
Hello, wonderful people of the internet!

Here we have a collection of Spider-Man one-shots. I have not read the comics, so this will mostly be centered around the MCU. I think most of these will be reveal fics, but there will definitely be ones with just pure fluff.

This first one-shot is from my Wattpad account (same username) and is basically about how one video ruins Peter's life. Well, his school life.

Happy reading!

And it All Falls Apart

To be honest, things were already pretty rotten before the giant lizard arrived.

Liz had even wrote a list down. It helped her keep track of stuff that went wrong so she could remember what to forget. It was a stupid system, but it worked.
Currently, she had about seven things written down:

Missed school buss
Kicked out of yearbook club
Wandered into boy's locker room by mistake
Low score on chemistry test
Forgot homework
Forgot to meet Alison after class
Yelled at for drawing in class

Yeah... she was not having a very good day.

However, Liz was not prepared for the random lizard that had popped out of nowhere... out of the bathroom where she resided.

Not in the same stall, thank God. That would've been annoying. No, the Lizard (it had a name now, yippee) had burst out of the stall next to her, which wasn't much better, but even so, an improvement.

Now, don't think that Liz wasn't in control of her unfortunate situation. Extremely annoyed, yes, and just about ready to murder someone, definitely, but she wasn't stupid. She screamed, scrambled out of the stall (nearly forgetting to pull up her pants in the process), and hid underneath a sink, shaking with fear. She watched as the Lizard crawled out into the hallway, she heard the screams of the other students, and she could not move.

Liz Allan was having a rotten day.

When the screams subsided a bit, she realized that the other students had probably left already. Slowly, trying not to knock anything over and make her position obvious, she looked around for a window to jump out of, but the only one she could find was at least thirty feet above the ground. There was no way she was jumping down that.

Which meant she had to go out into the hall.

Taking a deep, shuddering breath, Liz steeled herself for what was to come. Then, as silently as she could, she crept out of the bathroom, peeking around the corner into the hall.

What she saw surprised her even more.

Peter Parker (at least, she was pretty sure that was his name), in all his nerdy glory, with his messy brown hair and chocolate-brown eyes, stood in front of the Lizard.

Except... it didn't look like Peter. Peter always had this shy, insecure expression, like he wasn't sure what he was doing half the time, like the whole world was against him. But now, standing in front of the lizard-monster-thing, his eyes swam with rage, his whole body was in a fighting stance, and he looked like he was about to blow up, that's how much power he projected.

It was... different, to say the least. And confusing. And frightening.

Liz was just about to yell at Peter to move, run, to something, when suddenly, he snapped into action. Like a bullet, he shot at the Lizard, faster than she had ever seen him move, faster than anyone should be able to move, and he slid under the monster.

Then he shot wire out of his wrists.

Liz stifled a gasp, instead taking out her phone from her pocket and fumbling a bit with the buttons before she was able to get to the camera. She pressed the record button, and with a shaky hand, let the scene in front of her play out.

Peter jumped onto the creature and started punching him repeatedly, his jaw set hard. The Lizard spun around and grabbed Peter's backpack, throwing it to the side, and before the boy could move out of the way, the Lizard grabbed him and lifted the nerd up into the air, having trouble keeping the struggling boy still.

Then he slammed poor Peter into the lockers, and grabbed him again, throwing him through a door and into another room, and all Liz could think was as she saw him crumple was, Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, no, this isn't happening, this can't be happening...

The Lizard followed Peter through the door, a small smirk on its lips, and it took all of Liz's willpower to follow them through, at a safe distance, continuing to film, unable to keep her eyes away.

Peter and the Lizard started fighting on the floor. The Lizard had Peter pinned down, but he threw a chair at his head, which the creature dodged easily. The Lizard then went on to talking to the boy he was pinning down, but Liz couldn't hear anything, not with the blood roaring loudly in her ears.

The Lizard moved to swipe at Peter with his claw, who dodged and clung to its leg. Liz saw his gaze zero in on his backpack, which lay a few feet away. He was so focused on it, he didn't notice the Lizard lifting him up again. Liz stopped herself from screaming as Peter shot another wire at the backpack, pulling it towards him.

The Lizard threw him through another wall, and for a few moments, nothing was heard. Liz wondered why she hadn't been found yet, her heart was beating so loudly. She watched the Lizard mix two chemicals together and squeaked a little when it threw the steaming substance at the hole in the wall, creating a small explosion. That would've killed any normal human being! (And why would they have those chemicals right next to each other if they could create a bomb?)

Suddenly, a shoe hit the Lizard in the face. It was so stupid, Liz had to stop herself from laughing out loud.

Then Spider-Man jumped out of the hole.

Peter Parker was Spider-Man.

Spider-Man was Peter Parker.


She watched the fight commence, nearly blacking out several times. She couldn't believe it. She wouldn't. Yet here she was, watching Peter Parker - no, Spider-Man - fight a giant lizard.

She continued to film the fight, watching with some kind of sick fascination as the Lizard and Spider-Man swapped punches and kicks. She watched as Spider-Man clung to the monster's tail and got slammed into the lockers, she watched as the tail came off, propelling both it and the hero out into another hall, she watched it all, and she could not look away.

When the Lizard followed Spider-Man through the door and into the other hall, Liz moved. She quickly stopped recording (she had seen enough) and darted out the other way, through the stairwell, down the stairs, and out the door.


Today was Friday, which meant she had two more days to make a decision before Peter came to school again.
But for now, she would take a well-deserved nap.

It was Tuesday. Liz hadn't made a decision.

She was torn between showing the video to the other students, especially Gwen Stacy, his girlfriend, and keeping it to herself. After all, it was Spider-Man's secret identity. Wasn't it his right to keep it, well, secret?

On the other hand, having that big of a secret could become an issue. People might start to question their masked hero, and having people in on the secret could be a huge advantage, not only to his enemies, but to his family, friends, and most importantly, the press. Having some people know about it could be life-saving.

So what should she do?

Every time Peter passed her in the halls, laughing with Gwen and sporting a brand-new bruise (skateboarding accident, apparently), Liz would avert her eyes and squeeze into her locker, hoping he wouldn't notice her and somehow figure out what had happened. It was nerve-racking, the possibility that he could know, and she couldn't take it any more. She had to tell someone.

Oh! How about Alison?

Her best friend knew how to keep a secret. She would support her and give her advice on what to do. Yes, she'd go to Alison.

That backfired completely.

"HOLY WHAT?!" Alison screeched as soon as she saw the video. "What the... holy-"

"Keep it down," Liz whispered frantically. "He doesn't know I saw him."

"Are you sure this isn't photo-shopped? You're not messing with me?"

"Positive," Liz confirmed, noticing the strange stares they were receiving.

"Well, what're you gonna do about it?"

"I..." Liz cleared her throat. "I was hoping you'd be able to tell me."

Alison stared at her. Then she burst out laughing. "Oh my God. Liz. You can't come running to me with everything. I have no idea what to do."


"I mean, you could just tell people," she went on.

"What? No!" Liz exclaimed. "It's his secret."

"Then delete the video."

"I can't do that either! It's too..."

"Huge?" Alison finished for her, a wide smirk on her face.

"Yeah. Huge."

Alison slung her arm around Liz's shoulder. "Listen here, Lizzy. You just witnessed Peter-freaking-Parker reveal himself to be Spider-freaking-Man. And you caught it on video. On video. Obviously you need to use this to your advantage."

"But I don't want to hurt him," Liz protested. She was regretting ever telling Alison by the second. "It's his secret identity we're talking about here."

Alison sighed, rubbing her hand over her face. She then dropped her hand and grinned. Liz did not like that grin. "Ooooohhhh," she breathed. "I know what you can do."

"Which is?" Liz asked nervously.

"Give the video to me." Alison rubbed her two hands together evilly, eyeing her friend's phone.

"Huh? No. Nuh-uh. Definitely not," Liz said, clutching the phone protectively. "Who knows what you'll do with it?"

"That's just it." She was still eyeing the phone. "You won't know. If you give the video to me and delete your's, then I can decide for myself what to do with it, and if it completely backfires, I'll feel no remorse. You know I have a cold heart. And the best part? You won't get blamed. After all, I took the video."

This was such a stupid idea.

So stupid.

Liz was not giving in.

She wasn't.

"Fine." Liz texted Alison the video, then deleted it on her own phone without a second thought.

What was wrong with her?

"Awesome," Alison said, still grinning evilly. She skipped away.

This was going to be a rotten day.

Peter Parker officially hated gossip.

He had been so careful. Careful to keep his secret. Careful to keep the people around him, the people he cared about, safe.

And it had all fallen apart because of one stupid video.

He walked into the school yard that morning, completely unaware of what was to come. Vaguely, he noticed people standing around outside, having a hushed conversation, but nothing seemed off until he stepped up to the front doors.

His spidey senses tingled, but that wasn't the only thing that set him off. He felt like he had had a bad breakfast. Like he was about to be sick.

Something was wrong.

But before he was able to burst through the doors of the school and fight whoever it was that was terrorizing the students, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning around swiftly, he saw Gwen at the bottom of the steps, a solemn expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" he asked quietly, cupping her face in his hands.

"Oh, Peter..." Gwen said softly. A single tear trailed down her face, and alarm shot through Peter. "It's... it's not good..."

"What? What's not good?"

"Peter, don't..." Gwen tried to stop him from going inside, but he twisted free and kicked open the doors, ready to intercept the attacker-
Only to find nothing but a hall full of whispering kids that froze when he burst through.

"Oh." Peter got out of his fighting stance and adjusted his shirt casually. "Uh, hey."

Gwen stepped through and tapped on his shoulder. She whispered, "Video," but Peter was too busy trying to find the source of the bad feeling he still had. His girlfriend buried her face in her hands, looked up again, took a deep breath, and screamed, "Peter, they know!"

Peter Parker froze and turned around to face her. "What?"

She was openly crying now. "There was a-a vide-eo... dur-ring the fight... with the Liz-zard... so-someone..." She sobbed again.

As for Peter, he had gone white. He was trembling all over. His fingers were unconsciously trailing over the web-shooters, and the blood roaring in his ears blocked out everything else. All he could think was, No, they can't know, they can't, this is all a misunderstanding...

"Show me the video," he commanded. A girl shuffled up to him and held out her phone. He watched the video with shaking hands, wondering how he hadn't noticed, how he hadn't seen, how he hadn't known he was being watched. And why would they do this? Surely anyone would know that it was his secret...

But screw the secret. It was all falling apart.

Peter crushed the phone in his hands, emitting some gasps from the students around him, but he didn't notice. He let the phone fall and numbly walked to his locker, grabbed his books, and went to his first class.

No one stopped him.

The rest of the day was spent in silence. Whenever Peter walked into a room, everyone stopped their chatter, creating some confusion with the teachers. Only the students knew, and no one had gone to the press yet with the news, seeing how a whole school knowing had affected their friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Some people came up to ask him questions about his superhero life, but one glare and a clenched fist sent them running. Only Gwen was allowed near him, and it was apparent that she had already known. But no one came up to her for questions, either.

Flash Thompson was a different matter entirely.

He had beat up Peter several times. He had bullied him too many times to count. And all the while, he was really beating up and bullying his hero, Spider-Man.

How did that affect him, you ask?

He avoided everyone in the halls. He wouldn't look anyone in the eye. He was ashamed, and embarrassed, that he had been beating up Spider-Man this entire time, thinking that Peter was too weak to defend himself, when really, it was all for show.

Today, he decided, he would go and apologize.

He walked through the halls, spotting Peter by his locker, grabbing his books. Gwen was nowhere to be seen. The other students, as usual, kept their distance, all except one.

"Yo, Parker," Flash said, walking up decisively.

Peter barely looked up. "Flash."

"So," Flash started, "look, um, I know we've had our differences in the past, but I'm willing to look past that, now that I know you're, well-"

"Spider-Man?" Peter interjected, shoving his books into his locker. He turned to face Flash, rage bubbling up in his stomach. "That's it, isn't it, Flash? Because now I'm Spider-Man. Now I'm worth your good graces. You think all those years of bullying me and others will ever let me forgive you? I never will, Eugene. And just because I'm a better person than you thought doesn't make up for the fact that you beat me, day by day, never thinking I could defend myself. Well, guess what, I can." He flexed his fingers, and his sleeve slid over to reveal his web shooters.

"Parker-" Flash started.

"No, Flash. Look. You see this? You know how strong I am? I could snap your neck with a flick of my wrist. A snap of my fingers. And trust me, it's tempting. But you know why I haven't? Why I haven't sought revenge on everyone who ever wronged me?

"It's because I'm a good person. I try to be. The last thing my uncle told me before he was murdered was that with great power comes great responsibility. Or something like that. And I've taken it to heart. I've been given these powers, and I've tried to use them to help people, not hurt them.

"And you know what that comes with? Enemies. Lots and lots of enemies. And these enemies want to hurt people. Hurt the people I care about. But if they don't know who Spider-Man is, they can't. Which is why I didn't tell anyone about my identity, except Gwen, and by doing so, I put her in more danger than she realizes." He took a deep breath and looked at everyone around him. The students were staring at him with wide eyes. He kept talking.

"But now that you know, all my hard work was wasted. All I ever did was to keep everyone safe. Have you ever noticed that? How much I've sacrificed, just to keep New York safe? Of course you didn't. And now it's all over. Now it's all fallen apart.

"You guys, every one of you, are now a target. A target to my enemies. And you don't have any superhuman abilities, so I'd say you're a pretty big, slow-moving target." He glared at everyone, tears brimming in his eyes. "I hope you're happy."

Then he screamed and punched the locker, making a large dent.

Peter Parker stumbled away.

After a few minutes of silence, many students on the verge of tears, Gwen stepped into the hall and noticed the locker.

"Oh," she said tiredly. "He broke his locker again, didn't he?"

They were sitting at the bleachers, watching Flash and his football team play. Peter had Gwen wrapped in his arms while she reviewed some science notes.

Peter sighed. "This is going to be such an awkward year."

"And full of angst," Gwen said, barely looking up from her notes. "Honestly, Peter, I know you're upset about this, but if you don't accept it, it's only going to hurt you."

"I know, it's just..." He sighed. "They're all in danger."

"You'll keep them safe."

"How do you have so much faith in me?" he asked incredulously.

Gwen smiled and kissed him softly. "Because I know you. And I trust you. And you have those adorable puppy-dog eyes that I can't help but believe."

Peter laughed. "I love you."

"Hmm. I know."

They sat there, cuddled up against each other, until a crackling noise was heard from the device next to Peter.

"All units, we've got a 10-71 on thirty-first street. All units, do you copy?"

"Be careful," Gwen told Peter as he got up.

He gave her a grin. "When am I never careful?"

Spider-Man was reported to have saved twenty-three people from the shooting.

Peter walked in late to class, claiming to have been in the bathroom, but every student noticed the new black eye and cut he was sporting.

Out in the hall, he was stunned as he heard every student in the vicinity cheer for him.

Gwen ran up and kissed him full on the mouth, emitting more cheers.

Things weren't as rotten as they had first seemed.


Okay. So this is how things are going to play out:
On Wattpad, my updating schedule is once a week; no exceptions. Here, however, it will be less frequently, since this is sort of my second source for writing. When I find a comfortable writing schedule, I'll announce it, but for now, updates will be spontaneous.
Also, I'm a huge grammar freak, so
please point out mistakes in my writing. I'm a perfectionist.

If you guys liked the first one-shot, let me know in a review! Or constructive criticism. Whatever you like. :)


Hmm… should I?
I don't know… I'm not on Wattpad.
Oh, what the heck.