A/N: Okay I know I've been gone for a while and I know this is really short but I still have to adult and go to work so that's why I've been absent for a bit. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and don't forget to review and let me know what you think.

Chloe had no idea what Beca's deal was. Obviously Beca was interested, but when they almost kissed she froze up and just ran away. All Chloe knew was that she wanted Beca. In the short time that they had known each other, Chloe knew that Beca was a kind, caring person, who was just a little rough around the edges. Chloe always prided herself on her ability to figure people out just by meeting them, and she thought that she had Beca pretty much figured out, but there was this one thing that Chloe couldn't figure out.

Luckily for Chloe there was a party tonight at Stacie's house and she had managed to get herself an invite, and was praying that she would see Beca. You may be questioning why Stacie is having a party on a school night. Well, easy answer, she doesn't care it's a school night and high schoolers will turn up to any party at anytime, all except one...

"No Stacie."

"Oh, come on Bec! Think of it as a subtle goodbye party for you." Stacie coerced.

"Why would I want to go to some party where drunken idiots will be hitting on other drunken idiots all night?"

"Beca, my parties are the best, you know that, besides...Chloe'll be there." Stacie sang teasingly as Beca rolled her eyes.

"Why are you trying to push us together?" Beca asked, bored with the game Stacie was trying to play.

"I'm not pushing...I'm nudging." She smiled.

"Come on. Do it for me? Please, bestie?" Stacie begged with puppy eyes, knowing that Beca's resolve was cracking.

Beca groaned and dropped her face into her hands. "Ugh, fine! I'll go to this dumb party."

Stacie squealed and pulled the short brunette into a hug. "You won't regret it."

"Mhm, we'll see." Beca rolled her eyes again.

Beca will go to the party, even just to shut Stacie up. What's the worst that could happen...?

This! This is the worst that could happen! Beca groaned and ran a hand down her face as she turned to the sleeping figure next to her. Why the fuck did she agree to go to this party!? How could she be so stupid as to get drunk and have a one night stand!?

The last thing she remembers is someone doing a body shot off her, but it wasn't the same person now lying beside her.

Fuck, I fucked up. Beca thought to herself as she rolled onto her other side, away from the girl beside her. Beca was absolutely terrified that it was only a matter of time before the Army found out she was gay and she'd be discharged before she was even deployed. Of course, she knew that it wouldn't happen; she was just, overreacting to the shock of having a one night stand, especially with the girl she really shouldn't have slept with.

As the girl rolled over and let out a content moan, Beca's insides clenched, you know, as shit as she feels that this happened, she gave herself credit for getting with someone that hot. The girl wrapped her arm around Beca's waist and kissed her cheek.

"Morning, how'd you sleep?"

"Uh, is this not weird for you right now?" Beca asked as the girl pressed closer to her. Beca could feel that the girl was pretty much naked, as was she, both the girls only had on their bras and panties.

The girl tucked behind her laughed. "Beca, what the hell do you think happened last night?" She kept laughing before it cut off in a groan.

"Do you really think we slept together? Oh wow, I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not." She smiled at the small girl before recounting the events of the night.

Beca arrived at the party when it was in full swing. People already drunk and grinding on each other to some slow, badly mixed beat. She searched the room for her best friend, finding her, no surprise in the middle of the dance floor, all the guys drooling over her.

"Beca! You came!" She squealed excitedly, pulling the small brunette into a tight hug. Beca could smell the alcohol on her breath.

"Yeah well I can't break a promise to my best friend." Beca shrugged and took a cup that Stacie offered her.

She took a sip and cringed at the burning liquor as it slid down her throat. She coughed and shook her head.

"What is that?"

"I don't know but it'll get you drunk." Stacie winked.

And get her drunk it did. After three cups of the mystery alcohol and a body shot off Stacie and Beca was feeling free, confident and dare I say it, she began to have fun, joining in on the games that were being played through the night. Until she found herself pressed against the redhead that haunted her dreams with her piercing blue eyes and her angelic smile, when did they even find each other? Pressed together and dancing in a way that could only be construed as performing a sex act in public. Chloe was doing all sorts of things with her hips and hands that was driving Beca absolutely mad with lust and desire and Beca was just drunk enough to take full advantage of that, without thinking of the consequences in that moment.

Chloe, with her back to Beca's front had no idea what she was up to until she felt a soft, small hand, move her hair across her shoulder and soft lips descend onto her exposed shoulder and up her neck to her jaw. The redhead couldn't hold in the soft mewling moan that left her lips at the contact. The sound seemed to spur Beca on because Chloe suddenly found herself facing the brunette and being walked backwards through the house to the stair case, where Beca forcefully pushed her against the railing as their lips connected in a heated, sloppy, yet passionate kiss. The two girls slowly and messily made their way upstairs and into the nearest bedroom, unable to keep their hands to themselves for longer than two seconds.

As they collapsed onto the bed, Beca's left hand made its way under Chloe's thigh, hiking it up her hip as the two continued their heated make out session.

After a few minutes of what could only be described as basically dry humping Beca jumped up and ran to the ensuite and collapsed in front of the toilet, letting all the alcohol from the night come raging back up her throat and into the toilet bowl.

Chloe sighed and made her way over to the small girl, holding her hair back and rubbing small circles on her back.

"It's okay Becs, let it out." She soothed as Beca continued dry retching. When it had subsided Chloe helped her up and back into bed, removing her vomit covered clothes and tucking her in before turning her back to leave. Beca's hand shot out and held Chloe's wrist.

"Don't go. Please stay with me." Beca lazily pleaded, her eyes getting heavier by the second.

Chloe removed her own clothes and crawled in next to the brunette and pulled her into her arms where Beca sighed contently.

"We didn't have sex?" Beca questioned as Chloe finished her recount.

"No, Beca we didn't."

Beca sighed in relief and Chloe's heart sank. How could she be relieved? It kind of hurt Chloe's feelings a little bit. Maybe she was reading this all wrong. Maybe Beca wasn't into her like she thought she was and that burned in Chloe's throat like straight vodka because if Chloe was being honest, it was getting harder and harder to resist the brunette.

"So, I need to get going. I've got shit to do, but we still on for a tutoring session tomorrow?" Beca asked as she got up and began dressing.

"Y-yeah. See you tomorrow." Chloe said sadly as she watched her leave, collapsing back onto the bed and letting the tears fall. Chloe has always been an emotional person. She feels emotions more strongly than other people. Her mother used to tell her that it was a gift from God, to feel things so intensely, but right now Chloe felt like it was more of a curse than anything.

"I can't do this Stacie. I'm going to break her heart."

"What's worse Beca? Being with her and being happy till you go away or breaking her heart now without even giving her chance?"

Beca sighed and put her head down.

"I can't. If the army find out I'm finished before I even start."

"You can't be sure they will even find out. Look, just give it a chance with her. Let it happen however it's going to happen and then when you leave try and keep it going."

Beca looked to her side, where she and Stacie had their picture wall on the tree house. She zoned in on a photo of the two of them on their first day of high school, standing side by side, arms around each other happily. She pulled the picture down and looked at it sadly.

"Everything was so simple back then."

"I know, but as life gets more complicated that's also when it gets more exciting."