I'm sitting outside on the porch as the storm begins to worsen. The rain comes down hard causing the streets to flood and many people to run into their homes for cover. Lighting brightens the sky and loud claps of thunder causes many animals to jump. The lightning is beautiful as large flashes shine in front of my house.
I pet the neighborhood cat, Zoey, as she lays beside me. She's not scared of storms like the others. She's brave and the only thing she's scared of is when other kids mess with her.
I'm sitting on the porch because I didn't feel like hiding in the closet today. Usually moms pimp wants me in there but he's not here, only her first client. I didn't want to hear him make my mom scream or listen to him yell at her for not being good enough. When I would peek out of the closet I would see him give her a bag full of white stuff. I thought it was sugar at first, but when I had snuck it from my mom and tried it I knew it was something different. I had gotten sick and my mom and the pimp beat me for taking it. I was thrown and locked back in the closet for several days without food.
After the days were up mom was upset. She didn't want to keep me locked up, but she explained it was either keeping me locked up or having the man kill me. I believed her, and she didn't lie. She made sure the pimp wasn't around and fed me. The baggy she was given, she sold just so she could get me food. It makes her sick, but she would rather have me eat.
I hear the door slam against the porch. I look back and see the man who was just with my mom. He gives a loud sigh. When I look down I realize that his pants are still unbuttoned and unzipped. He must feel my eyes on him because he looks down at me. A sick smile marks his face. I flinch.
He walks over and kicks Zoey away, causing her to hiss at him. I push his foot away but he Smacks the back of my head.
"Better watch it kid." then he grips my hair. "I wouldn't mind a round with you." my whole body freezes.
"Stay the fuck away from him!" I hear my mom snap. I close my eyes. My heart feels like it's about to beat out of its chest.
"What the hell are you going to do about it?" he laughs. "You know Logan doesn't care if I have your son. The more money the better." I can hear the smile in his voice.
"Son of a bitch!" I look up at Christian in shock.
For the past few weeks Christian and I have grown closer. After our confessions we don't feel as separated from one another. I still haven't explained my past to him yet but one day I will. Just not yet.
That day, Christian found out that Ashton and Ray were leaving. He tried to stop them but they had to get back to work. The only reason they came was to care for Christian's home and him. They promised they would visit us soon though.
I watch Christian jump out of the seat next to me and throw it across the room. I quickly get up and put my hands on his shoulders. His breathing starts to calm down, but his muscles are still tense.
"What's wrong baby?" I ask him. He shakes his head.
"That was his name Anastasia." he whispers. "That was the pimps goddamn name. How could I forget something like that!?" he punches a hole in the wall.
"You were four Christian. I'm surprised you're remembering all of this information." I try telling him.
He looks deep in thought, as if he's trying to come up with a reasonable answer so he doesn't have to believe me. I swear this man is so damn irritating. I want to punch the hell out of him.
He looks up at me, no signs of emotion cross his beautiful face. It's like he wanted to wipe what he just remembered away. It's hard though, especially when the pain is so evident in his eyes.
A few moments later, Taylor comes walking through the door. He notices that the office is destroyed but doesn't say anything, just stands there. Christian throwing tantrums isn't uncommon for us anymore. Ever since the kidnapping with Jack a few weeks ago, Christian has been out of it. His nightmares have been nonstop and the fits have been worse. His anger with the employees have been unlike Christians usual personality as well. We're trying to have him talk to Flynn a bit more but he's just not having it.
If we mention Flynn he snaps at us. He thinks we're calling him crazy. Mia is going through an emotional state as well because Christian won't even look at her. Every time I say that Mia is coming to see him he runs to his room and hides, causing Mia to hide from us as well. She barely talks to any of us. She's becoming just like Christian.
"Ana I don't care. I should have remembered who fucking abused me." he says. He walks over to the couch and grabs his suit jacket from where he threw it earlier.
"Where are you going?" I ask.
"I'm going to the office." he mutters, slamming the office door behind him. The pictures on the office walls shake. I look at Taylor and notice he is keeping a straight face.
"Can you keep an eye on him." he nods.
"You never have to ask." he turns around and opens the door walking out.
I save the document and shutdown the computer.
What am I going to do? I can't let Christian keep shutting himself down like this. What if he gets to the point where he doesn't talk to anyone? He's barely talking to me as it is. He's only talking to me about the book now because I mentioned therapy and he had gotten pissed. Maybe I shouldn't have pushed it but he needed it.
Shit. What the fuck are we all going to do?