Supergirl arrives on the planet - only speaks kryptonian. Which superman does not, chaos ensues. This started as a crack fic based on the beginning of season two when Mon-El knew english right off the bat. It annoyed me and gave me this idea, how it ended up a 50k long fanfic with a sequel is beyond me. You can pinpoint where I went from crack to serious anyway.
Author's Note: I did write this on my phone, autocorrect does not like my fast typing and will have often changed words for me and since during editing they are not exactly highlighted some changes will have been missed. My apologies, however I hope you enjoy my crack fic turned novel.
Clark wasn't paying attention to the world around him, a state he wasn't often in. normally listening out for any signs of danger he could help with. But this article he was working on was due in a few hours and he was stuck in his rather open cubicle surrounded by the hustle of the newsroom unable to use his super speed to aid in its speedy finish. So far his speed had helped him keep his job at the daily planet and keep up with his new superman duties.
Sometimes though he did need to switch off, superman doesn't exactly bring in a weekly paycheck that helps him keep his new Metropolis apartment. City rent isn't cheap and he hadn't been a reporter long.
He was knocked out of his conditioned slow typing by a co-worker knocking into his back running toward the small office TV they had in the corner displaying the news channel.
Tuning in his super hearing he sat up a little
"A large meteoroid has entered earth's atmosphere and its orbit is decaying fast. Scientists have projected it will land in the Nevada area and urges residents to be aware as so far it hasn't broken up in the atmosphere and remains about the size of the motorbike." The female host announced
"Here's hoping our new local superhero also could be a national saviour" a male host added as she finished the announcement.
Clark couldn't see the screen but he could hear the reaction of the newsroom muttering about if superman would be going to help.
Clark looked to his report and wished not for the first time he could take the large cumbersome computer to the bathroom so he could type and edit so much faster to finish the damn story.
In a meteor scenario of it possibly crashing down on a populated area Clark couldn't let innocents he could save down just to finish a small news story on the crime decline in Gotham.
He was 200 words short of the target word count, quickly looking around to see if anyone was watching he wrote out on paper the article and then the rest of his article in under a minute. He could move faster but he had found years ago that above a certain speed it was highly likely to set the paper on fire. His ferocious childhood crayon scribbles had ruined many floorboards in the Kent household.
Having finished he turned to the only other person in the newsroom who might help him. A fellow intern at the paper.
"Hey Jimmy?" Clark asked poking his head over the short divider between their desks
"What do you want Clark" Jimmy replied not taking his eyes off the screen in front of him as he moved his mouse.
"My computers frozen and I can't seem to get it to do anything" as he said that he pulled the mouse and keyboard wires free from the computer with his foot "I was going to head to IT to see if they can help me"
Jimmy did look at Clark then, "Why are you telling me this?"
Clark looked sheepish, "Sorry you didn't need the whole story, short part is can you give this to Mr White if he comes looking for me while I'm gone?"
He stood up and handed Jimmy the hand written article
"Sure" Jimmy said accepting the papers, "best hurry up fixing that computer though, you know white hates handwritten"
Clark nodded and quickly headed toward the lift. Stepping in on his own luckily he selected the option for the top floor instead of the IT department in the basement. He could redirect the meteor back into space or into an unpopulated area and be back for deadline. Or so he hoped.
Flying now as superman in the upper atmosphere with nothing to shadow the sun at this height and the thinner air he was able to pick up immense speed.
Spotting the meteor with his superior vision he nearly fell out the sky. It was another pod, just like his own hurtling through the atmosphere in a slow decaying pattern so as not to slam into the ground damaging the precious cargo inside.
Speeding up Clark caught up to the pod and tried to look inside but the glass was too dark for him to see. Flying alongside the pod he guided it into a safe landing in an unpopulated area outside of Nevada.
So much for him getting back to his job to finish that report. But this was far more important. Another kryptonian.
Barely able to contain himself now the pod had stopped moving. Clark ripped off the pods door uncaring of what it may do to the person within.
Of all the things he expected to be inside, a small terrified 12 year old was not one of them.
"Dur El? Te?" She questioned hesitantly sitting up and squinting at his face as the yellow sun shined in her eyes.
"That was my father" Clark replied, "I'm Kal El?" He introduced, "Who are…" He never finished asking who she was as she jumped up to stand on her seat to look him right in the face
"Kal el?" she repeated then began to panic, a string of foreign kryptonian words falling out of her mouth.
"Woah hey easy, I don't speak Kryptonian!" Clark tried to calm her down and he flew up a little so he could put a hand on her shoulder
But that just seemed to make things worse. Panic seemed to have set in and with her gesturing to his feet he guessed he hadn't helped things. He went to grab her other shoulder but she slapped him away.
Clark had never been hit that hard in his life. He flew quite a distance away and smacked into a sand dune. His face stung and he could taste copper in his mouth.
He looked back toward the girl and saw her floating upwards desperately trying to grab hold of the pod she had arrived in but the metal was bending in her hands and eventually she had no grip and continued her ascent slowly upwards. She was still screaming out in Kryptonian as she did.
He flew up and steadied her in the air. She stared at him then the house symbol on his chest before collapsing in a dead faint.
Clark held her in his arms before he sped of to the only place he could think. Towards his mother.
His mum was in when he arrived at the kent farm luckily alone as he was so distracted he didn't think to check before landing in full Superman attire.
"Clark" she exclaimed, "What have I told you about...oh"
Martha's objections died in her throat as she spied the small girl in his arms.
"She's Kryptonian" he blurted and he moved to lay her on the sofa, "Her pod, I just helped it crash"
"Clark" she exhaled understanding how huge this was for him to have another Kryptonian
"Who is she" she breathed, taking in the girl's appearance and her matching house symbol embossed into her nightgown.
"Well I didn't… She doesn't speak English" Clark finished, "But she said my father's name" he remembered, "I think she thought I was him"
Martha exhaled deeply, "So that's all you have to say she's Kryptonian?" She started, "A similar pod and the fact she said your father's name?"
Clark nodded
Martha sighed, "I know this is a big deal and she looks harmless but Clark, she looks barely a teenager and your twenty four, you were a baby when your planet was destroyed…"
Clark shook his head, "I understand this is strange but I can feel it somehow… She's family"
Martha looked down upon the still girl and then back to her son.
"There's a place for her here Clark but not right now"
Clark looked at his mother a little wounded.
"Now don't look at me like that, what I mean is she needs Kal El not Clark Kent and where does superman go when he needs guidance"
A look of realization crossed Clark's face, "The fortress! Kal X can translate!"
Martha smiled and the next second her son was gone with a ghost of a kiss she could feel on her cheek.
"Boys" she tutted slightly before walking back to finish making her cup of coffee.
Clark felt a little stupid for not thinking of the fortress first as he laid the girl down in front of the door so he could lift the dwarf star key.
Opening up the fortress he laid Kara down in his Pringles pod and called for Kal X.
The robot he had come to heavily rely on since becoming superman was not far away
"Good evening MAster Kal" he began, "what can I help you with today?"
Clark gestured over to his Kryptonian pod, "I don't quite know how to ask but is she Kryptonian?"
Kal X Flores over to where she was lying and seemed to do a visual then deeper scan
He made a explaining beeping noise of joy
"Master Kal" he strayed as excited as Clark had ever seen him, "This is Mistress Kara!"
"Yes Kara Zor El, your cousin on your father's side, according to your records she was sent behind your pod so she could assist you in your growth on this planet"
"However when you activated me at the age you were with no knowledge of krypton or anything else I feared the word for Kara"
"But why is she so young?" Clark asked, "I mean if she was sent after me before the planet was destroyed she should be older?"
Kal X looked almost crestfallen "I cannot answer that Master Kal, but that is indeed your elder cousin Kara Zor El"
Clark looked to the small girl in the pod and felt a happy glow inside of him. Living family. Not that he didn't love his adopted parents but having a part of his planet after so long that wasn't a robot or a hologram was a little overwhelming
He was still in a little bit of a daze when Kara began to stir
Kal X flew straight to her side, "Mistress Kara!" He greeted, " I am pleased to see you are awake"
Kara looked at the small robot in confusion before a string of words Clark did not understand flew from her lips. He caught the word krypton but that was all.
The conversation between the two went back and forth awhile as Kal X switched to Kryptonian.
Kara went from looking confused to relaxed upon being able to converse but as the conversation progressed he could see confusion on her face again as she looked to him
"Kal El?" She asked and he nodded she said more Kryptonian then looked to Kal
"She said to say you look a lot like your father" Kal X filled him in
Clark smiled, "Thanks"
Kara looked to Kal X to repeat the word in Kryptonian then tried to replicate it in English butchering the sound as she tried to remember how Clark had said it and failing.
"Why does Kal not speak Kryptonian?" Kara asked Kal X
"He has only just begun his path of learning about his heritage, I myself was only activated this last sun cycle to assist in Kal El's work under the yellow sun"
"The yellow sun" Kara repeated, "My mother warned me it would gift me with extraordinary powers, is that Kal Els work?"
"Yes Mistress he has just begun to use them to aid the inhabitants of this world"
"He does not know of Krypton?"
"He knows krypton was destroyed, who his parents were but otherwise he grew up as a human the inhabitants of this world knowing little"
Kara hung her head a little "I was meant to be there to guide him" she said sadly, "but my pod was delayed I didn't want to leave my mother and the explosion…" Kara began to cry " it basted me straight into the phantom zone"
She couldn't talk anymore though as she cried and large blue covered arms wrapped around her in a hug as Kara heard Kal X relay their conversation to Kal El
He was so big now. He had only been a few months old when Lara had last seen him which to her was only yesterday on a launch pad.
When her crying subsided Clark pulled back a little
"Ehrosh" he said completely butchering a Kryptonian greeting. But it had the desired effect Kara laughed before repeating it back correctly to him.
Now everything was a lot calmer Clark took a moment to just relax and be quiet for awhile.
Kara cut through the silence asking Kal X a question and Clark shook himself out of his calm space.
Kal X repeated what Kara was saying to Clark "She's asking about earth and why she feels different "
"Feels different?" Clark asked
"Stronger and lighter?" Kal X tried to repeat but the robot looked to be struggling, " I am sorry Master Kal there is no translation for what Mistress Kara is saying " if a robot could look forlorn it would be Kal X in this moment "I think she doesn't know about the effects of the yellow sun"
"Yellow sun?" Clark questioned now he was confused
"Yes Master Kal the radiation of the earth's yellow sun Kryptonians can absorb and this allows them greater power than those of earth"
Kal X was also translating for Kara at the same time using his screen as a Kryptonian ticket tape.
Kara spoke again and Kal X paused replied the. Translated for Clark
"Mistress Kara is exactly right Krypton's red sun doesn't affect your cells in the same way"
Clark looked stunned, a view never been seen before from the Man of Steel's face when he was in costume
"So all Kryptonians were like normal humans on Krypton no flying or X Ray vision?" Clark asked
He had never thought to question it before. The hologram of his father had never told him and he had just assumed this was what a Kryptonian was
Kal X had been translating again for Kara and Clark heard her exclaim then Kal X said
"Mistress Kara is most excited about the flying and I think now understands what was happening earlier after she landed"
Ah yeah she did fly into the air that would be scary if you had never done it before.
Kal X cut through Clark's thoughts "Mistress Kara is rather upset and is wondering why you know so little about Kryptonians"
Clark didn't have an answer for her. He had essentially been brought up human. He did not even know his Kryptonian name until his 16th birthday and he had had little interest in his powers until recently when he had begun to use them as Superman. In his youth he had occasionally used them anonymously but never explored the reason he had them. He just had had them since he was a baby if his adoptive mothers stories of him flying about as a baby naked and peeing while spinning around the kitchen were anything to go by
She really liked telling that story. Few people could actually hear it so the ones that could heard it often.
"I grew up human" that was his only response after a time. "I knew nothing else but humanity and that I was a little different"
Kara looked sad for a moment before asking Kal X something to relay to Clark
"Mistress Kara says she is happy to continue with her primary mission and educate you on everything Krypton including the language and in exchange she would like to learn about and how to use her new abilities"
Clark frowned a little "You are rather young to be using them full time, you are on earth now and I would be best to blend in as a human like I did in my younger years"
Again this was relayed through to Kara who nodded thoughtfully.
"Kal X would you be able to come with us back to the farm and help teach Kara English? I wouldn't want to keep her here and the farm would be best" He paused before adding "And tell Kara were going to go fly to my adoptive mother's home" he didn't want to make her jump by just shooting off with her.
Clark held out his hand as Kal X relayed the message to Kara. She smiled and grabbed his hand and then jumped in the air but seemed a little put out when she didn't stay in the air
Clark just stepped into the air and floated Kara tried to copy him but failed again.
Clark bent and lifted her into his arms and the flew up up and away from the fortress Kal X trailing behind him.
It was dusk when they landed at the farm, having to fly slower for Kal X to keep up. On the way Kara had been silent and her only exclamation was when she saw a flock of birds passing in the opposite direction which she seemed fascinated by nearly twisting out of Clarks grip as he flew.
As they landed at the farm the porch light was on and a sweep of his X ray vision revealed a large chicken in the oven and his adoptive mother standing in the kitchen.
Kara seemed fascinated by everything but she stayed silent just staring around her. Silence greeted them to the door and this time Clark politely knocked and listened as his mother tittered and then came to answer the door.
"I knew you would be back for Din-oh" she cut off as she got the door open fully when she saw Kara
"Clark?" She asked slowly looking up from Kara to his face.
"Mum, this is Kara Zor-El my cousin" Clark simply introduced
"And we're sure about that?" She questioned again
"I'm sure" Clark responded
"Well of your sure" Martha mumbled and opened the door wider to let them all inside. Kal X bobbing along the ceiling of the porch.
"Don't be so pessimistic mother" Clark chimed in as they entered
"I'm allowed to be do you have any idea how many times time travelers came to mess you up as a baby" she paused as she motioned for them to sit down at the dinner table "If I wasn't pessimistic you wouldn't be alive" she finished and began serving up for the three of them
"She's quiet" Martha observed as she felt out the food
"Kara doesn't speak English yet" Clark replied, "that's why I brought Kal X to help her"
Martha made a noncommittal noise and began to serve the food to Clark and Kara carrying the plates to them.
Kara looked at her good and spoke a string of Kryptonian. Kal X soon translated for her.
"Mistress Kara has recited the feasting of family as is traditional on krypton for a meal among families who have not seen her for awhile"
Martha nodded and seemed just a little shocked, "Your language is beautiful" she responded and she watched as the teen flushed with the compliment as she read it off Kal X who had resumed his ticker tape translations for faster communication.
Martha swore a little as as took the chicken out the oven, "Clark it's not quite finished would you mind giving it a zap?" She walked around the kitchen island holding the chicken with oven gloved hands and placed the tray down on the table infringement of Clark
"Sure" he smiled at his mother as he went to move his glasses that he wasn't wearing then used his heat vision.
He wasn't quite expecting Karas reaction to his eyes. Screaming out in Kryptonian in fear she backed her chair far away from the table and had moved to use it as a shield
Both Clark and Martha were more than a little confused at the reaction.
"Are you sure she's your cousin, because that is a rather strange reaction to Heat Vision" Martha commented mentally figuring out where hr nearest weapon was
"She's never seen it before apparently Kryptonians only have powers under the yellow sun, Krypton was under a red sun"
Martha's eyebrow raised. "That's news" she murmured under her breathe, "Also explains your addiction to sunny D"
Clark ignored her and focuses on getting his cousin out from behind the chair where she was now shaking in fear. Calling Kal X down as well to ask her what was wrong.
It took awhile but through Kal X eventually they got to the position where Kara was sat on his lap and eating between explains what was wrong and why his heat vision had made her react that way.
It took awhile as their was still the large language barrier but Clark found out that Kara's mother was a prominent judge and Kara had been kidnapped by some of her less than happy friends of prisoners she had put away and they had burnt her with their heat vision when she tried to escape once.
Kara showed Clark the scar on her back moving the large nightgown she was wearing to reveal the scar. Clark winced a little and put her nightgown back into place.
"You can't be hurt like that here, look" and Clark picked up a fork and stabbed it hard Into his arm and the fork bent then he handed it to Kara who put her hand down and tried the same thing tentatively to her arm and smiled as it didn't hurt her.
Martha raised an eyebrow at the ruining of her cutlery but didn't say anything as she continued to eat.
Kara ate fast when she finally felt comfortable on Clarks knee and Clark let her have more of his own deciding he could get takeout later if he got hungry which would be very likely plus it was possible his mum had-
"Pudding?" Martha asked
She might as well have read his mind. Martha got up, "Clark could you clear up the plates while i grab the pudding"
"Sure" Clark agreed and he quickly super sped the dishes away and into the washer without Kara having to move.
Kara laughed as her hair whipped violently in the wind Clark create do.
Martha chuckled to herself as she grabbed some ice cream from the freezer and then three spoons
"Which flavor do you think Karas going to like" Martha asked as she handed out the spoons and plopped the ice cream tub in front of them all and sitting down.
"Well long as it's not Strawberry!" Clark joked and handed Kara a spoon and they all dug in. Clark knew his mother preferred vanilla as when he was younger they always bought Neapolitan ice cream as Clark loved strawberry his mum loved vanilla and his dad used to devour the chocolate.
At first Kara tried all flavours before deciding that the chocolate was her favourite and now her domain. Soon Martha stopped eating not having as much of a portion as the two Kryptonians who had soon finished he'd the entire tub between them.
"Hungry?" Martha commented jokingly from the kitchen as she heard the spoons scrape the bottom of the tub
"It's been a long day" Clark replied he got up and popped Kara back onto the chair as he went into the kitchen to talk to his mother.
"So I really need to get back to the daily planet so I'm just going to say goodbye then head off"
Martha's eyes narrowed, "Goodbye to who" she asked knowing the answer but needing the confirmation to face off against her son
"Kara?" He trailed out slowly
"Does that mean you are leaving me with a Kryptonian teenager who knows nothing about this planet her powers and doesn't even speak english"
"Err yes?" Clark said wincing a little he knew his mother's tones
"No, clearly you cannot drop a teenager on me Kryptonian or not I can't just drop everything!"
Clark winced "But I can't take her I just started at the planet and you know superman duties as well.."
"No Clark Kent you do not get to make your inconveniences bigger than mine by calling the superman card" Martha hissed at him, "She family you said it yourself what's so bad about you dropping everything to help her?"
Clark thought about it a little but he couldn't stop his work he had just gotten a reputable position at the planet. There was one place though…
"Fine, sorry for assuming mum and thanks for your hospitality tonight and the lovely food" he gave her a hug as she huffed at him in mock annoyance
"Kara" Clark called out and held out his hand, "Time to go"
Kara looked to Kal X then ran to Clark and grabbed his hand speaking Kryptonian which Kal X translated hovering just behind her
"Mistress Kara would like to know where we are travelling"
"To my home" Clark replied, Martha smiled
"Bye Kara it was lovely to meet you" she waved as they headed for the door
Kara replied in Kryptonian and Kal x stayed to respond to Martha before flying off behind the Kryptonians.
Clark headed first to the top of the daily planet building to grab his bag of clothes eve fire swooping into his apartment through the balconies open window.
Placing Kara down on the sofa he quickly changed into regular clothes including the glasses.
Looking around his flat he saw the answer machine was flashing with multiple missed messages. Shit. Probably all from his boss secretary maybe one from Jimmy.
"Kal el?" A voice questioned from behind him. He turned to see Kara looked terrible Like something was affecting her head
Kara moaned and held her head Kal X hadn't arrived yet, Clark had decided not to keep slow to make sure it kept up so that superman wouldn't be seen. If his arms weren't full he would have grabbed him too but alas Kara was precious cargo.
She had her hands over her ears as though she was trying to keep sound out
"Loud is it loud?" Clark thought back to the first time in the city. It had been a little strange to be able to hear so much in so much noise and had taken him awhile to getting use to the change from the countryside and able to pinpoint areas to listen on, maybe this was happening here
"Kara Kara concentrate on my voice concentrate on me and no one else and let the other voices float away" he tried speaking softly but it seemed Kara couldn't hear him amongst the noise
He tried again louder trying to get through to her, "Kara please try to concentrate on my voice"
It was then that Kal X flew in through the window
"Kal X thank goodness I need your help her super hearing she can't focus and it's overwhelming her"
Kal X clicked into action and a song began to play from his speakers. Clark recognised it even though he had never heard it before as far as he knew but it calmed down Kara instantly as she was able to focus on the robot in front of her and her hands came away from her ears as she came out of the ball she had curled into and looked at the robot so lost.
Clark sighed and moved away to another part of his apartment what was he going to do with her. He couldn't help her in the way she needed if he wanted to continue his life as it was.
Thinking back to where he had thought of earlier to take her . She would be safe from the evils of the earth but definitely not safe from the evils within, Maybe he could bargain with them. To get rid of the kryptonite and in exchange help him with Kara.
He would sleep on it for a few days, see how things went before he considered the DEO option.