This story is tied to my previous work, called "Unforgivable". This spin-off story is following the canon storyline of LoT Season 2, but there will be a few changes, such as Captain Cold, and will feature mostly moments between him and Sara.

Based on the timeline in "Unforgivable", Leonard Snart returned to the Legends before episode 2x08 - "The Chicago Way" - so that's where I start. BTW Lisa Snart is part of the Legends in this story, at least temporarily (Chapter 8 of "Unforgivable").


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Before the mission...

Leonard and Sara were currently in Sara's quarters, playing a game of cards.

"This is nice," said Sara.

"What is?" asked Leonard.

"This," answered Sara, gesturing to him, herself, and the cards in her hands. "I really missed this."

"No one to play cards with?" asked Leonard.

"No one who is even interested to play cards," replied Sara.

"Well, glad I could entertain you," said Leonard.

Leonard was focusing on his cards, until he caught Sara staring at him with a smile on her face.

"What?" asked Leonard.

"I'm just really glad you're back," said Sara.

Leonard's lips curved into a half-smile. Before they could continue their game, they can hear commotion in the cargo bay.

"Oh, now what?" complained Sara.

Sara and Leonard head to the cargo bay, along with Jax, only to find Nate and Ray sparring. Nate was in his steel form while Ray was wearing the new suit he created. Their sparring session, however, created a mess as all the crates and cases are scattered all over the place.

"Hey!" shouted Sara. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Just, uh, sparring," answered Nate.

"Yeah, he's helping me calibrate the new suit," said Ray.

"Last time you decided to spar, you wrecked my cargo bay," said Jax, gesturing to the mess.

Nate laughed a little and was about to hi-five with Ray, until Sara spoke.

"Hey! Don't make me come down here again," warned Sara.

Sara shoots an "I'm watching you" gesture at the two boys before leaving with Leonard and Jax. Nate and Ray started mocking Sara, repeatedly saying "Don't make me come down here" in a funny way. Unfortunately, Sara heard them and came back.

"Hey!" she shouted.

Nate and Ray stop. Sara points a finger at them before leaving, joining Leonard.

"My, my, if looks could kill, I would've been dead before the Oculus," said Leonard.

Sara smiled in response.

"How can a criminal like you be so charming?" asked Sara, still smiling.

"You don't have to be a prince charming to get the girl," replied Leonard.

Sara couldn't stop smiling. Seeing Leonard alive again was enough, but hearing his usual sarcastic and snarky comments made her even happier.

During the mission...

The Legends were currently at Al Capone's club, looking for Eliot Ness. The boys were sitting down and drinking while the girls were dressed as waitresses.

Amaya serves Leonard his drink.

"Why, thank you, miss," said Leonard, playing along.

"My pleasure," replied Amaya sarcastically. "I notice that Sara is really happy to see you."

"Well, she and I were pretty tight earlier this year," said Leonard.

"It's more than that. I can tell," said Amaya. "She loves you. And, I assume, you love her."

"That's a pretty big assumption, Ms. Jiwe," said Leonard, taking a sip of his drink.

"The way you look at her. The way she looks at you. It reminds me of myself and Rex," said Amaya.

"I am truly sorry for your loss," said Leonard sincerely. "Once we find the son of a gun who took him away, I'm gonna make sure you get your revenge."

"You're pretty compassionate for a criminal," said Amaya.

"Yeah, well, having Sara in my life does that," said Leonard.

"But you're happy," said Amaya.

"Traveling through time with an assassin who can kill anyone simply with her looks? Definitely," replied Leonard.

"That's sweet of you, crook," said Sara through the comm-link.

"Eavesdrop much, assassin?" replied Leonard with a smirk.

Amaya couldn't help but smile. She was happy for the both of them.

After the mission...

Leonard decided to check on his sister, who was currently in her quarters, watching a movie.

"What do you want, Len?" asked Lisa.

"Can't a brother just check on his sister for no reason?" replied Leonard.

"If you're going to lecture me about being reckless, forget it," said Lisa. "It's not like you're any different."

"True," said Leonard. "At least Mick knows when to not behave like an animal."

"Len, I didn't come here because I wanted to be a hero," said Lisa. "I came here looking for a new game."

"And that game is 'shoot and loot'?" questioned Leonard sarcastically.

"Hey, if you're not happy with my productions to this team, you can just drop me off back to Central City," said Lisa. "What did Sara do to you?"

"What exactly do you mean by that?" asked Leonard.

"You're still the same brother I love, except you're less reckless and nicer to others," said Lisa.

"The only thing that's changed about me is that I'm following a different path," said Leonard.

Lisa sighs and rolls her eyes. "Gideon, shut the doors."

Gideon did as Lisa said and closed the doors, locking Leonard outside.

"Rude," said Leonard with a smirk.


Sara was at the bridge, piloting the ship. The others were either at the library, in their quarters, or the cargo bay. Sara wasn't gonna be alone for long. A certain criminal wearing a blue coat decided to keep her company.

"You look tired," said Leonard.

"Fighting a speedster and two former members of the League of Assassins can do that," replied Sara.

Leonard sits down and says what he wanted to say to her. "I asked Stein about Malcolm's offer. I'm surprised you resisted."

"Len, I miss my sister, yes, but I have responsibilities as a Legend," said Sara. "That includes not messing with time."

"Admit it, Sara. A part of you was tempted by that offer," said Leonard.

"I can't lie to you about that," admitted Sara. "If you were in my position, would you have accepted Malcolm's offer?"

"Hard to say," said Leonard. "Before Mick, before I hopped on this tin can, Lisa was the only light in my life."

"I can tell," said Sara. "You two dis each other, poke fun at each other, but you still love each other."

"Your sister, Laurel. What was she like?" asked Leonard.

"She's... strong, smart, and always responsible, even when she breaks the law as the Black Canary," said Sara.

"Sounds like you two aren't so much alike," said Leonard.

"Believe me, there were times I'm sure she wanted to kill me, literally or metaphorically," said Sara. "But that's why I love her."

"Yet, you passed up an opportunity to live a better life," said Leonard.

"Like I told Malcolm, I'll take a nightmare that's real over a dream that's a lie," said Sara.

Leonard whistles in response. "Captain Sara Lance sure has more steel in her soul than I remember."

"Well, this time travel stuff isn't just to give us a job. It helps us understand ourselves," said Sara. "Being captain of this ship, it's a big job. Sometimes, I'm not sure if I can handle it."

"Well, it's either you, Stein, or me," said Leonard. "You're more qualified than any of us."

"But you did well in the last mission," said Sara. "Doing things the criminal way. You leading us along the way. I might as well name you co-captain."

"Tempting, but I think I'll leave the captaining to you," said Leonard.

Sara smiles and looks at Leonard. "I'm really glad you're back with us."

"More specifically, with 'you'?" guessed Leonard, knowing that is what Sara wanted to say.

Sara simply responds with a bigger smile.

I'm sorry if there's no kiss. Don't worry. I'll work on it. I just hope this was a good start.