Everything is spinning. Why is it so hot? What happened? Something doesn't feel right. But what? I think...I think I...

Tamaki's violet eyes snapped open with an audible gasp. What in the world? He closed his eyes once again, trying to remember what had happened. But he got nothing. He felt very off for some reason, almost as though he were not himself. He slowly pushed himself into a seated position, trying to ignore the dizziness. Then he took a moment to scan his surroundings. This bed was not his. This room was not his. These pajamas weren't even his! Where was he? Calm down, Tamaki. Think this through. What's happening right now?

The bed was large, not too much bigger than his usual bed at home. Rather then sprawled out in the middle of the bed like he usually was, he was sitting on one side of the bed. The other side was neatly made. Did he sleep with someone else? On the other side of the bed, was a nightstand. It had an alarm clock, a box of tissues, a thermometer, and an empty glass. Was he sick? Or had he been sick? He couldn't tell. He didn't feel feverish at the moment. Aside from the confusion, he was feeling fairly well actually.

Tamaki got out of the bed and to his feet. Nothing. He felt fine. He took a few tentative steps, but nothing changed. He was okay. 'I may as well explore the rest of the house.' He said to himself. 'Perhaps I'll figure something out.' He walked across the bedroom and to the door. But when he reached for the knob, it suddenly turned on its own. He flinched and took a step back.

The door was pushed open a bit, and a familiar face poked in to see him. A small girl stood before him. She had big, brown eyes, and long brown hair. She had slightly chubby fingers and really couldn't be much older than five. The little girl was gazing up at him, a bit surprised. Something about her was very very familiar. But what was it?

"O-oh my! Did I frighten you? I'm sorry." Tamaki said quickly. "I shouldn't be here. This isn't my-"

"Papa?" She interrupted. He took a step back in shock. Papa? Did she call him papa? "How are you feeling? Mama wanted me to come and check on you."

"Mama?" He repeated. The girl stepped into the room now to see him better. She was wearing a pink nightgown, and her tiny feet were bare. That voice, those eyes, that hair. Why this was Haruhi But a very tiny version of her. She took one of his bigger hands in hers and held it for a moment, making his heart race.

"Your hand doesn't feel so hot anymore papa. I think you're better!" She said, a big smile appearing on her face. He was very unused to seeing her smile. But this was a different Haruhi it would appear. One who hadn't lost her childish innocents. She held up she arms, and he knelt down and picked her up.

"Haruhi..." he said experimentally. She looked up at him, responding to her name. So it really was her. "By any chance, would your papa be me?" He asked.

"Of course!" She confirmed. "Who else would it be?"

"T-that's true I suppose," Tamaki said slowly. He walked from the room, carrying Haruhi along. He kept his eyes forward, trying to figure everything out. Was this his house? Was he dreaming? He found a staircase and began to descend it. One thing as for sure, this house was nowhere near as big as his own house. In fact, it looked a lot like an average commoners house. But why was he living here of all places? Why wasn't he at home with his servants and Antionette? He found this very strange. He knew who he was, he knew where he belonged, and he knew his status. But what he didn't know, was what he was doing here. He didn't remember where he had last been before all this happened. He didn't remember what had last happened before he had awoken in this strange house. Could he be dreaming?

When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he set Haruhi down on the ground. Once she was on her feet, she ran into the next room, calling out for her mother. Tamaki slowly followed behind her, nervous. He wasn't sure if he wanted to know what lie behind that door. He gathered up his courage and slowly entered the room...

...only to be stopped by a thick piece of translucent tape that had been stretched across the doorway. "Aah! What is this?" Tamaki cried out as he struggled to remove the tape from his eyes. As He tried to remove it, the sound of laughter fluttered to his ears. Very familiar laughter too. He realized that he was no stranger to this sort of prank. Those dastardly twins were always setting him up in order to make a fool out of him. He managed to remove the tape, taking a few of his delicate, blonde eyebrow hairs with it. With a growl, he whipped his head around to see the culprit. He was all set up to start yelling when he froze. What in the world.

Sitting at the breakfast table, where the twins. But...much smaller. They had to be a bit older than Haruhi, based on their height. But they were still very small, compared to their average height. "You fall for that one every time dad!" One of them laughed.

"When are you going to start looking where you're going?" The other one chimed in. Even Haruhi, who was sitting down with them, was beginning to giggle as well. So...the twins were his sons. And Haruhi was his daughter. But how? And why? Where were the rest of his friends? Where they even here? And who was mama?

"Tamaki? Is that you in there?" He heard. Oh, that was likely coming from the kitchen.

"Y-Yes! I'm here!" He called back. How strange. He could not recognize this voice. It was soft, feminine, and rather interesting to him. Who could this be? Perhaps this was the 'mama' Haruhi was calling for earlier. So would that make her his wife?

"Oh good." The lady responded. "I wasn't going to wake you up because I wasn't sure if you were still feeling sick this morning. But if you up then you must be feeling better." So he really was sick last night? Is that why he didn't remember anything? Just how sick had he been? But then...was this a dream or was this reality? Was this his family? But then why didn't he even remember his own children? He didn't even know what his own wife looked like! Oh, his head was starting to spin in confusion. This had to be a dream right? He was Tamaki, President of the host club, not Tamaki the father of three! Right?

"If you're feeling up to it, I have your breakfast ready for you." The lady called to him.

"Oh! Yes, I feel fine. I'll have it." Tamaki said. He stood at the table, his hands shaking a bit as he waited.

And then she entered.

A tall and slender woman came in from the kitchen with a plate in her hands. She had dark and wavy hair cascading down to the middle of her back. Her lips were thin and sharp, and her grey eyes could barely be seen past the glint of her glasses. She wore a purple turtleneck that hugged her torso, and black pants that were a bit snug around her narrow waist. But what quickly caught his attention, was her midriff. It was a tad bit rounded, the only thing about her that could be called plump. It didn't stick out like a sore thumb, but when she turned, he could see the buldge a lot more clearly. Was she...pregnant?

But the biggest question on his mind was: Is this Kyoya? MY Kyoya? Is he my wife? Or...I suppose she is the more accurate the pronoun here. Oh my gosh. And these are our children right? She gave birth to them? How was that possible?

"Tamaki? Are you sure your alright? You look a little pale." Kyoya said, coming closer. After placing the play on the table, she slid her hand up onto his cheek to feel for a fever. Her hands were chilled and her fingers were long and thin. It was a bit jarring, but he quickly realized that it wasn't too different from the Kyoya he remembered. He was always cold due to his low blood pressure. So this really was Kyoya wasn't it?

"I'm...fine. Just feeling a little dazed is all." Tamaki said slowly. He was begining to sweat. This could not be happening right now. None of this was making any sense to him. Kyoya's pencil-thin eyebrows arched in confusion. Then she turned to the children.

"Why don't you all head upstairs and get dressed. Hikaoru, Kaoru, your bus will be here soon. And I've got to get you to school soon Haruhi or I'll be late for work." The three children got to their feet and ran off to do what they were told. Then Kyoya turned to Tamaki again. "Why don't you call the school and ask for a substitute. You can stay home and rest if you need to." She tsked a bit. "You had to take yesterday off to didn't you? I hope this illness doesn't last too long."

"School?" Tamaki murmured.

"Yes. The Kindergarten you teach at remember?" Kindergarten? Why was he teaching at a kindergarten? Did he not get to have his father's compony after all? Is that why they lived in this normal house? But what about Kyoya? Where was she working?

"Right." Tamaki responded. He looked Kyoya up and down for a moment before asking a risky question. "Are you going to work? Shouldn't you be resting?" He asked, glancing at her rounded stomach. Kyoya shook her head.

"You know my maternity leave isn't until January." Kyoya reminded him. So she was pregnant! But...who was that? Was she expecting someone they knew? How far along was she anyhow? He reached foreword and quickly grasped her shoulders.

"Kyoya. Please don't think of me as odd for asking. But...have we named our baby yet?" He asked.

Kyoya raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure your feeling alright?"

"Yes! Now please answer me!"

"There is no need for you to take that tone with me! Especially not when you've forgotten the name of your own son." Kyoya scolded. "If you must know, we named him Mitskuni."

Mitskuni?! Kyoya was pregnant with Hunny-Senpai?! His eyes quickly darted around the room until they fell onto the calendar on the wall. It was currently October. Hunny's birthday was in February. So that meant that Kyoya was currently five months pregnant. But then where was Takashi in all this? Was he a member of thier family? He was likely going to find that out a bit later right? But what he did know, was that this was his family. Kyoya was his wife. Those were his children. And he was soon going to bare another one.

But how?