10K and his friends spent their time here at Alexandria, people do find them a little weird but it didn't bother them, but they're glad they have a bed and an actual roof over their heads for the time being. Roberta is out talking to Rick, Michonne, and Deanna. Addison is hanging out at the house taking a nice hot shower first. 10K is surrounded by some people, telling him how cute he is, and the elderly pinch his cheeks.

Daryl didn't know what to do, he did want to try and talk to 10K but being an antisocial redneck, he didn't know what to say.

He didn't notice Carl coming up beside him and see him gazing at 10K.

Carl ~ "Hey Daryl"

Shocked by the sudden, Daryl flinches as he turns around to see his adopted nephew Carl standing there with a grin on his face.

Daryl ~ "...Carl..."

Carl raised his hands and moved along back to the house to take care of his sister.

Daryl sat on the porch on the house, he was staying in with Eric and Aaron when he looked up he noticed 10K walking past him. He had his gun so Daryl knew that the kid was going outside the wall. he almost did something he would never do, he was about to 10K if he could come with him. Addy came running behind 10K "Hey 10K, you forgot this" she stood beside him and put a walkie talkie in his hand "Make sure you call us just in case you find yourself in a pinch" "I will"