LG, D, and Kea: Hey.

Kea: I'se don't like Kea no moah.  Call me Sparks from now on.

LG:  Fine but I'se wanna go by Shot den.  And now da next chapter of our time travel story.

Disclaimer:  We'se don't own Newsies.  Da only people we own are da ones dat youse don't recognize. 

Sparks: But one day I will own Spot.

Shot:  Hey if youse gits ta own Spot one day den I'se git ta own Racetrack one day.


Chapter 2- Questions and Semi-answers

            In Brooklyn

            Spot Conlon looked at the girl passed out on the docks.  He thought, "I wonder who dis goil is.  And why she tinks she's da leadah a Brooklyn."  Spot yelled, "Red, Charms, git ovah heah, we'se going ta Manhattan.  Red picked up dis goil."  A red-haired boy and a brunette girl in a blue dress walked over to Spot.  The boy picked up the girl and the three started for Manhattan.  When they reached the Brooklyn Bridge, the girl woke up.  She started yelling and pounding on Red's back, "Put me down ya bums, put me down sose I'se can kick da crap outta ya."  Sureshot continued this the whole way to the Manhattan Lodge House.

            In Manhattan

            Sparks and Stitch slept soundlessly under the Horace Greeley statue.  A dark-haired boy with a cigar hanging of his mouth stood above them.  The boy spoke while nudging the girls, " 'Ey goils, wake up.  It ain't safe ta sleep on da street if yer a female.  Come wit me I'se'll take ya sumplace safe," the girls woke up and looked at each other and then at the boy.  The red head shrugged and got up, she turned around and waved for the black-haired girl to come to.  Sparks sighed and got up. The two followed him to the same building they were at last night.  The boy said, "Around da side, Kloppman is sick and we'se don't wanna wake'em up.  We'se gunna go up da fire escape."

            The girls nodded and followed him to the side and up the fire escape.  The three entered the bunkroom and sat down.  A boy with a cowboy hat and a red bandana tied around his neck walked over to them and said, "Heya Race, who's yer friends?"

            Race said, "Don't know, found'em on the street sleepin' and didn't want no one ta soak'em."

            The boy with the cowboy hat looked at them and said, "I'm Jack Kelly or Cowboy, dat's Racetrack Higgins, Kid Blink, Mush, David or Mouth, his little brudda, Les, Skittery, Bumlets, Specs, Swifty, and Dutchy.  We're da only ones left, everyone else went out sellin' deir papes already," Jack pointed to each person as he said their name, "So'se who are youse?"

            Before Sparks could stop her, Stitch answered, "I'se Stitch and she's Sparks."

            Sparks smacked her head and handed her a lollypop.  Race looked at them.  Sparks answered his look, "She ain't tawkin' no moah and neither is I."

            Suddenly they heard a lot of yelling outside, a girl's voice was heard, "Put me down, ya asses."

            A boy's voice answered, "Shut up already."

            Jack stuck his head out the window and yelled down, " 'Ey, Spot, havin' goil troubles."

            Spot yelled back, "We'se got a situation down heah, mind if we came up."

            Jack yelled back, "Soah, jist take da fire escape, Kloppy's sick."

            The three climbed the fire escape, once inside the bunkroom Red placed Sureshot on the floor.  Sparks grabbed Sureshot's collar and growled, "Ya Brooklyn Bum, whadya want?"

            Sureshot pushed her off and grabbed her wrist, "We'se need ta tawk."  They walked off to a corner.  Sureshot looked at Stitch, "You too."

            Stitch got up and walked over to the too.  She sat down on a stool and started to twirl her red hair while sucking on the lollypop.  Sparks and Sureshot sat down on a bed and started talking softly, Sureshot spoke, "Where's Bolt and Freckles and Lucks?  Those bums dey said dey was takin' me ta Manhattan."    

            Stitch shrugged, "Dey ain't heah."

            Sparks glared, "Shut it Stitch."

            Sureshot said, "Look till we'se know whats going on we'se keep ta da newsies code.  No trust, no info."

            Sparks shook her head, "Too late dey know our names."

            Sureshot's eyes widened, "What?"

            Sparks said, "Stitch told dem her name and mine before I'se could stop her."

            Sureshot, "Dammit," she started rubbing her temples, "We say nuttin' till we'se know we can trust'em.

            Sparks looked at Sureshot rubbing her head, "Hey ya ok."

            Sureshot spoke, "Dat idiot ovah dere knocked me out last night.  Got a major headache cause a it."

            At this time Charms, Red, Skittery, Specs, Dutchy, Dave and Les left to go sell their papers.  Jack, Race, Blink, Mush, Bumlets, Swifty, and Spot stayed and gathered around the three unknown girls.  Sureshot leaned her head on Sparks' shoulder and pulled out a deck of cards from her pocket and started shuffling them.  Sparks played with her necklace, a normal quarter on a thin piece of string.  Stitch continued playing with her hair and sucking on her lollypop.  Jack spoke first, "Ok, so who are you?"

            The girls didn't answer.

            Jack tried again, "Where ya from?"

            Again the girls didn't answer.

            Jack sighed and asked, "Do ya speak English?"

            The girls stared at the boys.

            Spot spoke up, his question aimed at Sureshot, "Why do ya tink youse da leadah a Brooklyn?"

            The girls again didn't answer.  Sureshot's eyes darted up and landed on Racetrack, she spoke coldly, "Ya got a staring problem?  What are ya lookin' at?"

            Race answered, "Yer cards.  Do ya play pokah?"

            Sureshot shrugged, "Yeah, I'se play pokah."

            Jack's eyes widened.  He had a way to get information out of these unknown girls. He spoke, "How bout a game a pokah?  Not fer money.  Aftah each hand da winnah gits ta ax da losah a question and da losah has ta answer it."

            Sureshot thought fer a moment, "Like truth or dare pokah?  OK but we play wit me deck.  I'se'll play fer us and fer youse."

            Jack looked at the group of newsies left and they all spoke at once, "Race."

            Race stepped forward, "I'se didn't know ya cared guys."

            The guys started hitting Race with their hats or towels.  During this, Sureshot leaned closer to Sparks and whispered, "I'se got the two a hearts hidden in me sock, we can't lose."

            Sparks nodded her head.  Race sat down on the bed opposite Sureshot and Sparks.  Jack pulled a small table between the two beds.  Sureshot dealt the cards saying, "Five card draw deuces wild," and looked at her hand.  She held the five of clubs, the nine and seven of hearts and the two and eight of spades.  She bit her lip and discarded three cards, keeping the nine of hearts and the two of spades.  Race discarded four cards showing her his Ace of spades.  Sureshot look at her cards, she had pulled another nine, she thought, "Don't even need da two a hearts."  She spoke out loud, "Show'em."  She put her cards down and smirked.

            Race said, "Don't smirk yet," and laid his cards down.  He had a royal flush, the Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and ten a spades. 

            Jack smirked now, "First question.  Who are youse?"

            Sureshot took a deep breath and spoke, "I'm Sureshot, I'm 19 and da leadah a da Brooklyn Newsies.  She's," points to Sparks, "Sparks, she's 19 and da toughest fightah in all a New Yawk, a Manhattan Newsies.  She's," points to Stitch, "Stitch, she's 20, and she's second in command a da Manhattan Newsies."

            Jack looked at Sureshot and raised an eyebrow, "Ya serious."

            Sureshot replied, "Nah I'se jokin'.  Yeah, I'se serious.  Next hand same game," she dealt the cards.  Sureshot looked at her hand, "Awrite, a paira jacks," she thought.  Out loud she said, "I'se take two and you."  Race look at his cards and took three.  Sureshot smirked again, "Show'em," She looked at the two hands, Race only had a pair a threes.  She said, "I win and I'se wanna know where I am?  Dose guys said dey was takin' me ta Manhattan but I'se don't know any of youse."

            Jack looked at her, "Youse in da Manhattan Newsboy Lodge House.  I'm Jack Kelly, he's Racetrack, Kid Blink, Mush, Swifty, Bumlets, and Spot," again pointing to each as he said their name.

            Sureshot laughed a little, "Are youse serious dis time?"

            Race spoke, "Yeah he's serious, next game."

            Sureshot dealt the cards, she had the 9, 5, and king of spades and the 3 and Ace of hearts.  She thought, "Dang it.  I need da two."  Sureshot started moving her foot trying to get the card out of her sock.  She took three cards and received nothing good for them. Before she could get the card out of her sock, Race was telling her to show her hand. "I'se fold."  Race chuckled and showed a pair a tens.

            Spot spoke up, "Why da you tink youse da Leadah a Brooklyn?"

            Sureshot laughed, "Cause I is.  I'se been da leadah since Locke left t'ree years ago and left me in charge."

            Spot stared at her, "Who's Locke?"

            Sureshot's eyes widened, "Youse don't know da city's famous pick, Locke.  Bet youse don't even know da best pokah playah in all a 'Hattan do ya."

            Race's face harden, "Youse playin' against da best pokah playah in Manhattan."

            Sparks looks around, "Luck ain't heah."

            Bumlets spoke up, "Dere ain't no one named Luck heah."

            Sureshot shook her head, "Next hand." Sureshot looked at her cards, again she had nothing good, "I'se'll take two," She received a second King and ended up with three Kings, thanks to her two.  Race stared at his hand and took three cards.   "Ya ready?  Show'em," They looked at the hands, Sureshot had won again. 

            Sparks had been looking around the bunkroom and came across a newspaper sticking out from under the pillow or the bed they were sitting on.  She pulled it out and started reading.  The headlines confused her, something bout some guy named Pulitzer and another about some coal strike being handled by President Roosevelt.  She looked at the date and read the year out loud, "1902!!!!!!  Is it really 1902????"

            Jack looked at them, "Yeah, what year did ya tink it was?"

            Stitch spoke up now having finished her lollypop, "2000"

            The boys all started laughing, Swifty said, "Did youse get soaked or sumdin?"

            Sureshot looked at them, "Soaked?????  Why would ya wanna git sumone all wet?"

            Blink said, "Nah, soak, beat up."

            Sparks said, "Oh kick da crap outta sumone.  We'se gotcha.  And nah.  No one soaked us."

            Sureshot said now, "Look, dere ain't nuttin' else we'se can tell ya.  We told ya who we are, and now it seems we'se from da future or sumdin. (lower so no one can hear)  dang guy mustta hit me harder den I'se thought, (normal)  I'se jist wanna make me deliveries and dat's dat."

            Mush looked confused, "Deliveries?"

            Stitch said, "Ya know deliver da bundles a papes ta da stores so dat da people dat ain't got home delivery can buy dem."

            Race spoke, "Looks like we'se gotta teach ya how ta sell papes on da street cause dere ain't no stores sellin' no papes only us newsies."

            Jack said, "Well, ya can't go wit me, I'se ain't sellin' taday.  Ain't in da mood, you boys and goils have fun."

             "Hey Sparks, I ain't gunna sell today," Stitch told her.  Sparks gave her a look and Stitch continued.  "I'se still too broken up bout dat whole, you know."

"Fine.  Just don't do nuttin foolish."  Sparks, Sureshot and the boys headed off to the DO.  After getting their papes, Blink and Mush left together to sell.  Race walked off by himself saying that he always sells alone. 

"Yeah, an' I'se goin back ta Brooklyn.  See youse later."  Spot left as well, leaving the four of them. 

"So, youse wanna sell wit me?" Swifty asked Sparks.

"Why should I?" Sparks said. 

"Cause you don't know anytin bout dis place, and sides, I sell near da Brooklyn bridge.  Dere's always sum fight goin on.  If youse as tough as youse say, ya wouldn't mind goin ta see."

"Yeah, sure, Whatevah."  They walked off together the way Spot left.

"Guess it's just you and me."  Bumlets turned to Sureshot.  "Care ta sell wit me?"

"I guess so, got no where else ta go."  The two walked off in another direction.


Shot: Yes. Finished anuddah one.  Tanks ta me History class fer dat headline.

Sparks: Why am I'se not wit Spot yet?

Shot: I'se told ya latah in anuddah chaptah.

D: Yay, Stitch stays behind wit Jack.  : )

Shot: Ok, till next time.  Please read and review.  Oh special tanks ta you Sparks fer helpin' wit da endin'.  If youse didn't help I'se would still be wonderin' how ta end dis chaptah and it would nevah git posted.

Sparks: No prob Shot.

All:  bye till next time.