Callen awoke, heart racing before he realised where he was. Blearily gazing around his hospital room through the semi darkness he saw his partner passed out in a chair beside the bed and his heart rate slowed.

"Sam" he croaked. "You should go home".

"Go back to sleep G" muttered Sam sleepily.

"Can't" Callen tried to remember what he had been dreaming about.

He was running, chasing a woman. She was faster than him and disappeared into the foggy industrial area.

"Stop, or I shoot" he yelled into the void.

He walked into the fog, gun held at the ready as he approached the woman. She turned and faced him and he blinked, not sure if he was seeing right.


"G" Sam's voice cut through his thoughts as Callen wearily rubbed a hand over his face.

"Bad dreams?"

"Nah, dam tube is uncomfortable"

Sam had known him long enough to know when he was lying.


"I'm fine" Callen tried to roll over onto his left side and groaned. The pain had heightened and he could tell his temperature was elevated. "This sucks"

"I can get a nurse?"

"I'm fine" he repeated, settling on his back gingerly and closing his eyes. "Well, at least I will be when I get out of this place"

Sam stretched and yawned widely. "In that case I'm going to go stretch my legs and go and see what's happening with Kensi and Deeks, and maybe pick us up a pre-dawn snack".

"A coffee would be appreciated" Callen told Sam, his eyes still shut.

Sam was strolling down the hallways to the west wing with a holder of coffee in his hand when his phone rang and caller ID showed the operations managers name.

"Morning Hetty. You're up early" he said.

"Good morning Mr Hanna. I haven't been to bed yet. How is our agent doing?"

"He's good. Ready to blow the joint" Sam grinned. "Everything fine at your end?"

"Miss Jones and Mr Beale haven't managed to identify any of the men you shot yet. I sent them home for the night an hour ago" she said grimly. "I've managed to secure a safe house for Miss Moore. In a couple of days she can be moved to it, and since Mr Callen is out of action I will be stationing him there as protective detail".

"He's gonna hate that" Sam chuckled. I'll see you later Hetty. Make sure you go home and get some sleep too" he reminder her.

Hanging up outside Beatrice's door he knocked softly and entered.

"Trust Deeks" he snorted to himself, seeing the unkempt detective fast asleep with his feet up on the bed.

"Yo Deeks, Where's kens?" he asked, shaking the detective.

"I sent her home" Deeks blearily goot to his feet, and spotting the coffee in Sam's hand his yawn ended in a grin. "Nothing is happening here. The alias we admitted her under seems to be holding".

"Did she say anything yet?"

"More than the 'they're after me' crap, nah"

Sam looked at the sleeping girl and was reminded forcefully in another world that could be his daughter lying there.

"Take it easy on her, she's had it pretty rough the last week. Hetty has secured a safe house we can transfer her to in a couple of days, and G is going to be stationed there as protective detail since he can't really do much else"

Deeks choked at these words, just as he was taking a sip of coffee. "Callen, basically sitting out of the case. He'll love that" he spluttered sarcastically.

The two stood side by side, quietly bantering back and forth as they tried rid the feeling of restlessness one often gets when confined for too long.

Beatrice woke to the low hum of their voices, but kept her eyes shut as she tried to recall the past 24 hours. Running. Hiding. So hungry. Police. And then…and then what? Pain. Hot white pain in every movement. And then she had woken up here. That man, what was his name? She drew a blank. He had been there. And that woman.

Beatrice tensed unconsciously, hated memories of her mother coming to the surface. Women tended to bring those up, and she hated it. With each new woman her father had brought around the more distant she had become. Staying out late, not going home. Crashing at mates places. Hatred rose as she thought about her mother. Her mother who was supposed to protect her. Make her feel safe. But instead…"

The monitor beside her let out rapid, loud beeps as her heart rate spiked, her head felt light and she opened her eyes to see the two agents moving urgently towards her.

Deeks pressed the pager for the doctor as he urgently called her name. Her eyes looked at him and he saw a dark flash of hatred in them before it was masked. What had she been thinking about?

"Deep breaths" Sam coached, seeing she was struggling for air. "In, out, in out"

As he took deep, steadying breaths she followed suit and he watched as her breathing evened and her heart rate dropped.


She nodded as the doctor entered the room.

"Ah, I see it's time for another dose of pain meds" he smiled. "I'll send in a nurse"

She looked up at the two agents who were still looking at her, and both could see that it wasn't the pain that had caused the sudden spike in heart rate.

"Beatrice?" Deeks started tentatively.

"Bea" she closed her eyes, now becoming aware of the pain coming from her arm.


"Bea, not Beatrice" she spoke softly.

"Right" Deeks looked at Sam for help. Sam shrugged, then held up the coffee pointed to the door. Watching Sam make his exit Deeks flopped back down in the bedside chair.

"You wanna talk?" he asked.

Bea shook her head. Who did he think he was? She was not going to start spilling her guts to some cop.

"Tomorrow" he told her firmly "I need to ask you some questions and it has to be sooner rather than later"