Whirlpool meets sand
While during his training trip Temari is to join Naruto and Jiraya on their 3 year training trip. How will Temari life be like with Konoha's super pervert and blonde jinchuriki
Naruto x Temari
I'll be working on new stories such as: There is No Justice, My High School Life of Fatherhood, The Fox Spy, Bats, Foxes, clowns, and Vengeance, Our Sensei Has A Boyfriend, and Ninjas of Whirlpool.
I was thinking of this other story where star's half monster I got this idea from an artist from deviant art his name is kabukiaku
for the monster star I was thinking star would have a difficult life due to being half monster meaning not only would the monsters hate her because she's from mewni but her other family members would hate her because she half monster like her aunt will hate star believing she's a stain of the butterfly family this story will be called "Worlds Apart".
I have another poll up for the naruto x levy stories the top 3 polls will be made into a story but I won't start writing them for a while since after i upload the rest of the stories i will be focusing on updating but just so you know red fox will be the first to be updated then cunning pf a fox.
Naruto Uzumaki gennin of Konoha and now student of Jiriaya has just left the village for his three year training trip with his brand new sensei Jiriaya the Toad Sage. While in most cases he would screammimg about getting Sasuke back from Orochimaru or talking about his crush Sakura but Naruto finds himself thinking about what Jiriaya had told him when he was in the hospital.
Naruto has finally be left alone after Tsunade and Shizune had finished healing his injures and has finished talking to Sakura. "You're an idiot Naruto." said Kyuubi in a deadpan tone. Naruto then let's out a sigh of annoyance Kyuubi then growls at Naruto from his mindscape "don't you fucking sigh at me you pathetic brat!" roared Kyuubi in his usual angry tone.
Naruto rolls his eyes at the bijuu "what do you want fox! I'm tired " sneered Naruto in exhaustion usually in a few hours or dsy he would be ready to go but after the long fights with Kimmimatu, Tayuya, and Sasuke Naruto finds himself tired.
Kyuubi growls at his jailer in annoyance the large Bijuu sometimes wondered what he do to be cursed with an idiotic shinobi like Naruto "I don't care if you are near death brat! You will fucking listen to me you ungrateful sack of meat!" roared Kyuubi.
Naruto rolled his eyes at the loud voice being the Kyuubi no Kistune "fine what do you want?" asked Naruto.
"You're an Idiot!" said Kyuubi causing Naruto to gain a sweat drop on the side of his head "you purposely allowed yourself in a situation where you almost die and for what for some arrogant brat and that annoying teammate of course!" yelled Kyuubi yhe fox then cuts off the link the fox sits in his cage growling in annoyance.
Jiriaya then walks in the room with a serious face which had shocked Naruto since the only time he's ever seen Jiriaya serious is when he saw Itachi and Kisame and when he encountered Orochimaru for the second time "hey Naruto how you feeling?" asked Jiriaya in a solemn expression.
Naruto gives Jiriaya a wide smirk " I'm feeling good dattebayo!" yelled Naruto.
Jiriaya nods his head he then stands up and walks over to Naruto and taps Naruto's arm he then releases a scream of pain. He then releases a sigh "Naruto you over used your chakra." said Jiriaya looking at the blonde Uzumaki.
Naruto then gains a confused expression "huh, what are you talking about Ero-Sannin?" asked Naruto who has a dead pan expression and has a expression of lost.
Jiriaya then runs his hands through his long white hair "what I mean is that you pushed your body to it's absolute limits. While training this might be good but in the heat of the enemy it can become fatal. Naruto you're even lucky to be alive." said Jiriaya as he sits across from the gennin.
"huh, why wouldn't I be alive I never give up dattebayo!" declared Naruto.
"You're lucky to be alive because that last jutsu and using Kyuubi chakra when you barley had any chakra left could have ended your ninja carrer permanently." said Jiriaya which had shocked Naruto beyond belief the knucklehead shinobi couldn't believe it he could of died but the hard headed part of him was telling he'll never give up until he brings Sasuke back and becomes the hokage.
"While I came here to tell you you the dangers of over using your chakra I wanted to talk to you Naruto." said Jiriaya in a tone that held no joking.
Naruto raised an eyebrow at Jiriaya"what do you want to talk about Ero-Sannin" asked Naruto in curiosity. While he had his face wrapped in bandages Jiriaya still knew the bandage gennin had raised his eyebrow at him.
"I want to talk about giving up that foolish promise. Now, before you start yelling hear me out?" asked Jiriaya he watches as Naruto is about to say something but then closes his mouth. "I know of your nindo way to never break a promise but you are making same mistake Sabutobi-sensei and myself made while concerning Orochimaru but Naruto you should know Orochimaru wasn't the cruel, cold, and evil shinobi. He was once like me and you he grew up with no family and back then I could actually call him my best friend but even he start experimenting on people I wanted to believe the person I once saw still my friend but over the years I knew the person I was knew was no longer there. And because of my most regrets due my feelings thousands of innocent have died I just don't want you to make the same mistake as me. And Naruto we leave in 7 days so do what you need to do." said Jiriaya he then walks to the window and exits out the window leaving Naruto to his thoughts.
Naruto just sat in silence but after two minutes he gains a expression that's a cross betrween conviction and confidence "I don't care what that old pervert says! I'll bring Sasuke-teme back and show him or my name isn't Naruto Uzumaki Dattebayo!" yelled Naruto with his trademark idiotic grin.
Flashback Over
Naruto glances at his sensei then glances back ast the road "I don't care what Ero-Sannin I will bring Sasuke-teme back. I always keep my promises." thought Naruto he then glances back at Jiriaya and squints his eyes at the white haired sage "aye Ero-Sannin where are we going! Can you teach me a new jutsu? I want to spit acid out of my mouth! No wait I want shot lava out of my eyes!" yelled Naruto.
Jiriaya grins at Naruto excitement " how about no and no. Besides i'm not teaching you anything until you master the rasengan." said Jiriaya in a tone that gave no room for an argument.
Naruto then let's out a loud whine "but I have learned the jutsu and where are we going?" asked Naruto with a pout.
Jiriaya scoffed at Naruto not in an arrogant matter but in a joking matter "Naruto you still have to use a clone to create the rasengan. Until you can truly create the rasengan with one hand then we can start talking about what's next to teach you gaki." said Jiriaya.
Naruto glares at Jiriaya with a pout "no fair! Hey wait a minute! You never said where we're are going Ero-Sannin!" exclaimed Naruto.
Jiriaya just rolled his eyes at Naruto's impatientness "I heard you the first time Naruto. I just choose not to listen to you. And will stop calling me Ero-Sannin it's embarrassing!" whined Jiriaya.
Naruto crosses his arms "Never! Unless you stop writing those perverted books." said Naruto in a defiance tone.
Jiriaya glares down at Jiriaya with a smirk "Never! Your tiny brain can't concept the wonders of each of my masterpieces!" yelled Jiriaya with a full blown grin. He then loses the grin and gains a serious expression "and we are going to Sunagakure that is the first stop we need to take I guess you can say it's like a side mission ordered by Tsunade-hime." said Jiriaya he turns to Naruto who has a million watt smile.
Naruto then behins to bounce up and down like a child on a sugar rush "we're going to Suna that's awesome! I can see Gaara come on Ero-Sannin we're wasting daylight!" yelled Naruto as he begins to start running then turns to Jiriaya with a nervous expression "uh, where's Suna again?" asked Naruto who has a large sweatdrop on the side of his head.
Jiriaya facepalms at Naruto's rash excitement "okay note to self get the rashness and his running into battle without thinking out of his head the brat will ladt longer in the world." thought Jiriaya "Naruto let me lead the way." said Jiriaya as he walks past Naruto who quickly follows right behind him.
"So, why are we going there?" asked Naruto in a curious tone while he was happy he gets to see his fellow jinchuriki he was also curious why are they going there.
"I guess you can say we are going there for a political mission but also this contains about your future training you will have." said Jiriaya in a serious tone Naruto gazes at Jiriaya's expression wondering what the perverted sage is thinking about.
But he then shrugs his shoulders "probably something perverted no doubt." thought Naruto as he places his hands behind his head but Naruto couldn't be anymore wtong he was.
Inside the Hokage office you would usually see Tsunade going though mountains of papers, drinking various of bottles of Sake, or taking naps but not today Tsunade can be seen staring at Jiriaya with a serious expression who's sitting across from her "Jiriaya I must know what you will be doing on this training trip?" asked Tsunade.
Jiriaya let's out a sigh "orginally I was planning on having Naruto complete the rasengan, and the Shadow Clone Technique (Kage no Bunshin), working on his taijutsu, and focusing on him controlling Kyuubi's chakra but that isn't going to work. So I'll have to take another approach." said Jiriaya as he grabs a note book and start writing in it but it isn't the notebook she's familiar with.
Tsunade raised her eyebrow "what do you mean a different approach?" asked Tsunade narrowing her hazel eyes at Jiriaya.
Jiriaya then gives her an all knowing look "Tsunade-hime are you really asking me this question? You've seen how he fights. His taijutsu is piss-poor, the only ninjutsu he knows is Kage no Jutsu, Sexy Clone Technique ( Oiroke no Jutsu), Summoning Technique ( Kuchiyose Summoning), and rasengan, Naruto hasn't even learned all the chakra exercises, and the boy probably doesn't even know he has a secrete talent for fuinjutsu or what chakra papers are. Tsunade you can't deny that he has been trained poorly." said Jiriaya.
Tsunade let's out a tired some sigh even though Naruto isn't there physically it had seems like just talking about the knucklehead shinobi is giving the Senju kage a headache "agreed these holes in Naruto should have been corrected months ago. I will personally look into it I can't have someone like Naruto being killed on the next high classed mission while his team was able to complete the wave, his fight against Gaara, and his mission with the protection of princess Yukie Fujikaze the next time he won't be lucky." said Tsunade as she massages the temple of her forehead.
"You know this is all Kakashi's fault right." stated Jiriaya.
Tsunade then glares at Jiriaya "Jiriaya what are you talking about? How is this Kakashi's fault?" asked Tsunade.
Jiriaya then begins to tap the giant scroll that's placed next to him "come on Tsunade it shouldn't be hard to figure out Kakashi openly favored Sasuke over Naruto and the pink haired girl. You and me know how much Kakashi would try to repay Obito even if he had to ignored jis sensei's son. And we both know that Minato never favored Obito, Rin, or Kakashi." said Jiriaya.
Tsunade leans back in the chair letting out a sigh "alright Jiriaya you're right about Kakashi it's pretty obvious that he shouldn't favor one student over another it could caused problems but it's already too late for that." said Tsunade.
Jiriaya nods his head in agreement "if only Minato or his teammates could see him now." thought Jiriaya he then turns to Tsunade and glances down at her breast "Tsunade what are you going to do about the pink haired one. She's obviously incredibly weak even for gennin standards. Not to forget she's hopelessly obessed obsessed with Sasuke and has her own fangirl delusion making her believe she's in love with him and having this false image of Sasuke." stated Jiriaya.
Tsunade then grabs a bottle of Sake and starts drinking from the bottle "Honestly, I'm not sure I was orginally thinking about but I don't know I mean yeah she has good chakra control but her obsession with Sasuke Uchiha vould present some troubles." said Tsunade. Jiriaya then grins at Tsunade "what the hell are you grinning for you old pervert." growled Tsunade.
Jiriaya just shrugged his shoulders "oooh, nothing. Just thought you could hearva suggestion I have in mind." said Jiriaya.
Tsunade glares at Jiriaya "what kind of suggestion?" asked Tsunade.
Naruto just waved her off nonchalantly "oh nothing, just wondering instead of teaching that Sakura girl you train Ino Yamanaka ?" asked Jiriaya.
Tsunade eyes open with a glare "would that be smart move I mean they are friends." said Tsunade.
Jiriaya just waved her off "Tsunade you and me know friend has nothing to do with it, after if that was the case Orochimaru would've been the Yondaime Hokage and not my former student Minato. While her taijutsu is poor but that's not really surprising since since her clan focus on their mind jutsus but other than that she's quite intelligent, more level headed, and is better with coming up with plans on the fly, also, her chakra control is better good probably thanks to her dad and Asuma. Besides you know I'm right." grinned Jiriaya.
Tsunade let's out a groan at the fact that Ino would be a better candidate than Sakura "alright, alright you win you damn pervert that Ino girl would make a better student also with her clan jutsu she'll be able to do some true grand breaking techniques. But back to Naruto what will you be doing you I care about as family but also as an asset." said Tsunade.
Jiriaya nods his head "true but also he probably is the last remaining family you got after all both the Uzumaki and Senju are cousins so in away you are the only family he probably has but we are getting off track. As I was saying I want to find out what his nature chakra first then I'll start teaching him the true power of the Kage No Bunshin. I believe with the full mastery of the clones he couls not only successfully complete learn the rasengan but also go into the next type of Minato's jutsu, and I want to teach him the Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu), I also want him to learn this." said Jiriaya pulling out a medium sized red scroll that has the word Toxic () in kanji.
Tsunade narrows her eyes at Jiriaya "I have some questions that needs to be answered." said Tsunade.
Jiriaya nods his head "that's fair." said Jiriaya.
Tsunade nods her head at her fellow Sage "alright my first question is what is the next step in the rasengan, myvsecond question is are you sure that's a smart thing of having Naruto learn the Hiraishin? And my third question is what's in that scroll ?" asked Tsunade in suspicion as she glares at Jiriaya.
Jiriaya continues to grin at Tsunade "well Tsunade-hime the next step in the rasengan is to add your own element into the jutsu but as you know Minato died before he can complete the rasengan and as for me I haven't been able to complete the jutsu while there was that one I used the rasengan then fired a fire release jutsu and created Fire Release: Great Flame Spiralling Sphere (Katon: Goēn Rasengan) but the way I did was incomplete. But to your second question yes Naruto should learn the Hiraishin, after all it's his birth right if not me then who Kakashi. The man knew the rasengan but didn't bother teaching it to him or how to use truly use the kage no bunshin. And for your last question my spy acting got this I don't how but he did." said Jiriaya as he rubs the back of his head.
Tsunade then glares daggers at Jiriaya "what's in it?" asked Tsunade.
Jiriaya nonchalantly waves his hand at Tsunade "I think it's better if I show you." said Jiriaya he unsealed the scroll another smaller scroll puffs in existence and a kusarigama.
Tsunade widens her eyes in shock as she gazes on the kusarigama "i-i-is th-that?" asked Tsunade pointing at the kusarigama.
Jiriaya who now has a solemn expression nods his head "yep the weapon of Hanzo you know it still has his poison on it right." said Jiriaya.
"But how?" asked Tsunade who's stunned.
Jiriaya shrugged his shoulders "like said early i'm not sure how." said Jiriaya.
Tsunade then glances at the scroll "and the scroll?" asked Tsunade.
Jiriaya let's out a chuckle "believe it or not inside this scroll is Hanzo's taijutsu, ninjutsu, kayakujutsu (Gunpowder Techniques), and kusarigamajutsu ( Chain Sickle Technique). No doubt he probably excepted someone to end his life and he took extra steps into maintaining that his teachings don't die out with him." said Jiriaya.
Tsunade nods her head in agreement "could you believe it that one day Hanzo will be helping Konoha?" asked Tsunade.
Jiriaya grins back at Tsunade "hello no but this will help advance in Naruto's training. But I'll have to excuse myself I need to do some...research." smirked Jiriaya in a perverted manner.
Tsunade gains a tic mark on the side of her head "before she can strangle or punch the toad sage he quickly shunships out of the room "damn that fucking pervert.
Flashback over
Both Naruto and Jiriaya finds themselves at the gates of Sunagakure also known as the Village Hidden by Sand. Jiriaya let's out a groaning sigh "there's no way I'll be able to do any research." groaned Jiriaya with his shoulders slumped.
Naruto who's sweating due to his heavy and baggy jumpsuit glares at Jiriaya "research? Who cares about that crap! I'm dying here!" yelled Naruto.
"You fool! You simply don't understand and I have you know my loyal fans care! And you're hot because of that god aweful jumpsuit and Suna is a desert you baka!" yelled Jiriaya slapping Naruto on the back of hia head.
Naruto let's out a groan "but it's so hooot!" whined Naruto.
Jiriaya just waved Naruto off "you'll get used to it." said Jiriaya as the two shinobi continue to walk to the gate they two suna jounin one of the jounin is dressed in a puppeteer clothing while next to him is Baki who is a very tall man. He has two distinctive, red markings on the right side of his face, the only visible part of his head, with the rest being covered by his turban-like head gear and by a sheet hanging from it on the left side of his face. He dons the standard attire of a Suna-nin, complete with a forehead protector and flak jacket.
The two suna-ninjas bow to Naruto and Jiriaya "Jiriaya-sama we've been waiting for you." said the puppeteer.
Baki nods his head " Shirubādasuto (Silver Dust) is right the council awaits." said Baki he then turns his gaze to Naruto "so he's the one that cure Gaara of his psychotic tendencies. He does look like an idiot but if it wasn't for him then Gaara wouldn't be a posdible future choice for Kazekage" thought Baki he then bows to Naruto shocking that someone is actually bowing to him. "Thank you Naruto Uzumaki if it wasn't for you Gaara would still be insane." said Baki.
Naruto rubs the back of his head "it's no problem. Me and Gaara are alike." said Naruto with a wide grin shocking the two suna-nin.
"That's right Temari did say she felt the sane kind of chakra from Naruto when the two were fighting but Naruto's chakra was muvh larger than Gaara's." thought Baki.
"But where's Gaara I've been dying to see him." said Naruto who's literally bouncing off his feet.
Baki and Shirubādasuto chuckle at Naruto's excitement "Gaara is actually home Shirubādasuto will show you the way." said Baki shocking the puppeteer.
Jiriaya chuckles at 4the shocked faced of the suna-nin "have fun." said Jiriaya Baki grabs onto the sage's shoulder and shunshin the sage to the council room.
Naruto grins at Shirubādasuto "come on let's go already!" yelled Naruto.
Shirubādasuto gains a sweatdrop "damn my luck." groaned Shirubādasuto.
With Jiriaya and Baki
As they entered the council room each member on the council bows to Jiriaya "well, well, if it isn't Jiriaya of the sannin." said Chiyo.
Jiriaya gains a sweatdrop at Chiyo "hello, Chiyo nice to be here." said Jiriaya the old sage still knew even though the years have passed Chiyo still has a dislike for Konoha but he could understand that since Konoha has a dislike for Kumo and Iwa.
Jiriaya then glances at Ebizō who had cough in his hand "now that you are here we can get on with this meeting." said Ebizō as he stares at the Konoha ninja.
Gozā nods his head "but before we start this meeting the council and Suna would like to apologize for our actions towards your village Jiriaya-sama." said Gozā.
Jiriaya waves his hand in a nonchantalant matter "don't worry about it Gozā. You were a victim of Orochimaru's schemes. We are slowly regaining our friendship thanks to my new student Naruto Uzumaki.
Chiyo then gains a shocked expression at remembering that a gennin had a hand in curing Gaara "if I may could I asked you something?" asked Chiyo.
Jiriaya raised an eyebrow at the elder woman "um, sure what is it?" asked Jiriaya who's confused.
Chiyo then narrows her eyes at Jiriaya "you say you want to strengthen the friendship of Konoha and Suna if that's true then could you fix the seal on Gaara it would do both villages good if Gaara no longer had to worry about losing control." said Chiyo after a minute Jiriaya thinks it over he then nods his head in agreement.
Causing Chiyo to smile since she's the one who sealed Shukaku into Gaara in the first place. "Now it's time to start this meeting." said Yurā.
Sajō nods his head with his fellow councilman "agreed, now Jiriaya-sama I believe you know why you are here?" asked Sajō.
Jiriaya nods his head "of course this about strengthening our relationship. Tsunade had told me you would be having one of your ninjas to come with me on my three year mission but she didn't really tell me who actually. But why are you doing this?" asked Jiriaya.
"We doing this so the bound between our villages could be stronger." said Chiyo in a personally tone.
Yurā nods his head agreeing with his elder "this is a repaying our debts to Konoha fir not canceling the treaty. And the person we've decided who should go with you is Temari of the sand daughter of the late Yondaime Kazekage Rasa." said Jurā in a serious tone.
Baki nods his head in agreement "Temari while young for her age is quite talented in her own right." said Baki.
Jiriaya noda his head "yeah I remember watching her fight against Shikamaru she almost had him and her wind release is quite powrrful." said Jiriaya.
"Thank you Jiriaya we make sure our shinobi are well train and ready to go out on missions but Tsunade had also say you have important information for us is that correct Jiriaya-sama?" asked Ebizō.
Jiriaya nods his head gaining a serious expression "have any of you heard of the Akatsuki?" asked Jiriaya each of the councilmen shook their head negatively " the Akatsuki is organization made out of S-Class Shinobi their is to obtain all nine Bijuu their intentions are unknown but there are two members we know of and that is Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki." said Jiriaya each of the councilmen narrows their eyes at hearing about the Akatsuki.
Baki narrows his eyes in suspecion "what could the Akatsuki want with the Bijuu whatever there reason can't be any good." thought Baki he then turns to Jiriaya "so, what should we do Jiriaya-sama whatever plan this Akatsuki has won't be good." said Baki in a cold tone.
Jiriaya nods his head in agreement "true we can't allow the Akatsuki to gain control of the Bijuu. It will only mean more trouble for us as a whole but I suggest both the leaf and sand start to strengthen our shinobi but I do know one thing the Akatsuki will start making their move within three years." said Jiriaya.
Everyone looked shocked while they found out Itachi and Kisame are part of the Akatsuki has everyone wondering. If those two monsters are apart of this terrorist group then who else is "three years doesn't sound like alot but we have no choice in the matter. We must stop the Akatsuki!" yelled Jōseki in anger with everyone agreeing.
Ebizō turns to Chiyo with a curious expression as his sister has serious concentrated look "Chiyo what are you thinking about?" asked Ebizō.
Chiyo turns towards Ebizo "I'm thinking if these people are strong as Jiriaya says it's time for me to do something I never thought I would do until this day." said Chiyo.
With Naruto
Within the backyard of the home of the kazehage household laughing could be heard not laughing of a child but laughing of someone crying from laughing. Within the sandy yard you can see Naruto laughing his ass off, Gaara with a who has a small smile, Temari who's grinning, and Kankuro who looks like he wants to strangle Naruto.
Gaara has fair skin, green eyes, and short red hair. He lacks distinctive pupils or eyebrows. He's has tanuki-like black rings around his eyes. As a child, he carved the kanji for "love" (愛,ai) on the left side of his forehead, which his hair is parted in order for it to be kept visible. Gaara wears a reddish-brownish one with longer sleeves and an upright collar, and wears mesh armour on his wrists and ankles.
Kankurō wears a black, baggy, full body suit with a red and yellow circle on the front. He also wears a black hood which covered his head completely, and had cat-like ears and his forehead protector on his forehead. Kankurō at first sported a triangular face-paint design, but changed to a different cross-like design.
Temari has teal eyes and sandy blonde hair, which is gathered into four consecutive pigtails. She wears a long-sleeved purple blouse under a grey top, a dark blue skirt, and a longer sash arranged in a bow.
"Are... ..telling...me..that..ahahaha Kankuro used to take your make up..and put it on...my self!" Laughed Naruto who has tears rlolling down his face.
Temari has a wide cocky grin "yep what did you used to say?" asked Temari as she places her finger on her chin. She then gains a smirk " oh yeah, now I remember he would say 'fear me the great and stunning Kankuro-sama. Master of puppets!' or something like that." said Temari as she shrugs her shoulders.
Naruto then begins laugh silently with fresh tears rolling down his face. Kankuro glares at Naruto but Naruto pays him no mind he then turns to Temari "damn you woman!" roared Kankuro.
"I also find it quite amusing." said Gaara causing Kankuro to facefault "why must you always make my life so damn difficult Temari." groaned Kankuro.
"Because you make it so easy." said Temari in a teasing matter.
"Makeup boy." whispered Naruto.
He then growls at Naruto "I am not! Fuck you baka!" roared Kankuro.
Temari let's out a giggle "ehehe, Make Up Boy. You know I like that name for now on you will be called Mēkuappubōi (Makeup Boy)." said Temari.
"Never!" yelled Kankuro.
Gaara who's drinking some tea stares at Kankuro "I like it." said Gaara the four gennin then hear foot step they turn around and see Jiriaya and Baki "Baki, Jiriaya finished with the meeting?" asked Gaara.
The two shinobi nods their head "there's something we need to tell you four but before that Jiriaya-sama needs to check somerhing out." said Baki causing the gennin to give the sage and jounin a questionable stare.
Jiriaya thrn pulls out some chakra induction papers "chakra induction papers." said Kankuro in a confused tone wondering why Jiriaya has those papers.
Naruto glances at Kankuro "chakra induction papers? What's that?" asked Naruto.
Baki turn towards Naruto "Naruto every person's chakra has an affinity towards one of the five basic nature transformations. Affinity can at times be genetic, or at least common to a particular family; most members of the Uchiha clan have an affinity towards the Fire nature. One's affinity can be determined using pieces of paper made from a special type of tree that is grown and fed with chakra. When this so-called "Chakra Induction Paper" (Chakura Kannōshi) is exposed to even the slightest hint of chakra, it reacts according to the chakra's latent element: Fire:the paper will ignite and turn to ash, Wind the paper will split in two, Lightning the paper will wrinkle, Earth the paper will turn to dirt and crumble away, and Water the paper will become damp." said Baki in a lectured tone.
Naruto then gains a confused expression causing everyone to shake their head negatively at Naruto's idioticy "Naruto just pour your chakra into those papers then you'll find out which is your element affinity. Basically, if you have fire you can use fire release." explained Temari in a professional tone.
Naruto then gains an undetstanding expression "I get it now." grinned Naruto he thrn turns towards Temari "thanks Temari-chan." grinned Naruto.
Temari just shrugged her shoulders Jiriaya hands Naruto the paper and as instructed he pours some chakra into the paper. The paper splits in to surprising everuone "so, he has Wind Release just like Gaara and Temari not to mention he's from Konoha which is rare." thought Kankuro but to Kankuro's and everyone's face goes into shock as each of the two pieces becomes damp and crumbles into dust "no way he has Wind (Futon), Earth (Doton), and Water Release (Suiton)!" yelled a surprised Kankuro.
Gaara smiles at his friend "you continued to amaze me." said Gaara.
Naruto rubs the back of his head nervously "thanks Gaara." said Naruto with a sheeplist smile.
"Now that we have got that done it's time to drop the bomb on you Temari." said Baki having the gennin attention.
Jiriaya turns to the female suna-kunoichi "your council has declared that you to be joining Naruto and I on our three year training trip." said Jiraya.
And the first chapter of Whirlpool Meets Sand is done. the next story ill do is Ninjas of Whirlpool and then Our Sensei Has a Boyfriend!. I also have other ideas for upcoming stories. I hope you're ready for the surprises I have.
Tell me what you think of this story and no bashing
This is the new poll. While in some cases the poll is usually for choosing only one to be the decided outcome . But with this poll only three of these stories will be chosen well the top three will be chosen. Also i'm not sure when i'll start eliminlating stories from the poll probably not anytime soon.
Second Idea- Roads Among Paths: Being one of the first demons created by Zeref. But unlike the rest of the demons he doesnt share their goal he leaves them and finds himself being part of fairy tail.- 5
Third Idea- Brand New Life and World: After ecaping death where he was nearly excuted he finds himself in a new world. Lost in a new world how will he function being in a world with mages . In this story naruto will have lost magic called Arc of Holy Devine Punshinement - 4
First idea- Fairy's Devil: Naruto is a earth devil slayer he has recently earn the title s-class mage two years ago. he is also known as Fairy Tail's Grand Golem. Hes a learder of a team known as Millenium Disk the members that are on this team are Cana Grey Bisca and Natsu - 3
4th Idea- Never Ending Curse: having to watch his family and crush killed by a dark guild. Then tortured he was then emplanted with devil lacrma and gets cursed by demon magic years later after being tortured and being a slaved at the hands of a dark guild he joins phantom lord - 3
5th Idea- Legacy Journey: Finding One Self: being the cousin of Bickslow you except alot naruto has a dream and that is to become a powerful s-classed mage. He will have human and animal possession magic, crystal make, and Arc of Death Pleasure - 3
7th Idea Whirlpool, Mage, and Guild: Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze Jinchuriki of Kyuubi, Sage of the Toads, student of Jiraiya, and hero of the leaf. What if he was thrown out of his world by kaguya - 3
6th Idea-Old and New The Ancient Art: All Naruto knew is pain he never felt love which is to be excepted when you've been a prisoner from the dark guild since birth . But when he unlocks magic that hasn't been seen since acnologia will he fall into darkness or the light. - 2