As the Guard waited at Rafiki's tree for the lionesses to come Kion couldn't tear himself away from Fuli's side.

"Why did this have to happen to you of all animal's Fuli?" Kion asked, "You did not deserve this."

"You have feelings for her yes?" asked Rafiki surprising Kion.

"Wha- What do you mean?" replied Kion.

"Don't try to avoid it my dear boy, I have seen that look before that you give her!" he laughed. "I saw it when your sister fell for Kovu."

"Heh, only you and Kiara have been able to figure out that I love Fuli," Kion said.

"From what I have heard you are too afraid!" Rafiki exclaimed "Too afraid to confess!"

"Who told you that?" he asked.

"Ha! Wouldn't you like to know!" replied Rafiki.

"It was Kiara wasn't it or was it my father or Kovu?" asked Kion.

"You will not get the answer from me!" he laughed.

"What does it matter anyway? It was my fault that she is like this because I sent her right to those Outlanders! It's not like I can confess to her now." Kion stated.

"Maybe not. When you are able to however you should." Rafiki said.

"I know that my sister already convinced me to and she explained why." Kion replied.

"Then she is right then!" he said. "Take it from the baboon that worked hard to get those two together!"

"From what I heard you just sung a song about love." he said.

"You try to make an entire song about love then trying it out not knowing how it will work!" exclaimed Rafiki.

"Alright, alright I see your point." Kion said.

"Do the others know of your love?" Rafiki asked.

"I don't think they do." he replied. "My sister said that they did not know when she confronted me about that but now, with the way I'm acting, I am not so sure."

Where the rest of the Guard where….

"Why did this have to happen?" asked Beshte.

"I don't know Beshte. I don't know." replied Ono

"Man this entire situation is messed up!" exclaimed Bunga. "Without Fuli how will be able to work as an entire team?"

"With all of the reinforcements coming I don't think that it will matter." stated Ono.

"Yeah there is that." he replied. "Hey have you guys noticed how Kion has been acting?"

"What do you mean?" asked Beshte.

"I mean that ever since we got here he hasn't left Fuli's side and he looks like he is still extremely worried even though Rafiki said she will be fine." Bunga replied.

"So? What is that supposed to mean?" Ono asked. "She is a part of the Guard of course he would be worried about her."

"Ono when your eyesight was messed up and you couldn't do much Kion did not act like the way he is acting with Fuli!" he stated.

"What are you saying then Bunga?" Beshte asked.

"I have been Kion's friend before he became the leader of the Lion Guard so I know him more than most. I think that he is starting to like Fuli more than just friends." replied Bunga.

"That is ridiculous!" Ono said. "Why would he like Fuli like that?"

"Think! She is the only female on the Guard, he doesn't like any other lioness like Tiifu or Zuri and even Jasiri he does not like that way!" he exclaimed. "If that isn't enough I saw Kiara talk to both him and Fuli and both seemed to walk away a bit more relaxed than when we all saw that they were both stressed that day!"

"Fine Bunga. So what if they like each other?" Ono said.

"Yeah it is not our business to get into their personal lives." Beshte stated.

"Yeah I know that but you would think that with how close we are that we would've figured it out by now." said Bunga.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Either way they seem to hide it well. Probably afraid of what we would say if we found out." Ono said.

"I don't have a problem with it. I am just wondering why they didn't already get together or why Kion hasn't even told me! He tells me everything!" replied Bunga.

"Some people just want some things private Bunga." Beshte said.

As the sun was directly overhead, Simba and the other lionesses came into view.

"Everyone they are here!" Ono said.

When they came up Kion greeted his father and the rest of the lionesses that came to his aid.

"What happened Kion?" Simba asked while looking at Fuli and Kovu.

"It was the Outlanders. They have gone and kidnapped Kiara and almost killed Kovu and Fuli."

"Why would they do this?" he asked. "The only big things they do is attack a herd or ambush one of our lionesses."

"I do not know but Kovu said that before he was knocked out that Janja said that he had a plan for Kiara and that was it." Kion replied.

"I have had it with these Outlanders. Time and time again they attack the Circle of Life without no restraint trying to destroy it and no matter how many times we defeat them they keep on coming back!" yelled Kion. "We can't let them keep on doing this father otherwise one day they will wipe out our herds and turn the land back to the days of Scar's rule. With your permission, once we rescue Kiara, I would sentence the Outlanders to death."

"This event has taken an emotional toll already on both your mother and I." stated Simba. "If you would have asked me this before I would have declined with the utmost certainty but now I believe what you said is right. Yes you may sentence them to death once we have Kiara rescued."

"I know a call like that is hard to make father but it is for the best interests for everyone of the Pridelands that it was made," Kion replied.

"Alright then now that we have gotten past the grave part of this, what is the plan?" asked Simba.

"Well normally I would have Fuli scout the area and try to find her but that is not possible now." Kion said.

"Hold on a minute! Vitani! Come here please," said Simba.

"Yes my King?" Vitani asked as she approached.

"When you were with your mother weren't you a scout for her?" he asked.

"Yes I was. Do you need my help?" she asked.

"Yes we do. If you could, sneak into the Outlands, where the hyenas and vultures are, and try to find my sister?" asked Kion.

"I will do my best," Vitani replied before taking off in the direction of the Outlands.

"If what I have heard about her from Kovu is true it should not take long at all for her to find Kiara." he replied.

Like he said it did not take long for Vitani to return.

"What did you see Vitani?" asked Kion.

"She is being held in a small cave while two hyenas stand guard out front, the cave itself jutts out from the ground so the back is exposed," she said. "The main group of the hyenas and vultures are not that far in front of the cave."

"So you are saying that we could sneak up from behind the cave and surprise them?" he asked.

"Yes that is the idea," Vitani replied.

"Are there any guards in the back?" asked Kion.

"No there are not. They aren't that smart which is why, when I was with my mother, we stayed away from them," she said.

"Good. That is our plan of action then!" shouted Kion to the rest. "We need to move now to rescue Kiara since they would expect us to come at night."

As the Guard and the lionesses took off in the direction of the Outlands Rafiki yelled "Go! Go and bring the ones to justice for doing this on the day of love!"

When they arrived the planning of the rescue begun.

"Alright now me, Simba and Vitani will go into the cave to secure Kiara. The rest battle the outlanders once we are inside," stated Kion. "Do not let them escape. Knock them unconscious if you have to."

With the planning concluded they lept into action.

Back at the Rafiki's tree Fuli was starting to come to.

"Wh- What happened? Whe- Where am I?" she asked.

"You, my girl, are with Rafiki!" he said startling her.

"Ouch! How did I get here? I don't remember walking all the way here." Fuli said.

"Because you didn't! You were not that far away from my tree when you passed out," said Rafiki. "So I had to carry you all the over here!"

"Wow that must have been hard for you to do." she said surprised.

"I look week I know but looks can be deceiving." he replied.

"Where is Kion and the rest of the Guard?" Fuli asked.

"Oh they had already came by here," answered Rafiki. "Kion even roared for the help of the lionesses to aid in the rescue!"

"He was quite upset when he saw you hurt." he stated. "He never left your side until the reinforcements arrived."

He did that for me? She thought.

"Too bad for those Outlanders though! Kion asked Simba to put them to death!" Rafiki said.

"What!?" Fuli exclaimed knowing Kion did not ever want to take a life.

"Yes he did! He asked Simba to allow him to sentence them to death by the Roar!" he replied.

"Oh no! He can't do that!" Fuli replied.

"Why not?" asked Rafiki.

"Because he of all of the Guard should know that if you use the Roar out of hate or vengeance you will lose it!" she said.

"Oh dear, now I did not think of that." he replied.

"I must stop him from doing it!" said Fuli as she started to get up.

"But you are in bad shape! You will be an easy target!" Rafiki said surprised.

"I don't care! If I don't go he will lose the Roar and the Lion Guard will fall apart just like it did with Scar!" she replied. "And besides I have a feeling that the battle will be already over by the time I get there."

At the cave Kion had just went in and found his sister Kiara.

"Kiara! Are you alright?" he asked.

"Ugh. I think so." Kiara said. "Where is Kovu?"

"He was badly injured and is now at Rafiki's tree recovering now along with Fuli." Simba said.

"Fuli? What happened to Fuli?" she asked.

Kion trying to hold back his tears and anger said, "She was ambushed by the hyenas. They probably thought that if they took out one of own that we wouldn't respond so quickly but, by what I can hear outside, they were sorely mistaken."

"Oh my. Will she be alright?" asked Kiara.

"Yes. Rafiki said that her wounds weren't life threatening so she should make a good recovery but she does have a broken rib," he replied. "We have to get you out of here. The battle should be just about over. We will wait it out."

As the battle drew to the end they emerged from the cave.

"Gather them all in one spot!" Kion yelled.

When they were all together Janja started to talk. "How? How could you have done all of this so fast?"

"You underestimate us Janja. You did not think about all the other lionesses that are with us," Kion said "I am able to call for the aid at anytime if I or the Guard are in need of it."

"What was your plan regarding my daughter?" Simba demanded.

"Heh no use now. I was planning to keep her as a hostage. Use her to get a piece of the Pridelands and still keep her as collateral just in case you would try to take it back." he replied.

"You never learn do you?" Kion asked. "No matter what you do the Circle of Life will always exist it will never go away."

"You have failed to learn your lesson from the previous encounters along with the rest of your gang so by the power I have I hereby sentence you to death. Kion if you please." stated Simba.

"You have brought this upon yourself Janja," Kion asked as he prepared himself.

"No! You can't do this!" he exclaimed.

"I can and I must," Kion replied as he prepared the Roar.

Just as he was about to use the Roar a word broke out.

"STOP!" yelled Fuli.

Recognizing the voice Kion immediately stopped and turned to where he heard Fuli's voice.

"What are you doing here Fuli!?" Kion asked.

As she approached she said, "This is not the way Kion! You of all of us should know that if you use the Roar out of hate or vengeance you WILL lose it."

"Fuli they have never learned there lesson despite all of the times we have defeated them!" he exclaimed.

"I know that but it does not matter! Yes they may never learn their lesson but it doesn't mean they have to be put to death. It is in our groups name we guard the Pridelands no matter what enemy even if it is the same one," Fuli said.

"After what they did to you, you still believe that they should be spared?" Kion asked.

"Yes! As much as I want them to be out of our lives forever no animal should be put to death that doesn't fall into the Circle of Life. If you kill them now not only would you lose the Roar, you would go against the thing you swore to defend!" she stated.

There was nothing but silence as Kion thought over what she had just said. Until he finally realized.

"How could I have been so blind?" he asked.

"Hate and fear can make one do things they wouldn't even dream of doing Kion," Fuli replied.

"You are right. I shouldn't have even thought of this idea," he said.

"Let us go back to Pride Rock then since we have Kiara now," Kion said. "But be warned Outlanders, you have learned of what we can do to you when you attack the Circle of Life so rethink about ever stepping into the Pridelands again!"

Janja and his group could do nothing but sit there and accept what he was saying since they were utterly defeated in the battle with the lionesses.

As the were at the edge of the Pridelands it was around evening time and they knew that they would not get back before the moon had risen.

"We will have to sleep at Rafiki's since we have to go there for Kovu anyways," Kion said to the rest as they all agreed.

When they had made it Kovu and Kiara were finally reunited and the rest had started to get some sleep except Kion.

He couldn't sleep so he went atop of a nearby hill and sat there staring into the stars.

"What is wrong Kion?" Fuli asked as she joined him on the hill.

"Oh nothing. I just couldn't sleep," he replied. "What about you?"

"Neither could I. Mostly because of the day and my wounds." she said.

"I'm sorry Fuli." Kion said

"Sorry for what," she wondered.

"Sorry for sending you out there to the Prideland's edge. If I hadn't done that then you wouldn't be hurt right now," he replied as he hung his head.

Fuli used her paw to make him look her in the eyes.

"It wasn't your fault Kion. I don't blame you in the slightest for what happened," Fuli said.

"Yeah everyone else said the same thing," Kion chuckled.

"Well they were right then," she laughed as well.

As they both sat there staring in the stars the one thing that they wanted to confess popped into their heads.

"Fuli there is something I have been meaning to say to you," Kion said nervously.

"Same with me Kion. I have been holding it back for too long now," she replied.

"Do you want to go first or should I?" he asked.

"Let's say it at the same time," Fuli said.

They said in unision "Three," "Two," "One,"

"I love you" they both had said.

"Wh- What? You love me?" Kion asked.

"Y- You as well?" she asked.

"Yes Fuli I Love you. I started to have feelings for you a few months before we left on our journey," he replied almost choking up.

"I love you too Kion. I too started to have them before the journey," she said almost choking up as well.

"What do we do now?" Kion asked as their muzzles inched closer and closer.

"The only thing that we can do right now," Fuli replied.

With that the space between the muzzles closed for the kiss. It could not have been a better first kiss. Both having overcome their own problems to get to this moment they enjoyed the kiss for as long as they could before they broke apart. As they both were cuddled together they slept the night away both having finally achieved the thing they were looking for so long and that was Love After Friendship.

I would like to thank you all for reading my very first story that I have written. It has been an amazing time for me writing this story for you all to enjoy. I would also like to thank the people who wrote reviews for my story for it helped inspire me to continue on with the story. I will be writing a sequel to this story but I am not sure if I will post it as another one entirely or continue it off of this story. It will be named however "Forever Together" and I am not sure yet of when the first chapter will be live but I am shooting for the first week in July. Thanks again to all of you!