This is it! The last chapter! Thank you guys times infinity! I have received nothing but support from all of you. You may not realize it, but that's a pretty amazing gift from all of you! Like I said before, I have a prompt to work on after this that I got from Twitter but feel free to send me your prompts. My twitter handle is Sarah_Jeanne17 and my Tumblr is sarahcu9!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Arrow or any of it's characters or anything else that is or may be affiliated with it. This story is for entertainment purposes only.

Chapter Twelve


"You look amazing! You are going to knock him off his feet Lis!" Thea gushed as she made a few last minute touches to Felicity's hair.

"Thank you, Thea. And not just for this. For everything the last few years." Felicity said as she grabbed Thea's hand in gratitude.

"I should thank you for the past few years. You're amazing and I'm so lucky to be your friend. Well, now I'm even luckier and will be able to call you sister in a few short hours." Thea said with a watery grin.

"You girls ready? It's time." Laurel said as she poked her head in the door after finishing her own hair and makeup.

"We're ready. When is it going to be yours and Tommy's turn down the aisle?" Thea asked coyly.
"We've spent months planning this wedding. Let's get through this and then we can start planning mine, okay?" Laurel laughed as the other two stood to leave the room.

"Besides Thea, if you want to go down that road, we can always talk about when you and Roy will be tying the knot." Felicity teased the younger girl.

"Please. It was a freaking battle just to get him in a tux for today." Thea rolled her eyes as she spoke.

"You'll get him there. I'm sure of it. Besides, if you want to and he doesn't and then Ollie finds out, he'll change his tune real quick." Laurel answered with a smirk.

"Maybe I should tell him sooner rather than later." Thea mused as they began walking to John at the main doors.

"Thea! Does that mean you do want to get married?" Felicity asked shockingly. Thea had never expressed interest in getting married before. She always said it wasn't something in the cards for her.

"Well, you and Ollie have shown me that I could have been wrong. I mean, look at the two of you. Look at what you do every day and night and you don't seem to struggle." Thea pointed out.

"Oh Thea. While I am deliriously happy with your brother, don't think that Oliver and I don't struggle. We do. We fight, some weeks more than others. From the trivial to the down right life changing. But none of it matters if you love each other. And we do. Just as you and Roy love each other. Jeez, I still can't get him to stop using my towel. And he still gets really mad when I leave my wet towel on the bed. But, that's probably more because I always leave it on his side." Felicity laughed as the other two joined in.

"Okay, okay. We will talk more about my possible engagement and about setting a date for Laurel's after we get you and my brother firmly planted into marital bliss." Thea said as she nodded to one of the workers and the music started up and John took Felicity's arm in his with a smile.

"You look gorgeous, Felicity. You're going to take his breath away." John told her with a fond smile.

"Thank you, John. We wouldn't be here a hundred times over if it wasn't for you." Felicity said as she stretched up to kiss his cheek tenderly.

"Are you ready?" John asked.

"I couldn't be more ready." Felicity answered as the doors opened.

Six months after running Queen Consolidated together, Oliver had proposed to Felicity in their home in front of their friends and family. Felicity had immediately begun planning the event with Thea and Laurel. Felicity had really had the chance to bond with the Lance girl. She understood that the Lance's lives would always be intertwined with the Queen's in a multitude of way. Felicity never wanted anything to be awkward with them and was surprised at how quickly and easily they were able to be friends. Felicity's relationship with Thea had constantly improved. The girls couldn't be any closer and Felicity wouldn't have it any other way. And even though Thea didn't always express how she felt, she wouldn't have had it any other way either.

"Are you happy, Mrs. Queen?" Oliver asked her softly as they danced together as husband and wife for the first time.

"Couldn't be happier, Mr. Queen." Felicity responded with a grin as Oliver pulled her closer and kissed her deeply.

"When do you think we should tell everyone?" Oliver asked as he pulled away from her slightly.
"Let's wait until tomorrow. I think they've had enough excitement for one day, with the news of you actually being off the market truly hitting them." Felicity joked.

"I've been off the market since the day I saw you talking to yourself in the Queen Consolidated offices. Well, talking to my picture first. Telling me how cute I was." Oliver said with a smirk, waiting for the truth to set in. When it did, Felicity's eyes widened as she looked into his.

"What? You? You saw me? How?" Felicity couldn't process it as she thought back to that day in the offices of Queen Consolidated.

She remembered the exact moment he was talking about because it had been her first week with the company and her first late night. She had been scared about being in the offices alone so late. Felicity had just meant to grab the file but was stuck on the image of a younger Oliver Queen. She hadn't been able to stop the attraction she felt as she berated herself for feeling attraction over a photograph. Then she had reminded herself out loud that he was dead. She couldn't believe Oliver had heard her say it. Couldn't believe that he had also been in the office. Felicity didn't even need to know why he had been there. She was sure he would tell her in his own time. Felicity knew that Oliver hadn't spent all five years on the island, as he had been telling her a little at a time of what happened to him.

"I'm just going to put that one down to fate working it's magic." Felicity whispered to him as she noticed he was waiting for her to process the news.

"I'm willing to agree with that." Oliver said with a smile.

"Hmm. And you, Oliver? Are you happy?" Felicity asked him.

"Felicity. I don't believe that I have ever been happier." Oliver said as their song ended and another began and other couples began entering the dance floor.

"That's good. Then maybe now is good time to tell you that Thea has decided she wants to marry Roy, but doesn't think he's interested in marriage." Felicity said quickly, resisting the smirk that wanted to take over her face as Oliver began to glower.
"If my sister wants to get married, he will damn well marry her." Oliver spoke with a determined edge.

"Yeah. You go get him honey." Felicity cheered as she turned and went to speak with Walter and Moira.

Oliver found himself stopping short and narrowing his eyes at his wife as he realized he almost fell for it. He took a deep breath and stopped himself from marching over to Roy and demanding that he get married to his sister. Thea would have probably punched him as Roy laughed. And Oliver just knew that Felicity would have sat back and grinned at the whole thing. So no, Oliver wasn't going to get involved in his sister's love life. He really had learned his lesson in that department. On more than one occasion. Felicity, the little imp, almost had him forgetting the mistake of interfering in Thea's affairs and the consequences that usually came after. He couldn't stay mad at her though, and they both knew it. He found a smile coming to his face as he saw her and his mother hugging while Walter watched happily. Felicity was remarkable. She never ceased to impress, amaze, and humble him. If it hadn't been for her, he would never have fixed his relationship with his mother. There was a good chance he may have even done something he regretted later. Anyone who knew he and Felicity and their secrets, already knew what Oliver had recently discovered. Felicity was the light to his darkness. When the path got dark and Oliver was fumbling along with no direction, she was the one who lit his way. Once you get someone with that kind of light in them, who makes you feel that way. You don't ever let them go.