating her school bag filled with books of pure boredom. She raced down the stairs where plates of food were waiting to be consumed.
"Wow, this looks amazing!" Kairi's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree when she saw the meal in front of her.
"Good morning to you too honey." Said a silky voice coming from behind the stove.
"Morning mom, breakfast looks great." Kairi quickly dove into her plate.
"Where's Naminé? I thought she would be down before me." Kairi looked around to try and spot her blond-haired twin, with no luck. While she was looking around she did see something odd.
"Hey mom, why is there a truck in front of the house next door? I thought no one lived there." Curiosity filled her mind under those red locks.
"I have not a slightest clue, they must have finally sold the house. That's the best I can come up with." Her mom moved over to the sink and started washing the dishes.
"But, there was never any "for sale" signs in the yard. That's very strange."
"Don't think too hard on it, sweetie. We will go greet them once they have settled."
Kairi obeyed her loving mother and continued with her breakfast. The house next to hers hasn't been lived in for a very long time. She never even saw anyone go inside there in her life. She even made up scary stories about the place saying that whosoever walks in, would never walk out again.
Naminé finally came running down the stairs in a big rush.
"Oh no, my hair took far longer than I expected!" she rushed over to the table, grabbed a slice of toast and a piece of bacon and rushed to the door.
"Kairi we have to move or else we are going to be late!"
"Says the one who is late." Kairi joked
They both kissed their mother goodbye before running out of the house as if their lives were at stake. Kairi couldn't help but feel like this was her regular routine, usually every morning would start the same and the day would go on until she would get home, do her homework and then go to sleep. While they were running towards school she couldn't help but have those thoughts in her head. She wouldn't say that she was bored with her life; she just wanted a little more excitement in the day that might actually change everything. Little does she know that her wish isn't far from coming true.
Finally, after ten minutes of running, the two girls arrived at their destination. Destiney High, the only high school on the entire island. It was a beautiful place of education for everyone on the island, yet school is still school which means that classes are always boring.
"Made it with ten minutes to spare. You know that we could have just taken our time walking here." Kairi suggested.
"I know, but I wanted to see Olette before class. She finally got back from Twilight Town." Kairi smiled at her sister, realizing how sweet she can be when she really misses someone.
"Well then, we had better find her before…"
"Hey Kairi…Naminé…!" Kairi recognized the voice shouting in the distance. She looked into the direction it had originated from only to locate the silver haired beach boy. Riku was an old childhood friend of Kairi's and have been friends since the day they met. His uniform was a little tight around his arms, usually because he was a fitness junky.
Riku started to walk over to them with his bag slung over his shoulder and his one hand hidden in his pants pocket.
"Hey Riku, I was wondering when you would show up." Kairi smiled at the sight of her friend. He had been gone all summer visiting family in Hallow Bastion.
"You say that as if I was never going to come back, didn't you even miss me?" Riku asked.
"Of course, I did, it's great to see you again. I hope you had a great summer with your family."
"Uhm…yeah well I'll tell you all about that later. It's a pretty long story. So where are you two headed?"
"Have you seen Olette anywhere? We were just about to go looking for her." Naminé asked.
"Yeah, I did, she was standing with Hayner and Pence in the courtyard. Was on my way there anyway." Riku, Kairi and Naminé walked together through the halls of the school and past all the students who were mingling with each other after the long summer vacation.
The three finally managed to cross the deadly school halls over to the courtyard where they were scanning the grounds in search of their friends. Naminé was the first to locate her brunet friend and lead the way for the others.
"Olette, I've missed you!" Naminé cried out, hugging her friend from behind
"Oh, hey Nami. I've missed you, too." Olette turned around to give her friend a proper hug.
"Welcome back! I hope you had fun. We can't wait to hear about it!" Kairi exclaimed.
Talking about their trips was probably the only exciting thing Kairi could think about. It was kind of sad that she didn't know what else to talk about seeing as they have all been friends since middle school.
"I promise I'll tell you soon, but we all need to get to the offices to receive our new schedules before the bell sounds." Kairi's eyes popped open in shock.
"Oh crap, we forgot! We need to hurry!" Kairi grabbed both Riku and Naminé's arms and dragged them off. Olette wasn't far behind, running after them with Hayner and Pence right behind her.
"Hey, why didn't anyone ask me about how my vacation was!" yelled the frustrated Hayner and Pence while running full speed ahead.