In the busy marketplace in the kingdom of Dracor, a black tent sat in the darkest corner.

It was filled with oddities and obscurities of every kind, some even illegal.

A young man entered, a bit of a spring in his step and a schiavona strapped to his side, and he began to wander around the establishment, looking over the wares.

The large man behind the counter, a Hunter named Ivan, began to panic as he recognized the man as Feliciano Vargas, the brother of the king.

However, the man showed no interest in arresting him, he was just searching.

Eventually he came to a large crate, and he took a peek inside and gasped loudly.

In the crate was a small boy with golden hair, he was curled up and making a soft growling snore.

Feliciano stormed up to the counter then, slamming a hand down as the other went to his sword's hilt.

"What are you doing with that child?" He snarled, beginning to unsheathe his weapon.

Ivan held his hands up helplessly, "That is no child, my king, that is a dragon hatchling in his human form, I found him alone on my last expedition."

Feliciano's eyes widened, and he went back to look at the child.

Surely enough, his nails were curled into claws, a small golden tail was wrapped around his legs, and small white horns protruded from his skull.

Feliciano then ran back to the counter and commanded, "Hold on to him for me, and hide your illegal wares, I'm bringing the king."

Surely enough, a while later, the entrance opened wide and in walked the king and his brother. Feliciano led Lovino to the crate and quietly explained the situation to him.

After a few minutes, Lovino stalked up to Ivan and slammed down some gold coins and jewels on the counter, "We'll take the little dragon, he can be useful for the kingdom."

Ivan bowed his head respectfully and took the treasure presented to him, and so Feliciano picked up the child, and the royal family left.

Ivan let out an shuddering sigh of relief.

With the child gone, the white dragon wouldn't chase him anymore.