Author's Note

Well, I can't help but think how fast this story is progressing. I posted this revised edition at May 21 and now we are at chapter 5. I hope the progress will flow unimpeded in the future too.

In this chapter, Hedwig will appear. I have special plan for the owl later, and you must wait patiently for it to unravel.

Now, let's start the story~


Harry Potter and the franchise belonged to J.K. Rowling and WB studios. The author only stole some elements from the story, and he hopes you won't tell the Harry Potter's publisher team because he is afraid of being sued.

Thank you . . .

Extra Note

"Game of Truth Seeker," speaking normally.

Game of Truth Seeker, mulling/thinking in mind.

Game of Truth Seeker Game's notice.

"Game of Truth Seeker," speaking in gobbledygook.

Chapter 05: A wand and An Owl

Walking silently in the dark hall, our protagonist tried his best to be unnoticeable. More than three years he'd lived in this foreboding and gloomy place, cutting himself any contact with outside world and jumping head on into study of magic with zeal that put zealots and crusaders in shame. Yet, he could feel how unwelcome the place was, as though he was in dangerous unfamiliar place, but he preserved.

Three tiring and arduous long years had passed. He'd grown up from once he was before. He wasn't a skinny malnourished child anymore, but a healthy boy to be young adult with confidence and self-respect. His physical transformation affected his Vitality statistic and he found out his low Vitality statistic was because his malnourished state.

The crazy old elf had treated him with care, surprisingly enough, but he didn't delude himself that Kreacher did everything because the elf cared for him. Oh, no, he was aware why Kreacher had treated him with care. He was the only one who could finish what the elf's beloved master — one Regulus Black — had started. For Kreacher, Harry Potter was indispensable wizard, and thus, the elf took care of him as though he was the elf's own master.

Meanwhile, his magical growth was quite . . . surprising. For three years and four months, he had used four hours each day to exercise his Magic control. His magic control had leveled up to third-tier, but he found out the higher the tier, the harder to train it. When his magic control was still at first tier, he only need an hour of exercise to gain 1pt. When his Magic Control reached second tier, the times needed was multiplied — he needed two hours to gain 1pt. When his skill evolved to third-tier, four hours exercise each day could only give him a point.

Nevertheless, he'd ascended from Untrained-Wizard to Apprentice-Wizard. However, to ascend to Adept/Dark Wizard, it was still long way to go.

Shaking his head, our protagonist cleared the useless thoughts from his mind. He traded into the familiar massive library where he mostly spent his time in past year. The Black's Library was dangerous yet interesting place. He could say that with confidence because the place had helped him a lot in his growth.

He walked closer to the black leather couch, sitting alone in the nondescript corner with small round table next to it. Above the table, thick books, heavy tomes and stacks of parchments were laying in chaotic harmony. As he arrived at the couch, he sat his ass down on the comfortable seat. He turned to the table and took single heavy tome. The tome was written in old Germany and he'd invested many times to learn how to write and read that language.

Speaking and listening? He had no problem. His Multilingual skill could cover it. However, writing and reading? He needed to learn before could do it. Thankfully, his eidetic memory helped a lot.

Opening the book, he smelled the ancient smell of the book. One of Black's Library charm was how many interesting and ancient texts were preserved carefully here. This place was a treasure trove for bibliophile.

There isn't dark or light in magic, he mentally quoted one phrase from a book he'd read in this place. The phrase was sounded like Tom's motto — funny enough. Only intent that shapes the magic makes magic malignant or benign, he added shortly after with his own understanding of magic.

From his intensive study, he'd found magic always comes back to intent, focus and willpower. Those three words were the most important foundation to cast magic. However, magic itself was something against nature. It was the natural enemy of law of nature. Through his extensive research in which his eidetic memory and the treasure trove of bibliophile called Black's Library became indispensable assistant and tool, he found out the stronger a wizard or witch, the odder they became. There was a reason behind it. To make magic works, one needs to believe the impossibility and the unusual phenomenon against nature will — can — happen, and because the magic itself is the enemy of natural law, one needs to have distorted mind to go against what non-magical folks believed as a norm. Thus why magical folks looked like a group of barmy men and women with screws loose in their head.

Eyes focusing on the page of the heavy tome, he read the content of the tome silently, patiently and diligently. The tome was about runic language, a language that held mystery and concept in it. It was the language of magic. Each symbol had many meanings. Chaining few symbols would create a runic formula that would become the foundation of mystical effect.

There were many runic languages, such as ancient Egyptian, Elder Futhark, Ancient Chinese, Hebrew, Ancient Greek, Anglo-Saxon, Old Italics, Ancient Nordic, etc. However, what he'd learned and mastered — in past years — were Elder Futhark and Greek.

Our protagonist understood well he couldn't start training the wand-waving aspect of witchcraft and wizardry, but that doesn't mean he couldn't start the other aspects with the rough control over magic he had. There were still Arithmancy, Runes and Potion branch of Witchcraft and Wizardry he could learn without a wand. Learn them, he did.

A soft popping sound stopped what he was doing. He turned to sound origin and saw the ol' Kreacher standing not far from his couch. The old elf hadn't changed at all, well, except he looked healthier that he was when they met for first time.

"Mudblood Young Master, Kreacher has taken your letter from Hogwarts," reported the old elf while the elf offered a heavy brown leather to him.

With a crisp snapping sound, he closed the tome dramatically. He had a fair share of flair when he induced himself in his newly found drama queen antics. He found it was oddly refreshing.

He accepted the letter and found no sender address and the receiver only written with his name: Mr. H. Potter, incomprehensible scrawling under his name. Then he turned to the old elf and spoke, "May you share how the reaction of Headmaster and deputy headmistress of Hogwarts when they see the Book of Name cannot find my whereabouts?"

"They're confused," said Kreacher before he paused for a while, contemplating how he should convey what happened next. After a moment, he continued, "Hogwarts Headmaster and Deputy Headmistress were also desperate. The want to find where Mudblood Young Master is, but it's impossible, impossible! Mistress's house is hidden from everyone." He shook his head pitying the two professors of Hogwarts.

Our protagonist had a thoughtful look on his face. He tapped the corner of heavy letter on his chin softly, giving him smart-alecky look. Then he turned to Kreacher and spoke, "I do appreciate your assistance, Kreacher. Could you help me deliver my letter after I finished penning the answer?"

"Of course, of course," said Kreacher as he nodded his head. "Just call Kreacher after Mudblood Young Master have finished."

The old elf snapped his wiry fingers and disappeared in a soft popping sound.

After he was alone once again, he tore open the letter slowly. Then he fished out thick parchments in it and read the content:


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorcerer, Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress

Flipping the first parchment, he found out the enclosed list written on different parchment and read it silently.



First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for daywear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry nametags

Course books

All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginners' Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble

Other equipment

1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad


He placed the parchment on the free space on the table and took a clean parchment from the stacks on the table. Then he took the feather quill and dipped it in an ink wheel. He thought over what he would write as a reply. He wasn't sure how he should write the answer. He played with the quill carefully, tickling his lower lips with the soft feathery tip of the quill.

After contemplating for a while, he nodded his head and began writing the answer.

Dear Madam Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts,

First, I thank you for your notice.

It is my honor to attend the school, where my late parents attended for their education.

Do not worry about the books and equipment. I can buy it alone.

We will meet at the new term at September 1.

With respect,

Harry J. Potter

Checking the short and to the point letter, he felt satisfied with the answer. He knew he didn't have experience for writing a letter because he rarely needed it in his previous life. Letter was almost obsolete when technology ran rampart in the world. There was almost no gap in distance in era of globalization and technology. It was unfortunate he needed to go back to old way in this world. He folded the paper and put it inside the envelope.

He scratched some books and equipment in the list because he'd decided to use Regulus's old book. All Regulus's books had annotation and side notes that could help him. Then he called Kreacher.

The old elf appeared with House-elf trademark teleportation and he turned to the elf. "Kreacher," he said, "I need your help to put this letter in Hogwarts Deputy Headmistress's office without being caught. However, before that, I need you to bring me to Gringotts." He paused as he remembered something. "Can you take hair color changing potion from my — Regulus's room?"

"Kreacher can do," the elf nodded quickly and flicked his finger.

A glass vial with Runes engraved on it appeared on the table. He couldn't enchant the vial to be unbreakable with Unbreakable charm so long as he didn't have his wand yet. However, he'd found alternative.


It was wonderful branch of magic he'd come to favor. He didn't need wand to make miracle, only engraving kits he could buy in Diagon Alley — with G10 and few Knuts, at the lowest quality, while the good quality could be bought with G35 — and his blood as reagent to activate the runes. He could prick his finger with needle and squeezed a drop of blood to activate a runic formula he'd learned or created.

A wand isn't the only focus in the world. Wizard and Witches of old time used staves and other trinkets as focus. Meanwhile, the blood itself was the better focus to use magic because Wizard and Witch's blood holds the arcane power in it.

Uncorking the stopper, he opened the vial and drank the liquid in it. He held back the instinctive reaction after he tasted the foul tasted potion. Then he turned to Kreacher and spoke, "Could you take a mirror?"

Kreacher nodded obediently and with another snap of fingers, a full body mirror appeared in front of him, while the ol' Kreacher supported the mirror from behind. Our protagonist stared at the mirror and watched his reflection — a handsome boy with pale skin from lack of outing and seemed unhealthy, dark red hair and pair of emerald green eyes behind square-rimmed glasses. He nodded to himself, satisfied by the change. However, it wasn't enough. The thunderbolt shaped scar could be seen on his forehead.

Now, we cannot have it, can we? Just think what will happen when magical folks find their personal Boy-Who-Lived-to-be-Their-Personal-Whipping-Boy — the chaos. He shook his head, disgruntled by the needless image his imagination had conjured. "Kreacher," he called the annoying yet helpful elf, "Can you take the skin color band aid from my room?"

A soft snap sound came from the back of the mirror and the said item appeared on the table. Our protagonist immediately applied the Band-Aid, covering the oblivious clue that would give his identity out.

After checking his disguise for the last time, he decided it was enough. "You can put back the mirror on its previous place. We need to go to Gringotts and you will put the latter just as I have told you before," he said calmly.

The mirror disappeared and Kreacher took the letter he offered. Afterwards, they used house-elf special apparition to go to Gringotts.

Arriving in front of majestic white building, our protagonist nodded to Kreacher, signaling the elf to do his next task. After Kreacher disappeared, he stepped into stone stairway and entered the Gringotts' opulent hall. His green eyes surveyed the crowded place. Almost all queues were long. He decided to join on queue and wait for his turn.

"May your enemy fall under you, Goblin," he greeted the Teller in fluent Gobbledygook, surprising the teller.

"May your vault overflows with golds, Wizard," the goblin greeted back. Then the goblin decided to be direct, "What is your business with Gringotts?"

"I need to take money from my family's vault," he paused and fished out his key from his pocket, which was actually only a misdirection because he kept his key in Inventory, "Here the key," he pushed the key to the goblin and said goblin accepted.

The teller flipped the sign from 'OPEN' to 'CLOSE' and signaled him to follow. They walked into small corridor until they arrived in a cavern-like room with small rail. After experiencing the familiar hurling through rocky passage twice and counting a golds coin inside his family's vault, our protagonist finished his business with Gringotts. He'd taken G500 from his vault, and now, he was stepping down on the stone staircase of Gringotts' building. As the sole of his slippers touched the ground, he called the old elf.

"Kreacher, have you put the letter in which I have told you?" asked our protagonist after Kreacher appeared with soft popping sound. The elf nodded his head excitedly, and then our protagonist continued, "Can you help me buy the unscratched books and equipment in this list? And, remember to ask Slytherin package when you buy potion supply, if something like that doesn't exist, buy three times of the required supply, do you understand?"

Kreacher nodded obediently. Then he passed the leather pouch to Kreacher after he took out G50 first. Afterwards, he walked to Ollivanders for his wand.

The shop was narrow and shabby. Peeling gold letters over the door read Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 b.c. A single wand lay on a faded purple cushion in the dusty window.

A tinkling bell rang somewhere in the depths of the shop as he stepped inside. It was a tiny place, empty except for a single, spindly chair. He felt strangely as though he had entered Black's Library for the first time; he swallowed a lot of new questions that had just occurred to him and looked instead at the thousands of narrow boxes piled neatly right up to the ceiling.

"Good afternoon," said a soft voice. He almost jumped, but he controlled his body at the last moment.

An old man was standing before him, his wide, pale eyes shining like moons through the gloom of the shop. He couldn't sense the man at all.

"Mr. Ollivander, I presume?" said our protagonist evenly.

"Ah yes," said the man. "Yes, yes. I thought I'd be seeing you soon. Harry Potter." It wasn't a question. When he wanted to ask how Ollivander knew, the old wand-maker continued unimpededly, "You have your mother's eyes. It seems only yesterday she was in here herself, buying her first wand. Ten and a quarter inches long, swishy, made of willow. Nice wand for charm work." Mr. Ollivander moved closer to him. "Your father, on the other hand, favored a mahogany wand. Eleven inches. Pliable. A little more power and excellent for transfiguration. Well, I say your father favored it — it's really the wand that chooses the wizard, of course."

Mr. Ollivander had come so close that he and our protagonist were almost nose-to-nose. Harry could see himself reflected in those misty eyes.

"And that's where . . ." Mr. Ollivander peeled the Band-Aid covering the lightning scar on his forehead with a long, white finger. "I'm sorry to say I sold the wand that did it," he said softly.

"Thirteen-and-a-half inches. Yew. Powerful wand, very powerful, and in the wrong hands . . . well, if I'd known what that wand was going out into the world to do. . . ." He shook his head.

"Well, now — Mr. Potter. Let me see." He pulled a long tape measure with silver markings out of his pocket. "Which is your wand arm?"

"Er — well, I'm ambidextrous," said our protagonist.

"Hold out your arm. That's it." He measured our protagonist from shoulders to fingers, then wrists to elbows, shoulders to floors, knees to armpits and round his head. As he measured, he said, "Every Ollivander wand has a core of a powerful magical substance, Mr. Potter. We use unicorn hairs, phoenix tail feathers, and the heartstrings of dragons. No two Ollivander wands are the same, just as no two unicorns, dragons, or phoenixes are quite the same. And of course, you will never get such good results with another wizard's wand."

Mr. Ollivander was flitting around the shelves, taking down boxes. "That will do," he said, and the tape measure crumpled into a heap on the floor. "Right then, Mr. Potter. Try this one. Beechwood and dragon heartstring. Nine inches. Nice and flexible. Just take it and give it a wave."

Our protagonist took the wand and saw a notice popped up in front of his face.


Magic Synchronization is 21%

Your magic and the focus need to synchronize at least above 75% to be your magical focus.

Please try another focus!

He was unsure what to do and stared at Mr. Ollivander. When he saw the old man was staring at him expectantly, he decided to wave it around a bit, but Mr. Ollivander snatched it out of his hand almost at once.

"Maple and phoenix feather. Seven inches. Quite whippy. Try —"

He tried — but he had hardly raised the wand when it, too, was snatched back by Mr. Ollivander. The notice didn't even pop up to warn him!

"No, no — here, ebony and unicorn hair, eight and a half inches, springy. Go on, go on, and try it out."

He tried. And tried. He had an idea what Mr. Ollivander was waiting for. However, he slowly lost his patience. The pile of tried wands was mounting higher and higher on the spindly chair, but the more wands Mr. Ollivander pulled from the shelves, the happier he seemed to become.

"Tricky customer, eh? Not to worry, we'll find the perfect match here somewhere — I wonder, now — yes, why not — unusual combination — holly and phoenix feather, eleven inches, nice and supple."

Here that is . . . the brother of Tommy's wand, he thought grimly as he took the wand. He felt a sudden warmth in his fingers and a notice popped up in front of him.


Magic Synchronization is 77%

This wand can become your magical focus.

Do you accept this wand as your magical focus?


He chose 'YES' mentally and raised the wand above his head, brought it swishing down through the dusty air and a stream of red and gold sparks shot from the end like a firework, throwing dancing spots of light on to the walls.

He used Observation at the wand"

Harry Potter's Wand

Made of holly and phoenix feather, 11'. This wand is the other pair of rare brother wands.

Effect: 68% (Base: 30% + Synchronization Bonus: 38%) Decreases Mana Consumption

Mr. Ollivander cried, "Oh, bravo! Yes, indeed, oh, very good. Well, well, well . . . how curious . . . how very curious . . ."

He put Harry's wand back into its box and wrapped it in brown paper, still muttering, "Curious . . . curious . . ."

"Sorry," said our protagonist while he rolled his eyes mentally, "but what's curious?"

Mr. Ollivander fixed Harry with his pale stare. "I remember every wand I've ever sold, Mr. Potter. Every single wand. It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand, gave another feather — just one other. It is very curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when its brother — why, its brother gave you that scar."

Our protagonist stared at Ollivander evenly.

"Yes, thirteen-and-a-half inches. Yew. Curious indeed how these things happen. The wand chooses the wizard — remember. . . .I think we must expect great things from you, Mr. Potter. . . . After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things — terrible, yes, but great."

"Is that so?" he asked rhetorically and hurriedly continued as he saw Ollivander opened his mouth to answer, "Do you have wand holster and wand polishing kit?"

"Of course, Mr. Potter. Of course. From the look of it, I believe you will treat your wand with extreme care," said Mr. Ollivander as he went to somewhere. The man looked happy when he requested his order.

A moment later, Mr. Ollivander came back with wand holster made of leather and small box. As he walked towards our protagonist, he spoke, "I'm happy to see a young wizard is interested to take care of their wand. It rarely happens. Even adults sometimes forget to take care their wand, ignoring their wand condition so long as their wand is usable — what a pity."

"Then, they're idiots, sir," he couldn't help but blurt out.

Mr. Ollivander turned to him sharply and his pearly silver eyes glimmered with interest. "May you tell me why?" He probed.

Shrugging his shoulders casually, he decided to share his theory with Mr. Ollivander. "Wizards and Witches have magic, true, but compared with other magical creature, Wizards and Witches cannot guide their magical energy instinctively just as magical creature. They lack something other magical creature has — it is the close connection with magic. Because they don't have this esoteric connection with magic, they need focus: wands, staves and other kind of foci. Foci are very important for casting a spell because it helps Wizards and Witches to focus their magic. Hence, they're called Focus. Wizards and Witches supposedly should've taken care of their vital tool for focusing their magic, because without it, they are a hazard for everything around them, at least until they can control their arcane power," he turned to Mr. Ollivander and saw the impressed look on the wand maker eyes. He couldn't help but grin cheekily at Mr. Ollivander, "Am I correct, sir?"

Mr. Ollivander clapped his hands giddily, as though he was a child whom saw his favorite TV-show. "Wonderful, Mr. Potter. I cannot say any better," he exclaimed. He looked pensive all of sudden and spoke softly, "Actually, Mr. Potter, can you tell me what you think about magic?"

Rubbing his chin in thoughtful manner, our protagonist thought over how he should word the answer. "Well," he started, "magic is mysterious, colorless, and void. There is no dark or light in magic, only intent behind the magic makes magic benign or malignant. Such as simple floating spell. It can be used for benign purpose, helping old people moving their heavy belongings is one of examples, but it can be used for malicious purpose too, such as make person float before we drop the person into cliff."

"Marvelous, truly marvelous," Mr. Ollivander nodded his head, impressed. "I believe you will become great person in the future Mr. Potter. I cannot wait to see that day to come."

Our protagonist just shrugged his shoulders carelessly and then he bid the farewell after he parted with G10 for what he'd purchased in the old wand-maker's shop. He left the Ollivanders soon after and decided to check Eeylops Owl Emporium. He heard the mixed screeches of different type owl, as he entered the shop, but his eyes zeroed to silent and haughty Snowy Owl in the far corner. He walked towards the lone owl and stared at it in wonderment.

Unnamed Snowy Owl

A magical variant of Snowy Owl. This owl is incredibly smart and can have complex thoughts. This owl can be bonded as familiar for Wizards and Witches.

Gender: Female

Health: 50/50

Mana: 10/10

Strength: 3

Speed: 10

Vitality: 5

Magic: 1

He blinked as he read the owl thorough description. He'd maxed his Observation skill mastery last year and now he could get thoroughly detailed information about something or someone. He stared at the owl and the owl stared back at him. Its look saying, 'why are you looking at me like dimwitted peon? Take me if you want, but scram if you don't want to take me'.

The corners of his lips tugged upwards. He was sure this snowy owl is soon to be Hedwig. Well, Harry Potter needs his iconic Snowy Owl, isn't he?

"Sir," he called the clerk.

"What do you need, lad?" The clerk asked.

"How much is this owl?" He asked back calmly.

Both owl and the clerk stared at him in confusion and apprehension, the former because it never thought a young wizard will buy it — her — while the clerk because he feared what will happen to him.

"How much?" He probed with hint of irritation in his tone.

"Are you sure you want to buy this trouble maker, lad? We have other Snowy Owl you can check. I'm not sure if this ruddy bird is worth," explained the clerk.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw the owl glared a dagger at the clerk, as though its female's vanity has been brutally wounded. Knowing how special this owl was, he was stubborn with his decision.

"Don't worry, I have feelings we will become awesome partner, ain't that right beautiful?"

The owl surprisingly preened under his flattering and hooted in satisfaction as stupid peon finally can see her infinity charm. The clerk looked surprised when he saw how the bird acted. A calculating glint flashed in his blue eyes.

"You can get this bird and the cage with G75," said the clerk while he smirked like a shark, or a goblin.

He stared at the clerk coldly. He knew how much the price of owl from his memory. Since his Gamer's Mind bestowed eidetic memory upon him, he could recall his memory from his previous life clearly. Normal barn owl was around £100 or around G20. For Snowy owl, £150, or 30 in galleons, was quite expensive. The simple but wide enough cage for an owl itself was only around £30 to £60, or 6 to 12 in galleons.

So you are trying to con me huh? He thought in amusement. Then he cleared his throat and spoke nonchalantly, "I'm curious what will happen if DMLE finds out about adult wizard conning an underage? Do you know what will happen sir?"

The clerk was confused for a moment before he understood the underlying threat in our protagonist's nonchalant and innocent sounding question.

As he saw the intended effect, he pressed on ruthlessly, "Moreover, what will happen if said underage is actually a scion of wealthy and noble house?"

The clerk began stuttering like an idiot, he was. Inside the cage, the owl watched the drama with amused glint in its amber eyes.

"Well, young Sir, suddenly I feel very generous. You can buy the owl and the cage with G37," the clerk said.

He nodded and gave his remaining money — G40 — to the clerk and said, "The rest is for owl treat."

"Of course, Sir. Let me take your other order," said the clerk as he hurriedly left to take the owl's treat.

He exchanged a look with the owl in the cage. Both had exasperated look on their face. A moment later, he left the Eeylops Owl Emporium with the newly named owl — Hedwig. He walked to nondescript corner and called Kreacher.

"Have you finished the shopping?" He asked after Kreacher appeared in front of him. Hedwig had screeched in shock when the elf appeared out of nowhere and currently the haughty owl was glaring spitefully at Kreacher.

"Kreacher has finished shopping just like how Mudblood Young Master told Kreacher," the elf nodded his head quickly.

"Well, where is the spare?"

"Kreacher has put it together with Mudblood Young Master's things in Great Master Regulus's room."

Accepting Kreacher's answer, our protagonist offered his hand to the elf. "Let's go back. Our business here is finished," he said to the elf. Said elf took his hand and they disappeared from Diagon Alley, and ultimately missed when white haired old man in garish robe appeared in Diagon Alley to find him.

To be Continued

Main Character Status as of the end of this chapter:

Name: Harry Potter (?)

Age: 10 years, 11 months

Job: the Gamer

Class: Apprentice-Wizard

Health: 505/505 (Regen: 5.05/Min)

Mana: 3360/3360 (Regen: 33.6/Min)

Strength: 11.5

Speed: 12

Vitality: 50.5

Magic: 336 (102*+234)

Charisma: 20 (10*+10)

Luck: ?

Money: £0.5 —

Skill Set:

Gamer's Mind (Passive-type) — Mastery: MAX

Allows you to think things calmly and logically even under pressure — a peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological status effects and possession. This skill also gives you Eidetic Memory. This skill will dull your emotions slightly as price.

Gamer's Body (Passive-type) — Mastery: MAX

Grants a body that allows you to live the real world like a game, numbs some pains from injury you sustained, and gives ability to regenerate missing body parts when your health fully regenerated.

Multilingual (Passive-type) — Mastery: MAX

Innate ability to speak and understand any languages, even though you have never learned it beforehand. Unfortunately, the effect doesn't bleed into your reading or writing skill. You need to learn how to write and read a language you don't know.

Magic ControlIII (Passive-type) — Mastery: 345/1000

With enough intent, focus and willpower you can control your magic to create miracle or unusual phenomenon. This skill is seven-tiered skill and it has higher version of it. After all, the truth of magic is mystery.

Passive Effect:

Magic +200

Magic stat +1 with each 10 accumulated Mastery points.

Meditation (Active-type) — Mastery: 261/1000

To know and control oneself body and mind. Meditation has been used for centuries to center oneself and for relaxation, now you have started on the same path as though before you.

Active Effect: Mana Regeneration x2

Housekeeping (Active-type) — Mastery: MAX

The management of duties and chores involved in the running of a household, such as cleaning, cooking, home maintenance, shopping, laundry and bill pay. You don't need a housekeeper, as you're the one yourself.

Passive Effect: Charisma stat +1 with each 100 accumulated Mastery points.

Parseltongue (Special) — Mastery: MAX

The language of serpents (as well as other magical serpent-based creatures, like the Runespoor and Basilisk) and those who can converse with them.

Passive Effect: Power and potency of spell is multiplied by 2 if casted with Parseltongue

Accidental Magic (Special) — Mastery: MAX

As a magical child you are prone to using magic accidentally when feeling angry, scared, or confused, as a form of self-defense. You have no control over this magic.

Cost: Varying

Active Effect: Varying

Magic SenseIII (Active-type) — Mastery: 721/1000

You can feel magic around you when you are focusing at it. This skill is seven-tiered skill and at the third tier, you can only sense magic in 328' 1" radius around you and you can see the benign or malicious intent of the magic.

Cost: 40 Mana/Min

Instinct II (Passive-type) — Mastery: 712/1000

The sixth sense that told you something your other sense cannot find sense. This skill is seven-tiered skill. At second tier, you can feel the danger in 32' 8" radius around you. Raise your skill tier to expand the distance.

Observation (Active-type) — Mastery: MAX

Observe something to gain more information the object. This skill's effect is separated into four lesser stages. Each 250 points accumulated, you can gain more information from the object you observed. To active the skill, say/think 'Observe' while you stare at the object.

Cost: 40 Mana

Runes Comprehension (Active/Passive-type)

Your ability to comprehend mysterious ancient letters and symbols that hold certain concept to create a miracle or unusual phenomenon.

Elder Futhark — Mastery: MAX

Greek — Mastery: MAX

Air Scripting (Active-Type) — Mastery: MAX

Write something in empty air using your magic.


50 Mana/Normal Word

500 Mana/Magical Word/Rune

Potioneering III (Active/Passive-type) — Mastery: 431/1000

The art brewing magical mixtures commonly brewed in cauldrons and used to create a number of effects on the drinkers. This skill is seven-tiered skill and at third-tier, you can begin to brew potion, which is taught in third year curriculum in magical school.


First-tier: 100%/100%/75% success in brewing first grade potion brewed from excellent/good/poor ingredients

Second-tier: 100%/100%/75% success in brewing second grade potion brewed from excellent/good/poor ingredients

First-tier: 71.5%(50%+21.5%)/71.5%(50%21.5%)/46.5%(25%+21.5%) success in brewing third grade potion brewed from excellent/good/poor ingredients

Arithmancy (Active/Passive-type) — Mastery 285/1000

A magical discipline that studies the magical properties of numbers, including predicting the future or creating spell with number and numerology.

Effect: 64.25% (50% Base + 14.25% mastery bonus) successful usage of Arithmancy