A/N: My first published story on this site - or anyplace for that matter. It was done to demonstrate to a friend how to use some Story Dice to randomize objects to use in telling or writing a story. This list of items is: socks, computer, photo album, playing cards, fork, railroad spike, refrigerator, sidewalk, spring, thermostat, key chain, cookie.
See You Next Doomsday
"Captain's Log, stardate 6..."
Captain James T. Kirk looked at the chronometer on the wall. He had stopped because it read the date as "6eH7". He got up and tapped the side of the timepiece. The display flashed and faded completely.
Great, he thought to himself as he sighed. We can measure time down to the smallest unit imaginable but can't make a battery that lasts longer than a few months in space. He'd just have to insert the correct time later.
"Captain's Log, supplemental" he resumed. "While on a routine restocking stop for the Enterprise at BigBox 7 we received a call from Commodore Shamphan requesting we meet him as soon as possible. We are now en route to Starbase 122 to meet the Commodore to discuss some matter of delicacy which he would not divulge over the subspace channel."
At that moment the com signal notified Kirk of a message from the bridge. Switching on the viewer, he saw the face of his trusted first officer Mr. Spock. "Captain," he said "we are ten minutes from our arrival at Starbase 122."
"Thank you Mr. Spock, enter orbit over the starbase and meet me in the transporter room. Have Uhura inform the Commodore that we will be beaming to their main transporter room in twenty minutes. Kirk out."
Twenty minutes later Kirk and Spock materialized in the transporter room, where they were met by an ensign and escorted to a conference room. Commodore Shamphan rose and approached Kirk and shook his hand. "Thanks for coming so quickly Jim, I knew you wouldn't take long. Greetings to you too, Mr. Spock" he nodded to the first officer.
Spock returned the acknowledgement. "Commodore, the captain is as perplexed as I concerning the nature of the problem. Your message gave no details."
"No Mr. Spock, it didn't. I'm afraid Starfleet might be in a bit of an embarrassing situation here. Jim, take a look at this" he said, handing over a small piece of paper to Kirk. The captain unfolded the paper and read the note on the paper out loud:
Storage yard, space 12-33-141-65. Just borrowing, will return it when done.
Jim looked up from the paper, not much more enlightened that before. "I know what the storage yard is, but what was 'borrowed' and by who?"
"By WHOM Captain" corrected Spock.
"Thank you Spock - by WHOM, Commodore?"
"We don't know Jim," replied Shamphan "there was no name given and we show absolutely no trace of anyone entering the area. However, I can tell you what was in that space; records list the Doomsday Machine that you disabled two years ago. We had it towed to the yard where it is going to be studied by top men."
"Which men?"
"Top men. They've been a bit backlogged lately and are just finishing up on something called an Ark. But along with the note we found these items."
The commodore handed over a pair of socks and a small handheld computer. "The Enterprise is the closest ship around, just like it always seems to be. To be honest, though, with budget cutbacks it's the only ship flying right now; the other six Constellation class ships are in the shop due to a recall on their shuttle airbags. Head over to the yard and investigate what went on and what we can do about it. If word gets out that the Doomsday machine is running around again, panic will spread faster than cat videos on the ultranet."
"We're on it" Kirk assured the Commodore. He flipped open his communicator and spoke. "Uhura, this is Captain Kirk. Have senor staff meet me in the main briefing room in fifteen minutes. In the meantime, have Mr. Kyle beam Mr. Spock and myself back aboard the Enterprise." Thank you Commodore, we'll start our investigation at the storage yard. Do you suspect any Klingon or Romulan mischief?"
"No Jim, I talked to the makeup department and there are no calls for Klingon or Romulan prosthetics in this story so it looks like someone else is responsible. Good luck, I've got to get back to another problem." The Commodore returned to his desk, where he continued to roll six 6-sided dice."
"Commodore, the odds of rolling the same number on all 6 dice are 46,656 to 1"
"Never tell me the odds" replied the Commodore, as he returned his attention to rolling dice as Kirk and Spock dematerialized.
Back on the Enterprise Kirk and Spock entered the main briefing room, now abuzz with low voices as the staff discussed among themselves the sudden call to gather. Taking their places at the main table, Kirk came straight to the point. "I've been in communication with Commodore Shamphan, and we have a mission the nature of which cannot leave this room."
"Oh" said Chekov, "you mean the missing Doomsday machine?"
"By a person or persons unknown?" chimed in Sulu.
Kirk gave a look half-way between disgust and astonishment at his officers. "How did you know about this?"
"Well," said Uhura "I looked up Starfleet's social media page and the story was on there, along with a few music videos and a cute new recruitment ad with cats."
Kirk sighed and continued. "Since we all seem to know the mission, there's no point in having a meeting...about what...you already know about. Let's return to our stations and get to the storage yard. If Mr. Scott has finally installed the bathrooms on the bridge, I suggest everyone go before we start our investigation."
"I'd a got the loo in sooner Captain, but ya keep breakin' my ship" Scotty said in a low voice as several of the personnel hurried out of the room to be first in line. "Besides, it only took 4 years to get 'em in. It's a wonder sanitation didn't have more messes to clean up."
Shortly thereafter, the Enterprise arrived at the storage yard where all manner of odd spacecraft and alien artifacts were stored, either waiting to be studied or simply put aside in a safe place because their fates hadn't decided yet. Kirk and Spock beamed over to the small ship that was the caretaker's office and living quarters.
"Ah," they were greeted "Zathras knew you would come. Zathras not know much, but know this." He walked up and studied Kirk, clicking and tsking. "Not the one, no, not the one."
"The one what?" asked Kirk.
"Zathras cannot say. Will know when Zathras sees. Then will tell. Very difficult."
"Did you see or hear anything of the theft?" asked Spock.
"Zathras see nothing, hear nothing. But then Zathras cannot hear in vacuum of space. Zathras fail at many things. Poor Zathras."
Learning nothing new, Kirk and Spock took a shuttle out to the coordinates of where the Doomsday machine had been stored. Spock took readings of the area and told Kirk he had a theory but needed to get back on board the Enterprise to work with the ship's computers.
An hour later Spock looked up from the computer at the science station and addressed the captain. "Captain, I've taken extensive readings of the area and believe I have a method to follow which way the Doomsday machine went. Recall that it chopped and sliced up planets to produce smaller rubble to feeds its engines; all that destruction has left a fine coat of dust over the outer surface of the ship, and it appears that it is leaving behind a trail of dust and debris as it moves."
"You mean like leaving a trail of bread crumbs?" asked Chekov.
"There would be no logical reason why someone would leave behind a trace of baked goods through space," said Spock "but I suggest we follow the trail, Captain."
"That's the best and only plan we have. Sulu, coordinate with Mr. Spock and follow that trail at best speed."
After consulting with Mr. Spock, Sulu turned the ship about and headed out following the trail. "The trail seems to be holding a straight course captain" he said after a few minutes.
"Keep an eye on it Lieutenant," Kirk stated "we don't want to zig if it zags. Mr. Spock, have you studied the items found with the note?"
"Yes Captain, I have. They appear to be a pair of men's socks, a pair available on hundreds of worlds. The handheld computer seems to be intact, but is keyed to operate only on a particular person's brainwaves." He handed the computer over to Kirk, who took it and inspected it more closely. It had many colored buttons and small screen, all dark. No amount of pushing or pulling caused any reaction from the device.
"Any DNA evidence on the socks?"
"Negative captain, they appear to be new and never worn."
Suddenly, the klaxon sounded as a sparkling field flashed around Kirk. It subsided quickly, and the man sitting in the captain's chair looked around with a bewildered look on his face. "Are you okay captain?" asked Spock.
Sam/Kirk glanced down at his uniform, felt his face and jumped up to rush over to a blank console; there, he stared at his reflection in the screen. "Oh boy" he said.
"Captain" said Spock, "the computer in your hand is active." Sam held up the device and punched buttons, causing it to scream and chirp while making a variety of noises.
Sam/Kirk looked off to his right, where no one was standing. "Al" he said, "Ziggy says I'm here for what?" There was a silent pause as Sam/Kirk appeared to listen to something. "Why would I need to do that? Who do I tell?" He turned to Spock and said "Mr. Spark, you'll find the trail leads to the planet Magrathea. There you will need one of these items." A shimmer beside him revealed a photo album and playing cards.
Immediately afterward, the sparkling field flashed around the captain again for a moment and was gone. Kirk shook his head and said "How strange Spock, for a minute or two I thought I was in a small white waiting room." Then I was back here again.
"Indeed captain. And the device was active during that time as you appeared to use it. It is inactive again."
"I have no memory of using the device, Spock."
"Then captain, I suggest for a period of time you weren't yourself."