Clarke's first heat

On the arc all alphas and omegas are given a small implant in their arm when they turn twelve. The implants functionality turn all alphas and omegas on the arc into betas. But the implants need to be replaced every three years or else they are likely to wear off and stop working. No one on the arc has ever seen an alpha or omega that wasn't under the effects of the implant, to the point that almost none of the residents of the arc even know what alphas and omegas are. This fic picks up after season two , I'm probably not gonna deal with Allie or any of the city of light stuff tho .

"My Heda we have found her!" Indra called to Lexa proudly.

"Where is my wanheda! Is she ok?" Lexa asked distraught.

"We are unsure, she is held up in a cave not far from here." Indra answered.

"Why haven't you brought her here already then?" Lexa snapped.

"She has a number of guns and she is shooting at anyone who attempts to get close to her." Indra explained.

"How many have we lost attempting to retrieve her?" Lexa questioned grabbing her sword and donning her war attire.

"None my Heda. She isn't shooting to kill any of our people, she began shooting around our feet as a warning but when we pushed on she began shooting just to stop our warriors. " Indra paused. "This is very unlike wanheda, we suspect there is something wrong with her, that she is sick or something." Indra explained.

"Damn it, please be ok Clarke!" Lexa whispered under her breath. "Take me to her now Indra!" Lexa commanded with a scent that would scare even the strongest of alpha's.

"Yes my Heda!" The beta trikru leader replied submissively to Lexa's strong scent.


Clarke didn't know what the hell was going on with her body. She had been fine for months , easily able to avoid the troops that Lexa had regularly been sending after her , searching for the girl that Lexa had betrayed at the mountain. But last night Clarke's movements grew slower , she pushed herself as hard as she could but she was just sloppy and sluggish in her moments. Clarke could feel her temperature spiking , she had no idea why but her whole body felt like it had been light on fire. While attempting to evade the sight of one of Lexa's patrols Clarke was overwhelmed by an unbelievable pain in her core. Clarke couldn't help but scream in pain and double over on pain as the shocks in her core grew. Lexa's patrols immediately spotted her, and it took everything Clarke had to evade capture long enough to escape into a nearby cave. Clarke didn't want to hurt any of the grounders that followed her into the cave, but when she shot at their feet they continued on. Clarke was extremely cautious to avoid killing any of Lexa's warriors, shooting their feet , legs arms , whatever she knew wouldn't kill them. It became harder and harder to aim as time went on and the pain in her core grew. Clarke could smell something in the air change , and it made the pain worse. Clarke wasn't sure how but she knew that this must be one of Lexi's dirty tricks, she must be resorting to chemical warfare of some sort to force Clarke to talk to her. Clarke knew that Lexa wanted to ensure that she was safe and finally talk to her again after the betrayal at the mountain , but Clarke was stunned that Lexa would resort to whatever she had don't to her now. Clarke felt like she couldn't breathe between the heat building up in her body and the pain that just wouldn't go away. Clarke continued shooting at every grounder that approached her until she heard a familiar voice.

"Clarke, it's me. I'm coming in , shoot me if you want." Lexa offered as she entered the cave.

"What did you do to me?" Clarke yelled looking down the sights of her gun knowing all the same that she couldn't bring herself to shoot Lexa. Clarke once thought she could love Lexa and whether or not Lexa had betrayed her at the mountain Clarke could never bring herself to hurt Lexa.

"Clarke what are you talking about?" Lexa asked.

"M-my body , it's burnin up! And it, it hurts so much!" Clarke cried in pain. "What the hell did you do to me!" Clarke screamed as she attempted to shoot at Lexa's feet to scare her but her vision went blurry in the pain causing her to shoot off to the side far away from Lexa.

"Clarke, do you really not know what is happening to you right now?" Lexa asked sniffing the obvious stench of heat.

"I understand that you were so desperate to find me that you poisoned me somehow!" Clarke yelled angrily.

"Clarke !" Lexa whispered shocked as she ran over to the omega she had been searching for for.

"Stay away from me Lexa!" Clarke demanded as she realized that the closer Lexa got the worst her pain got.

"It will be ok Clarke. We have medicine that will help you with your heat!" Lexa comforted before turning around and screaming. "Bring me a bottle of suppressants!"

"What the hell are you talking about Lexa?" Clarke questioned angrily.

"Poor confused girl!" Lexa cooed sitting in down next to Clarke and taking away her gun slowly to insure the weary omega doesn't accidently shoot anyone.

Clarke growled angrily in reaction to Lexa's condescending words. "What the hell ? Why did I just do that?" Clarke questioned confused as she began to warm to the idea of Lexa talking to her like that.

"You aren't the only one of skaikru to have this problem as of late, we will bring you back to polis and call your mother out to Inform you what is going on." Lexa explained. "Everything that is happening to you is completely natural girl." Lexa comforted as she began softly scratching behind Clarke's ear.

Clarke suddenly began whimpering and one of her legs began shaking happily. "What the hell are you doing to me!" Clarke screamed at Lexa silently loving it. The moment Clarke moved her head to yell at Lexa she whimpered needily at the loss of the fantastic sensation of Lexa scratching behind her ear.

"Just rest girl." Lexa ordered with a wave of calming pheromones. "Ai hod yu in Clarke." Lexa allowed the words she had craved to speak to Clarke for months to slip from her lips as she stretched her arm out to scratch behind Clarke's ear.

"Mhmm what does that mean? And what is that it smells so good!" Clarke moaned as she began to relax and hum happily.

"Better?" Lexa teased ignoring Clarke's first question.

"Mmph yes, much." Clarke agreed against her will. Clarke didn't know how Lexa had forced her to submit to her like that , and it would have infuriated her if she could muster any anger . But as she tried to get angry with Lexa she just got distracted by the scent again that forced her to submit all over again.

"Good girl!" Lexa praised as she saw Indra entering the cave with a water bottle.

Clarke wanted to argue , but she couldn't, she just moaned happily , for some reason loving the sensation of being called good girl by the woman she had once thought she could love before being betrayed.

Even at the thought to Lexa's betrayal Clarke couldn't muster any anger, which slightly scared her , but she once again became distracted and overwhelmed by the scent seemingly coming off of Lexa. "Is that smell you?" Clarke asked weakly.

"Yes girl , that is me." Lexa comforted as she reached out to take the water bottle from Indra " here drink this" Lexa instructed with a slight change in her pheromones towards a more dominant, demanding scent to insure Clarke didn't fight her.

"Yes ma'am." Clarke submitted as Lexa placed the water bottle against her lips. Clarke sipped at the fluid as instructed.

"Good girl." Lexa praised taking the water bottle away.

"Mhmm thank you!" Clarke hummed in response.

"Clarke can you walk?" Lexa questioned.

"Mhmm why would I want to , I have all I need right here!" Clarke smiled as she shifted closer to Lexa and hugged her tight.

Lexa had craved Clarke's embrace for a long time, but it didn't feel right at this moment because she knew it was just Clarke's heat talking. "Ai hod yu in Clarke but we must travel back to Polis , your mother had already been called out to meet you there tonight. She will look over you and make sure you are ok." Lexa informed.

"Mhmm whatever you wish Lexa." Clarke moaned wantonly as she moved to rest her head on Lexa's lap. Clarke then began to rub her face against Lexa, adoring the feeling of Lexa's warm clothing against her skin.

"Clarke what are you doing?" Lexa questioned tensely as she could feel her need to take the omega mount.

"Mhmm you feel so good!" Clarke moaned sensually as if she knew what she was doing.

"Clarke you need to stop." Lexa ordered calmly as she could feel herself beginning to push against her pants.

"Why?" Clarke asked without changing her behavior at all.

"Uugh Clarke!" Lexa moaned feeling her control of her now fully engorged member slip away completely.

"Oh my god Lexa , what is that?" Clarke cried as she began to realize that whatever it was she needed it inside of her right now.

"Well it's something in-between a cock and a clit, all female alphas have them." Lexa explained.

"mhmm it's really sexy!" Clarke moaned eagerly moving closer to the tent pitched in Lexa's pants.

Lexa couldn't help but giggle at the girl who surely didn't even know her body yet. "After your heat if you want it you will be welcome to it. But for now it's best you not touch it." Lexa advised .

"B-b-but p-please Lexa!" Clarke pleaded hooking her index and middle fingers inside Lexa's pants and pulling gently.

"No! And you will obey me!" Lexa commended with all the alpha force she could muster.

"Yes Lexa." Clarke rested her head on Lexa's leg and stopped moving towards her member.

"Good girl." Lexa praised scratching behind Clarke's ear.

"Mhmm thank you !" Clarke moaned.

"It's time to head over to polis now Clarke. Would you rather walk or would you rather I carry you?" Lexa offered. Clarke didn't answer instead she just curled up against the alpha enjoying her scent. "Looks like I'm carrying you." Lexa chuckled picking up Clarke and carrying Clarke towards polis. Clarke held close to the alpha loving how dominant Lexa was being and how she was talking care of her.

"Lexa, what is happening to me?" Clarke questioned clearly worry by what was happening to her.

"I promise it's completely normal, and you will be ok. Your mom will explain the medical minutia of what is happening to you once we get back to Polis." Lexa comforted with a kiss to the omega's forehead.

"Mhmm" Clarke moaned and rested her head against the alpha.

"That's a good girl, don't worry everything is ok." Lexa comforted as they approached Polis. Lexa asked Indra who had rode her horse back to Polis and arrived much earlier. "Is her mother here? "

"Yes, Abigail is waiting in your quarters at the top of the tower." Indra informed.

"Good." Lexa nodded.

"Do you need help carrying her?" Indra offered gesturing to take the Omega.

"Hands off my omega!" Lexa yelled loud enough that the whole camp could hear.

"Yes my Heda , I apologise my Heda." Indra replied finally understanding why Lexa had gone to such lengths to find Clarke.

"Lexa what's an omega? And why should Indra keep her hands off of yours?" Clarke asked Innocently looking up at Lexa.

"Umm" Lexa paused, afraid of seeming weak in front of her troops but also not wanting Clarke to think that Lexa thought of her as a possession. "I will explain later, in the meantime I will just say I am sorry, I let my inner alpha get the better of me." Lexa whispered into Clarke's ear. Lexa earned a number of questionative looks from her soldiers. The grounders always respected their omegas , however to see Lexa who should be a strong alpha apologizing to an omega from Skaikru left them all doubting the strength of their Heda. This doubt caused a number of hushed doubtful growls to come from the soldiers around her.

Lexa replied to this defiance with a demanding growl and a strong dominant scent that silenced all of the growls from her troops. Lexa then rushed up to her quarters where Abigail was waiting for them fearful of her authority becoming even weaker.

"Oh god Lexa thank you for bringing her back to me!" Abigail cried.

"She stays here for the duration of her heat , and then she decides to go where she wants!" Lexa informed.

"I'm sure she will choose to come home after this." Abigail noted.

"If that is what she wishes then that it what she will do. But I want her to have a choice. Especially if Skaikru is to be added into the coalition." Lexa advised.

"Yes Lexa , now do you wish to be here while I explain to Clarke what she is?" Abigail asked.

"If you don't mind yes I would like to stay by her side. She has already taken some of our suppressants so my presence won't put her through any more pain." Lexa requested.

"Yes that will be fine." Abigail nodded. "There is a bed over there , can we allow her to rest in it?" Abigail requested.

"Clarke are you ok with sleeping in my bed tonight?" Lexa asked hopefully.

"Only if you sleep in it with me!" Clarke answered happily.

"I've been informed your culture didn't take advantage of omegas on this state?" Abigail asked judgingly.

"Of course we don't take advantage of them! Omegas are to be praised and taken care of!" Lexa answered offended.

"So I can trust you not to take advantage of my daughter while she is in her heat?" Abigail asked condescendingly.

"Yes you can!" Lexa growled.

Clarke felt very left out and confused as her mother and Lexa spoke. When Clarke heard the strong alpha growl from Lexa she couldn't help but moan and lean harder against Lexa , needing her touch for some reason. "Lexa?" Clarke asked still awaiting a response to her earlier request.

"Ai hod yu in Clarke , of course girl. I will sleep with you tonight." Lexa smiled and kissed Clarke's forehead.

"Yay!" Clarke cheered as she snaked her hands around Lexa to hug her tight.

"May I please begin the examination of my daughter now ?" Abigail requested impatient.

"Yes of course." Lexa assured moving over to the bed and placing Clarke down on the bed.

"Thank you." Abigail thanked as she began examining Clarke.

"Can one of you please explain what is going on with me , and why that thing Lexa had me drink helped so much with the pain?" Clarke asked.

"Clarke, there are three types of people , alphas, omegas , and betas. On the arc, do you remember the implant we placed here every three years ? I know you helped me put them in some people." Abigail began explaining as she squeezed at the inside of Clarke's upper arm. Abigail made a face when she squeezed around at the place where she remembered placing the implant in her daughter. "It was a more extreme version of what Lexa gave you earlier. It's called a suppressants. The implant made it so that even though you are actually an omega you never had any heats and you had the scent and sense of smell of a beta." Abigail explained.

"What is a beta and an omega?" Clarke asked still pretty confused.

"Everyone from the arc was essentially a beta. Betas don't have heats or ruts , and they don't have the strong scent or sense of smell that Omegas and alphas have. Alphas tend to be stronger , bigger , and more dominant. They also have ruts. When an alpha ruts they become incredibly horny and they pretty much want to fuck anything with a pulse, female alphas will grow a phallus from their clit and when in the presence of an omega in heat any alpha who engages in intercourse will form a knot to increase the likelihood of conception." Abigail explained.

Lexa blushed as Clarke turned her head towards her at the mention of female alphas growing phalluses. "So you are an alpha?" Clarke questioned.

"Yes I am." Lexa smiled.

"What's a knot." Clarke tilted her head interested in the word she didn't understand.

"It's kinda a bulb that forms at the base of an alpha's erection to stretch the inside of an omega and lock their member Inside of an omega." Lexa explained.

Clarke began painting at the idea of a knot. "Mhmm!" Clarke moaned. " Can you knot me? It sounds amazing?" Clarke requested of Lexa.

"She is a little out of it from the suppressants." Lexa explained to Abigail.

"A little?" Abigail laughed. "Anyway, you are an omega, which means you have heats. That is what is happening to you now. Elevated heart rate, heightened temperature, pain in your core, extra susceptible to the scent of alphas, craving physical affection ?" Abigail listed off symptoms.

"Yeah I have all of those." Clarke nodded.

"You may also be rather aroused?" Abigail lead Clarke hesitantly , feeling awkward about talking to her daughter about this subject.

"Yeah really." Clark's eyed widened as she nodded.

"That is normal, heats are a part of a healthy omega's mating cycle. While on the arc we didn't allow alphas and omegas to go through heats and ruts because some alphas can grow violent towards omegas especially ones in heat , so having everyone betas made things easier. But when we crashed the arc into the ground we lost all of our suppressants implants . So now you will have monthly heats." Abigail explained.

"Oh ok makes sense." Clarke nodded.

" Now you will want to mate with any and every alpha you see during your heats, but it's important you take meticulous care with who you sleep with during your heat." Abigail warned.

"Wait why?" Clarke questioned.

" Because if you allow an alpha to knot inside of you , you and that alpha will be bonded together for life." Abigail explained. " Knotting bonds an alpha and an omega , and it will allow you to feel the things the alpha you are bonded to feels and visa versa. Bonding is permanent and it will tie you and an alpha together for life . Once bonded alphas and omegas become completely oblivious to the scent of anyone other than their bonded mate. I would suggest you wait until you are not in heat to talk to anyone you wish to bond with and then bond with that person during your next heat if both of you are interested in bonding." Abigail informed.

"I think I have a handle on it?" Clarke replied.

"Good. I'm not bonded with anyone because my implant is still working, so I can't help you fully understand bonding, but you have some friends back at Arcadia that are bonded and I will send them out here tomorrow to talk to you." Abigail offered.

"Ok sounds good." Clarke yawned.

"Your suppressants should make you tired , so it would be a good idea to get some sleep." Lexa recommend.

"Yeah I'm exhausted." Clarke yawned again.

"Get some sleep." Abigail suggested. " I can look you over in the morning." Abigail continued.

"Someone will find you somewhere to sleep." Lexa offered.

"Thank you. Take care of her." Abigail instructed walking out to the guards outside of Lexa's room who showed her where she would be staying.

"I will!" Lexa replied. "Clarke you ready to sleep?" Lexa asked. Cuddling up to the omega.

"Yeah, mhmm this feels good!" Clarke moaned feeling the comfort of Lexa cuddling up against her.

"Hmm good. Sleep girl." Lexa instructed holding the omega she already felt was her own.

End of chapter 1

Author's note: This story is an idea that I have been sitting on for a while and It has been bugging me that I hadn't written it yet , so I sat down and pounded out the first three or so chapters. At first none of them felt right , but Now after a lot of editing I have this chapter to a point that i'm at least kinda happy with it. Please review/comment , I need some feedback to know how good/bad this fic is so far. Also constructive criticism is like super needed right now lol. I'm trying to get this story to work as hard as I can but Idk something just feels kinda off each chapter and that is why none of my other stories got updated all weekend.