Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the characters or anything associated with the Harry Potter universe. Mores the pity.

A/N: Hey guys, quick note. I am aware that there are an unacceptable amount of spelling errors in the past chapters, probably in this one as well. I have never been good at editing and up until this very chapter, I'd been writing this entirely on a program that didn't have a spelling/grammar check (re: the memo app on my phone). I plan on going back through and correcting mistakes but right now I just don't have the time to dedicate to it. I should probably look in to a beta, idk. Anyhow, sorry again. Just know they will be fixed eventually, promise.

Oh and this chapter is dedicated to kalkidangegziabher for their lovely review! Is dedicating chapters a thing? Whatever, I'm doing it lol. It's so important to me not to use unacceptable behavior (homophobia/misogyny/slut shaming/abuse romanticism/etc) as a plot device, especially with how easy it'd be with with this pairing. I'm glad it resonated so well with you!

Hermione was worried. Or rather, she wasn't worried and given her nature, she found that worrisome. She'd always been the type to worry over every detail because if she didn't, who would?

This time though, she wasn't. In the two days since their kiss in the first snow of the season, she and Draco hadn't had any problems. Obviously there hadn't been time for any true problems, but there hadn't even been any awkwardness that she'd assumed would come from snogging the daylights out of someone and then seeing them the next day.

If it weren't for the handful or so kisses they'd stolen since then, she might've thought she imagined the whole ordeal. It was real, and nothing much between them had changed. So yes, she worried. She told Ginny as much today when she took the carriage ride with her to the train station. Ginny was miffed about not seeing Blaise for two weeks but they were considering having him over to meet her parents during the holiday.

"Really? I didn't know you were at a 'meet the parents' stage yet."

"Believe me, I hadn't expected to be. I mean it's only been, what, five weeks? I don't know how Mum and Dad are going to react but I want them to at least be introduced."

Hermione and Ginny sat pressed up against each other, sharing their warmth, as the thestral pulled carriage rattled along the pathway. She was going to miss her friends but she didn't feel up to spending the holiday at Ron's family home, despite the fact that they'd been like her surrogate magic family since that first year. She'd hoped one day they'd really be her family, but...

Anyway, this wasn't a time to think like that. The Weasley's would always be her family, she just wasn't quite there yet.

It was unusual for Ginny to be this hesitant, and Hermione knew she was one of the only people allowed to see this side of the girl. "Hey," she told her with a shoulder nudge, "I'm sure they're going to love him. Blaise can be quite charming when he wants to be, or so I've heard."

"Yeah, that's the rumor at least." she said good naturedly. "I'm just... apprehensive I suppose. My family loves Harry so much, they practically adopted him, and I just know that Mum is holding out hope that we'll get back together. What if they make him uncomfortable out of some stupid loyalty to Harry? Or worse, what if I introduce him and they love him and then somewhere down the line we break up? It would be Harry all over again. I don't want to have to deal with that."

Her fears weren't totally unfounded. Hermione understood firsthand what the disappointment on Molly and Arthur's faces felt like when Ron had told them that she and he were only ever going to be friends. "Gin, give them a little more credit. They love Harry, yes. But above all, you know that all they want is for you to be happy."

"You're right, I know you're right. I'm driving myself mental over thinking things. I think you're rubbing off on me." she ribbed playfully. "Alright, enough of me. Your turn to spill."

"Spill what?"

"Spill what," the redhead mocked. "You know damn well what! You and an annoying blonde share a night of professed desires and heated kisses and then...? Come on, you've got to give me more than that! I tell you about everything with me and Blaise."

"And I really wish you wouldn't." Hermione shot back. Oversharing was a distinctly Weasley trait, and Hermione hadn't been able to look Blaise in the eyes for days after one particularly detailed story Ginny had shared. Honestly, some things she'd rather have left to the imagination. "Nothing else happened, Ginny. I told you everything that happened from the time you left to the time you barged into my room the next morning. Really, I know I'm usually up early anyhow, but that doesn't mean I'm functional or ready to speak to anyone." she grumbled.

"Yes yes, Hermione is a morning hater, I get it. There's seriously nothing you left out?"

"Nope. We've kissed a few times since then, but we've been basically business as usual. If it weren't for the cocky little smirk he wears, I'd think I made the whole thing up. I'm still not even sure I'm ready for wherever this is going." she confessed, feeling strangely vulnerable. There were barely more than a dozen students staying at school over the holiday, and that meant a lot of alone time for the two of them. "What if he's hoping to go farther than I am while we're on break?"

"Wow. My git of a brother really did a number on you, didn't he?"

Hermione drew her eyebrows together in confusion until Ginny elaborated. "You know Malfoy, Mione. Better than any of us, save for Blaise maybe. I have no doubt he'd go as far as you'd let him, but do you really think he's the sort to press you for more than you're comfortable with?" She shook her head no before hanging it a bit meekly, embarrassed by her insecurities.

It would be lovely, she thought to herself, if I could just get over all of this. Merlin's beard, she was 18 years old, and she'd already gone all the way once! Why was the prospect of any sort of physical intimacy so daunting for her? Maybe Ginny was right, maybe Ron had done a number on her. The bastard. It would be so easy to hate him for jading her in this way but... he was still Ron.

"Is it..." she started hesitantly, "Well, you were with Harry first and had the expectations of the whole meant to be thing too. When you got with Blaise, was it hard like this?"

"In what way?"

"I mean... Ron was the only person I really pictured myself with. After what happened, I didn't really think I'd want to be touched again, by anyone. I know that sounds horrible because it wasn't as though he forced me or hurt me or anything like that." she stumbled through her web of feelings on the matter, trying to articulate what was going through her head. How do you say were you scared to have sex with a new partner after being with someone who was supposed to be your one and only without sounding crazy? Well, apparently, you say just that, because the words were out of her mouth before the thought fully formed.

Ginny gave her an understanding look that, thankfully, held no pity or judgement, just understanding. "When Harry and I were first intimate, it was great. Really it was the only spot in our relationship where things didn't feel forced. I don't regret dating him, and I don't regret that he was my first. In a lot of ways, it felt like it was always supposed to be us for each other's firsts. But after we broke up and when Blaise and I started this whole thing, I was nervous. Harry had left his mark on me and I worried that Blaise wouldn't live up to it. Not because it was groundbreaking sex or anything, but there was so much history and emotion that went into it you know?

"When I told Blaise why I was nervous, he told me it was to be expected, and that it would be - should be - different, because they are different people. What I feel for Blaise it totally separate from what I felt for Harry, and the experiences are as well. Different isn't always bad, Mione. In fact, different can be exactly what you need."

When did the girl next to her get so wise? It was as though she'd taken all of Hermione's worries and dismantled them. She still wasn't sure exactly what she was ready for, but maybe she could just play it by ear and see what felt right. She threw her arms around her friend and said, "You are the best, Gin. Did you know that?"

"Of course I did. But I love to hear it, so feel free to tell me again."

Wandering around the grounds during a snowfall was possibly not the brightest idea he'd ever had, Draco thought as he tried to thaw his hands in front of the fire. He'd worn gloves and a scarf but even still he felt frozen to the bone. He heard the door swing open behind him and said over his shoulder, "I take back anything I said about the snow being nice. It's wretched."

He heard her small laugh as the familiar thunk of boots being shed fell behind him before she joined him at the fire. "You're such a baby. It's just a bit of ice.

"Says the woman who glared at the sky for weeks for not giving it to her."

"Yes well, I got my way eventually didn't I." she sniffed in a self-satisfied way. "It is bloody cold though. I may have a hot shower to shake this chill."

As diverting as thoughts of her naked under the shower spray were, Draco wasn't ready to be out of her company just yet. They'd spent all morning making sure everyone was ready to leave, and then Hermione had accompanied her friends to the train station. He knew she usually went to the Weasley home, so she was probably having a bit of a hard time thinking about spending the holidays without them.

"I have a better idea." He told her in a flash of brilliance.


"Let's take a soak in the hot spring. Best of both worlds for you, getting warm and being able to watch the snow. What do you say?" He accented his words with a suggestive waggle of his eyebrows and expected her to balk at it as she had when he's slipped any innuendo into the conversation for the past few days, but instead she gave him an appraising look and a half smile.

"That sounds wonderful."

"Wait really?" he said stupidly, somewhat struck by her agreement.

"That's what I said, isn't it?" she said with a roll of her eyes. "Keep up, Malfoy. I'll go get my bathing suit on, I'll meet you on the deck? And cast a better warming charm than you did the other night, that one was pitiful."

"I was going for ambiance! It was mood weather!"

She walked off towards her room with a chuckle and what seemed like a muttered whatever you want to tell yourself under her breath. Cheeky witch. He did as he was asked though and five minutes later he was standing on the deck in his trunks, eyes on the woods as he waited for her to come out. In all truth, Draco did find the snow to be enchanting as it coated all of the trees and bushes in their little forest. Everything was set aglow by it and the overall effect was, well, magical.

"Are we going to get in the spring or just stand out here?" came from the doorway and he steeled himself to see more of the Head Girl than he ever had before. Upon turning, he took her in from head to toe. Her hair was wound into a knot at the back of her head to avoid getting it wet, showcasing the elegant lines of her shoulders and collar bone left mostly uncovered by the straps of her top. It was far from indecent, a typical bikini top that tied at the neck, in maroon because of course it was. Gryffindor's. Though he hadn't much room to speak in his green trunks.

Her feet were bare, as were her lovely legs. His eyes followed the shape of her thighs up to her bathing suit bottoms, a pair of maroon shorts that didn't quite contain the bottom of her arse. He'd see the suggestion of it through her clothes, obviously, and that morning after Halloween had given him visuals of her legs, but her bum was perfect and Draco knew he'd have trouble containing himself were he anyone other than himself.

"You look fantastic," he told her bluntly, and drinking in the small flush on her exposed shoulders. "You look rather fit yourself." she told him, indicating to his bare chest. She'd seen him shirtless before, but the way she drug her gaze over him filled him with no small amount of male pride.

"Ladies first."

She threw her towel at him and stuck out her tongue before turning to step into the spring, giving him the opportunity to watch her backside as she moved. This was going to be a great night, he could feel it. Draco dropped both of their towels onto the small heated rack before moving to join her.

The spring was hotter than he'd thought, and he hissed as he submerged himself, relishing the slight burn that came with it. Trying to test her comfort levels, he moved to sit next to her and put his arm around her. Much to his pleasure, Hermione shifted her position a bit until she was someone snuggled into his side as the reclined in the warmth of the water.

After a few minutes she said, "This is wonderful. I already feel so much more relaxed." He hummed his agreement and dropped a small kiss to the top of her head where it rested against his shoulder. It was peaceful and perfect until the irritating witch opened her mouth and said, "Do you want to have sex?"

Being the smart man that he was, Draco knew she wasn't propositioning him, but being who he was, he said, "Trying to shag me in the hot tub already, Granger? Well, far be it from me to argue." before burying his face in her neck and showering her with small, ticklish pecks that made her squeal and try to run. "Draco, you prat, stop it!" she told him between peals of laughter.

She finally managed to push his head away and whack his chest for good measure. "Git."

"You like it."

She rolled her eyes, the effect of which was somewhat lessened by the grin she wore, and settled next to him again as though it was where she was supposed to be. He couldn't have been more pleased. "So, are we going to ignore your question or are you going to explain what you meant so I can give you an answer?"

He felt her tense against him but she didn't move away as she said, "Well, I wanted to know if you were planning on becoming intimate while we're basically alone for these next three weeks. I need to know what your expectations are."

"Granger, Granger, Granger, don't you ever stop overthinking things?"

"Not really, no. And that's not an answer."

"Yes, I would like to become intimate with you, Hermione." He told her boldly. "I'd have to be mad not to, and I'd be lying if I said the way you look in that suit isn't doing wonderful things for me right now. But I have no intention of setting a time frame for it. I'm up for whatever you want, and if all you ever want to do is snog me in the hot spring until we graduate then I'll count myself a very lucky man indee-"

His words were cut off by the sudden presence of her mouth on his, not that he was complaining. He raised the arm that wasn't wrapped around her to tangle his fingers in her hair, tilting her head so that he could kiss her soundly. Her hand was on his chest and he could feel the damp slide of her body against his as she pressed in closer, demanding more. Well he surely wasn't about to deny her.

Bracing on the elbow of the arm that was still round her, Draco turned them so that his upper body was somewhat leaning over hers to give him access to her neck. He set about kissing all over it, paying particular attention to a spot just below her jaw that made her squirm and catch at his hair, which her fingers were currently threaded though. He dropped one hand to her side, stroking gentle lines from her rib cage to her hip. He brought his mouth back to hers after he was satisfied with the love bite he'd left on her neck, kissing her with all of the vigor of a newfound passion.

If he'd been worried that Hermione wasn't sure of him before, he certainly wasn't now. Her arms were around his neck as they kissed and she was arching into him, dragging the wet material of her bathing suit against his bare chest. When she nipped at his lower lip and took back control of the kiss, he gripped her hip to stop his hands from wandering as they wanted to. He was eager to know what she felt like, but not at the expense of going too far too fast. He meant what he said about being fine just kissing her and that's exactly what they did for the next few hours. When they needed to come up for air, they stayed snuggled into one another, content to stargaze and watch the snow fall from the warm cocoon of their spring.

They finally pulled themselves out of the spring when their fingers were wrinkled and both had yawned three times in as many minutes. Draco, ever the gentleman, braved the slightly chilly air first and got their towels, which he then wrapped around her as soon as she stepped out of the water. They both changed into sleep wear and had a light dinner, followed by more snogging on the loveseat, before they decided to call it a night.

Hermione laughed at him when he walked her to her bedroom door. "Really, is that necessary? You can see my door from yours, Draco. It's not as though anything would happen to me between the couch and my bed."

"Well maybe I just wasn't ready to say goodnight yet." he told her before gently pushing her up against the wall by her door and taking her mouth again. He didn't initiate much bodily contact, much as he wanted to, rather opting to brace one arm on the wall by her head and the other lightly around her waist.

It was a sweet kiss, less heated than those they'd shared earlier. He wanted it to convey that she meant something to him. She got the message loud and clear, judging by the stars that were in her eyes when he broke away. "Tomorrow, noon. We're going on a date. Dress to be outdoors. No, no questions." he said, cutting off what was likely to be an interrogation about their upcoming plans. "Just trust me."

Her face was entirely open when she said, "I do trust you, Draco." It did funny things to his stomach to know she trusted him. Funny, but wonderful. With a final parting kiss, he said, "Sweet dreams, Hermione." and retreated to his dorm to try and calm the racing of his heart. This was shaping up to be the best holiday he'd had in years.

A/N: I know I know, I owe you guys an explanation. Unfortunately, I don't really have a good one. Life just got really busy with work and birthdays and whatnot, and when I thought about sitting down to write a chapter, i just went ugh. I don't want to write in that frame of mind because I'll wind up hating the chapter and deleting it and well, yeah. Also a book I'd been waiting for came out and I'm not sure if any of you are Sarah J Mass fans but Tower of Dawn was WONDERFUL. I didn't have high hopes for it but I stand happily corrected.

I wish I could say I'll be posting on schedule again but I'm not sure I can keep that promise so I don't want to make it. I am going to make the story more of a priority though.

Oh and today is my birthday! Hello 24, you feel just like 23. #VirgoGang lol. Let me know what you guys thought!