hi, i have a new computer so it'll be easier and quicker to update! also i don't usually put ANs before a chapter, but i need to address some things real quick.

1. if u do NOT like sasuhina, fantastic! but dont read my whole story and then comment on the last chapter about how dumb a FICTIONAL CRACKSHIP is.

2. some idiot commented about how i have hinata part of the ANBU, if ur gonna bash on my story at least have the decency of being FACTUAL in what ur bitching about in the review section. the only active ANBU members are sasuke and sai. for gods sake, it clearly says in the summary before u open the damn story.

3. if u dont like the way i have characterized characters, fantastic! i do not care, after all this is MY story and if u choose to read it or not, that is ur choice. i am not holding anyone at gunpoint to read this. i will also not hold it against u if u decide to stop reading it! it is after all, FREE content. i am writing this story because i got the idea over two yrs ago and loved the idea of it. thought i would share it.

4. i usually dont rant in my ANs, much less curse but some of u are so goddamn annoying. stop doing things that annoy u and then bitch about it. i have read SEVERAL fics i did not enjoy yet i simply stopped reading (i didnt waste my time continuing something i clearly did not like) and found something else. *i am all for CONSTRUCTIVE criticism though :)

this is the only time i'll be addressing those issues, i figured i would once and for all let it out. to everyone else who has commented positively and the like, i cannot express how much i appreciate it. i get emails of the reviews and i like to keep them in my inbox as a reminder to work on the fic and just a good lift me up from time to time so thank u!

enjoy the chapter :)

Sasuke made no real effort to get home quickly. After all, he was going to have to face his beloved brother and have to hear what excuse he put together as to why he had not been informed of what was going on sooner. It was such a slap in the face to him; he was the son of the late clanhead and brother to the current yet he was completely out of the loop of his own clan. Sasuke didn't really care about politics much, but the danger the Uchiha children were facing was more than just politics. He can't fight an invisible enemy.

He didn't have much left before arriving to the Uchiha district, but out of the corner of his eye his noticed a Hyuuga entering the district. Their hair was an incredibly hard feature to miss from that clan. He wasn't sure who the specific man was or what his business was on Uchiha grounds, but the alliance they had reminded him it was none of his business.

Right before arriving to his home he saw the same Hyuuga man step out, bowing to Sasuke upon noticing his presence with Itachi following out behind him.

"When I come back, I would like to speak to you." Sasuke put his arms over his chest after hearing his brother's request, but stared him down instead of replying. His blood started to boil again realizing he would be talking to Hinata about the Uchiha kids before he would get to hear the situation. Itachi didn't say anything else and nodded to the Hyuuga before they both took off. There was an urgency to their departure which could only mean things were getting worse rather than better. Sasuke clenched his jaw before letting out a deep breath, heading into his home.

Itachi had been right, Kakashi saw them immediately upon their arrival to his office. But truthfully, Hinata just needed some time to collect herself physically and mentally.

"I have this uneasy feeling that you two aren't here to tell me how great I am doing as the hokage." Kakashi had his feet propped up on his desk while he leisurely read his infamous books.

"Hokage-sama," Hinata was usually the only one who granted a polite laugh or smile from time to time, but she couldn't bring herself to indulge him this time around.

"I see," was all Kakashi could say, but he knew it was something serious as he closed his book and straightened up in his chair.

"There's Uchiha and Hyuuga children missing." Itachi cut straight to the point, with his usual emotionless expression.

"How many exactly?"

"One Hyuuga and Two Uchiha." Hinata answered, putting her arms over her chest while she dug her nails into her arm. Kakashi had taken noticed, but directed his attention back to Itachi.

"Two of yours?"


"Taken at the same time?"

"No." It was the first time Itachi had broken eye contact with him in all the years he has known him.

"Time frame?"

"Two in one week. One around dawn, the second was in the evening." Hinata's nails dug deeper into her arm at the revelation.

"Hinata?" Kakashi could feel the tension she was trying so hard to mask.

"He has been missing since dawn today."

"So," the sixth hokage leaned back in his seat as he processed all this information. "Children from the strongest clans this village has are going missing and they're being taken either in the dawn or evening." He placed a single finger over his lips while his thumb rested beneath his chin. "How are their eyes?"

"Underdeveloped. My first son has the strongest eyes from his generation and he still has a ways to go." Kakashi knew this firsthand. He also knew Fumio would become the next clan head when the time arrived.

"Itsuki's eyes are a ways away before being fully developed."

"Do either of you keep records of the children's progress?"

"We haven't done any recent testing since the war. Until the eyes of all their generation is developed, we will begin. Ko is in charge of overseeing the training, but everything I know of the progress of the kids is passed to me verbally. I'm certain Ko keeps logs for all of them, but the Hyuuga haven't been strictly training since the war."

"Uchiha children are trained by their own parents. I know nothing of where any of them stand." Upon saying this out loud, Itachi realized how ignorant it was of him not to know any of this. The children were after all the future of their clan.

"I'm certain that whoever is behind this has been watching both of your clansmen some time, for routine purposes. Whether the kidnappings are just open opportunities being seized or if they're specifically targeting certain kids I am not sure." Kakashi took a moment to think before he looked up at Hinata who had her own thoughts going through her head. "I'll be sending some ANBU members to both grounds, but it will be a little bit more heavier around the Hyuuga compound if there is in fact a pattern to the times."

"I will send some of my men from the police force as well."

"No, there might not be a pattern and if you're not prepared you could have another missing child."

"What will be done in regards to the already missing children?" Nothing had been brought up regarding that topic and it worried Hinata despite already knowing the answer, but the Hyuuga didn't have much time.

"We can't do anything without any leads. All we can hope for is if they strike again, we will get some information." Before Kakashi could add anything more, the door had been slammed open.

"Kakas- Oh! Hinata?" It was Naruto. "What are you doing here?" Neither of the clan heads had turned around to acknowledge the blonde boy while all Kakashi could do was sigh.

"What is it, Naruto?"

"I came up for some training!" His eyes were still fixated on the Hyuuga beauty that hadn't paid him any attention. A complete opposite reaction than what he was use to getting from her, and it stung.

"I'm busy with something so you can grab the scrolls you've been reading or come later this week."

"Oh.. Alright." He scratched the back of his head embarrassed, but a smile still present. "Ne, Hinata if you're not busy later we can get some food?"

"I have important clan matters, Naruto."

"Oh, duh! That's why you're here, right? Heh." Itachi looked over to Hinata who had her eyes closed and for once, he couldn't read her.


"Oh yea, sorry! I'll grab the scrolls from downstairs and come around another time." He had taken a single step forward, but stopped and turned around to leave. "I would really like to hang out with you if you can find the time, Hinata-chan." He left the office before waiting on a response, leaving an awkward air for a few moments. Hinata could only find herself sighing before opening her eyes.

"I'll be going now. I'll tell the guards of the ANBU members you will be sending. Thank you, and excuse me."

"Of course. If anything comes up, please let me know immediately."

"Absolutely. Please do let me know of anything as well Uchiha-san."

"I wil." There had been a sharpness to her words that Itachi couldn't ignore, but he couldn't blame her. He hadn't handled the situation effectively and now a Hyuuga was missing as well. He knew if the situation worsened, the Hyuuga Elders would act with or without her permission in regards of branding again. The alliance could also be in jeopardy. It was beginning to stack up and all Itachi could do was sigh once she left the room.

"I take it you did not immediately tell her of your situation."

"I hadn't stopped to think about the severeness of the situation. I had been selfishly devoured by the fear of my own children being next that nothing was really processing correctly."

"Who knew a family would be what made you soft." Kakashi grinned behind his mask, teasingly. Itachi rolled his eyes at his former teammate.

"I think I understand why my father was so cold to all of us, even my mother."

"You're running the clan well, Itachi. Fugaku would be proud."

"I'll be going now. I'll send Shisui if anything else new comes to my attention."

"Likewise. I know both you and Hinata already know this, but do make sure it stays between clans only. Panicking the village could endanger the kids further."

Hinata made herself down the hokage tower only to find Naruto struggling with a load of scrolls. She stopped and couldn't decide between helping him or just going home, but before she could decide he had looked up in her direction.

"Hinata! Could you help me please?" She simply nodded and walked over to him, taking half of the scrolls and dumping them into one of the boxes he was trying to get them over to. "Ah! Thank you!" He walked over to another box and dumped the rest of the scrolls he had in. "Could I ask for one more favor?" Naruto scratched his chin sheepishly, a soft blush on his cheekbones.


"Can you help me taking a box to my apartment?" She found the request odd since his stamina and strength were unmatched, but she didn't question it and agreed. Naruto was so overjoyed he wrapped his arms around her small frame, squeezing a little too tight. Usually her laughter would fill his ears, but he only received silence from her. Something was seriously wrong with her, but he didn't know what.

Hinata usually found happiness whenever Naruto would hold her, but something had changed. Maybe it was because her head was full of the problems the Hyuuga and Uchiha were facing or maybe because Sasuke was way too in her head. She wasn't sure.

A cough interrupted the depressing hug, making Hinata do her best to push away from Naruto.

"A word, Hinata?" It was Itachi. She went to talk about whatever it was he wanted, all out of earshot from Naruto. In the meantime he stacked up the boxes on a nearby chair, waiting for them to finish. He just watched them, Itachi looking over at him a few times, but he still had no idea what he was telling her. What business would they have with each other? He thought back to Sasuke and Hinata earlier today. Her usually happy demeanor wasn't there either. At this, he frowned. The Uchiha were causing this, but he had no idea what.

Before he knew it, the two clan heads bowed to each other and Hinata came over to where Naruto waited. "Are you ready?"

"Yes!" He got up and handed a box over to her before they headed to his apartment. They walked in silence and it wasn't necessarily awkward, but it was different for them. "Hinata, have you been okay?" His curiosity at some point was going to get the best of him figuring out what was going on.

She frowned before looking over to him, "yes. Why?"

"You haven't been acting like your usual self and I'm a bit worried."

"I'm sorry for troubling you, but everything is fine. Thank you."

"Are you sure? What were you guys talking about with Kakashi up there?"

"Just clan stuff."

"Have the Elders got you caught up in something? I know how they can be." Back when Naruto would regularly go see Hinata, she would often rant to him about how ridiculous they could be. She finally cracked a small smile, but shook her head.

"Just something between me and the Uchiha." Naruto still wasn't satisfied, but he figured he could drop it for now. He could always annoy Kakashi for the answer when he sees him again for his lessons. Before he could change the subject, one of the Hyuuga guards showed up before them, bowing.

"Apologies for the interruption Hinata-sama, but Uchiha-san is asking for you at the compound."

"Itachi?" She had just seen him not too long ago. He had apologized to her regarding their situation and reminded her to keep it hushed, but it didn't seem like anything else needed to be said.

"No, his brother Sasuke." There was that feeling again Naruto couldn't identify, but it was familiar.

"i see. I'm sorry Naruto, but Akemi can help you with this if you'd like."

"That's okay. Tell Sasuke hi for me." She smiled, handing the box to the guard before she took off. "Looks like it's just you and me, Akemi."

"Yes, Uzumaki-san."

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Is Hinata seeing anyone?"

"Not that I am aware of."

"Do you think she is?"

"I do not have a say in that topic as it does not pertain to me."

"Oh come on, Akemi! I really like her. Throw me a bone here." The guard sighed, knowing the hero wouldn't let go of the subject.

"Uchiha-san has been around the compound more and more these last few months."


"Yes." Akemi wondered if the blonde legitimately considered that the married Uchiha clan head was having an affair with Hinata.

"Just him?"

"Yes, he's the only man to have spent the night in her bedroom." Naruto stopped in his tracks, the box in his hands falling in front of his feet. Akemi realized he had said too much to the boy and crushed something inside of him.

"The party."

"Uzumaki-san, I should really get back to my post." He set his box down next to Naruto's, immediately leaving before he blabbed anymore. Naruto stared off for another moment before he grabbed both of the boxes with no trouble and went home.

Once there, the boxes met the wall on the other side of the living room instead of the floor again, scrolls spilling out everywhere. Naruto had finally remembered what this feeling was that he felt in the pit of his stomach and tugged at his heart. The same feeling Sasuke had caused as kids.


Hinata arrived at the Hyuuga compound where she saw Sasuke across the street from her home, waiting. He immediately took notice of her presence and made his way to her, with more urgency than she expected.

"I would like you to tell me instead."

"Tell you what?"

"About the kids."

"You don't know?"

'Yea, a fucking surprise to me too."

"I know more information of the Hyuuga than I know of the Uchiha though."

"I just want to hear it from you first." Hinata suddenly saw before her a ten year old Sasuke who would get into one of his stubborn moods whenever his brother upset him and she knew better than to protest so she led him into her study.

She settled into her desk while Sasuke moved past her to look out the window behind her.


"Uchiha has two missing kids and the Hyuuga has one, for now."

"For now?"

"Itachi said the first went missing around dawn and the second around the evening. Itsuki has been missing since dawn today."

"The same day?"

"He just said two in one week." Hinata was surprised not to hear a pound of any sort from behind her. She knew how much Sasuke loved the Uchiha children and the way Itachi had been handling the situation was worth getting upset about. "It doesn't make any sense to me how no one saw or heard anything."

"This is why titles mean nothing." Sasuke had grown tired over the years hearing about how superior the Uchiha were, how unmatched their eyes were. Where was all that now?

"Your brother will be able to give you more details regarding the kids."

"Have you told Kakashi?"

"Yes. He is going to be sending ANBU to both grounds, a little more heavy here."

"Then I'll stay."

"Sasuke." Hinata was starting to get a headache. She loved Sasuke dearly, but he was at times difficult to deal with.

"I'll send a clone to inform my brother Kakashi asked me to guard here."

"Who do you expect to fool with a lie like that?"

"It's not a lie I'm trying to get through to my brother."

"I understand your frustration, but now isn't the time for one of your tantrums. I can't ask you to prioritize another clan over your own when they are in distress."

"It's a great thing you aren't asking. This is my own decision."

"I need you," Hinata got up from her desk to turn around and face him in hopes maybe the message could be more clear to him, but instead she saw her window frame where Sasuke's hands rested charred to a tar. Small currents of electricity ran through Sasuke's arm while he continued to look out her window to the empty yard. She sighed, knowing things would only worsen between the brothers if she forced him to leave. "Please be in uniform." He finally let go of the charred sill and looked back to Hinata with much more soften features.

"Thank you." He couldn't help embracing her. Sasuke knew at some point she would give in and he knew it wasn't fair of him, but Hinata was home. She had kept him sane long before he realized what the girl before him meant. There was a time in his life he thought he had made up the lavender eyed girl and could never bring himself to touch her, terrified she would vanish. But when he realized she had always been real and always will be, he hugged her so tight. Losing himself in her hair and smell was like escaping to another world where nothing mattered, but that moment. It had been a disservice to himself letting her slip through his fingers once they had graduated the academy. He had been completely starved when she came back to him, but no matter the times he held her, no matter the times she smiled for him, he was not satisfied.

But he knew that day would never come. Sasuke starved for more, more than he felt he deserved.

This hug was different compared to the hug she had abruptly received from Naruto today. It felt more welcomed, more comfortable. It was a hug she would want to receive everyday simply because it came from Sasuke. But she knew they would start to come too rarely at some point, before there were none at all. Just like before. Again, she would be forced to carry on her life while it felt like a piece of her was missing, but this time around she knew what it was, who.

Naruto had been slumped against a wall in his home for what felt like years. He kept thinking about what everyone had been saying about Sasuke and Hinata, but it still made no sense. The idea of them genuinely seeing each other romantically was something he could not wrap his head around. So he figured there was a hidden agenda the Uchiha must have been acting behind.

Naruto does not really care for her in that sense.

Do you think she's going to wait forever for you?

Sai's comments kept replaying in his head and it made him sick. Had she really been waiting all along for him to come to terms with his feelings? Why wouldn't she say anything? His heart sank thinking about how much he had been hurting her without knowing it. Sai had been right, the only thing that had kept the two apart was him.

"But no more!" Naruto got up, energized to his usual self. "I will make you mine today, Hinata!" He spoke out loud to himself, his fist meeting his palm. He forgot all about his training and left his home in a hurry to go see the girl he realized he loved. Whatever it was that Sasuke needed to see her for could wait.

On his way to the Hyuuga compound, he ended up finding Sasuke on the path as well.

"Sasuke!" His best friend had ignored him, but he was able to catch up with him in no time. "Where are you going?"


"Weren't you just there?"

"How would you know that?"

"She was with me, but you just had to come and take her away."

"It's clan stuff. You wouldn't understand." Naruto roughly shoved Sasuke after his insensitive comment. Sasuke had too much pent up anger to just brush it off and shoved him back, but before he realized it he had been pinned on his back.

"You know better than to be an asshole to me about that stuff." Naruto had his arm weighing down on Sasuke's neck too hard to even let him cough up an apology, but he wasn't expecting that. He got off him instead, grabbing the Uchiha man's arm and pulling him up with him. "Plus, I will be part of that clan stuff soon enough."

"Whatever," was all Sasuke could mutter as he rubbed his throat. "You won't be hokage for at least another ten years so don't hold your breath. I don't see why you care so much about political shit anyways."

"That's all boring shit to me, but if it's going to involve the wellbeing of my wife and her clan then I would like to know."

"Is that why you're headed to see Hinata? You dropping off an invitation? Where's mine?" Sasuke didn't know much about Naruto's love life and frankly didn't care for it. He just knew he was an idiot that didn't see Hinata right in front of him. He realized how much this would crush her, but she knew better than to let it get to her.

"There's no wedding yet, man! But promise me you'll be the best man to me and Hinata's wedding?" Naruto slapped his best friend's back, but Sasuke had gone numb.


"I'm gonna go ask her to finally be mine." Sasuke always figured they would be endgame, but he wasn't sure why that hadn't been his initial thought when he brought up his future involvement in clan matters. Maybe because despite knowing what would end up happening, he wasn't content with the idea of it.

"Now isn't the time."

"Now is better than ever!"

"That's what you think."

"I can't expect you to know about this stuff, man."

"You're really going to try to tell me about relationships when you don't even know Hinata?" Sasuke had stopped in the middle of the street to face the blonde, realizing just how much their relationship would hurt him.

"Like you know any more than I do about her."

"As a matter of fact, I do. And I know you wouldn't be good enough for her."

"Pfft, whatever man! I know what I'm doing."

"You aren't going to see her and you absolutely will not be dating her."

"Who put you in charge buddy!"

"I care about her more than you ever will, Naruto." Naruto crossed his arms over his chest, gears turning in his head waiting for something to make sense.

"What business does the Uchiha have with the Hyuuga?"

"None of your business, idiot."

"Kakashi will tell me if you don't."

"He won't be telling you a damn thing unless we decide he can."

"Who is we?"

"None. Of. Your. Business."

"What do you Uchiha assholes have Hinata caught up in?"

"I have no idea what that empty head of yours is trying to put together, but know Hinata isn't caught up in anything. She's not a child. That's the Hyuuga clan head you're talking about. That's everyone's issue here is. You all keep underestimating her, but let me tell you something; she is more than capable of looking after herself and her clan."

"I don't believe Hinata would do anything that would suck the spirit out of her. So riddle me that one, Uchiha." Sasuke hated that. It was always an instigator to prove himself worthy of his name. They both knew how to piss one another off, but Naruto didn't feel like waiting for his next insult. All he was doing was stalling him from what his initial mission had been. So he started walking back down the street to see Hinata. Sasuke realized how dumb he had been arguing with Naruto over something he had zero control over. His emotions had been getting the best of him lately. He let Naruto go, putting his ANBU mask on and choosing for an above ground route to the compound.

Hinata had stayed at her desk even after Sasuke had left. Her hands rested on top of one another on the desk while her forehead was pressed against them. She had admitted to herself she was overwhelmed, but she was too afraid to do anything. If anything else went wrong under her orders, the remnants of the new and improved mask she had put on would finish falling off. That debilitating fear had crept back to her, reminding her all along this life might have been destiny but it was not for her.

"Hinata-sama," the knock at the door was followed by the voice of one of the guards that guard the Hyuuga gates. "Uzumaki-san wishes to see you."

"Tell him I am busy."

"He says it's urgent."

"Tell him to fuck off." Sasuke had came in through the window he had burnt not too long ago.


"Please just tell him to come another time. Unless the village is literally falling apart as we speak, it can wait."

"As you wish."

"You don't have to stay within my study, Sasuke. I'm not the one at risk."

"I know, but I wanted to check on you."

"You're the second person today, but I am good as I can be. Once this situation gets resolved, I will feel more at ease."

"I am here for whatever; advice, vent, just to scream or even someone to punch." Hinata finally lifted up her head from where it rested to look over her shoulder where Sasuke stood, a smile making him feel some relief.

"Thank you, Sasuke."

"It'll be over soon." He softly pressed the back of his fingers against her cheek while his thumb lightly caressed over her cheekbone before he left the same way he came in.

Hinata wished she could talk to him about what was bothering her, but how could she talk to Sasuke about.. Sasuke? She wasn't even sure what it all was and meant. Maybe her displacement in her life had even trickled down to how she felt about Naruto, realizing maybe how childish it was for her to hold on to feelings of love that were never that to begin with. She's always had an admiration for Naruto the way he managed to preserver despite how everything was stacked against him. She was a child looking for hope in a cursed clan. Misinterpreting it for something else growing up was natural, but she had dedicated her whole life to him she couldn't really see it for what it was. Once her father had decided she was fit enough to take back her birthright as the Hyuuga heiress, her life began to shift drastically. Her training, the clan and everything that came with that were her center points and it was when Hinata finally started becoming her own person. The war had also changed a lot of things for her. When the war had ended and Naruto had popped up out of nowhere with a date, the child in her that had waited for him day and night had been thrilled. Yet that was it. Hinata enjoyed her time with him, but as the days had gone by she was finally able to understand what her feelings for Naruto were. Except everyone had congratulated her as if there had been anything to be proud of and she felt trapped in a decision she had mistakenly made as a kid. It wasn't like he was a terrible person in any way, there was simply no chemistry between the two young adults. It had been evident to Hinata when, despite months of dates, Naruto had made no effort to begin an official courtship with her. It was something that bugged the Elders and would've cut it off hadn't it been for the fact that he would become the next hokage. She felt no rush in marriage that was coming regardless if it were to be with Naruto or not so while the dates began to mean less and less to her, they were a good distraction and Naruto's friendship had become a replacement for Sasuke's without her realizing it.

Sasuke slowly, but surely becoming part of her everyday life again had been.. weird. It was the last thing she was expecting when everything felt planned and in stone, but he had a way of changing everything. For awhile it had been happiness about having him back, but things started getting hazy some time ago. She tried ignoring it, but the more she saw him the more confused she would end up. The whole situation was different to her and knew if she told anyone else, they would think the same so she let things carry on internally. Hinata decided when things wouldn't be so crazy anymore, she would talk to Tenten.

"I deeply apologize Uzumaki-san, but there is nothing else I can do."

"Man!" Naruto pouted, his hands on the back of his head. "Well, is it alright if I wait out here if she comes out?"

"That is fine."

"Thanks!" He found a spot across from the compound, making some clones to keep him company. It had mostly been just him and the guards at the gate as the compound wasn't located near the villagers residential area or the shopping district. Until he realized all the ANBU members around the area which had been odd to say the least. He remembered back when he had seen Sasuke was in uniform headed over here. No one was going to tell him either anyways. So he had to sit there playing cards with his clone while his curiosity ate at him again that day.

Some hours had gone by and Naruto's boredom was beginning to get the best of him so he figured he could try again.

"Could you please ask again? Tell her I've been waiting here and that's how important it is."

"Give me one moment, Uzumaki-san." The guard disappeared behind the gates again. He patted his stomach that was in the beginning stages of its grumbling and it would only get worse if he ignored it. If Hinata decides to see him, they can have their first meal together as a couple! Everything was coming together in Naruto's head, he didn't once think about the possibility of her saying no. It simply wasn't possible to him.



"Would you like to come inside to talk about whatever it was you waited out here for?"

"Actually, I was hoping we could take a walk for some more privacy."

"I can't really leave, I apologize."

"Pleaseeeee, Hinata. I swear it'll be quick."

"Alright, lead the way." Hinata looked up at the sky before she walked alongside with Naruto. She had nearly an hour before the sun would finish setting. She couldn't bare to be away once it darkens out.

Naruto led the way down the road away from Hinata's home before he turned down towards the forest that divided the Hyuuga away from the Uchiha. He led them towards a beautiful tree that towered over them.

"Okay, just give me a second to think about this." He took a moment behind the tree that could've hidden both of them while he tried to calm down his excitement. It had all been bubbling inside him ever since he arrived at the compound, but seeing Hinata made the excitement take over his whole body he couldn't even think straight. The grin that took over his face felt as if it stayed that way any longer, it would get stuck. Naruto massaged his face while he took a few deep breaths. He realized then that he should've gone to talk to someone so they could've gave him some tips since he's never done this before, but who would he be if he wasn't doing things head on.

"Naruto." Before Hinata could question her friend, a bustling above the trees was heard coming towards them and she couldn't identify what it was. She took off without hesitation. Naruto hadn't taken notice since he was too awestruck in the fact that this moment was happening. He always wanted someone to call his own and his very own family. Somewhere he belonged.

When he was able to finally get the jitters contained, he came out from behind the tree to see Hinata had left. He took notice of the leaf still making its way down to the ground and took off in that direction. It didn't take long for him to catch up to her.

"Hinata! Where are you going?" But she didn't answer. There was a fierce look on her face he had never seen before. "Hinata? What's going on?" She finally took notice of him, but before she could answer Naruto blurted out the question. "Will you be my girlfriend?" She had been so stunned she had lost her footing and found herself falling from the tree. "Hinata!" He darted his way towards her, but before he could reach her someone had grabbed her moments before she was meant to hit the ground.


"It's just me, idiot." Sasuke had set Hinata down and took off his mask, attaching it to a loop on his thigh.

"Why the hell are you always around!"

"To take care of the situation you clearly never have under control."

"Sasuke?" Hinata had closed her eyes, expecting the ground to greet her. She had no idea what Naruto was so adamant about that he needed to see her, but that certainly would have never crossed her mind.

"I'm sorry, I must've worried you."

"Why are you here?" She moved away from Sasuke, rubbing her arm that had came in harsh contact with his ANBU gear.

"Yea, man! I saw all your little ANBU friends all over at the Hyuuga's, shouldn't you be there?"

"I.. I was just patrolling." He got up, taking a step away from Hinata. "I'll be going now." He had actually been following them when he realized the clan head was moving away from the compound, deducing she finally caved in for Naruto. Hearing him outright ask her had caused a weird feeling in him. It shook him up more than he would've liked.

"Finally!" Sasuke took off while Naruto crouched near Hinata who had that depressing expression all over her face again. "Are you sure you're okay? I can take you to get Sakura to check on you."

"No, it'll pass. Thank you." There was a silence between them after that. He wasn't sure if she had heard him clearly and honestly, he had no idea what was going through his head to ask in that very moment. So they were there while the minutes passed, looking anywhere but at each other.

The shadow of the tree began to shift as the sun began to set and he realized Hinata was waiting on him, again.



"No what?"

"I don't.. can't be your girlfriend, Naruto. The timing.. Maybe.." Hinata didn't want to give a false hope to Naruto, telling him the timing was the problem, but she couldn't bring herself to tell him she just didn't wanna be his girlfriend. There was that silence again, the minutes passing by.

Naruto's loud grumbling stomach broke their silence. He stood up, scratching the side of his cheek, embarrassed and heartbroken. "I'm starved so I'm gonna.. I'm gonna go! Hah.."

"Naruto.." Hinata looked up at him, his smile more forced than anything. "I reall-"

"Nope! Don't gotta explain yourself! It's all good!" He had cut her off, already walking away from her. "Hey look, if your pain continues.. just let Sakura know, alright? She'll fix ya right up! I really gotta go." And he was gone.

Hinata was alone with that familiar pain she had only felt once. Hinata was alone in the forest and it was dark. Hinata was alone.

Sasuke had already been back at the compound, minutes before sunset. It was hard to focus knowing Naruto would be the only one that could hold her. There it was again; she was slipping out of reach. It was inevitable though.

He took a seat over the roof of Hinata's study. It held a better view of what use to be the Main house. It had been completely silent for hours now. The Elders had implemented a strict curfew with the guards keeping an eye on everything below while the ANBU were above. Yet nothing had been picked up on. The guards regularly checked the bedrooms with the children, but they were all there.

At some point Hinata had arrived to her study. The way she had asked him why he was there assured him she didn't want to see him.

Time continued to pass, a guard walking toward's the clan head's study before he collapsed. Soon after, all the guard's bodies began collapsing. Sasuke was on the ground before the second guard hit the ground as well as a few other teammates while other's stayed above, but they all headed to separate bedrooms. Their course was immediately changed at the faint sound of a child's scream inside the woods. Bedroom doors had already started opening once the disturbance began, but some Hyuuga men joined some of the ANBU towards the forest while the other half of both groups stayed near the compound. Before the ANBU captain could finish signaling orders, Hinata had already been at his side before separating with half of the men in an opposite direction.

There wasn't another scream, but before Hinata could pick up her pace some ANBU members started to fall like flies just like the Hyuuga guards before. She looked back to see what she was left and nearly the whole ANBU team she had with her was gone with the exception of a few including Sasuke whose eyes shone red amidst his mask. She nodded to a few of her men, leaving them behind to ensure the safety of the knocked out men wherever they landed and if any information could be taken.

Nothing was making sense to Hinata, absolutely nothing. Despite the increased men, there was another one taken. Nearly all of the ANBU had most likely been taken out, same as the guards. She looked over her shoulder to see Sasuke was the only ANBU she had now. The adrenaline caused by her panic had her pick up her pace, running through a dark wooded area not even sure if she was even going in the right place. Even with her eyes activated, there was nothing in any of the directions she looked. All she could hope was that the other group had been more successful, but she hadn't received any message yet.

They reached the village border sooner than she would've liked, but she stopped. Hinata couldn't travel outside the borders without Kakashi's direct approval. Despite how much she wish she could, she knew all she would cause is the fatigue of what remained of her team with nothing to show for it.

"Get every person that collapsed to a hospital immediately, check every corner of the missing child's room and tell the sixth hokage about this."

"Yes, Hinata-sama." All Hyuuga men said in unison before they headed back to the village. Hinata continued to scan the forest before her hoping for something, anything. Sasuke remained with her, but hadn't joined her up at the border and opted to stay on the ground. While he kept surveillance down below he couldn't help questioning why he didn't go down like the others. More than likely the other group lost all of its ANBU members, the captain included. They had all stationed themselves in different areas of the compound, but Sasuke hadn't been any farther than anyone else.

Before he could try to figure out the possibilities, he heard sniffling from up above and involuntarily found himself next to Hinata who was crying despite her Byakugan still being activated.

"You're going to irritate your eyes quicker like that."

"I don't care." She continued pacing up and down the border, hoping for anything to make itself seen.

"You need your eyes to run your clan, Hinata. They can't afford you going temporarily blind."

"It's not like I've been running it any better with them."

"You have the strongest ey-"

"I don't." She couldn't bare to hear that lie. "Neji does yet I'm in charge. Having a Branch member lead the clan will never happen. So I'm the fill-in."

"You're not a fill-in, Hinata. I know you weren't expecting anything like this, especially after the war, but something was bound to happen. No clan head will ever have an easy term." At that, Hinata finally stopped in front of Sasuke, the veins around her eyes disappearing.

"I have two kids missing. Two unmarked kids missing and not even a sliver of information to help me get them back."

"You're going to get them back, Hina. You're going to get them back home safe."

"I wish my father were here." Sasuke had pulled her into his chest where she sobbed her heart out, all the feelings she had been feeling were finally coming out.

That was a pain he could understand, a pain too familiar. So he held her tightly, letting her cry everything that she needed to under the moonlight. Her sobs turned into softer cries, sniffles, until there was no more left in her. "You should probably go see Kakashi at the tower."

"Please don't leave me again, Sasuke. I don't think I'll be able to make it a second time around without you." The comment had taken him by surprise that he didn't even know what to reply for a moment until he grabbed his mask, dropping it to his side.

"I promise I won't." He pressed the lower part of his cheek to her temple, squeezing her body and debated whether or not he was telling her the truth.

thank u so much again for continued support. do drop a review!
