Barry stared at the crowd that had assembled in the spare hangar S.T.A.R. labs owned far outside Central City. It was the same hangar that they had fought the Dominators from. Now though, the interior was decked out in white and gray with hints of sapphire blue, soft music filling the air as the people talked. It was the day he had been waiting all his life for, but in reality it had only been four months. He was marrying Caitlin Snow in just under half an hour. It was an eclectic gathering to say the least, and he looked over the sea of people, thankful to have them all in his life.

The day before he had spent hopping universes, gathering up the guests that were invited. From Earth-2 came Harrison and Jesse Wells. From Earth-3 came Jay Garrick. Then all the way from Earth-38 came Kara, Winn, Alex, Maggie and Jon. Clark stayed behind to make sure someone was protecting the planet while they were off world. The Legends had jumped through space and time to be here, Sara catching up with Oliver and the rest of Team Arrow. Palmer and Cisco were having a nerd fest off to the side, discussing the latest tech inventions. Then there were the regular people who knew their secrets. Joe, Iris, Captain Singh and Deputy Mayor Lance sat together, all of them talking as family. All in all it made Barry's heart full to know that even though his life had started tragically, he had more family now than he knew what to do with.

Cecile, Joe's girlfriend, would be the one to marry them. Being the District Attorney, it gave her the power to hold a civil ceremony. Since neither he nor Caitlin were very religious, this suited them just fine. Now if they could just get the show on the road. Excitement was zinging under his skin, making him crackle with electricity. Seeing the glances of warning from Oliver and Cisco Barry did his best to calm down before someone got hurt.

"Breathe." Caitlin told herself as she and Felicity waited for their cue. Oliver was to be the Best Man and Felicity was to be the Maid of Honor. The blonde woman smiled at her, reaching out to adjust the train of her dress.

The dress was a similar cut to the one that she had married Ronnie in, but this time the dress was more embellished and over the top, the white silk having just the slightest hue of blue to it, crystals sparkling in the light. The bust was fitted and covered in crystals that made up a swirling, almost snowflake like pattern, before trailing down her right hip, the crystals shimmering in the skirt as it flared out from her waist and hips. Her hair had been curled, the top half pulled back from her face, blue and gray ribbons braided into her hair. Beside her Felicity stood in a dove gray dress, a bouquet of white and blue roses in her hands.

"You ok sweetie?" Felicity asked gently, smile on her face as they waited, knowing Oliver would be joining them shortly.

"I wasn't even this nervous when I married Ronnie." Caitlin confided, her own blue and white bouquet shaking as her hands trembled. "I don't know why I feel like this. It's Barry, my Barry, waiting for me at the end."

"I think it's because it's Barry that you feel like this." The blonde hugged her gently. "He's your everything, and you are his. I can promise you Barry is up there going stir crazy waiting for us."

"You're right." Caitlin took a deep breath, trying to clear her nerves.

"What's Felicity right about this time?" Oliver asked seeming to appear out of thin air. Caitlin still didn't know how he was able to be so silent despite his larger than life presence.

"That Barry is up there and it's killing him waiting." Felicity replied.

Oliver chuckled, reaching over and pressing a kiss to Caitlin's cheek.

"He's got more static electricity on him than a pair of fuzzy socks in winter. Everyone is watching to make sure he doesn't start vibrating out of control."

"Then we better get the party started." Caitlin smiled and watched as the two of them slipped through the door in front of her. Waiting a few moments for them to get to Barry, she took a deep breath and pushed the door open to her future.

Neither one of them remembered much about the service, too wrapped up in each other and the moment to notice. Luckily Curtis had several of his T-Spheres set up to record the event. Barry knew they would be needing the video, just so he could see the beauty of Caitlin in her wedding dress all over again. To see her beautiful smile. To remind himself that it had really happened.

Caitlin knew she would take stills from the videos and blow them up, framing them and hanging them in their apartment. She would even frame one for Barry's desk at work. She would look at the faces of family and friends, knowing that no matter what, she and Barry were never alone.

As time passed, the two became three. Five years after Barry and Caitlin wed, they welcomed a baby girl to the world. Grace Nora Allen, her eyes the bright green of her father and the smile of her mother. She housed both speed and cold powers in her blood, but the Speed Force was more prevalent in her. It was definitely a learning experience raising a toddler who could outrun you. Three years later her little brother joined the world. Ronald Queen Allen was the spitting image of Barry, but he had Caitlin's eyes. He too had both the Speed Force and cold powers, but he leaned more towards the cryokinetic side.

Team Flash had grown considerably over the years, expanding to include spouses and kids. The world had become more dangerous, but the people protecting it became more numerous as well. In the end, it was Barry, Caitlin and Cisco that were the backbone and core of the team. Together the three of them could do anything.

Welp, we've reached the end of this story. It was a longer and more thought out ride than I had anticipated. I hope you liked the way I wrapped things up. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the love and support you have given me on this. See you next time!