A/N: OMG, FINAL CHAPTER! I am so happy to get here finally! I loved every second of writing this story; even when I was in a slump or when I felt that the chapters weren't that great, I truly enjoyed the journey of writing this story. And to think I've spent almost a whole year-I posted the first chapter last May-working on this story. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing and I hope you all loved this story as much as I have.

Now, I highly recommend reading the Author's Note at the end of this chapter as it will give you some information on the next part of Darren's story. Additionally, you can definitely ask as many questions as you need to in the reviews I will respond to them personally...but everyone else will have to wait until I start the next part to read the answers...so sorry in advance for that.

Now, onto the chapter!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Enjoy! For the last time for a while!


As Bruce stepped through the Zeta platform, he was greeted by a giant hologram of Earth, a dark glowing spot fixated on a piece of the map, while another floated nearby a similar speck ebbing and flowing erratically in a similar location. Bruce stopped in his approach, frowning slightly at the globes,

"You know when I asked for your assistance with this, I thought I'd have my solution faster, Mr. Detective," Zatanna muttered, not glancing back at him as she studied the globes with her arms crossed. Bruce let out a sigh, his mind wandering back to the manor, wondering what they were deciding to do about Livia's situation. He was sure they would probably do what he would do, Bruce had taught them well, they knew what they could and couldn't do for the problem Livia and the Court presented to them. It was precarious, especially with her abilities and especially with how little the rest of her family knew about the people she associated with. If her family knew more about their second lives, they could allow them to live with them until the threat of the Court has passed but they knew nothing, and while that also somewhat protected them, it also didn't provide them an in to protect the family.

Not only that but something about Livia's abilities bothered him. They reminded him of something, but he couldn't quite place his finger on it. And while she seemed like a sweet and caring girl, having that intuitive feeling about her powers classified her as somewhat of a threat. He knew little about her, except what others had told him and there wasn't much else to go off of. Her parents were difficult to find, and once he did, there wasn't much significant about them. But files and papers could be falsified; things could be hidden, especially when magic was involved.

Magic was something he couldn't control or account for. It was something that couldn't be hacked or reprogrammed, and it was ever evolving. Magic was tricky and dangerous if in the wrong hands. Bruce knew to trust the Baudelaire girl to a certain degree. He couldn't control all of what Darren told her. Tim and Stephanie were a bit more cautious about what they said to others with less experience or knowledge of their night lives, but Darren was still new to this. He could lie exceptionally well-too well even-but not when he felt the other person was trustworthy. On the other hand, her powers were another story. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. She was a young girl with raw magic, and no real way to understand just what she could do, or change or destroy with a thought. Not to mention she didn't have to speak to utilize her abilities. Every magician Bruce had ever faced needed to speak…Livia didn't, and that fact bothered him,

"Well?" Zatanna asked expectantly, turning to face him finally. She looked agitated, as if not being able to solve this mystery was bothering her. Almost as if this problem was consuming her. She looked tired and antsy, mostly annoyed and eager to end this problem as soon as possible. She had faced many magicians in her time of crime fighting, but none had vexed her as much as Klarion had. He was the embodiment of Chaos, its personification. He yielded destruction and despair, destroying everything in his path to get what he wanted. He was virtually a trickster demon but with a more grounded foot in the world. She has only faced him a few times in the past, yet he has always escaped, leaving her with the broken pieces to fix,

"Klarion's not in Gotham," Bruce replied simply. That was it. There was nothing else to say. It may be blunt, and it may not align with what Zatanna's findings were showing. But there was no indication that the witch boy was in Gotham,

"That can't be possible," Zatanna growled, turning back to the maps, "This shows that it's not possible," she gestured to them, muttering under her breath so they'd spin to face them,

"What do they show?" Bruce asked, standing next to her and observing the giant hologram globes floating side by side,

"That one," Zatanna pointed to the left, "Is Earth-16, it shows Klarion there wrecking havoc on the poor unfortunate souls of that Earth. The one on the right is our Earth. It's the same aura; it's the same kind of magic…yet Klarion is on Earth-16,"

"He is the embodiment of Chaos…he may be trying to trick you into thinking he's here,"

"It could be that," Zatanna amended though she didn't sound sure, "While this showing of his magic on our Earth is strong and powerful…it fades. It goes away from time to time before flaring again. Almost like it goes out of use before being brought back full force. While on Earth-16 it's constant,"

"If you know that, then why did you need me?"

"Because while it fades, it is still powerful and it is still very authentic. Klarion is many things, he's powerful, he's evil, and he is practically a Demon…but he can't be in two planes of existence at once. It's one of the few limits on his power. Which is why this discovery is so important if he found a way to be in two planes of existence…of the multiverse…at once then that's a huge problem for multiple worlds at the same time. But the fading is odd…almost like it's a spark of his power...it's still super powerful, I can sense that. Yet it's not him all the same. I don't know what it means, and I just can't figure it out," Bruce frowned…a thought forming. It seemed impossible, yet at the same time something that was equally as likely…he wasn't one to dabble in the supernatural, but the one thing he truly understood with magic was that while many things were possible—too many in his opinion—there was a limit…yet creativity was never the wrong way to go…especially with rogue magicians,

"When did this flare-up last? How long ago," Zatanna shrugged,

"I contacted you as soon as it flared, you were the one who took forever getting here," Bruce rolled his eyes, ignoring the dig. They didn't have time for this,

"There was a situation back home," Bruce stated slowly…gears turning in his head…a truth patching it's way to the forefront of his mind, "When was the first time you sensed this kind of magic in Gotham?"

"It was large, a sudden flare of power…it gave me a headache, I even almost passed out. I portalled to Gotham as soon as I could, but it had already started to fade as soon as I arrived,"

"When?" Bruce insisted, trying not to snap. He didn't need the whole story, just the date so he could confirm what he thought he already knew,

"December nineteenth," Bruce nodded, glancing back at the holographic globes in thought. Wondering if this was worth bringing up…there was a chance what he'd deducted was impossible. While he wasn't an expert in the supernatural, he tried to be well versed in its rules…and this didn't fit in with what, as far as he knew, was possible. Zatanna mimicked him, looking up at the fading glow of the magic used in Gotham just hours ago before glancing at him, narrowing her eyes,

"You know something," she muttered, "What aren't you telling me?"

"You only track Klarion by his magic, nothing else correct?"

"What else is there to track? The guy bounces around from earth to earth so fast, and so often it's like he has multiverse ADD," Zatanna replied with an eye roll, "When he's here I deal with him…but I can't do anything if I can't find him. He wasn't where this magic was. I'd ask Dr. Fate…but, well he's a busy man," Bruce didn't miss the hint of irritation in her voice but still didn't focus on it either,

"What if you're not tracking the entirety of Klarion's magic…what if you're just tracking a piece of it," the moment he said it Zatanna stiffened, almost like she'd been electrocuted. She stood up ramrod straight, not leaning casually on the metal railing as she had when talking to him before and with a wave of her hand dissipated the globes into nothingness,

"Is that possible?" Bruce asked turning to face her, wondering if this meant what he thought it did. Zatanna almost looked shell-shocked,

"A Baudelaire Witch," she hissed in awe, yet still almost as if saying a curse. Bruce narrowed his eyes this time. So he had been right…but the implications of this were limitless…what this meant he did not know. He needed more information, and he needed to decide how to address this new underlying situation that was Livia Baudelaire,

"What do you know about the Baudelaire Witches?" Bruce asked Zatanna sighed, looking him in the eyes, his dark grey to her light blue,

"Not much. But what I do know, isn't anything good."

A/N: And...there...it...is! Hope you liked this epilogue, hope it got you all somewhat surprised and a bit confused. Now as for the whole Klarion introduction...I'm gonna be changing his characterization a bit to make him fit into my version of the DC Universe. You'll see that more in the next story I'm sure ; )

Now for the next part of Darren's story. It will probably be the last of the Nobody's Weapon series. I am still working on a title, I want it to be PERFECT, so I can't say what it will be called. I am still taking suggestions for titles by the way.

I am on chapter six currently, I haven't started it, but once I do start up writing the next chapter, it will be the sixth. I am going on Spring break soon, so I will have a decent amount of time to write or pick up my pace on writing at least a little bit so I have decided that the Thursday after I get back to my University from break is when I will start posting the next story. That will be March 22nd.

Thanks again for reading! Remember to REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!

And I will post again on the 22nd!