Warnings..? Hell, why not. All you really need to know is that Ogata is one sketch mutha... but you probably already knew that. Lightheartedly disturbing, because it's more fun that way. Also, I'm playing kinda fast and loose with facts, characterization, and continuity, so, uh.. yeah. Hikaru no Go belongs to Hotta Yumi, Obata Takeshi, and a bunch of other people who aren't me. Here we go...

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Shindou Hikaru had been playing go, and it had felt pretty damned good. That was, of course, what he did, play go. He was a go professional, after all. And sure, it was a great way to get some extra cash (Hikaru remembered the first time he ever bought something completely on his own; it was a raunchy poster purchased mainly because Mom couldn't complain about it one bit), but he played for the love of the game. For a time, he had quit, and he'd missed it. He missed him, of course, but it turned out it wasn't an either-or -- Sai or go -- choice. He could enjoy both. And that was good. Because he liked go. And that's probably what got him into trouble.

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how about go? : the ogata fic-sation
by erin ellis
first match : ego wrapping, or, don't trust men in white suits

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Once Hikaru had asked Waya if he had as many people calling out random and oft-times semi-violent challenges to go games as Hikaru seemed to. The older teen didn't seem to have any idea what he was talking about, but was quick to assert that he could kick anyone's ass in go any day of the week, so bring those challenges right on. Honestly, Hikaru didn't have any issues with that; he certainly wasn't asking for everybody and their little brother to make him play go out of some sort of revenge or obsession or need to save their elderly grandfather's favorite plate or whatever. Too bad Waya conveniently was never around to recieve when said challenges were brought on.

Like today. Waya and he had played a match today, but the brunet had stalked downstairs after refusing to eat ramen again for lunch. Therefore, Hikaru was alone in the hallway of the go institute when he was suddenly slammed against the wall. "Shindou!" a voice rumbled.

Hikaru winced, blinked a few times to clear his now-pounding head, and looked into a familiar be-glassed face. "Ogata... You could have just tapped me on the shoulder." Seemed that nowadays he ended up more afternoons being pinned to walls by the high-level pro. It was starting not to seem so much like coincidence.

The man was set and driven. "I want to play--"

Hikaru's face fell. "Sai... Sai's gone."

Ogata let out a grunt. "Then I want a game with you. Now."

"With-- with me?" Hikaru's head snapped up at that. Ogata had never expressed interest in him as a player himself; just as a rival to Touya, or as a friend of Sai. It was flattering. It was... suspicious. "What do you want with me?" the teen said, green eyes narrowing. "Sai's gone. I really don't know where he is, so don't start anything in the hopes you'll get a game with him later, 'cause you won't." Hikaru found he sounded a bit more deflated than fierce at this point.

"Understood. And as I said: I don't want to play with Sai. I want to play with you." Hikaru was speared by the man's gaze again-- his amber eyes clouded with unidentifiable emotion. Suddenly Hikaru hoped that someone would come by and save him. Ogata's arms were becoming claustrophobic.

"Um... okay... we can play together if you want." Anything to get out of here. Something about Ogata creeped him out. Maybe it was the white suit. Always made Hikaru think of the Colonel Sanders statues outside the KFC. "Oh, but I have to go now. Teaching demonstrator eventy thing. You know." He gave what he hoped was an apologetic look.

"Of course," Ogata nodded, pushing up his glasses. Hikaru took advantage of the opportunity to step away from the wall. "What are you doing tomorrow night?"

"Mom's out of town, so I have to make sure her dramas tape."

The man nodded. "Program your VCR and get ready. I'll be there at six."

Hikaru frowned. "Well..."

"I'll feed you ramen."

"Cup noodles?" he challenged.

"The fancy place near the high school with the gyoza."

"Then it's a date!" Hikaru really wasn't sure why he'd said that exact turn of phrase. Shaking off the strange feeling, he smiled, trotting off to the elevator. Maybe he could still catch up with Waya.

"I'll be looking forward to it." Ogata's thin smile was decidedly... weird. But so was Ogata, so it probably worked out.

+ + +

Hikaru scowled at his reflection in the mirror, at the closet, at the situation in general. He didn't know what to wear. Seemed silly, didn't it? What a womanish problem. But... his usual jeans were too casual-- he had to take the other pro seriously. On the other hand, this was also a guy he'd seen drunk off his ass, mumbling about go. He wasn't about to break out a tie or anything. Man, Sai would've been able to give him advice... Sure, he kinda looked like a woman, and his clothes resembled a dress a lot more than anything Hikaru would be caught dead wearing by choice, but still, he could get an honest opinion of how he looked. Hell, for that matter, he could probably call Mom. 'Yeah Mom, what's the best outfit for going out with some older guy to the fancy ramen place for a private dinner before going back to his place for a couple games of go?'

...Hmm, maybe calling Mom wasn't such a good idea after all. It did sound so awfully sketch when put it like that. Did that mean it actually was 'awfully sketch'? Hikaru decided not to think about that. This ramen place was supposed to be so good; Kurata had been raving about it every time he saw him and completely refused to treat him, cheap bastard.

Sighing, he decided on a niceish pair of khakis (only a really small stain) and a red short-sleeved camp shirt unbuttoned over a long-sleeved baseball shirt emblazoned with (like most of his clothing) the number five. Sort of a Waya look, sans camouflage. Grabbing a belt and his wallet, he ran downstairs just as Ogata drove up, meeting him at the street.

"Um, hey," the teen said, precluding Ogata from getting out of the car. Geez, what would the neighbors say if they saw Col. Sanders taking him away? "Um... uh..."

"Get in the car," he said, rolling up the dark tinted windows. The passenger-side door opened, and Hikaru got in and drove away. Then somebody kneed him in the back of his chair.

"Touya?!" Hikaru exclaimed. Sitting placidly in the back seat was Touya Akira. Of all the people he didn't want to see... Wearing a big frown, Hikaru twisted around in the seat, gesturing widely and nearly taking Ogata's eye out. "What're you doing here?!"

"Shindou," he nodded. "My father regularly takes me to practice with Ogata-san. It's not my fault that you've decided to... practice... at the same time."

Oh, that smug little bastard, and his little girly smirk and his big 'I'm too good for you' attitude. "No way, Touya, I was so totally invited to come at just this time, and if you think I'm gonna be intimidated by you then you're in for a super big surprise. Hell, I'll play you both at the same time and still beat you!"

"Please," the dark-haired boy laughed derisively. "As if you had any--"

"Boys, boys." Ogata's low voice was enough to silence both teens. "Let's not squabble. There will be enough time for everyone to play. Everyone."

Hikaru and Touya both held their tongues after that, though for decidedly different reasons.

+ + +

Touya Akira sneaked a glance at his bleached-haired companion again, before flickering back to his meal. Shindou was so upbeat and enthusiastic... to be honest, he'd never expected to meet him like this. Ogata had told him to prepare for a third player tonight, but he'd never imagined it would be Shindou. Was he prepared for tonight's game? Could he possibly be? Should he, Akira himself, offer to help..?

Then for the fifth time Shindou was a little too enthusiastic with his ramen slurping, and while completely missing any of his own clothing, spattered soup into Akira's eye. As he reached for another napkin, Akira could swear he saw a dirty grin flash across the other teen's face.

Oh, it was on, now. He caught eyes with Ogata, and the older pro smiled.

+ + +

Hikaru felt full and complacent, smiling a bit as they walked to Ogata's apartment. The food was so good! Since Ogata said he was paying, Hikaru had had two huge bowls of ramen, plus a giant order of gyoza. Touya had spent the whole meal giving him 'Mom' looks, but Hikaru figured it was his day so he could eat as much as he damned well pleased. ...Unfortunately, he probably should've stopped at the eighth dumpling, since he felt... just... tired. And really full. Whatever. It was good and free. "I'm stuffed! Thanks. What now?"

"Go," Touya and Ogata said simultaneously.

"In stereo," Hikaru said, finding this amusing. Whoa, he was getting kinda punchy. "Okay, well let's get this party over with. I'm kinda wiped."

Ogata looked almost disappointed. "I expected you'd be a more... energetic player."

"I am," he boasted immediately. "But we aren't playing right now. So let's go go igo!" His cheerful grin at his corny pun faltered just a bit at the other two men's blank looks. "Um... who plays first?"

"First? You. And I." Ogata unlocked the door, letting them into his apartment. It was dark, even after he'd turned on the light, and seemed to consist of mainly shelves packed with videotapes, books, and DVDs, and a large, old computer hooked to broadband.

"Whoa, you've got Internet in here?" Hikaru exclaimed, bounding to the monitor.

"Don't touch the computer," the redhead said flatly.

Hikaru pouted, but did as told. Behind the computer were fusuma screens that opened to another dark room with a bed and go board. The bed was lumpy and had a hand sticking out. "Uh--"

"Don't ask," Touya advised, pushing him to a cushion in front of the go board. It was the farthest from the door, Hikaru noted with a funny feeling in his stomach. Maybe it was gas.

"May I go to the bathroom?" he asked.

"It's the door." Sure enough, he looked, and there was only one door in the apartment. So he went. It-- well, it was gas; he really shouldn't have had that second bowl, but he listened through the door and caught the words 'go', 'ready', 'chicken', and 'Shindou'. That could mean any number of things, but having hung out with the likes of Kaga and Mitani enough to know when to trust a feeling in your gut that may or may not be gas, he refused the huge can of beer he was offered upon leaving the toilet, even after Touya accepted and downed his quickly. (Hikaru did however accept the second can offered; it was Ebisu and that stuff was really expensive, so it'd be a waste not to.)

So they played, with Touya eyeing him unnervingly and Ogata calmly knocking back Ebisu... it was really one of the oddest go experiences Hikaru had ever... er... experienced. He was having troubles, his mind shouldn't be wandering like this, but he couldn't seem to get into the game. Something about it was wrong. Ogata was playing oddly... like a beginner. Instead of working at a framework, the big picture of the board, he was nickling and diming, seemingly more interested in taking Hikaru's stones than marking off territory. It wasn't right-- by all accounts, Hikaru was looking to win this game. "Ogata-san... are you drunk?"

The man frowned. "Off of this?" He gestured to his pile of cans in the corner. "Don't make me laugh."

"Then why am I winning? You're playing oddly. Why?"

Ogata pushed up his glasses, peering at him like he'd been waiting for Hikaru to ask the question. "How would you like to play a slightly different game? Something a little more... challenging?"

The teen's brow furrowed, a hand uneasily running through blonde bangs. That feeling in his stomach was coming back. "Like one color go?"

"Somewhat." He placed a stone, capturing another of Hikaru's stones. "Take off your shirt."

"Eh~?!" He looked to Touya for confirmation, but just got a slight shake of his head."

"It's strip go. Not only must you capture territory, but you must mind the amount of stones you sacrifice, or else..." His voice trailed, and his eyes flickered to the offending camp shirt. Ogata's smirk deepened as he spoke again, tones of mirth and sarcasm thick. "It's a very... intense game. Maybe you aren't up to the challenge?"

"I can do it," the teen snapped automatically, wrenching off his overshirt and tossing it to the floor. Oh... he really had to watch those defense mechanisms.

"Excellent." And now Hikaru was certain of why he shuddered at Ogata's grin.


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I think it's episode 56 or so; Hikaru's gone to convince Touya Kouyo that he doesn't want to retire and Ogata comes up and pins him against the wall, gets all up in his face. That added to the clips of him leaving some strange woman's house and the fact that he's always sitting in his house in the dark in front of the computer and an (admittedly out of context) then-spoiler about how the drunken Ogata lures an oblivious Hikaru to his room for go while someone else is passed out in the corner, and... Well, we have what's in front of you today. Now I know that what actually happened in ep. 59 (or so) was not quite the kind of game that I had initially imagined, but that's what fanfic is for, eh?

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The aftermath. Akira and Hikaru have a talk that goes... not so well. Waya has a question. Ogata has a nap. Don't miss it.