15 years later

"Trying to become a Jonin?" Shino asked, his visor had become larger throughout the years. He had reach 49 years of age and he had spent them all with Kiba by his side. Shino had been a Jonin for years but now Kiba was trying to advance. The short man who had gotten a haircut for shorter hair smiled his fanged smile.

"Well, I figured if you can be one so can I." the man gave a kiss to the taller of the two. It was nice not having to hide the relationship anymore. Konoha had become more understanding over the years and this was nothing different for anyone.

Shino dropped more books on the desk of the man sitting. "You'll have to read up on the test."

"I have to read? I didn't know that." Kiba belly ached as Shino laughed quietly. His hair was still in a bun but the front and sides had been touched by greyish white streaks.

A large explosion could be felt through the school building making both men stop their smiles. Shino ran to the window to see large dirt wall heading towards the town. His husband ran to his side.

"The hell is that?" Kiba asked not getting an answer. Some Kikai exited the skin of his partner as they went towards the cause of the explosion.

Another loud boom rang throughout the town again followed by another. One had hit the school grounds, it was a large surge of energy that fell from the sky. The beetles returned to their host.

"There's a man causing this..." Shino spoke softly as Kiba looked back out. The building was creaking under the explosion.

"Shino we need to get out of here." Kiba became urgent as he could hear the sounds of the building wailing. The dirt wall had hit the town making it all brown. The men ran as fast as possible to get away. Many others did the same, they'd reached the bottom floor when the building started to crash down.

The floor above gave out as the two men tried their best to escape. A crash louder than anything heard before gave a silence to the area. Kiba gave a cough as the dust and rubble had settled, a shooting pain came from his leg but at this moment all he cared about was Shino. He opened his eyes to scan the area. Not much was able to be seen. Large cement pillars had crumbled around and let the floor above crash into pieces.

"Shino?" Kiba gave an unsure call for his husband. He wanted to move but his leg felt trapped. He looked down to his leg, it was stuck under a large piece of the building. He was sure it was crushed from the weight. He repressed his pain and laid on his stomach as it was the only way for him to move. Then he saw him.

He was laying on his back unmoving. Kiba saw the blood around him. His arms were above his head but he had no lower half. It was covered by the cement from the fallen roof.


"Kiba." Shino answered making the man smile that he wasn't gone. Shino felt numb, he couldn't feel his body only his head as he tried to turn to look at Kiba. He knew his body was destroyed and he wouldn't make it out alive. But he gave a smile anyway, his visor was knocked off making his eyes show. Tears welled in them as he looked at Kiba. The Inuzuka tried his best to crawl to the man but his leg was trapped giving pain.

"Don't hurt yourself, Kiba." Shino calmly spoke as the man pulled at himself to get free. Kiba had tears staining his cheeks as he tried to get closer to a hand of his love. "Kiba, there's so much to say but I don't think I have the time."

"Don't say that!" Kiba shouted but Shino kept his smile. He felt warm at first but started to get cold. Dizziness began to take over his head.

"Kiba, remember when you said you loved me forever and always?"

"I do…"

"Do you mean it?"


"Do you mean it, Kiba?" Shino turned his head to look into those dark eyes of his lover. He knew the words meant so much but he wanted to hear it once more. He smiled at the man, he felt the warmth of blood spill out his nose.

"I love you so much for the rest of my life forever and always, Shino…" Kiba spoke and struggled to get to the hand of the man.

"Good. Why? Because… I feel the same way." the man gave a chuckle and gave a wide grin to Kiba. "I hope that, when I see you again we really can be together forever. It just seemed… this life was too short for us." he gave a pained gasp.

"Shino no…." Kiba cried at the man, he tried to no avail to get closer to that hand that reached out for him.

"I…" Shino started but he began to lose himself to the darkness of death. It felt painless, no worries anymore. Torune…

"Shino? Shino!" Kiba pulled and pulled. He used all his chakra he could to try to lift the block off his leg, it bled profusely but he tried his best to crawl on his stomach to shino. A small smile was on his lips, blood oozed out of them but Kiba didn't care. He kissed them, they felt stiff and cold already. The grey eyes stayed open, they never saw the world without the aid of dark tinted glasses but he died without them on. Kiba held his hand tightly and cried. He'd finally lost that last piece to his life he spent so long trying to find and it was gone in an instance.

Kiba shut his eyes as he nuzzle the dark hair of his husband and squeezed his hand on his. The man didn't notice the falling debris from the fallen rumble. A cement shard fell from a distance and hit him in the head. His eyes never opened again as he nuzzled his lover.

Their blood pooled together as their hands were intertwined, both men had smiles on their lips as they greeted death. But their smiles grew in spirit as they greeted each other in the after life to be together forever and always.

This maybe the end of end of their story but it's not the end of their stories. I'll be making more stories that branch off but will make it back to this.

I'd also like to Dedicate this to My girlfriend of 2 1/2 years. She's the Kiba to my Shino.

I hope you enjoyed this story. Be sure to Review.