Disclaimer: I don't own anything that belongs to Stephanie Meyers, or the characters of Twilight. I take credit for nothing.

AN: The timeline is roughly the summer after Twilight.

The flowers were still blooming. It was bright today. The last days of summer. The rays of the sun would bounce off Edward's skin, when it was uncovered. The clouds passed sparingly today, giving us a day of sunshine with moments of the familiar grey. We were having a picnic. Edward brought Swiss cheese, breadsticks and basil dip. I brought soda and chips, and my favorite Macaroni salad. I chewed on the breadsticks while Edward watched me.

"I wish that you could have some of this."

"Me too."

"Do you miss it?" There was a time Edward ate food. I could barely imagine it.

"Sometimes I'm curious, but like I said the smell of food is repulsive to me, it is blood I crave now."

"Why do you want some?"

"I wish I could have some too, so that I could share it with you."

"You want to share some with me?" I had a feeling he was talking about something else other than the food.

"I want to share the moment with you."

"I am sharing the moment with you. Don't you like it that we're here together?"

"I couldn't be happier Bella. It's just that sometimes, I wish I could share things with you as … as a man."

I hated to hear sadness in his voice.

"I am happy, but you know there is something else that will make me happier, then we could share everything together."

He shook his head, instead of choosing to respond to that, he avoided the argument.

"I almost forgot." He pulled out a bottle of pomegranate ale. He smiled crookedly. I sipped it; it was one of the sweetest drinks.

I felt rain drops.

Edward looked up. "We better go."

Edward started to collect the picnic basket. I folded the blanket neatly. The rain started to pour down. Edward looked up. In a microsecond everything was in the basket and I was on his back. Edward was gone. Before I could register the speed, suddenly Edward stopped. I lifted my head. The water was so thick, I couldn't see in front of me.

"Hold on, I'm taking a different path." I looked around startled, we weren't down below yet? He ran. Abruptly he stopped again. I peeked over his shoulder. I was all wet. The water was pounding in my ears. It looked like rivers of water going down the mountain, and mud, there was a river of mud. The water was getting louder.

"Hold on really tight, I'm going to climb a little." His bell like voice sounded strangely different over the sound of the water.

Edward started moving. It reminded me of a ride, I think he was swinging like a monkey for a while.

"You got it?" He asked.

"Yes." I held on tighter.

Then he was running again. I think he was running slower than his usual speed. I was happy about that.

"The water smells funny." I thought for a second I heard him say.

He landed. We were on the road, I could see the Volvo. I jumped down off his back. We were all wet. It was still raining. I raised my arms in the air and threw my head back towards the water. Edward shook his head. He looked more magical with it raining on him, like little stones that glittered rolling off of him. He took be by the arm and guided me toward the Volvo, he put me in, and shut the passenger door.

"Let's get out of here." Edward sounded exasperated.

He started the engine and drove off. The rain slowed a little bit. Edward took the road at a slower pace than he was used to. I started shivering. Edward turned on the heat full blast. He flipped on the radio. "There is a freak storm passing through Forks..." "It's like an El Nino out there."… One commentator laughed. The picnic basket wasn't here.

"Did you get the basket?"

"A casualty of the storm.'' His expression was solem.

There had been a landslide. There was a mountain of dirt and large boulder on the road. Edward drove carefully around it.

"Roadblock." Edward said casually.

We were headed for the Cullen Mansion. Edward said it was the closest place to us. I was really shivering now. We drove right through a big splash of water. We arrived pulling into the driveway. I shuffled quickly into the house. There was something cozy about their home, even if I felt cold.

"Carlisle could we turn on the heating?" Edward asked. He sounded worried.

Carlisle was gone out of the room in a blink. Alice was down stairs in front of me holding out folded cloths for me.

I changed. It was designer cloths. The sweater was dark blue, a little big for me, but a nice cut. I felt warmer already. I went into the living room. Edward was sitting on the couch; he was already dry and changed. There was an electric fire place on. I stared at the bright orange cylinder, it was turning. Edward shrugged.

"Esme collected it five years ago. She brought it down for you."

I sat next to Edward on the couch. The weather channel was on their vary large plasma TV. "A freak weather storm in Washington, particularly in Seattle"... "A torrential rain in Seattle."... "Astronomical phenomenon."

"Astronomical phenomenon?" I asked confused.

"Something about it being the effect of the moon rising." Edward rolled his eyes.

Esme brought me hot tea.

"Thank you Esme."

Alice bounced in the room, tossing me an energy bar. They were worried about me. Sometimes I thought that being vampires made them misjudge the delicate nature of humans.

"You don't think it's the moon rising?" I tried to listen to the commentators, but they kept showing a map with red splotches on it.

Edward renewed his eye roll. "When the moon is at a high point it causes less rain, not more."


Charlie had agreed to let me spend the night at the Cullen's, but he had been uncomfortable with it. Edward had been uncomfortable with it as well. It had stopped raining so Edward drove me home. Alice had been disappointed.

Later on, Edward met me in my room.

"Is rain dangerous for vampires?"

"No, rain is not dangerous to us; we can just climb around it. It doesn't matter how wet we get, or how much mud there is. With mud, we leap over it or usually just sink and climb out of it."

"That's why you jumped around."

"Yes it would have been dangerous for you, since you were on me, that's why I took a different path."

Edward was protecting me. If I hadn't been there, he would have just scaled the mountain, probably right into the water.

Edward stood. "I should go."

He walked toward the window preparing to leave. He was about to say something to me. He just stopped becoming motionless, Edward's eyes glazed for a moment. Then he shook his head.

"Are you Ok?"


It was a strange question to ask a vampire.

"Goodnight Bella."

Edward jumped out the window.


I was in the meadow. It was sunny, but raining. I reached up my arms towards the sky. The rain came down. It was beautiful almost like snow. The rain drops were like shining little stones. The water was shimmering. Edward was standing there, the water rolled off him like pebbles. He was still sparkling in the sun. Carlisle came out of the trees. There were people behind him, wearing brown cloths and hats. He held out a flask of "Holy Water," and threw some at Edward. Edward turned and disappeared into the woods.

"No." I screamed.

They chased after him. Carlisle brandished the holy water. Everybody was gone. It wasn't sunny anymore. I ran through the meadow and searched the trees.

"Edward." I called out.

Edward was up in a tree.

"Edward." I said slowly.

Edward looked at me strangely. He climbed down the tree slowly, the way I or someone else would.

"Edward come back to the meadow."

Edward shook his head sadly. He turned and ran full speed, disappearing into the forest. I was left empty in the lonely dark forest.

I woke up startled. It was dark outside. It was a dream. I turned under the blanket, and rubbed my head with my hand. My eyes closed with relief. My fear that he was going to disappear was not real. Edward wasn't leaving. How strange! Carlisle wouldn't chase Edward away with Holy Water. I felt myself drifting off into sleep. I loved a vampire. My dreams were in a world of vampires.