
I heard someone yell my name. Probably Cain. I chose to ignore his incessant yelling. It's way too early in the morning for him to be yelling anyway… Especially after what he did last night.

"Jayden wake up! I need your help!"

I grabbed the pillow from under my head and threw it right back on top of my head. If I have to hear my name one more ti-


At the sound my name being called for the third time, I slowly rose in a menacing way, not caring if I was in the room by myself. I was pissed. I'm going to kill him or so help me God, he better have a legitimate reason for waking me up.

I threw the covers off me, pulled on my pajama pants on, slammed the door open and stormed downstairs in search of this idiot.

I had caught him in the kitchen on top of the island with distressed eyes. I raised a brow, questioning why he decided to jump up there. It's not like he was cooking- even if it always ends up burnt. He then pointed to the refrigerator, I faced it, and what do I see- nothing. Absolutely nothing. I don't care if I'm sent to jail, he dies now.

"Cain," I said darkly getting his attention before continuing, "you woke me up because of the fridge?" He visibly recoiled. That is until he took in what I had said. Then did his face contorts into one of confusion.

He climbed down, approached me and asked, "The fuck are you talking about?" Now was my turn to look confused. To which he took as his cue to continue, "I was pointing to that monstrosity crawling under the fridge." I turned my head to look at the floor, and sure enough, there was a monster crawling under the fridge.

A spider.

I slowly drew my eyes off the tiny cretin and on to the larger one behind me. Livid as ever, I grabbed his shirt by the collar and pulled him to my face. "You woke me up," I growled, "because of a FUCKING SPIDER?!"

Cain seemed to crumble from fear as he stuttered a 'yeah' out. I then let him go- really I basically threw him- and gave a warning. "After I kill this insect, I'm coming for your head." The words had flown out of my mouth in a calm manner. I then went to move the fridge, not caring if Cain had run off to save his skin or not. Even if he did run, it'd probably be to his brother's house… or BC's place if he's smart enough.

Once the excruciating half hour was over, I noticed that Cain had indeed left. So I got dress, grabbed my keys and headed for my Rolls Royce.

First stop: Cass and Rome's.

This fucker is going to die at my hands today.

"...And that's what happened." Cain finished explaining. I found him, shockingly, at his brother Boomer's house. This fucker was actually smart enough to find a haven here.

Sadly, before I could even lay a finger on him, Bubbles grabbed hold of me while he ran off elsewhere. Idiots.

"So wait," Buttercup started, trying hard to hold back a laughing fit. Oh yeah, apparently she was already here and when she heard my yell, stormed her ass down the stairs and knocked me a good one rendering me unconscious for- oh I don't know- Two Hours! "Cain woke you up because there was a spider in the house?!"

"Yeah," I said flatly with no interest whatsoever. "And I would have happily been free of his idiocy if it weren't for you two," I stated pointing at BC and Bubs.

Everyone laughed- minus Cain and me of course. "Don't lie to yourself, Jay." Boomer started, still laughing. "You know you'd be lost without my brother."

I only grumble incoherent words. I hate this family.

I honestly blame Dinosaurs R Dead because after reading her comment to my review in Chapter 25, I died. So I thought, 'Why not bring that idea to life.' Thus this. Yeah... I couldn't help myself. Hope you all enjoyed!