Author's Note: Hello! Here's a new Snowbert story for all of you fans out there :)

The summary pretty much says it all, but I'm hoping to have 10 or 11 (depending on if the first kiss is in this chapter) short chapters for this story. Yes. They will be short. Too bad.

"I really don't see how you two can be dating." Cisco shook his head and looked Julian and Caitlin up and down. They exchanged nervous looks. He had taken their confession pretty well, having mostly guessed it beforehand, but now he just seemed to be in disbelief.

"Why is that, mate?" Julian asked hesitantly.

"You guys barely even touch each other in public!" Cisco cried. "How can you possibly be dating?" An odd look crossed his face. And then he grinned. "How about this: You kiss each other 10 times, 10 days in a row, in public, and I will believe that you are dating."

Caitlin and Julian exchanged glances. "Um..." Caitlin started.

"We accept." Julian cut her off. She sent him another looks. "Come on, don't say that you don't like it when I kiss you." Julian grinned, his ego getting the better of him. "You turn all red and flustered, so it must not be so bad."

Cisco wrinkled his nose. "Dude. Ever heard of TMI?!"

"Right, yes, sorry." Julian had the grace to look embarrassed. He nodded at Cisco. "Do we have a deal?"

"Deal." They shook on it, Caitlin rolling her eyes as she watched how serious they were being.

Just before Cisco vanished from the Cortex to leave the two "lovebirds" alone, he turned. "Now, I'm not just talking a kiss on a cheek, you do know that, right?" Julian exchanged a third glance with Caitlin, this one wary. "I'm talking full out kiss, on the mouth, and make it romantic."

"That's completely different then what I agreed to-" Julian protested.

"I'm altering the terms of our agreement." Cisco quoted in a deep voice. "Pray that I don't alter them any further." With a nod at the both of them, he spun dramatically out of the room, hair flapping behind him like a short cape.

Caitlin groaned. Loudly. "What did you get us into?"