Emma was having really bad hunger pangs when she woke up. Which really was a shame seeing as she was snuggled comfortably in her lover's arms and didn't ever want to leave. He was still sleeping, an adorably content look settled in his handsome features as she peered up at him.

In the end, her intense craving for something sweet overruled her other desires. She very slowly and carefully removed Killian's arm from around her belly and placed it beside his face. The next challenge was his legs that were entangled with hers. She gently pushed his body from hers and somehow managed to slip her legs free and force herself to sit up, dangling her feet over the bed. As she craned her neck and glanced over at her peacefully sleeping boyfriend, Emma immediately regretted her decision, but if she didn't satisfy her craving, she wasn't going to be able to relax.

She stood up and walked over to the closet, grabbing her robe. As she slipped it on, tying the belt above her belly, she felt like she was on a cloud, her body still buzzing and feeling alight from the lovemaking she and Killian had engaged in the night before. She couldn't contain the smile that spread across her lips as she went downstairs and headed to the kitchen. She couldn't believe how happy and content she was after all the years she felt imprisoned when she was with Neal. Even knowing that he was still a threat to Emma and her baby, she was still optimistic. She felt safe and secure with Killian, and no abusive husband of hers was going to change that.

Emma opened the refrigerator, finding the leftover apple pie she had made. She licked her lips thinking about having a slice of it. She grabbed the pie container it was in and shut the door behind her before making her way to the counter. She took out a slice and transferred it to a plate, putting it in the microwave.

When the pie was warmed up to her liking, she took out a carton of vanilla ice cream, scooping some up and plopping it on top of the slice before replacing the container in the freezer. She decided that she would feel selfish eating apple pie by herself without sharing some with Killian so she grabbed two forks from the silverware drawer.

Just as she was about to pick up the plate, she felt a pair of strong hands curl around her hips and a warm pair of lips brushing across her ear. Her heart fluttered as he swiped her disheveled hair to one side of her shoulder, murmuring against her skin.

"Mmm, something smells delicious."

Emma immediately smiled and turned her head slightly, enjoying the feel of his lips on her skin as he kissed her lobe and gently bit down, his hands moving towards her belly, gently caressing her through the robe. She shuddered as the hot breath in her ear sent a tingle of pleasure directly to her core. "It's just microwaved leftovers from the fridge," she managed breathlessly, even though he had barely even touched her.

She felt him grin against her skin as he nosed her earlobe. "I'm not talking about the pie." Emma blushed, smiling even wider and biting her bottom lip. She knew that she still reeked of sex and even now, he could probably smell the scent of her arousal building between her thighs. "You smell just as sexy as you look in this little robe of yours. I think you came down here to get a slice of my favorite pie to intentionally torture me," he groaned in her ear. He was wearing only his boxers and she could feel his arousal hard against her butt as he rocked his hips, giving her little thrusts as his hands protected her belly from hitting the edge of the counter.

Her mind could barely concentrate on her task as she tried to speak. "I can't help it if I have a sweet tooth. I thought you of all people would understand, considering you eat apple pie for breakfast on a daily basis," she reminded him with a strangled laugh. She desperately tried to ignore the things he was doing to her as she lifted one of the forks and scooped up some apple pie. "In fact I was going to share some before you came down here." Emma brought the bite of pie and ice cream to her mouth, tasting the warm verses cold sweetness on her tongue as she licked her lips. She let a moan slip as he continued to slowly rock his erection against her ass. "Have you learned by now not to mess with a pregnant woman when she's trying to eat?" she teased him after swallowing.

"And what pray tell are you going to do about it, love?" he asked playfully, leaving soft kisses along her neck. Emma shivered, feeling his wonderful lips on her skin, his attempt of making her squirm, relentless, and she almost dropped the fork.

She had to compose herself before scooping up another bite, this time picking up the plate and turning in his arms so she could feed it to him. "I'm going to give you a taste to show you what you're missing." She brought the fork to his mouth and he opened without hesitation, letting her slip the bite of pie and ice cream between his lips. He licked his mouth swallowing it down his throat as she took another bite herself.

"Mmmm, it's good but I'd still rather have you," he spoke in a husky voice as he took the plate and fork from her, setting them on the counter. "Besides, that's a lot of sugar for you darling."

Emma arched a brow, eyeing him in confusion. "I thought you weren't going to tell me how to eat?"

"Aye love, apologies. I just don't want your blood sugar to spike, making you sick."

A devious smile spread across her lips as she leaned in to kiss him, slipping her hand in between them and inside his boxers, her fingers wrapping around his thick length, her thumb swiping the precum from his slit. "I guess I'll just need some protein to offset the carbs," she said in a seductive voice, licking the taste of him from her lips.

He opened his mouth to protest before catching onto what she was actually trying to tell him, his cheeks filling with blush as he flashed her a grin. "Hmmm…" He thrusted into her hand as she stroked his cock. "I'll gladly fill your mouth some protein… bloody siren."

She moaned, his words galvanizing her and she smashed her lips into his. He groaned in her mouth as she immediately flicked her tongue over his, tasting the ice cream and apple on his cold tongue and they wrapped their arms around one another, pulling each other closer. Even if her belly wasn't in the way he just couldn't be close enough. Emma held his jaw in her grasp, caressing his stubble underneath her fingertips as she made out with her boyfriend, massaging his tongue with hers.

Emma's skin was set ablaze as his hands roamed her body, finding her ass and cupping her cheeks in his palms, giving them a firm squeeze. She whimpered, moving her own hands to his chest and roughly biting his bottom lip between her teeth. "To hell with the apple pie." She pushed him backwards until his back hit the island counter, eliciting a low growl as their mouths devoured one another, their tongues fighting for dominance. The pie and ice cream soon fell to the back of Emma's mind; her body craved him more than anything, even after their hot night of passion.

She released his lips, leaving them both breathless as she started pressing wet kisses down his chest, flicking her tongue over his nipple before making her way down his amazing body. She knelt on the floor as she reached his boxers and eagerly pulled out his throbbing cock, feeling the thick weight in her hand and moaning.

"Love, you really don't have to-" his words were cut off when she took him in her mouth and slowly devoured his length, bobbing her head up and down. Guttural groans tore from his throat as his hands went to her hair, entangling his fingers in her locks. Emma twirled her tongue around the head, licking and tasting him as she cupped his balls in her hand, giving them a gentle squeeze.

"Oh fuck…" he groaned, fucking her mouth as he cupped the back of her head in his hands. "Bloody fucking hell…"

They both lost themselves, getting caught up in their haze of passion, she almost didn't hear the kitchen door being opened.

"Oh good you're up."

Emma's eyes blew wide and she immediately released Killian's cock from her mouth as he offered a hand to help her stand up. He quickly tucked himself in his boxers as Emma wiped her mouth, both of them turning their attention to the door being closed. A head of soft brown curls turned around, barely missing the display as he walked over to the island counter.

"Your brother has a key… good to know," she breathed, clutching onto Killian's shoulders for balance. Her knees were weak from her activity.

"Oh good, you're awake too, Emma. Just the person I need to talk to-"
Liam stopped as his eyes darted between the two of them, studying their faces and flashing them an inquiring look. "Am I interrupting something?"

Simultaneous responses fell from both mouths. "No," Emma shook her head as Killian replied an irritated "yes," and he turned around, leaning his hands on the counter, keeping his lower half covered behind it.

"We were just having apple pie à la Mode. Want some?" She asked as she turned to fetch the slice of pie with melted ice cream on top, picking it up and offering it to Liam.

He eyed it suspiciously. "That's okay, I already ate. And I don't eat sweets for breakfast. I'm trying to watch my figure," he said placing his hands on his stomach. "I want to be fit for when the baby comes and I have to chase the little lad or lassie around."

"So, what's so urgent that you couldn't call ahead of time before casually stopping by?" Killian asked, still a bit irritated. Emma playfully whacked his shoulder. "What was that for?" he asked her, confused as he rubbed his shoulder.

"Is that any way to talk to your brother?" Emma asked Killian as she started making her way around the counter.

"Thank you, Emma. Killian needed someone to put him in his place." Liam chuckled as she approached him and gave him a hug.

"I never got a chance to congratulate you and Cordelia on the baby. I'm happy for both of you."

"Ah, thank you, lass," Liam murmured, reciprocating the hug, snugly wrapping his arms around her. It was much like hugging a big teddy bear. When they pulled away, Liam had a guilty look on his face as he scratched behind his ear. "Emma, I'm not sure what Killian's told you but I want to apologize for my inappropriate remarks against you. I really didn't mean them, I was only looking out for my brother and his career… he's worked very hard to get where he's at... plus I'm just not used to him being so taken by someone like he is with you… since he lost Milah."

"It's okay. He didn't tell me specifically but I don't need to know," she assured him as she came back to Killian and rubbed his back. "I don't want him to get in trouble either and I'm glad he has a brother like you who looks out for him." Killian gave her a small smile as he took her hand in his and brought it his lips, pressing a soft kiss there.

"I have no regrets, Emma. I love you," Killian assured her adamantly.

Emma's pulse sped up and she couldn't help the smile that threatened her lips. "I love you too."

Killian turned toward her and wrapped her up in his arms, kissing her on the lips. She couldn't see Liam but she could sense that he felt awkwardly uncomfortable witnessing their displays of affection.

He cleared his threat, causing Emma and Killian to revert their attention back to him. She turned around in his arms and he rested her hands on her belly as she leaned back into his front, covering his hands with hers.

"Well, I'm not staying long I just came by because Cordelia wasn't sure what to get you for the baby shower. She loves to knit but she was afraid of being cheap. Besides, you'll probably be getting a lot of baby clothes so you probably want something different, right?"

"That's really sweet of her, and actually I'm fine with her knitting something rather than spending a lot of money. I'm sure my baby couldn't have enough blankets or clothes."

"Okay, lass, I'll let her know. And if I were you, I wouldn't let him buy you anything," Liam teased as he pointed at Killian.

"Why do you say that?" she asked curiously as Killian shot him a look of confusion..

"Because he'll probably get you a breast pump or something like that," Liam chuckled.

"Oi! I'll have you know, I got Emma a perfectly nice gift."

Emma turned her head to Killian. "You didn't have to get me anything. You already bought me a car and a baby seat."

"You bought that for Emma?" Liam asked, surprised.

"Aye. I wanted her to have a decent car to drive the little lad around in."

"Emma, what's your secret? I'm in need of a new car too for me and Cord. What do I have to do to get Killy here to buy me one?" he asked playfully.

"Sorry Liam, but I'm afraid you don't fit the criteria. One, you called me Killy and you know how much I hate that. And two, you're not as pretty as Emma and you're not my girlfriend."

"Yeah I'm only your older and more wiser brother. I guess that doesn't count for anything these days," Liam shot back as he started for the door, lifting his hand to the knob.

Killian rolled his eyes. "You're just jealous that I spend more time with a gorgeous blonde than you."

Liam laughed and shook his head as he opened the door. "Emma you can have him."

Emma smiled at their playful banter. "I'll gladly take him off your hands."

"Alright, I'll see you both at the shower."

"Okay, bye Liam."

Liam barely shut the door behind him when Killian took Emma's hips in his hands, making her gasp as he pressed himself against her butt.

"Now where were we?" he asked in a deep, mischievous voice. Emma smirked as she instantly surrendered to him, rubbing her ass against his crotch, feeling how hard he was.

"Still have your appetite?" she asked him, surprised.

"For you? Always," he responded in a low growl as he lifted his left hand and slipped it under the opening of her robe, his thumb brushing over her nipple, instantly making it hard.

Feeling his full erection pressed against her body and his hand massaging her breast, heat spread through her entire body and she moaned incoherent responses, needing him badly. Killian turned her around, lifted her and brought her to the table, settling between her legs.

He pulled at the ends of her belt, loosening it and letting each side of her robe open, her swollen breasts spilling out. Killian's eyes darkened, drinking them in as he growled. He moved his hands to her gems, teasing the nipples and she tilted her head back, closing her eyes as her fingers scrubbed through his hair. "Bloody gorgeous," he groaned, his voice completely shattered as he let her breasts fill his palms, his fingers massaging them gently. Her folds were completely soaked, she didn't know how much longer she could take of not being touched where she needed him most.


Eager to fulfill her request, his right hand slipped to her aching sex, his fingers disappearing into her folds. "Fuck you're wet," he uttered a broken whisper as he leaned in, his mouth drawing in the skin just above her left breast. "So fucking wet for me…"

Moans tumbled from her lips as he pushed two fingers in and out of her aching heat, his thumb feathering her clit. His left hand went to the small of her back to hold her up as he continued sucking on her chest. She felt herself slowly fall to pieces when he captured his nipples and breasts in his mouth, teasing and nipping as he fondled her nub. She cursed out obscenities as he added another finger, plunging into her depths more rapidly.

"Ohhhh... God…" she cried out her pleasure as he gave her nipple one last suck before releasing her breast and crashing his hot mouth on hers, kissing her deeply.

She wasn't used to all of the attention he gave her. All of her life, she had dealt with men who took their pleasure from her, mistreated it, mistreated her and misused her. Neal was always out for himself, even in the beginning of their relationship. Emma was starting to wonder if the bastard had ever loved her at all.

Even with Emma being pregnant, Killian didn't hold back and he loved pleasuring her. He loved going down on her and he loved driving her mad with pleasure. And still, he didn't handle her like glass. He was so perfect for her in every way, it was a bit scary.

Emma yelped out as Killian drew out her climax, three fingers still pounding into her core. With every thrust, he teased her tongue with his, letting the tip of it brush over hers as he hit that spot inside of her with his fingers, swallowing her moans. Her nectar spilled freely over his digits, her body vibrating as she came in his hand. He tenderly kissed her lips as she came down from her high, panting harshly, droplets of sweat forming at her forehead.

Once she caught her breath, she ran her fingers along his jaw, kissing him eagerly. She still needed him inside of her. She needed him with every fiber of her being.

"Killian… I need you… please."

"You're not too tired?"

She shook her head. "No. Not until I have you." She pulled off the robe from her shoulders letting it pool over the table.

Killian didn't need to be asked twice as he urged her back until she was leaning on the table, her legs spread apart invitingly.

"Fuck me, Killian," she begged, her voice completely wrecked. He growled at her request as he yanked off his boxers and stepped out of them before settling between her thighs. He grabbed her hips and lined himself up with her entrance, slowly thrusting into her. She moaned, letting her body relax as she felt him rocking against her, his cock stretching her walls and filling her so deliciously.

He placed his hands on either side of her belly, his sparkling blue eyes locked with hers in a heated gaze as shattered groans fell from his mouth. "Gods, your feel so incredible…"

Killian's hands slid underneath her thighs and he lifted her legs up, allowing him to fuck her deeper, the table rocking back and forth, hitting the wall with every thrust. Bracing her hands on the edge of the table, she let him take her to his heart's content, enjoying every smack of skin as he pounded into her.

The rhythm and speed soon became too much for her and she felt her arousal take over her body. Her walls collapsed, squeezing his pulsing cock, causing his hips to stutter. They both climaxed in unison, groans tossed in the air as his seed spurted deep within her center. They tried to catch their breaths as he slowly slipped out of her.

"As much as I love having sex while you're pregnant, I have to admit, I can't wait until you have your little lad, love," he breathed as he offered his hand, helping her sit up. She was still dizzy with pleasure as she rested her head against his chest, wrapping her arms around his hips for balance. "You're much too far away."

"Agreed," she said breathlessly, smirking against him as she conjured all the ways and all the surfaces they could have each other on when she was no longer sporting a baby in her belly.