Hot and humid this summer and it technically it isn't even summer yet. This year is going to be brutal, I just know it already.

Just saw L is For Love and I just got to say, I really love the misdirection the episode gave us for the ending to it and if you haven't seen it yet, I won't spoil it for ya. Just go watch it and see for yourself. It makes me interested in seeing what things the show will do next. All I ask for is no more episodes that are simply Lincoln torture. We've already had two of those this season and those are enough. Seriously, it's not funny when Spongebob does it to Squidward and it's not funny here. Okay, rant over.

Welcome to the final chapter of this story. In this chapter, Lori reflects on her behavior towards Lincoln's fears as Luna confronts her.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Loud House.

Some time had passed since their parents had arrived home from their date night. They had seen Lori covered in water and had asked her why she was soaking wet. She had considered ratting out Luna after she had made her so mad. But instead she chose to tell them that she just accidentally spilled it all over herself, but she had no idea why she had spared Luna like that. After she had finished cleaning up the mess and had dried herself off, the girls were all sent off to bed as the parents retired to their room with Lucy. Lori climbed up the stairs behind the rest of them and as she reached the top, she paused for a second and took a glance at Lincoln's bedroom door.

She did have half a mind to walk on over and take a quick peek inside to see if he was doing okay. But she ultimately just shook her head and turned away to head off to her room for bed. Her room was conveniently across the hall from Luna's room and she took another second to just glare at Luna's door. She still felt anger the third eldest child in the family and she felt like bursting in there and giving Luna a good scolding. Instead she knew it would do no good and their parents would probably hear their argument and demand answers. And the last thing she needed was them thinking she had been irresponsible.

As she entered her room and began to close her bedroom door, she felt someone grab it from the other side and push it open. Lori turned her head to see Luna standing in the doorway. Still looking as mad as she had earlier.

Lori rolled her eyes at the sight of the last person she wanted to see right now and with a exasperated sigh she said, "Oh great. What are YOU doing here?"

Luna continued frowning and said, "You know exactly why I'm over here."

"Didn't you get enough when you splashed your water all over me? What more do you want?" Lori said rather irritably.

Luna crossed her arms and said, "An explanation. Why were you so mad at Lincoln? If anything I'm the one you should have been mad at. Lincoln had nothing to do with what happened. It was all me and you knew that. So why take it out on him and not me?"

Lori scoffed and turned away back into her room.

"Are you expecting me to apologize? The little twerp needs to learn to man up some time. It's never too early to start being mature or start acting your age," Lori argued.

"He's only five years old," Luna fired back.

"My point exactly. The sooner that he learns the better. I'm not going to spoil or pamper him like the rest of you do. Just like he needs to mature, the rest of you need to learn to be angry with him when he acts up like that," Lori said firmly.

Luna knew that what Lori was telling her was all a lie. All of the sisters had, including Luna herself, a time where Lincoln had annoyed them like he had with Lori tonight. Like when he entered their rooms without permission, or when he would bug them with various questions, or when he'd disturb them when they were in the middle of important tasks like homework or even their various sessions. In fact it almost looked as if Lori had forgotten that it was Luna that Lincoln had been clinging to throughout his whole fear based episode.

"Excuse you? Did you really just say that? In case you've forgotten Lori, we yell at Lincoln all the time when he annoys one of us. But guess what, we move on and stay easy on him because he's just a curious five year old and he can't help that. What you did to him tonight was over the line," Luna said, but she could tell by Lori's still angry glare that her words weren't doing anything to help.

Luna turned away from Lori and began to walk back towards her own room.

But she took one last glance to Lori with a tear in her eye and said, "You're supposed to be his big sister, Lori. Not his personal Wicked Witch."

Lori's eyes went wide as Luna finished that last sentence and the next thing she knew, Luna slammed the door behind her as she left. Slammed it hard too. Lori looked back at the door and right as she prepared to open it, she heard Luna slam her own door as well. Lori cautiously poked her head out and she watched as the light under Luna's door turned off with the door slightly cracked a bit. She looked down the hall and watched as each of the other rooms had followed suit with turning out their lights. She looked right down to the end of the hall and could see Lincoln's door with it's own light long extinguished.

Not wanting to disturb anyone that was already in bed and not wanting anyone to know what she was currently feeling, she quietly crept down the hall towards the solitary door at the end. As she passed each room, she swore she could hear the sound of someone shifting in each room. She tried to not let it bother her too much. On short notice, she arrived at the door and slowly opened it. Just slow enough so that it didn't creak and possibly wake the snoozing occupant inside.

She poked her head inside and took a glance at Lincoln as he slept quietly. She crept over to him and lightly brushed the hair back on his head. Lincoln muttered a little bit in his sleep and turned over in his bed. He continued to snore lightly and wrapped the blanket tighter around himself.

Lori watched as he did this and began thinking that maybe, just maybe, she had been too hard on him tonight. She could still remember how terrified Lincoln had looked when she had gotten back from checking on Lucy and how tightly he had held onto Luna during that entire time. It wasn't his fault he had been scared so much by something that was intended to be scary. Besides, she was scared of going to the doctor and would try to hide whenever she had to go see them. And she also remembered how angry her parents used to get because of her stubbornness. Guess the apple really didn't fall far from the tree.

Lincoln shifted in his bed again and Bun-Bun fell from his grasp and landed on the floor by the bed. For a moment he didn't seem to notice but then he began trying to reach out for his little bunny and couldn't find it, causing him to panic a little bit in his sleep. Lori reached down and grabbed Bun-Bun and she gently placed him back in Lincoln's arms. As he felt Bun-Bun back in his arms, Lincoln smiled and began to snooze again. Lori couldn't help but smile and this was followed quickly by animosity towards herself by how she had treated him earlier.

Luna was right about her, something that was hard for Lori to admit to herself. But regardless of how she felt about herself right now and how Lincoln must have felt earlier, Lori reminded herself still had to remain firm with him regarding his behavior. But as Luna had said to her earlier, there is a line on how far Lori should send things. She just needs to figure out where it is.

She turned away and walked for the door. Right before she did so however, she took one last look at her brother as he slept. She couldn't help but smile at seeing him so sweet and innocent. She'd find a way to make this night up to him, but for now she'd let him sleep and told herself she'd try to act a little more responsibly in the future. As she shut the door behind her and looked back down the hall, she couldn't be sure but swore she saw all the other doors suddenly close. At that point Lori didn't really care if everyone had been watching her or not and instead just returned to her own room for bed.

And that'll do it for this story.

I know the story was very long or really that incredible, but I just wanted to write a sweet little story about Lincoln and his older sisters with him still being one of the youngest in the family. But still I'm happy with the small following that this story received.

Thank you for all the comments and the faves. If you wish to see more, I do have two other Loud House stories going on right now which you can find in my profile.