
Author's Note: This is a YAOI story. That means there will be at least one male x male romantic pairing. It will also be a Sasuke x Itachi story. For obvious reasons, that's not everyone's cup of tea, but I had a couple requests for this pairing. In addition, this tale will draw on some classical sci-fi and alien themes. If any of that bothers you, you might want to turn back now. For those of you still here, I hope that you enjoy this story and reviews are always appreciated.

Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit off of any of my fanfics.

Chapter 1

Sasuke Uchiha knew two things with absolute certainty about his life. He loved tomatoes and his best friend was borderline psychotic. Everything else was potentially subject to change, but not those two fundamental facts of his existence.

"Oh come on, Sassy!" Borderline psychotic, but in the best way possible. "It'll be fun." Though there were times when the Uchiha suspected that his friend might have something of a death wish.

Whenever he said, "It'll be fun," it never ended well. As soon as those words left the violet eyed alien's mouth, Sasuke knew that they would be damn lucky not to get arrested. Suigetsu had already gotten arrested once and he wasn't even twenty yet.

Sasuke had been a Junior in High School when Suigetsu obviously lost his mind. He'd always known that his friend hated Orochimaru Sannin, but this was ridiculous!

"HA! TAKE THAT!" Suigetsu drives by Biology Teacher's mailbox in his new car, swinging a sword at it. "That's for all those stupid pop quizzes, you asshole!" Hacking it to bits.

Unfortunately, he hadn't realized that Orochimaru was already home and he saw the incident. "YOU DAMN HOOLIGAN!" The fifty something teacher was not pleased to say the least. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS! I'M CALLING THE POLICE!" As he leans over and tugs Suigetsu out of the car.

So Sasuke did what any smart person would have done. He ran and he ran. Of course, he wasn't a complete jerk. He bailed his friend out of jail later.

"You're so damn lucky that this is your first offense and you're under eighteen." Sasuke glared at him. "And that I had some cash saved up from my Summer Job last year to bail you out."

Suigetsu rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Oh come on. That guy had it coming." Sasuke gave him another dirty look and then proceeded to deliver the tongue lashing of a lifetime to his friend for his stupidity.

Needless to say, Suigetsu never destroyed Orochimaru's Private Property again. Though privately, Sasuke had to admit, he had a point. Orochimaru really was such a prick.

He rolls his eyes. "That's what you said last time, right before you got arrested. I told you not to do it! Oh and that's a stupid nickname!"

Of course, Sasuke made sure to hiss all this under his breath at the Samehada. They were sitting outside in a street café and he didn't want any of pedestrians to overhear them.

Apparently, that wasn't really a concern for his friend. "Oh come on. He totally deserved it! Admit it!" Then again, that was normal for his species.

It was the year 3017 and humans had known about aliens for awhile now. It had all started with a few superheroes centuries ago and now, it was just taken for granted that aliens existed. The aliens that had "immigrated" to Earth for the most part had at least semi successfully assimilated.

"That's besides the point!" Sasuke sighs. "He did, but it was still a stupid idea!"

Some species looked human enough like Samehadas that they could pretend to be human easily, if they wanted. Really, Suigetsu's most distinguishing feature was his wicked sharp teeth. Other than that and his aquatic powers, he could have easily passed for any other mischievous nineteen year old youth.

Suigetsu shrugs without any hint of shame. "It wouldn't kill you to let your hair down once in awhile. Take a walk on the wild side." Sasuke doubted that he could find a more fun and loyal friend, but there was no denying that the other alien was an adrenaline junkie.

"You're such an idiot." Sasuke half-heartedly glares at his friend as he bites into his tomato salad.

Sasuke and Suigetsu were in the minority though. There were really only a handful or two of alien species that he knew of, that Sasuke could legitimately classify as relatively humanoid. The vast majority were…well far more exotic.

Suigetus laughs and winks. "Maybe, but you love me anyway. If it wasn't for me, you'd already be old and gray." He pauses for a moment. "Well until you Shifted, anyway."

In a way, Sasuke supposed he sorta fell under that category. He was a Sharingan. A species of aliens that could change their form for the most part at will. With a few important catches.

"Well I guess there are benefits to keeping you around." Sasuke sips his water. "I always feel like a fucking genius in comparison."

The first was that he could only change his shape to that of other organic matter. He could transform into any human or intelligent alien species that he wanted. Ditto for things like animals and plants. Well at least for awhile.

Unlike Suigetsu though, Sasuke couldn't turn into matter that wasn't organic. His friend could turn into water or inflate body parts to a much larger than normal size such as his arm for a strength boost, if he wanted. Sasuke couldn't do that or turn into inanimate objects.

The other teenager places a hand over his heart as if he was mortally wounded. "Owe! That really hurt my feelings, Sassy." He sighs dramatically. "How are you ever going to get a girlfriend, if you're so mean?!"

That and the other major concern was time. From what little Sasuke had been able to gather and remember about other Sharingans, it varied. You couldn't hold a copied form indefinitely. It depended on the individual and what they shifted into, but the longest most Sharingans could hold any form was a few days and some forms, could only be held for a few minutes.

He was suddenly interrupted from his thoughts when a Bullusa bounds over to him. "Sorry about that." A Squidus smiles as she walks over to him.

"Is he um friendly?" Suigetsu stares at the rather large furry bison sized creature with ram like horns and arms (or should he say legs) that looked like a gorilla's?

The Squidus nods. Sasuke wouldn't have known it was a female if it wasn't for her voice and her cleavage which was tastefully hidden underneath her potato sack like robes. Oh and she had tentacles on her head that he guessed were supposed to be that species version of hair.

That species was semi humanoid in appearance, but their glowing yellow eyes, large foreheads, and ashen gray skin were rather intimidating to say the least. Oh and there was that fact that the bottom half of their face was shaped like a squid's. "Oh don't worry, he's very friendly." They didn't have noses. They did have hair like tentacles that were draped over where their mouths should be though.

A Bullusa was apparently the alien version of a Great Dane or something similar. They were just massive pets that acted something like dogs. Guard dogs usually. They could be quite fearsome, when they wanted to be. So Suigetsu had a good reason to be worried.

His friend sighs in relief at that knowledge. "Great. So yeah, Sassy. You should start being nicer, if you ever want to be a girlfriend!" He reminds him.

"I wouldn't worry too much about that." The Squidus says as she turns to leave, running her hand along Sasuke's shoulder suggestively. "He is cute, especially for a human." Her nose twitches. "Oh…wait. You're not a human. That's just a glamour?" Apparently, her nose or whatever passed for it, figured it out.

For the most part, humans couldn't tell Sasuke was an alien. Not unless he "slipped up." Other aliens usually could, if they got close enough to smell him though.

Speaking of smells, Sasuke had always loved coming to Keiki. Mostly because of the wonderful scents that almost always cloaked the street café. The scent of freshly baked bread and cakes, along with it's other fantastic cuisines were enough to make even his mouth water. (Not even Sasuke could resist those cakes and he normally hated sweets)!

"You could say that." Sasuke nods as Suigetsu snickers in amusement.

It was hard not to adore Keiki though, especially on a day like this. Spring had finally sprung. The skies was blue, the birds were singing, and the scent of freshly cut grass and fallen rain was everywhere. It was like a scene straight out of a postcard.

The Squidus nods. "Well I usually walk Fluffy past here almost every day." She smiles. Well as much as a Squidus could smile, anyway." So maybe, I'll see you around?" Suigetsu was never going to let him live this down!

"Maybe. Nice meeting you. I think Fluffy wants to continue his walk though." Sasuke nods politely.

Great. A Squidus liked him. Sasuke couldn't lie. Human females held no interest for him, but neither did female aliens. It was something that he had never told anyone. Not even Suigetsu, but he preferred men.

The Squidus shrugs and heads off. It probably wasn't fair because Sasuke knew that he wasn't exactly conducting a scientific study on the matter, but in his experience…alien women tended to realize when someone wasn't interested sooner. He thought this might have something to with their generally better sense of smell, but Sasuke didn't want to ask. It just seemed impolite to do so.

"Even alien chicks are all over you." Suigetsu rolls his eyes.

Well now was as good a time as any, Sasuke supposed. It wasn't that he was hiding his preference. "It's not the chicks' attention that I want." His friend had just never asked and well apparently, most people just assumed he was straight.

The Arashi blinks and Sasuke knew that he had stunned him. Suigetsu was a Samehada, but there were two subspecies of Samehadas. Sasuke wasn't really sure what the difference was, but he knew that his friend was the subspecies known as an Arashi.

Suigetsu bites on his straw as he sucks down some more of his water. The Samehada were definitely an aquatic species by nature. From what he understood, It didn't matter whether it was the Akatsuki or Arashi Subtype. Bad things happened to them when they got dehydrated.

He was clearly sucking on his drink to buy time though. "I mean, I guess I should have known." Suigetsu smirks. "You've have girls throwing themselves at you for years and you've never shown an interest. That and your hair is way too perfect to be straight."

Sasuke splashes his drink at Suigetsu for that. "You're such a stereotypical bastard sometimes!" Maybe, his friend needed a good kick in the nuts to learn not to make stupid jokes like that.

Suigetsu laughs. "Whatever. You love me anyway. Hopefully, just in the bro type of way though. I mean, I like you and everything Sassy. I am just way too into women to like you that way." Sasuke could only roll his eyes at that.

Well not that he had expected any other kind of reaction, but it was nice to have that out of the way. At least now, the other man wouldn't pout if some alien chicks hit on him anymore.

"Right. Well you're still nuts. Going to Konoha is just asking for it." Sasuke shrugs.

Konoha was what the Kasai Alliance called their headquarters on Earth. "I don't know what you're so worried about, Sassy." They were essentially a group of mostly alien superheroes who were tasked with protecting the Kasai Universe. "They're Superheroes. What do you think they're really going to do to us?" Suigetsu shrugs as he looks at Sasuke and the two teenagers pay for their meal.

Sasuke didn't know exactly. As proud as he was of his alien heritage, it wasn't something he advertised. He could only vaguely remember another home. One far from this galaxy.

He might as well be human from a cultural standpoint. It was just that he looked so much like a human naturally and that he was raised here, that sometimes it was hard to remember that he was actually an alien. Until he shifted or another alien reminded him that his scent was anything, but human.

He had only been a child at the time. A child playing in the Royal Courtyard with the other children. This wasn't unusual. The children were often gathered there while their parents conducted official business inside.

"Sasuke, catch!" Another Sharingan child threw a ball at him.

Not that they cared. The Courtyard was beautiful and ancient. Gorgeous stone walls and ruins to climb, crawl on, hide on, or jump off of were everywhere. There were some places where rainwater would pour forth in a fashion similar to a small waterfall. Those were fun!

The Courtyard had all sorts of trees and exotic planets as well. It was the perfect place to play Hide and Seek or catch and of course the sight of the castle in the distance was always an inspiring one.

"I GOT IT!" He chased off after the ball, but ended up traveling just a little too far.

Someone grabbed him and knocked him out. When he woke up, Sasuke was on a ship. He'd been kidnapped!

Sasuke might have only been a child at the time, but he knew that happened to a lot of children like him. Wealthy parents were always terrified their child would be kidnapped and possibly sold for ransom or worse.

He could hear people in the front of the ship talking. "How long do you think the brat will be out?" About him!

"Hard to say. I'd say at least a few more hours." Another alien looked at the first.

Upon hearing that, Sasuke shifted into a tiny insect and flew as fast as he could until he saw an escape pod. It was his only chance.

Sasuke immediately shifted back and hit the button. "Take me back to Amaterasu!" He had no idea how to pilot a pod, but Sasuke knew that the artificial intelligence in the pod would be able to handle such a simple command.

"Request processed." The child sighed in relief. "Request denied." His eyes widened in horror.

"What?! Why?!" He needed to get out of here and as quickly as possible!

There was a slight pause. "There is not enough fuel to reach that destination. Please select another." Oh.

Well if he got to another planet, he could just get more fuel and then go home. "Select nearest inhabitable planet." The words came out of his mouth before he even really knew what he was saying.

"YOU THERE! GET BACK HERE!" Oh no! "YOU LITTLE BRAT! THINK YOU'RE SNEAKY, HUH?!" His kidnappers had found him.

One of them tried to grab him, but the pod slammed shut. "Request Granted. Destination the Milky Way Galaxy. Planet Earth." And it took off.

Sasuke shrugs. "I don't know. I'd just rather not push our luck."

He wasn't sure how long it took him to reach Earth, but he soon found out Earth didn't naturally have the fuel necessary for his ship. The child had asked everyone that he met, but no one knew what he was talking about back then.

Later on Sasuke had realized that there were aliens on Earth. It was just that at the time Sharingan hadn't authorized Earth to be an allied planet. So there weren't Sharingans on that planet. It was considered a "neutral" one when it came to his home world.

"Oh stop being such a scaredy-cat!" Suigetsu drags him off. "I just wanna go look!"

Of course, he had asked some of the other aliens he ran into about getting home. Apparently, no one wanted to risk taking him home or sending a message to his world. A powerful race had its eye on potentially annexing Earth into its realm of influence and that race was less than fond of Sharingans. It would have started a war, most likely.

"Fine. We'll go look." Sasuke sighs.

"Oh look! A kitty cat!" Suigetsu suddenly stops dragging Sasuke around in the middle of a street to pet the "cat."

Sasuke's eyes widen. Oh no! This wasn't good. That wasn't just any ole housecat. That was a Bastet!

"Did you just refer to me as a Kitty Cat?" The Bastet raises an eyebrow incredulously.

It was rather large for a cat. Probably around the size of Ocelot, Sasuke supposed. Most of it was stormy gray furred, but on top of its head were brilliant purple feathers and matching ones adorned the tip of its tail. A few red feathers were on its stomach and its violet eyes glowed with even more intensity than even moonlight.

Suigetsu blinks. "Oh. Not a regular cat. I didn't notice the feathers at first. Sorry."

"I'll have you know that I'm a Bastet!" The feline alien gives him a dirty look. "My people were the first alien race to discover this planet thousands of years ago! The Egyptians worshiped us as Gods!" Oh boy.

Sasuke was familiar with this breed. The Egyptian Goddess known as Bastet was either named after them or they were named after her. He wasn't really sure, but he did know a couple of important facts about them.

They were very proud. "Whoa! Whoa! Sheesh! Sorry!" Which apparently, Suigetsu had just discovered.

They were also extremely rare. The breed had been hunted almost to extinction for its unique ability. They could see the future. (Apparently not their own or else, they wouldn't have been hunted down to such abysmally low numbers…but Sasuke digressed).

"He really is sorry." Sasuke leans down in a subtle bow to the irritated feline. "Suigetsu, just isn't up to date on his Alienology." The study of aliens.

The Bastet huffs. "Well at least one of you has manners. Let's see here…you've earned a future reading." Uh oh.

Sasuke wasn't sure that was a good idea. There were times that it was better to just let things unfold naturally. Apparently, no one told the Bastet that though.

"Your blood nears. An awakening awaits for you on the Island." The alien's eyes begin to grow even more brightly than usual. Fear, blood and sweat. A love you can't forget. All things foreseen by Bastet." The Bastet either didn't notice this or didn't care. Sasuke doubted it could stop telling the prophecy, even if she tried.

The Bastet's eyes stop glowing and she blinks. She takes one final look at Sasuke and scampers off. "Well that was weird." Suigetsu stares at the feline as she runs away.

Very weird. Weird enough that Sasuke really didn't think that going to the island was a good idea. He knew exactly which one the other alien had meant. The one that Suigetsu wanted to drag him to, of course.

"Yeah." He narrows his eyes. "We aren't going to Konoha!"

Suigetsu laughs. "You really don't think that we're not going, after all that do you?!" Great. Just great.

The Arashi obviously thought that the "cat's" warning was an invitation. An invitation that he couldn't resist. Did he seriously miss the fear, blood, and sweat part of the prophecy?!

"It was just a dumb cat." Sasuke shrugs. "Don't put too much stock into it."

The Samehada gives Sasuke a dirty look. "I know that you don't believe that. You bowed to the furball and you don't bow to anyone." Sadly, the Uchiha couldn't argue with that on the grounds of accuracy.

"Well I was just being polite." That was a bit of a White Lie, but whatever worked.

Suigetsu laughs. "Sure. Well, since you're so nice and all…I'm sure that you won't mind me taking your Sharingan on a joyride to the island." And with that, the white haired alien hops onto the beautiful, sleek ruby red hovercraft. The Sharingan had been parked in the parking lot by the cafe. "Right?" The only reason Sasuke had felt safe leaving it there was because you had to scan your fingerprints into the machine to even drive it. If you're prints weren't registered in the system, it wasn't going anywhere.

The Sharingan had two meanings. The first was the name of his species and the second referred to a particular kind of hovercraft. The one that Suigetsu was currently sitting on.

"Damn good that it's already red." Sasuke glares at him. "I'd hate to have the bloodstains be too noticeable."

Suigetsu squeaks, but he remained undeterred. "How'd they decide to name this type of ship, after your species…anyway?" Ah. So he thought a change of topic could save him! Ha!

The Arashi clearly didn't know who he was dealing with! He didn't seriously think that Sasuke was that easily distracted, did he? Well he was in for a rude awakening!

"Apparently, my species designed that kind of ship." He shrugs. "So it makes sense that it was named after us."

There were a lot of hovercrafts out there. Hovercrafts essentially acted as the flying cars or bicycles. It was just sometimes, they were also heavily armored. It varied extensively.

Suigetsu nods as he pats the seat next to him. "Okay! Cool!" He grins. "So let's go! After all, this is one of the best models out there. So even if we run into trouble, we can out fly them."

That wasn't completely inaccurate. There were only two kinds of hovercrafts that were actually superior to Sharingans. The Mangekyo and Rinnegan. Each of them cost more than house though. In general, no civilian was ever going to get a license to drive those two kinds of ships. Sharingans were a bit more flexible.

"You're still suicidal." Sasuke sighs as he gets on the hovercraft with him. "But I should go with you. Just to keep you from getting killed. You don't even know how to fly this thing!"

Suigetsu nods determinedly. "Yeah. Hey, how'd you get your hands on this sweet ride and where the fuck did you learn how to drive it?" Those were good points.

It was expensive. Really, expensive. Sasuke had basically poured all his savings that he had into it. And still, it had taken three years to save up for. He was nineteen and had been saving since he was 16.

"I saved up." He shrugs. "A lot and as for how I learned how to drive, Kakashi taught me." Kakashi somehow figured out that Sasuke was a Sharingan and figured that it was something of Sasuke's birthright to be able to drive one.

Suigetsu blinks and nods. "Well that was cool of him. I mean he always was my favorite teacher!" Probably because Kakashi just had them watch movies and take notes, instead of standard teaching…but whatever.

Kakashi was cool in his own way. Sasuke just wished the idiot wouldn't be late to nearly everything. Oh wait. He was getting off track here.

"Yeah, it was. Alright." Sasuke pauses. "So we'll go. We'll have a quick look and then, we'll come straight home." He gives Suigetsu a dirty look. "Got it?"

Suigetsu grins fang-tactically and nods excitedly. "Yeah! Totally!" He beams at Sasuke even more. "Scouts Honor!"

Sasuke rolls his eyes at the other man's response. Suigetsu had never been a Boy Scout and they both knew it. Whatever. The Uchiha had to take his friend to Konoha.

If he didn't, the other alien would probably go anyway. Well he would likely try to go, even though he didn't know how to fly the Sharingan. It was the sort of thing that only Suigetsu would be dumb enough to do.

"Good. Well, I'm going to regret this. But let's go." Sasuke smiles as he flies them off towards Konoha!