
After months of deliberation, I am declaring both of my recent stories — "Fate or Fortune" and "The Way We Will Be" complete as of today. It so happens that both tales currently stand at a place where a writer could reasonably call them done. But the truth is, I've really lost the heart for writing these stories.

You see, while many of you have been so kind as to reach out to me with positive reviews as well as private words of encouragement, I have also recently received my fair share of nastygrams via FFN's private messaging. It's hard to tell who these people are — they're mostly anonymous — but they have let me know in no uncertain terms that they think very little of my work, and even less of me as a writer and a person.

I do this for fun. And being attacked isn't fun.

I'm not the most confident writer under the best of circumstances, but in light of this negative feedback — and the fact that my writings haven't seemed to connect with the broader Romione community in the way that other authors' works have — I find myself hopelessly deadlocked with a near-terminal case of writers block. I find myself constantly asking, "Will my critics think I am stealing this idea? Will readers be offended by this topic?"

So, I think it's best to hang it up. I'm proud of the works I have offered here, and I am glad some of you have enjoyed them.

I imagine some of my anonymous critics will repeat their claim that I'm a drama queen. It's sort of a can't win, innit? ;-)

Anyway, thanks to all of you who have been so supportive along the way — particularly chemrunner57, bless his heart — and look for me in the review section of some of your favorite Romione stories. I'm still a Romione fan, and I will always support the writers who are doing such wonderful work. If you're looking for a good, fresh Romione read, surf over to TMBlue. As I have said before, she is producing some of the most consistently wonderful work to be found anywhere in the Romioneverse. Her latest shortie, dubbed "Trace" on Tumblr, is a thing of true beauty.

All the best...
