The wandering child has returned!!! lol

Hi guys! I guess I owe all you A/C fans a huge apology for taking SO LONG to update. You have all been very good readers and reviewers to me, and you definitely did not deserve to be kept waiting for so long. Please accept my heartfelt apologies. It's just that I got into a writer's block with this story, so I decided to explore other fiction categories (specifically LOTR-for all you Legolas fans out there, you should check it out!) to help pull me out of it. Anyway, the important thing is I'm BACK, and the chapter you have all been eagerly waiting for is finally here! I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for not giving up on me! I promise to be more vigilant with my Angel fic from now on!


* * *

Forever Yours


"Hey, careful with that!" Lorne warned Wesley and Gunn as the two men hauled in a plastic palm tree through the front door of the hotel. "It may be fake, but it costs more than your salaries combined!"

"Yes, obviously." Wesley grunted as they carried the tree across the lobby. "It should be expensive-this thing feels like it weighs a ton!"

"Closer to a few hundred pounds, actually." Lorne informed the two sweaty men cheerfully. "But just because it's heavy, doesn't mean it isn't delicate. Treat it gently."

Gunn rolled his eyes. "Oh please. Easy for you to say." he scoffed. "How about giving us a hand here instead of an appraisal, Mr. Doing- Nothing-But-Boss-People-Around?"

"Uh, I prefer the term coordinator?" Lorne said with a lifted eyebrow. He raised his arms to the side. "And excuse me, do you any muscle on this gorgeous body? I don't think so. I'm better off contributing to the festivities artistically."

Wesley sighed. "That's a convenient excuse." he said with biting sarcasm, as he and Gunn finally set the palm tree down on the floor.

"Oww!!! Watch it!" Gunn yelped, hoping around one foot as he lifted the other in pain. "You dropped the stupid thing on my toe, genius!"

"Well, if it weren't so damn big and heavy I wouldn't have been in such a rush to let go of it!" Wesley argued defensively.

"Ingrates!" Lorne huffed as the two men turned to glare at him. "Mind you, I went through a lot of trouble just to rent that thing for cheap. The least you can do is stop whining and chewing my head off."

Just then, a soft gasp of delight was heard from the opposite end of the room. The demon and two men all turned to the entrance of the hotel, where Cordelia stood with her arms laden with grocery bags. Her whole face lit up more and more as she ventured further into the lobby, her cinnamon eyes taking in every sweet detail.

Cordelia glanced at the watch on her wrist. "It's only nine o' clock!" she said in disbelief. "You mean to tell me you were able to do all of this in only an hour? God, Lorne you are such a miracle worker!"

Lorne turned to his companions and raised an eyebrow. "Well, I'm glad someone's able to finally realize and appreciate it."

"How on earth were you able to finish so much in such a short time?" Cordelia continued, still gazing around her in awe.

Lorne shrugged modestly. "All it took was some creative juices." he said with a smile. He paused and jerked a thumb at the two friends behind him. "Oh yeah, and a little muscle from Laurel and Hardy here."

Cordelia shook her head. "What can I say - you guys are the best!" she praised, walking over to the front desk and laying her packages on its surface. "Angel's sure to love it."

Lorne nodded in satisfaction as he swept his demon gaze around the lavishly decorated lobby of the Hyperion. It was a pretty sight. A fake beach about ten square meters in area had been painstakingly created to look like a genuine piece of Hawaiian scenery. Sand, trees, shells, and sun-simulated by heavy duty strobe lights. . . all that was missing was the ocean water, which Lorne could very well have somehow gotten if it were not for the last minute time factor. Hanging across the high walls of the room were strings of tropical flowers and little plastic fruits, bringing more color and funkiness into the hotel than there had ever been possibly since its entire creation. A huge buffet table dressed up in crepe paper, orchids, and palm leaves stood waiting to be filled, with a cute Hula dancer figurine serving as a centerpiece.

Lorne had to smile smugly, feeling like giving himself a huge pat on the back. Damn, he was good!

"Yeah, I'm sure he will." Lorne agreed. "And he should-the whole set-up cost me a bundle on rental. You wouldn't believe how much they charge for the sand." He threw up his hands. "Sand! If I only had the time I would have gone down to Santa Monica and hauled some over here myself!"

"Hey, don't worry." Cordelia assured him. "I'll pay you back all the expenses you made over this."

Lorne shook his head. "Don't be ridiculous, Princess." he told her quickly. "It's on me-all on me. I'm more than happy to do it for our Dark Avenger." He nodded at the many packages she had set on the front desk. "Besides, it seems to me you've spent a lot more than your fair share for this surprise party."

Cordelia smiled at him before turning away. "It's nothing. After all, like you said, anything for Angel, right?"

"Indeed." Lorne said, exchanging meaningful glances with both Gunn and Wesley.

At that moment, Fred entered the room from the back area, her cheeks streaked with flour and the white apron tied around her waist stained with ingredients of different and unknown sorts. Her eyes lit up when she saw Cordelia.

"Oh, good! You're back!" she said cheerfully. "Just in time-I'm in big need of that marinating sauce for the duck now."

"I've got everything you asked for and a lot of extras." Cordelia told the Texan girl, as she helped her carry some of the grocery bags back into the kitchen. "How's that special cake coming along?"

"It's been in the oven for thirty minutes now, so it should be done in about ten." Fred replied. "I'm not quite sure how the blood I mixed in with react with the heat though-I'm not really a chemist. But it should taste fine."

Cordelia smiled. "I'm sure it will." She gave her friend's arm a grateful squeeze. "I can't thank you enough for agreeing to do all this work, Fred." She gestured at the scrumptious dishes steaming at the counters around them, products of a full afternoon of slaving in the hotel kitchen. "You're a wonder woman."

Fred grinned back and shrugged the praise off. "It's no problem." she answered shyly, picking up a knife and proceeding with cutting up vegetables. "After all that Angel's done for me the past year, it's the least I could do for his birthday."

Cordelia sighed, pulled up a chair beside her, and sat down. "Yes, all of us do owe Brood Boy a lot, don't we?" she mused. "He's such a great guy. . . so kind and so special. . . it's only right that he gets a real celebration on his birthday for once."

Noting the wistful tone in the Seer's voice, Fred concealed a knowing smile. "You care a lot about Angel, don't you Cordelia?"

Cordelia blinked. "Well of course. We've been through so much together. He's my best friend-a true friend." She stared down at her hands. "I don't think I've ever had one of those before he came along."

"Have you ever told him about any of this before?" Fred inquired, suddenly excited by where their conversation was going.

Oblivious to the redhead's fishing, Cordelia just shook her head, her gaze suddenly distant. "Heck, no!" she scoffed. "If I did mention how much he meant to me, he'd probably just end up thinking weird stuff about us. . . like maybe I'm love with him."

Unable to resist the urge, Fred blurted out, "Well, you do don't you?"

Taken abruptly out of her trance, Cordelia looked at her with surprise. "Do what?"

"Love him." Fred said, lowering her voice into a whisper.

"What?!" Cordelia stared at her friend in shock, not quite able to believe what she had just said.

Fred ceased with her chopping and faced the Seer. "Cordy, please." she said softly and almost coaxingly. "If you have feelings for Angel, maybe it would be best to just let him know."

Cordelia shook her head. "Fred, I don't know where you're getting these crazy ideas of yours, but you've got it all wrong!" she protested. "Angel's my best friend. I can never think of him that way!"

"Why not?' Fred countered. "Face it Cordelia. You guys are more than just friends. You're soul mates. You-you've got kyerumption. You're destined to be together."

Cordelia looked back at her with an open mouth for a few moments, confusion, realization, and denial battling on her face. Finally, she chose to push back on her chair and stand up.

"We don't really have time to talk about nonsense like this now." she mumbled, avoiding Fred's disappointed gaze. "I've got to get Connor ready. Keep up with good work, and I'll check up on you later, okay?"

Before the Texan could get a work in edgewise, she had turned around and made her hasty exit.

* * *

"Hey, guys! Look who's ready to party!"

Lorne, Wesley, and Gunn looked up from the giant hammock they were setting up and directed their attention towards the foot of the staircase. Big smiles broke out all around as they watched Cordelia approach them with baby Connor in her arms. The child was dressed in a bright blue and yellow miniature Hawaiian shirt and black beach jammies, with a tiny pink lei around his chubby little neck. For once he seemed to be pleased with the costume he had been forced to get into.

"Aren't you the cutest surfer dude on the West Coast?" Lorne cooed, as he went to meet the pair. "Yes you are!"

Connor gurgled happily as he made a grab for Uncle Lorne's wriggling finger. The demon's eyes sparked as they transferred to Cordelia. "And your momma's the hottest beach bunny!" The Seer looked even sexier than usual, dressed in a blue flower print mid-riff halter and a long turquoise sarong skirt.

Cordelia laughed. "Thanks. Though I don't usually enjoy being called rabbit, I guess I'll take that as a compliment." she retorted, allowing Lorne to take Connor from her. "By the way, have there been any calls for me while I was out or upstairs?"

Lorne shook his head. "No. Why, are you expecting somebody?"

Cordelia frowned and pursed her lips. "Well, it's just that a delivery guy's supposed to have dropped off a package for me hours ago, and still I have nothing." she explained.

"Delivery?" Wesley piped in curiously. "What for?"

"My birthday gift for Angel." Cordelia replied simply. She raised an eyebrow at her three friends. "Which reminds me, you did remember to buy him presents, right?"

"Are you kidding?" Gunn scoffed. "Of course we did! Check this out!"

He reached out from under the skirting of the luau table and pulled out a long, funny-shaped, gift wrapped parcel. Cordelia wrinkled her nose as he waved it in front of her face.

"What is that?"

"A sword." Gunn said proudly. "And might I say, the finest one there is. Wesley and I split for it."

"A sword." Cordelia repeated. "You've got to be kidding me. We've got a closetful of them already!"

"Ah, but none like this one." Wesley informed her. "This sword is a relic. A treasure. A magnificent work of art!"

"Not to mention it cost a fortune." Gunn put in.

Wesley nodded. "That too." he agreed. "It once belonged to the great King Arthur himself. Well, not the entire sword, actually-just the hilt. The blade has been broken and remade over the centuries. The point is, it's a priceless treasure and Angel's damn lucky to have friends like us to buy it for him."

"What he said!" Gunn crowed, as he and the ex-Watcher knocked knuckles.

But Cordelia was far from impressed. "King Arthur? You mean the knight who spent his whole life searching the Holy Grail." she mused. "Possibly the most religious of all kings in England's history."

"Yeah. . . so?" Gunn said slowly, not quite catching on what she was driving at.

"His sword must be some sort of a holy relic in itself, then." Cordelia pointed out. She smiled. "Holy as in anti demon? As in untouchable by Angel at least not without burning his fingers off."


"Well, perhaps he can keep it in the closet for display then." Wesley mumbled.

"Yeah. After all, it's too valuable to use for something as uncivilized as. . . fighting." Gunn added lamely.

"I think that would be the best idea." Cordelia agreed, suppressing an amused smile.

She then turned to face Lorne, who was playing peek-a-boo with the baby and getting a lot of delighted slaps on the face. "How about you? Your first time to celebrate Angel's birthday with us. What did you get him?"

"Huh? Oh, I got him a new jacket to replace the one that gross-out demon totally shredded the other night." Lorne answered. "It's got a cooler edge than what he usually wears, though. It's got color."

Cordelia laughed. "Well, let's just hope he agrees to wearing it." she said with a shake of her head. "You know how Angel loves his image as is."

Just then, the ringing of the phone cut into their conversation.

"I'll get it." Cordelia offered quickly, beginning to make a move into the office area. "Oh, and Lorne, could you just figure out a way to make sure Angel doesn't go anywhere near here for at least another hour? Fred still needs more kitchen time."

"I've got it covered." Lorne replied confidently. "There's not a thing to worry about; just leave it up to me."

"Where DID you send Angel off to anyway?" Wesley asked the Pylean. "He's been gone for almost three hours now."

Lorne glanced around them to make sure that Cordy was out of sight and hearing range, then leaned close to his two friends. "Don't tell our Princess, 'cause she's sure to kick my ass if she finds out. . . but I sent him to the Furies."

Wesley raised his eyebrows. "Interesting choice of distraction, but I just have to ask. . . why them?"

"Well, they were the only ones willing to do the job without a fee and, well, you know how much they enjoy the Dark Champion's company." Lorne whispered conspiratorially. "I could ask them to keep him in their apartment for the whole night and they wouldn't mind."

Gunn smirked. "Dude, you are right. Cordy will whip your ass if she finds out."

"Which is why you are not going to breathe a word to her about it." Lorne told them, half firmly and half pleadingly. "Right?"

Gunn smiled wickedly, rubbing his hands together. "I dunno. it sounds like perfect blackmail material to me."

"I agree." Wesley added with a raised eyebrow and sly nod.

Just as Lorne was about to launch into a begging speech, Cordelia came back from receiving her phone call. She was shaking her head in annoyance.

"Who was it?" Lorne asked her, before the other two men could get their mouths open.

Cordelia sighed. "That was the manager of the store where I bought Angel's gift." she said grimly. "H says their delivery truck broke down, so they wouldn't be able to get my package here by tonight."

"Gee, that's too bad." Gunn said, though his smile was anything beyond regretful. "I guess that means our King Arthur sword gets to be the star present of the night after all, huh?"

Cordelia stuck her tongue out at him. "Don't get so cocky yet. I'm gonna go pick up the gift myself." she retorted. "I paid way too much for Angel not to get it tonight!"

"Right now? But you might be late." Wesley tried to point out as the girl went to fetch her jacket. "Angel could be on his way home any minute now, and of course you of all people have to be here when he arrives."

"Chill all right?" Cordelia said with a smile. "It's not that far off. Besides, Lorne will take care of keeping Angel out of here before I get back. Won't you Lorne?"

"Yeah, sure." Lorne mumbled, casting wary glances at Gunn and Wesley. "No problem."

As if realizing that Cordelia was about to leave, Connor suddenly burst into tears and shrieks of protest. The girl paused on her way up the lobby steps that led to front doors.

"Aww. . . baby. It's okay." she said softly, walking back to Lorne and taking Connor from him. "Mommy's just going to go get Daddy's present, and then she's going to come right back for you, all right?"

She hummed a few lines of a children's song as she rocked the baby in her arms, and a few moments later Connor had toned down.

Lorne smiled. "You know, one day you're really going to have to teach me how to do that." he told Cordelia, as she handed Connor back. "It'll save me a whole lot of babysitting trouble, not to mention eardrum cells."

Cordelia grinned and winked. "Hey, it's either you've got the touch or you don't." she teased him, giving him a pat on the back. "Well, I'll see you boys later."

Lorne smiled fondly at the woman's retreating figure. Cordy was such a great mother to Connor; he was certain she would make Angel a perfect wife as well, if the Brood Boy would just give their relationship a chance. Somehow, someday, fate will find a way to force those two stubborn souls together-he could feel it in his bones.

Any day soon now.

* * *

Cordelia sighed with satisfaction as she stepped out of the frame shop and back onto the downtown Los Angeles sidewalk. She glanced at her watch. A little past ten in the evening. If Lorne was true to his word, she should have plenty of time to get back home in time to yell surprise.

Cordelia tightened her grip on the large, flat package tucked beneath her arm, feeling a rush of excitement course through her. Boy, was Angel in for some fun party. It had taken a lot of work for her to pull this whole thing together last minute, but she was definitely sure that it would all be worth it just to see her best friend's face light up. Poor Angel. It was the least they could do for him, after all the problems and worries he's had to go through lately.

Shivering slightly, Cordelia pulled her leather jacket closer around her. It was an unusually cold night, and a quiet one at that. Saying a silent prayer that she would not run into any demons or such problems that would cause her more delays, she slowed her pace as she approached a street corner. Now if she could just find a taxi. . .

Suddenly, Cordelia sensed a sharp, fast growing pain climb from the back of her head to her temple, spreading to all over her brain.

"Oh no." she muttered, before the vision went full force, sending her head flailing back in abrupt agony. Luckily she managed to grab a hold on a nearby stop sign before she could fall to the ground. In spite of her pain she managed to hang on to the package under her arm as if her life depended on it.

The seer bit hard on her tongue, choking down on the tortured screams that threatened to erupt from her throat and alarm the whole city. Images flashed in her head rapidly but vividly. A dark alley, not too far off from the street where she currently stood. A band of drunken hoodlums laughing and stinking up the air with their breaths. An lone, terrified teenage girl screaming and crying as the punks closed in around her and began tearing at her clothes.

At long last, the vision ended. Exhausted from the physical and emotional drain, Cordelia allowed herself to slump down to her knees, blinking away the tears of pain as she tried to get a grip. She struggled to collect her thoughts and process the information the vision had pounded into her head.

Back alley of a shoddy bar called Mike's, a few blocks away. Three thugs who looked as wasted as they could possibly get. A pretty blonde chick cornered like a doe in a wolves' den.

Cordelia's eyes widened. She had to move, and fast. Now, if she could just get a hold of the other guys. . .

Then she realized that calling for help would take too much time. This vision was going to become reality in a matter of minutes. She was going to have to play hero on her own.

Great. Just what she needed after suffering literally a mind-blowing ordeal.

"Thanks a lot." Cordelia muttered, taking a moment to glance up at the heavens. She gave her head a gentle shake, trying to psychologically ease the excruciating pounding on her temples. When she thought she was steady enough, she forced herself back on her feet.

"Okay, Cordy. You can do this." she told herself firmly. "No biggie. Just a few goons who've had too much to drink You can take them. Nothing a few punches and kicks wouldn't fix!"

And taking a deep breath after that short pep talk, she tucked her precious package in a safer position under her arm and proceeded to run down the street in the direction of her vision's setting.

By the time Cordelia arrived at the designated street, she was already out of breath and rather dizzy from the physical exertion right after her vision after effects. She took a moment to gather her strength and guts before venturing further into the dark shadows of the seemingly vacant and disturbingly quiet alley.

"Okay. . . creepy much?" Cordelia whispered to herself, shivering slightly from the cold of the night. She paused to lay down her package against the wall of the adjoining building. It should be safer there in the meantime, while she dealt with this. Then, pulling her jacket closer around her, she forced herself to continue trudging forward. Somehow, something about this whole scenario bothered her in a strangely forceful way. There was something eerily familiar about it.

Suddenly, a piercing scream ripped the stale air followed by harsh laughter and sounds of thrashing.

"Get away from me!"

Cordelia gasped. Her vision was taking place already. The girl. . .the thugs. . .

Forgetting all about her apprehensions, the seer broke into a dash towards the end of the passageway, her footsteps reverberating softly against the walls.

As the noises of the ongoing struggle grew perceptibly louder, Cordelia skidded to a stop. Through the darkness she could make out three hulking shapes looming menacingly around a slimmer, greatly quivering form. The fresh memory of the victim's fear in her vision aroused anger and boldness in the seer as she stepped closer.

"Hey you!" she yelled, immediately catching the attention of all three goons with her shrill voice. "Why don't you leave her alone?"

The repulsive scent of beer and cigarette smoke drifted to her nose was the punks whirled around to face her. She backed away a little, preparing to launch into fighting stance.

"And who the hell do you think you are?" one of the men sneered in a sleazy voice obviously intoxicated from one drink too many.

"Doesn't matter." Cordelia snapped back, tossing her head. "If you wanna have some fun, take your shot at me. Let the girl go."

She caught sight of a pair of red eyes give her a complete one-over. She cringed, fully aware of the lewd thoughts running through these perverts' heads.

"Yeah. . . why not?" The men's amused laughter caused a chill to run though Cordelia's spine. "What do you say, guys? She's not a bad substitute."

Ignoring the gnawing dread beginning to grow in her fast-beating heart, Cordelia turned her attention to the helpless damsel still cowering against the wall where the goons had cornered her.

"Run!" she screamed at the girl, who then got over her wide-eyed shock and fled at once.

The thugs paid absolutely no attention to their earlier quarry as she escaped. Their sights were now fully upon Cordelia. They began to approach her slowly, making sickening sounds and calling out perverse comments.

"Come on, baby! Come to poppa!"

Cordelia took a deep breath and tensed her muscles for action.

"Don't be shy, darlin'. We'll take good care of you."

As one hand reached out to grab Cordelia's arm, she swept it aside and swung out with her fist. Her knuckles slammed into the guy's nose with a satisfying smack.

The man let out a howl of agony and staggered backward.

"Why you little. . ."

Another cry of pain followed as Cordelia's foot connected with his shin; the other flew to his gut.

As the first attacker fell to ground, the second charged. Cordelia greeted him with a fierce roundhouse kick, and followed up with an uppercut that was so effective it surprised even herself. Those lessons with Angel were definitely paying off. Within seconds goon number two was also down for the count.

Snarling at the sight of his fallen companions, the third man began his assault, leaping at Cordelia with a speed that caught her by surprise. He was much faster than his buddies. Before she even knew what had happened, he had landed a vicious hit on the side of her face, sending her reeling a few paces.

A pair of steely hands gripped her arms and forced her backwards. Cordelia bit back a whimper at the roughness of the motion. She felt the man's body crush against hers, pinning her almost helplessly on the wall.

"Think you're so good, do you?" a voice growled dangerously close to her ear.

Thinking fast and praying hard, Cordelia pulled the one maneuver that she had learned on her own even without Angel's training. She brought her knee up and slammed it as hard as she could against her assailant's crotch.

Screaming in anguish, the thug dropped his hold on her instantly. Cordelia quickly took the opportunity to scramble away. Her heart racing and adrenaline pumping at a frightening rate, she began a mad dash back down the alley from where she had entered. Her only hope now was to outrun these goons. It wouldn't be every long before they recovered and got back up on their feet, angrier and even more determined to take her down.

However, just as she had nearly reached the end of the passageway and burst back out of the shadows, the seer sensed a familiar sharpness strike suddenly at the back of her brain.

A vision?!

"No. . ." Cordelia whispered in horror, before the shrieking pain in her head overcame her, and she collapsed to the ground in an agonized heap.
* * *


His trance broken into, the vampire jerked in his seat and looked up with a start. His eyes met the sight of Fred staring down at him with a small but sweet smile on her face.

"Can I get you anything? There's lots of food waiting." she offered. "Or would want to drink some blood?"

Angel forced a grin that was against every emotion coursing though his body that moment. "No thanks." he declined. "Maybe a little later. I want to wait for Cordy to get here before I touch any of this."

As she nodded and turned away, a queer look passed through the Texan girl's eyes. Though it lasted only a few seconds, Angel was able to catch and interpret it.

It was a look of worry.

Angel sighed and leaned back in the sofa where he sat, attempting once again to shake his mind free from the anxiety that had been plaguing his mind for the past half hour.

When he had walked through that door earlier in the evening, he had been in one of the grumpiest moods he's ever experienced in his life. After spending nearly three whole hours in the lair of the three Furies, his patience had gone way past its limitations. Not only did he have to suffer through the relentless seductress acts of those amorous women, but he also had to bear with the impatience of getting home and spending time with Cordy and Connor, which was what he had really intended to do on his birthday night.

Why Lorne had suddenly announced out of no where that there was something crucial the Furies needed him for was beyond his comprehension, much less questioning. But being the responsible Champion that he was he went along with it, only to find out eventually that the goddesses had nothing serious to ask from him, apart from what they usually desired but could not have. And so Angel finally managed to squirm away from their clutches in spite of their protests and head back to the hotel, with every intention of giving the Pylean demon a huge piece of his mind.

His anger and frustrations were overcome by immense surprise however, when he had entered the hotel and discovered that it had been transformed into what looked like a Hawaiian paradise. A huge neon colored banner that said, "Happy Birthday, Angel!" hung in the center of the lobby and told him exactly what this was all about. Immediately he realized that only one person could have succeeded and even considered doing such a thing like this for him.

Getting over his initial shock and amusement at the sight, he had received the enthusiastic greetings, yells, and hugs of his friends. And his happiness would have been complete at that one moment, had he not noticed the disappointing lack of the one face he had wanted to see most of all.

They had assured him that it was all right. Cordelia had just gone out for a while to pick up his birthday gift. They had just not counted on him being back so soon, so their party's element of surprise had gone flat. Cordy would surely be back any minute now, most likely harassed and very much annoyed when she finds out she had missed Angel's initial reaction.

And so Angel took his seat and waited for just that, refusing to touch anything until Cordelia's arrival. As much as he hated acting like a brooding jerk in the middle of his own surprise party, he simply could not find it in himself to even crack a genuine smile.

Something was horribly wrong. He could feel it. Lorne had assured him that Cordy had been gone for no more than an hour now, but still. . . an eerie feeling that his beloved seer was in trouble could not seem to stop haunting him. He had twice attempted to leave the hotel and go find her, but he was stopped by his friends, who argued that the girl would get even angrier if she did return to the hotel only to find that Angel was gone again.

The vampire sighed and rubbed his forehead wearily. Though his colleagues' advice to stay put for the meantime made sense, the waiting was driving him nuts. He cast a glance at the wall clock hanging by the front desk across the room.

Ten minutes, he told himself firmly. If Cordy didn't walk through that door within the next ten minutes, he was going to go find her, even if he had to turn the whole of Los Angeles upside down doing so.

Just let his friends try and stop him. . . he was not going to let anyone get in his way.

Not this time.

* * *

Cordelia moaned, gripping her head in agony as she thrashed around on the pavement. This vision was unlike anything she had ever had before. It felt so powerful, so close to her, so. . . real.

All of a sudden, her eyes shot wide open, horror overtaking her as it became clear to her what the images playing in her head were about.

It was a vision of her. Of what was about to happen.

Too weak with pain to resist or even move, the girl slumped flat on the cold cement in tearful despair.

In the midst of the excruciating pounding in her head, the thuds of heavy footsteps reached her ears. Then came the raspy breaths as she sensed the presence of her attackers hovering over her.

Cordelia winced as a pair of rough arms hauled her up forcing her to face side up.

"Bitch." a cruel voice snarled, before she felt a stunning blow strike her right temple.

One last whisper managed to escape her lips before all went black.

"Angel. . ."

* * *

COMING UP . . . Chapter 5 - Revenge

Major cliffhanger, I know. SORRY! ;p I'll try to hurry with the next chapter as fast as I can.

Remember, the more generous you are with reviews, the faster I'll be with updates! Hehehe. . . thanks for reading! See you soon!