"Mommy, mommy, wake up, wake up!" tiny hands shook Erin's shoulders and she felt weight on her stomach.

Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at the little boy sitting on top of her "Hey buddy," she said and ruffled his hair. "What's up?" she sat up and pulled him into her lap.

"It's my birthday!" he said with excitement and a big smile. "I'm this old now!" he showed her four fingers on his little hand.

"Yes you are! Happy birthday." she said and hugged him tight.

He pressed a kiss to her cheek. "I love you." he whispered.

"I love you too sweetie." she whispered back and then snuggled her nose to his neck to tickle him.

Oli was so cute. She never wanted him to grow up. He looked the same as his dad. Well, maybe his nose looked a little more like Erin's, but that wasn't so noticable. He had ocean blue eyes and curly brown hair. And his Halstead freckles, of course. Yes, his father was Jay Halstead. But the little kid didn't know his dad. In fact, he didn't even know he had a dad. He never asked so Erin thought it wasn't worth mentioning it. He was fine, so was she. They were fine. She was afraid that if she told him about his dad, Oli would be sad that they aren't a family or something like that. She wanted him to know that she and him, they were a family.

"Come on, let's go make breakfast so you're not late for school." she said and rubbed his back.

He ran to the kitchen and when she got there he was aready holding his favorite Mickey Mouse bowl in his hands.

"Can I have cereal?"

"Sure you can."

He sat down while she poured milk into his bowl and when she wanted to put the cereal in too, he stopped her. "Mommy. I'm four now. I can do that myself," he said seriously.

She smirked at how serious he sounded. "Careful." she said and let him do it himself.

"As you know, one of our best detectives got shot a few months back and can't do the job anymore. And now when Lee moved to the 31st, we're short on two guys. We need to fill the two places, so, if you know someone who'd fit, please let me know. Now get back to your paperwork." Voight said and turned around to go back to his office.

"Sarge," Jay said and stood up. "Got a minute?"

"What's up?" Voight asked as he closed the door of his office behind him.

"Um... I was thinking... What if... I could go to New York and ask her, maybe she's ready to come back..."

"You're still not over her are you?" Voight sighed. "Jay, listen. I had to choose between letting Erin go, or the cheif would shut the whole unit down. She'd be without a job anyways, so I made a deal for her."

"I totally understand what happened, but she still left. Without saying goodbye. Without saying anything."

"Jay,.. I don't even know if she'd want to come back."

"That's why I'd go find her and ask her! You said it yourself, we need two new detectives. You and me both know one of them should be Erin."

"If she'd want to come back, she would be here, in Chicago, Jay." Voight tried to stop him.

"But she doesn't know she can come back. She can, right?" he asked.

Voight sighed. "You've got two weeks." he gave up. He wasn't comfortable with the fact that he'd be down for one more detective but there were no big cases open at the moment so if they need someone, he'll pull someone fro patrol for a day or two.

A big smile appeared on Jay's face. "Thank you," he said and went back to his desk to take his jacket. "You won't regret this!" he said when he was heading downstairs, still smiling.

"And you will come pick me up early today and we can make a cake?" Oli asked Erin as she was unbuckling his seat belt.

"I sure am." she said and helped him out of the car.

She was already about to close the door when Oli shouted "Wait! My Puppy!"

"Oh, I'm so sorry sweetie." she apologized and took the stuffed puppy from the backseat and handed it to him. Erin gave it to him after he was born and now he wouldn't go anywhere without it. It was also important to Erin. It wasn't just a plush dog. She once found it in Jay's closet and he told her that it was his favorite toy since he was little and that he loved it so much because his mom gave it to him. She really liked it too, so Jay gave it to her. When she moved to New York, she just took it with her. She didn't know why. She just did. But otherwise it was just a plush dog. It was Oli's favorite toy as well. And he called it Puppy, because Jay told Erin his name was Puppy, and that's what Erin told Oli.

"Okay. Be good. Alright?" she said at the door and kissed the top of his head.

Oli nodded his head and hugged her legs "Bye bye."

He ran inside and Erin left too, as soon as she saw he was okay there. She knew he was, but every morning when she brought him, she waited for him to find a friend and say hi to him. Erin didn't know why, but it made her feel better.

She couldn't wait for it to be 2 o'clock (that's when she was going home today). She liked the FBI and everything about it, but she never got that friendly impression and she wasn't so close with her coworkers as she was back in Chicago. She couldn't call them friends, let alone family. Except one. Her name was Jenny Brown and she was super cute and smart and funny and everything that Erin looked forin a friend. But they weren't partners and they couldn't spend time together at work, so Jenny came over at Erin's sometimesand they'd hang out there, so Erin wouldn't have to find a babysitter. Oli really liked her too.

"Hey Erin, do I bring you anything?" Jenny asked her; today she was in charge to get everyone lunch.

"Thanks, but I end earlier today. I'm only gonna be here for another half hour, sothanks, but no." she smiled.

Jenny was about to say something, when a man in a suit came to their office "Erin Lindsay?" he said.

"Yes, that's me." Erin comfirmed. What was this all about, she thought.

"There's someone waiting for you at the reception desk." then he turned around and left before Erin could ask any questions.

She went down the stairs four floors and then she saw him through the glass door. Is that...? Is he waiting for her? Na-uh. No way.

She opened the door and that's when he looked up and she saw the same eyes as shedid today morning when she woke up.


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