Welcome readers! This is my first Kuroko no Basuke story :3
Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke. The only thing that belongs to me is any future OC that will occur in the story in the near future.
ENJOY Everyone!
Normal POV
It's been an entire month since Seirin has won their first champion. Despite being a brand new school, they did the impossible and rised to the top and taken home the Winter Cup. It was your typical Saturday morning, and the entire Seirin were at their school's gym training and getting stronger. The entire ran 25 laps around the school gym, to boast their stamina. Until they hear a whistle blow.
"Alright, 5 mins. break everyone", Riko Aida announced, holding her whistle. They entire team sigh in realif, and headed towards the blenchers which had their towels and water bottle.
"Good job everyone", Huuyga Junpei, Seirin's captain complimented, while wiping his sweat with his towel.
"When we can start playing basketball already", Kagami Taiga, the tiger ace of the basketball team complained, taking a huge gulped of his water bottle. Everyone sweat drop.
"Where the hell this stamina coming from?!", the entire team question in thought.
"I'm jealous that you have this much stamina", Izuki Shun, the eagle eye and annoying pun making 2nd year said.
"Want more stamina, I can triple you training Izuki", Riko asked, with an evil glint in her eyes. Izuki sudder, of the thought, and right away, shook his head with disaprovement.
"No thank you", Izuki replied, not wanting to go through hell once again. Everyone laughed, enjoying the sight of their teammate being toutured from the demon coach.
"Speaking of stamina, where is Kuroko?", the cat face Koganei asked. Then all of sudden, the entire gym went silent. Realizing, they already forgotten their phantom player, even after being with the team for almost an entire year. The team frantically scan the gym, looking for their phantom.
"Kuroko, you better not be passed out on again!", Kagami yelled, looking for his missing partner.
"I'm right here", Kuroko replied standing next to Kagami, with his usually emotionless facial expression.
"GAH!", Kagami screamed.
"Kuroko!", the entire team said. Kuroko was holding his bottle of Pocari Sweat, with a questioning look.
"Kuroko you bastard... STOP POPPING OUT OF NO WHERE!", Kagami shouted, grabbing his head with his rather large hand and giving it a tight squeeze.
"Itai...", Kuroko complained, lightly swatting Kagami's hand away from his hand off his head.
"Kuroko, we still are not use to your presence", Riko sighed.
"Geesh... you do live up to your name", Huuyga said.
"Because Kuroko is phantom so...", Izuki was about to make a stupid pun.
"Shut up Izuki", Huuyga interrupted, with a tick mark on his forhead. Izuki formed fake tears with his, and Mitobi, the silent player, patted his back, feeling sorry for him. Only a bit.
"Anyways, when is Kyoshi coming back from LA?", Kagami asked his senpais.
"Well, he said he'll be back next week Friday", Riko replied with excitment in her voice. The entire team was happy that Kyoshi was able to play with them again even though he said it will be his last time year playing with the team. And they all have to thank Akashi Seijuuro, former captain for the Generation of Miracles, and current Captain for Rakuzen for that. After Winter Cup, he's wiling pay for Kyoshi surgey and physical training so that he can play for next year for inter-high.
"Yosh! Can't wait for his return", Kagami said, with a huge smile of his face.
"I'm glad that Kyoshi-senpai will returning to us soon", Kuroko said, with small smile formed on his lips.
"We have to thank Akashi for that", Huuyga said, and the entire team agree.
"I wouldn't expect Akashi to do that for his oppentent", Riko asked Kuroko.
"I always thought he was a scary person. In AND Out of the court", Furihara said, a 1st year point guard. Remebering facing the fearless player during Winter Cup shuddered in fear. The other two 1st years nodded with agreement.
"Akashi-kun wants a rematch against us, and it wouldn't be the same if Kyoshi-senpai wasn't there", Kuroko replied. Seirin nodded with agreement. It wouldn't be the same with out their founder wasn't there for the rematch. A lot has happen since Winter Cup, and many opprotunies has open up for the new school. There were many practice matches with many schools, and of course Kuroko's renew friendship with his former teammates, The Generation of Miracles. Even though Kuroko himself believe he was never part of the Miracles to begin with, but everyone, including his former teammates think other wise. Kuroko will always be part of the GOM, no matter what he says.
"Alright everyone", Riko announced clapping her, drawing the attention of her team.
"Break is over now, and let's have mini basketball", Huuyga said after. The team exclaim with excitement. Then all of a sudden, the doors of the gym open. The team turn and see their school advisor, Takeda Kenji.
"Am I interupting anything?", Takeda-sensei ask the team.
"Not all Takeda-sensei. We were about to do a mini game with 1st year versus 2nd years", Riko replied. Takeda-sensei chuckled as he entire gym. Then Kagami then notice his team advisor team holding an envelope.
"Watcha got their sensei", Kagami ask, pointing at the envelope he was holding. With that being said, the team turned and also now notice the envelope.
"Oh this", Takeda-sensei holding out the letter to Riko. Riko then took the letter in her hands. Look down at the letter, she then notice the writing. The front of the envelope, it said Seirin Basketball Team.
"What's this Takeda-sensei?", Izuki asked, looking over her shoulder. The team has a look of confuse, and gather around Riko and their advisor teacher.
"This was send in my mailbox and it was send to you guys", the teacher replied. Unnoticed by the team, he has a small smirk, that came across the elderly teacher. But, Kuroko notice, but choose not to say anything. Riko decides to opening the envelope, inside of it was a letter adress to them.
"It's a letter", Riko said as she unfold the letter.
"Hurry up and read the letter... senpai", Kagami said, almost forgetting to be polite. In fear of getting punish by his scary coach from his stupidity. And of course, it didn't went unotice by the team. Kuroko then jammed his fingers into Kagami's sides. Kagami yelled from the sudden that came on his side, then glared down at Kuroko, who of course held no expression on his face.
"Kagami-kun, please be paitent", Kuroko said with his usually monotone tone is voice. The team laughed. Kagami glared at his team, while rubbing his sides.
"Bakagami... ", Huuyga was about to start until Takeda-sensei interrupted.
"I could see the team is in good hands", Takeda-sensei said, lightly chucked to himself.
"It must to be young and be full of youth", the elder thought to himself.
"Anyways, Riko start reading the letter", Koganei groaned.
"Okay", Riko replied. She too was getting a little impaitent with all these interuption, and nonsense from her rude Basketball Idiot kouhi. Riko looked down at the began reading the letter.
To Seirin Basketball
We are herbly bring you the honor to invite to a joint training with 5 other schools. It would be a priviledge to invite the 20XX Winter Cup champion to our joint training camp. This will not only make your team stronger, but also form bonds with other players that will last for a lifetime. The trainging camp will be held in Miyaji Prefecture high in the mountain next week Saturday for an entire week. Only the 5 starting players, coach and team advisor are permitted to attend the training camp. Hope to see the Seirin team soon.
At the end of the letter was no name of who sent the letter to them. Inside the enevlope, there was also 7 plane ticket to Miyaji.
"Ummm... Sensei who sent this letter", Huuyga asked, noticing there wasn't a name at the end of the letter.
"Don't worry about that, I already talked with owner of the letter on the phone", Takeda-sensei replied, with small smile on his face.
"Awww... man. I really want to go", Koganei complained, knowing he's not a starting memeber, even though he's in his 2nd year. Mitobei, patted his back, understading that he too can't go since not a starting member. The starting memeber, are Huuyga, Izuki, Kagami, Kyoshi, and of course their phantom player, Kuroko.
"It's okay, lets all hangout and train togther while there at their training camp", Furihara said, trying to make the other memebers who are not going to the trip.
" Better not fool around and grow wearker or else I'll quaduaple your training once I return", Riko said evily. Even though they are not going, doens't mean you'll slack. The team, aside from the starters flinched in fear, and quickly nodded. Not wanted to upset their coach, and also... it was too early for them to die. Then, Takeda-sensei handed the starting members their plane ticket. Riko took the other ticket for Kyoshi.
"I'm going to call phone Kyoshi, and tell him the good news", Riko announced excited that he'll be coming home soon. The team nodded agreement.
"I'll be off them. Be sure to be here on 3:00am for role call and our flight leaves at 4:30am", Takeda-sensei, before leaving the gym. The entire team waved goodbye to their teacher. As their teacher left the gym, he held a long loving smile.
"They are going to have fun time at the camp. But also... A big surprise for the Generation of Miracles", Takeda-sensei thouht to himself, as he heads off into the distance. Back at the gym, the team conituned their training, and by the end of their mini game. Freshmen of course won, since the youngster has the Light and Shadow Duo in their team. As the team finished packing their stuff before headed home. Riko excused and quickly exited to make a exciting phone to a certain airheaded center player.
"Kyoshi... It's me Riko. I have exciting news for you", Riko said, as she walks home, phone in her hand.
Somewhere in LA
"Is that so?", Kyoshi said, sitting down on his bed, reading a shoujo manga. It was in the middle of the night when Riko called, and Riko was explaining the good news to him. He was happy that he's able to play with his team again. Once he gets home, he'll have to personally thank Akashi once again for him giving his knee surgery early, and paying for everything.
"Alright, see you soon. Goodnight", Kyoshi hung up the phone. He turned to clock and it was 4am, and he's wide awake. Who could have blame him. After hearing great news like that. Kyoshi decided, he was to start pratice more on his stamnia and put back some muscle into his knee. Kyoshi got up from his bed, and tipped toe towards his door. As he exited his room, he slowly walked past the table.
"Taking time to excerise", the nurse greeted in English, Kyoshi smiles and nodded back. Kyoshi waved goodbye as he walked past the nurse.
"Gotta get stronger", Kyoshi thought to himself. Deep in thought, he didn't realize he bump into a young man.
"I'm so sorry", Kyoshi said, with his broken English. Noticing Kyoshi accent, the young man look at him with his grey eyes. Taken note, Kyoshi notice the man is slightly shorter than him, with black hair, and his facial was of Japanese man. The young man, or in fact teenager who looked no older of 17-18.
"Are you by any chance speak Japanese?", the young man asked in Japanese.
"Yes", Kyoshi replied in Japanese. The young man smiled, and offer a seat that was near them. Both sat down. Kyoshi was glad he can finally talk to someone in his native language. He came alone, while his family is back in Japan. As the both sat down, and met up with akward silence. Then, the young man broke the silence.
"So what are you here for anyways?", the young man asked.
"Well I came here to get a knee surgery, and currently trying to put some muscle back into my kneew", Kyoshi sheepishly replied, rubbing the back of neck. His cheecks were slightly pink from embaressment. The young man chuckled and laughed a bit.
"I could see the surgery went well", the young man said.
"It did. I needed to the surgery because I had an accident last year in a basketball game", Kyoshi said.
"You play basketball", the young man asked. Kyoshi nodded.
"Yea, I was suppose to have the surgery to repair my knee, but I wanted to play with my teammates once last time, with our new 1st year', Kyoshi explained. The young man awed and repescted Kyoshi for not only his love for basketball, but also his loyalty to his teammates.
"It's been awhile since I play in basketball", the young man said. Kyoshi notice the young man was deep thought. The way he looks, it looked like he was reminacing memories.
"Why did you quit?", Kyoshi assumed.
"Oh no I didn't quit. I had to leave due too my father being really sick, and we needed to move to America, so my father can be treated", the young man explained his situation. Kyoshi raises his hand, and aplogize for making assumation.
"I was captain of my Junior High team back in Japan", the young man said.
"Wow, you were captain. You must really good", Kyoshi awed. The young man shook his head.
"No No. I wasn't that good, but I had 6 kouhis who are gifted basketball, and I left one them in charged after I left", the young man said. When he said kouhis, made him of his own two kouhis back at home.
"They must have great kouhis then", Kyoshi laughed. Remebering the times when Kagami and Kuroko play together, and how they brought Seirin's basketball team in the pit of despair.
"I wouldn't say they are that great, they are just brats who love basketball from the bottom of their hearts", the young man, remebering his time in Juinor High, with his beloved kouhis. Kyoshi laughed at that thought. Not realizing they talked for about an hour...Well mostly Kyoshi. Who explained that he'll be going to a training camp next week with team as soon as he gets home. Kyoshi talked about their trials and endurment agaisnt their coach death grabs as he would call them.
"So your backetball team is Seirin. I heard of you guys and seen articales of your wins against really tough schools", the young man said with ammusment. But little do Kyoshi know, the young man knows him and the accomplisments his teammates made. But of course Kyoshi is still an airhead.
"Yea, all the team were super strong, espically the Generation of Miracles", Kyoshi laughed. The young man raised an eyebrow, and he too laughed. Then the air around them went silent. Kyoshi then frowned slightly.
"What's wrong?", the young man asked, thinking why suddenly the mood changed.
"Well, the GOM are indeed, but in made one of my kouhis hate basketball at one point", Kyoshi replied sadly. Kyoshi didn't like the GOM made Kuroko feel that way, even though he was his fomer teammate. Then all of sudden, the aura around the young man turned dark and cold, and it wasn't because of the air condictioning the hospital.
"Is that so?", the young man said, with a hint of irratation his voice. Kyoshi, still being an airhead not understaning the situation.
"Well, they did change. From what I heard from my kouhi, Kuroko said, by defeating them, he made the revert back to their old middle school self. He made them love basketball once again", Kyoshi explained. After that, the deathly aura slowly around them. Kyoshi also explained that they are in good hands with their current teammates.
"That's good then, I'm glad that Kuroko did that for them, even through all the hardship he went through", the young man praised. Kyoshi nodded with agreement.
"Even though Kuroko said that he's a shadow. But I believe that he was the light for not only for Seirin, but also his time in the GOM. He deserve the title of being called a Miracle, even though he was opposite from them", Kyoshi said, feeling proud that Kuroko did so much for them. Even being the 'weakest' player. The young man smiled with reassurence.
"I'm glad he's in good hands now", the young man complimented. Kyoshi nodded with agreement.
"I should be getting back to to my room now, it's getting late", Kyoshi apologize. The young man agreed, as the both bowed to each other and walked away in their opposite directions. As Kyoshi went futher down the hall, he heard the young man said...
"Thank you for taking care of Kuroko Tetsuya for me...", the young man said soflty. Kyoshi eyes widen. He remebered that he didn't mention Kuroko's given name. Kyoshi turned back, but no one was there. He a really confuse look on his face, but think agaisnt.
"Maybe... He heard his name from the article about us. But didn't explain him taking care of him in the past... Oh well", Kyoshi thought, not thinking too much about it. Still being an airhead he is, he probably forget the last part. As Kyoshi walked back to his room, unknowlgly, the young man hid behind a door, with a slight smile on his face. He grabbed his phone from his pants, then open up his phone. On his wallpaper, was with 7 young man, 6 of them with wacky hair color. All of them whom had a smile of innocent and passion from the sport they love. In the middle was him holding a trophy. The young man held back a tear, and closed his phone. He walked out of the room he was in, and headed towards his father's room.
"See you guys soon, my beloved kouhis", the young man whispered to himself.
There you have it XD I'm pretty sure all of you know who this person is LOL
PLEASE REVIEW! Depends how many reviews I get, I'll be updating a new chapter new week, or maybe even sooner!