The Secret of The TESTER Wand 14

Chapter 14

HEAD HEALER: Harry, if you would allow us a little more of your trust and time, Sharpclaw and I have come up with a sure way to get you up to speed in our world and that of being a young Lord in yours.

Harry looked from the one to the other and finally turned to Hagrid.

Harry: No offence gentlemen, but if this sure way includes Hagrid to be by my side and assist me, then we have a deal. If not, then I will take the long way to learn what is needed.

Sharpclaw: That will actually be needed Harry. You see, when Hagrid bonded with you, he actually became a PART of you. Your magic accepted him as an extension of your person.

Harry: Then you have our undivided trust and time. What do you need from us first?

Sharpclaw: We need you both to follow us to Gringotts's time capsule chamber. Once there, we will insert you into one capsule and basically freeze you in time. The difference here is that while we freeze you for a set amount of time, we can effectively force feed your minds with all the knowledge and experience you will need for your set positions in life within our community.

We have done the maths and have decided that a few hours will be enough to see you both through to the point of being magically enhanced to the point of Master and Squire with the mental ages of a few HUNDRED years old.

Any more than that and it will be too obvious and anybody will be able to figure out that you are not the ages you claim to be.

Harry: Is there any side effects to this "TIME FREEZE"?

HEAD HEALER: None at all Harry, you will physically remain the same as you are now, but your mental capacity will increase 100 fold. You will be able to recall any manner of information with a single thought. Your spell work will be in a class of its own and you will have advantage over the strongest of minds.

Harry: Not to seem ungrateful, but I already have a head start on spell work. You see while I was "under", I met with the GUARDIANS.

They informed me that I am what is known as a DREAMER.

There was a sharp intake of breath from the other three people in the room.

Hagrid: Harry, why didn't you tell me when you came out of the room? If I had known you were a DREAMER I would never have been so presumptuous as to ask you to be your guard!

Harry: WHY NOT? Hagrid, it doesn't matter what I am or who I become. You are my friend before all that. I will not give that up for ANYTHING in the world!

Hagrid was on his knees in tears before Harry, shaking his head.

Hagrid: You truly are a remarkable young man My Lord, and I stand blessed by Magic to be friends with you. To serve as your guard as The DREAMER lifts my status as a mere Half Breed Giant, to that of a Magical Creature to you. You have changed me in a way. I am more now than what I was yesterday. And once we step from the time capsule, I will be so much more!

Thank you so very much for blessing me with your friendship and trust; I will carry it within my soul to the end of my days.

Harry blinked away his own tears as he began to understand a little about what it meant to the others that he was The DREAMER.

Sharpclaw and the HEAD HEALER were also on their knees before Harry and had tears in their eyes too.

They were blessed to be a part of this young man's life and to then find out that he is The DREAMER was just too much for them to bear.

Harry: You are all my closest friends at this moment. Before you I had spiders and snakes as friends and an angry voice in my head.

Now I have people who stand with me and want to protect me. Yes I know I have titles and riches, but I feel that even without that or my silly name, you three would still have been a crucial part of my life.

My magic hums when you are close to me. And I feel protective of you also.

Sharpclaw: We are honoured that you count us as "people" and then to count us as your closest "friends"…

I for one will stand with you till the end of my days also. An honour like this comes but one a lifetime, and I thank you for making it a part of mine.

You have my HAND with your GOLD, my MIND with your ENEMIES and my HEART as your FRIEND.

Until the end of my days.

HEAD HEALER: I will have to side with my young Goblin friend there. I have lived a long life, and had seen very few true miracles within these sacred walls.

And yet here I stand, in the company of three wondrous people, being offered a part of history!

You young man, have my HAND as a HEALER, my WISDOM as a GUIDE and my HEART as your FRIEND.

Until the end of my days.

There was a GOLDEN HALO that descended on the four people in the room and bound them together.

The GOLDEN HALO settled on Harry's wrist.

A WHITE FEATHER appeared on the HEAD HEALER's wrist.

A GOLD COIN appeared on Sharpclaw's wrist.

An INFINITY SYMBOL appeared on Hagrid's wrist.

They stood together in comfortable silence and inspected the symbols that MAGIC decided to bless them with. A brotherly bond formed between them and they wept at the beauty of MAGIC's might.