"Hey baby," Shiro is close and warm, wrapped around his back. Hot breath tickling his neck and making him squirm. His hands wandering across Keith's chest. If Shiro keeps teasing, Keith is going to explode. That or sweep his legs and get what he wants on his own, "We've been talking about you." Shiro whispers huskily, before licking a hot stripe up Keith's neck.

Keith shivers, "Yeah?" Oh god, he hopes they discussed something good.

Shiro drops his hand down to palm at his crotch. Keith moans, "Yeah, we couldn't decide who got you, so we thought we'd share." Oh. Suddenly Takashi is there. Looking all dashing in his pressed green uniform. Keith welcomes him and his eager mouth. Letting himself be boxed in and kissed. The happy middle to his Shirogane sandwich.

"Sharing's nice." Keith gasps as soon Takashi finishes with his mouth and starts working his sucking kisses down Keith's front, "I like sharing." He'll convert to a Saturday morning cartoon's morals if this is what sharing gets him.

Shiro chuckles, "Thought you would." Takashi moves back, and Keith whines at the loss. At least until he sees who he's making room for, Champion has gone the clothing optional route, and Keith just wants to lick those abs, "Now be a good boy, while we take care of you." Shiro says from behind him. He's going to be the best of boys.

Keith jerks, "Hey baby," He creaks one eye open. He's greeted by a Shiro with far too many clothes on. Dammit. He closes his eyes again. Maybe he can go back if he falls asleep now. "Oh no you don't. I need to get up," Shiro shakes his shoulder preventing him from going back under.

Keith makes a noise like the angry sleepy cat he feels like at the moment. Stupid mornings. Stupid Shiro's inability to skip his morning workouts. He opens his eyes again. Sometime in the night, he'd pulled Champion's hand up to his chin and tucked close. The angle is awkward, but Champion hasn't tried to take it back. In fact, he looks impossibly endeared at Keith's pain with joining the conscious world, "I hate you," Keith scowls at him. When he glances up, Shiro's doing the twinsy thing with an identical expression, "You too. I hate you both. I'm going to sleep with Takashi instead."

Shiro grins at him and kisses his nose, "You'll have a hard time with that, babe. He's already awake too." A quick check, and yep, Takashi's already starting his morning stretches in his undershirt. He stops long enough to wave at Keith. Stupid morning people. Mildish pink hue to the sky does not mean the sun is up.

With much protesting Keith gets vertical, letting Shiro can get out from under him. He then walks straight across the room to where Takashi has laid out his officer's jacket while he works out. Keith nabs it then lays back down, pulling the green fabric up over his nose. They can all be freaks of nature together, he's going to catch a few more Z's before the day actually starts.

"He really hasn't changed, has he." Takashi says quietly.

"No, no he hasn't," Shiro replies. There might have been more, but he doesn't catch it.

There is a best Shirogane competition, and as the universe leading expert on Shiro, Keith is naturally the judge. There is the feats of strength section, where Champion's showmanship in bench pressing him gets him bonus points. The swimsuit section, which Shiro tries to balk at until Keith reminds him that he will be disqualified if he doesn't show up in a speedo, and best of all the 'Special Talents' section. Takashi makes up for an otherwise lack luster overall score with that talented tongue he loves. Champion and Shiro try to call giving a blowjob to the judge cheating, but Keith lets them know they can both have an opportunity for extra points too when Takashi is done.

Something bumps him, and he's painfully awake again. Keith groans. "Sorry, accident," He has to open his eyes to figure out who's talking to him. Takashi has plopped down beside him. Plucking at his shirt to get it off his sweaty skin. Shiro and Champion are still in the middle of the room doing sit ups. Are they competing? "I thought I had a pretty good routine, but I can't keep up with those two." Takashi says.

Sky's actually a decent shade of blue now, guess he shouldn't fall back asleep, "Mmmm, yeah," Keith hums. A lot was terrible with the year Shiro was gone, but he can't say the muscle development hasn't been a aesthetically pleasing change.

"Hey!" Takashi pokes him in the cheek, "You're supposed to say something to make me feel better." Keith catches his finger and sits up.

He pokes Takashi's chest in return, "I'm giving you motivation for improvement."

Takashi gasps dramatically, covering his pecs with his hands, "You never complained about them before."

"Yeah, but then you came home with those." Keith points at the two that are still going, "Those are medal worthy, you've got to admit."

"Ouch, I see how it is, go off get some bad ass scars and super buff, then suddenly your boyfriend doesn't appreciate the original model anymore." Takashi fakes a pout.

Keith snickers. He should probably keep from pushing the joking too far, wouldn't want to give him a complex, "Ah, don't feel too bad. I did tap that," Keith emphasizes with a suggestive sweep of his eyes, "So obviously I approve."

"That an offer?" Takashi gives him a cheeky smirk. Keith laughs and shoves him. He forgot how easily Shiro used to flirt. He hadn't realized he missed this. Well, that's depressing, "Too much?" Takashi asks, he's stopped smiling.

"You're fine. Just thought of something." Keith reassures him. Shiro and Champion have finally finished working out, and Keith takes the distraction. He needed to talk to Shiro anyways, "I'll be back in a minute." He hops up, leaving Takashi's jacket behind, to follow Shiro out of the room.

They only know of one room with a water source, so he has to wait for Champion to finish before he can finally get Shiro alone.

He shuts the door, as Champion leaves, "Hey, you got a moment?" Shiro looks up at him from where he'd ducked his head under the faucet. He's a lot more red in the face than normal. Someone was showing off for his alternate universe selves.

"What's up?" Shiro asks, giving him his full attention.

"We need talk about your doubles," How to put this without being super awkward…no, no tactful way to do this, "Where do you want the…lines to be between them and me?"

"…lines? Like can you fuck Takashi?" Keith chokes at Shiro's bluntness, heat sweeping his cheeks, "I mean if you want to, I'd understand."

"No-wait, seriously? Champion too?" Fuck, there goes the serious conversation along with his brain processing power.

"You want to sleep with Champion?" Shiro asks with a small frown.

"I mean, imagine if there were two other me's running around. Can you really say the thought wouldn't cross your mind?" Shiro was magazine worthy in any universe. He really shouldn't be judged for wanting to have them all.

"Keith," Shiro scrubs at his hair, "I get the thought. I don't mind, but Champion's dangerous. You need to keep him at a distance."

Dangerous? Well yeah, but, "I don't think I need to worry about him. He seems a little too fond of me to suddenly attack." The thing last night, when he found out Keith was a paladin just proved that. Champion was worried about Keith's survival. He wasn't going to hurt him.

"He's not right in the head. You can't know that he won't turn on you no matter what he seems like," Shiro insists, "Just trust me, okay," That's not fair. This is a conversation with time to discuss, not a trust situation.

"I need some kind of explanation. I'm pretty good at reading you," Not most people, but Shiro he understood, "And I just see someone in a lot of pain." That he could help with.

"He's not me." Shiro snaps, then sucks in a breath, before continuing more calmly, "It's the eyes. He's too far gone…" Shiro stares at his prosthetic hand for a moment, "I don't want you getting hurt just because someone looks like me."

Keith sighs. That's not much better than trust me, "Look, if I feel even slightly in danger, I'll back off and find you," Promising to bring Shiro in in the case of danger is always bound to make him feel better, "But the guy just got out of a prison cell full of unfriendly people. I'm not just going to avoid him. If there is something you don't want me doing because it makes you uncomfortable for reasons other than you think I'm going to get hurt, I won't, but I'm not going to be an ass to someone who's in pain for no reason."

Shiro pinches the bridge of his nose, "You're just going to ignore my warning aren't you." He didn't have to sound so put upon. Being friendly to alternate versions of himself was one of the least dangerous things he'd done against Shiro's suggestion.

Keith smiles, and catches Shiro's hand so he can give it a squeeze, "If you can't give me something better than it's his eyes, yeah."

Shiro looks at him for a second before giving in, "Just be careful okay."

"Don't worry, I will be."

End Note:

Shiro notices that Keith and Takashi are flirting while he works out. That's why his mind went there immediately.

Also, sorry for those who hoped for jealous Shiro, his issues with Champion aren't that simple.