***Read and enjoy. Everyone has their place in the story (even the pup), guess you'll have to wait and see

Chapter 2: Deal With The Devil

"The one and only! It feels so amazing to be recognized after such a long time," the little devil cheered completely ignoring the shocked look on Kat's face, "Sadly I don't recognize you though, but your eyes look really familiar though."

Kat was still showing a completely shocked look on her face.

"What's wrong doll? Cat got your tongue?" Bendy joked, still smiling at her reaction.

"You're real," she finally said as she slowly sat down on the floor, "Oh dear lord I must have gotten struck by lighting and right now I'm lying on the sidewalk dying."

The cartoon's hearty laugh, "Something tells me you're not that lucky, besides I wouldn't be talking to you if you were and I'd still be lonely."

"My dad use to draw you, I mean I have a drawing of you on my wall," she continued, "How are you…"

"Real?" Bendy finished her sentence, "It's a long story. One I'll be happy to tell you too, once Henry gets here."

"That could be a little bit he was sleeping when I left," Kat said. She saw Bendy's eyes light up when she mentioned her dad.

"Wait…I knew your eyes looked familiar," Bendy nearly shouted as he started jumping up and down like a kid at Christmas, "I can't believe I have Henry's daughter here."

"Ah," Kat tried to speak, but was cut off again. He seemed really sharp, for a cartoon character.

"Maybe you can still help me well we wait," he said eagerly as he looked at her through the boards curiously, "Can you come closer? Don't worry I don't bite very hard."

"Pardon?" she asked as she crawled a little closer to the doorway.

"I'm stuck here you see. I need help," Bendy said in a saddened tone as he pulled on the boards across the doorway, "Joey locked me in here and I can't get out."

"What can I do, I can't even leave?" Kat said as she watched the little cartoon demon's look soften.

"I know if you get the ink machine running it might help," he explained as he rubbed his chin with his gloved hand.

"How?" she asked curiously. How a machine that produced nothing, but ink was could help?

"It acts almost like a battery when those pipes have the ink flowing through them this place practically glows and the doors even seem to open easier," Bendy explained as he motioned with his gloved hands at the pipes near the ceiling, "At least I think so, Joey explained it once to me, but to tell ya the truth I wasn't really paying attention."

"How do I turn it on?" she asked.

"From what I can remember…there are items you need to collect, a button that needs to be push and a leaver that needs to be pulled," he said as rubbed his chin.

"Ok," she said, "Is that all?"

"I think so," Bendy said, "Oh hey doll, after this is all said and done, could you get Henry to come here to see me. I haven't seen him in so long."

"Yeah sure," she said, "I think my dad would like to see you too."

"Promise?" Bendy asked as he managed to stick a gloved hand through the boards.

Buster growled at the character's gestor.

"Buster, calm down its ok. He's just stuck here like us," Kat said as she scratched the dog's ear, "Sorry about that."

"He's just protective," Bendy remarked at the dog's behavior towards him as he gave the dog a serious look, that went unnoticed by Kat, "So what do you say doll. I help you, you help me."

"Yeah," she agreed as she mustered the movement to shake his hand.

"Thanks so much darlin'," he said his cheerful tone returning as he shook her hand enthusiastically, but suddenly stopped, "By the way you never told me your name."

"Ah…it's Kathrine, but everyone calls me Kat," she said simply letting a little smile form.

"So nice to meet you Miss Kitty Kat, we're going to have a lot of fun together," he said hyperly, "Now off with you."

"Ah," Kat started.

"I'll be waiting," Bendy cut her off as he winked at her, before disappearing from the boarded off doorway.

Kat just sat there for a minute, trying to let the whole conversation sink in. Something felt off about this entire thing, besides talking to a cartoon that her dad used to draw.

"I can't believe this is happening to me," she thought before she stood up and called Buster to followed, "Alright bud let's see if we can find those items and not lose my sanity along the way."

As soon as they left the office area, Bendy peeked back through the boards, "Your defiantly not Henry, but you'll defiantly come in handy getting him here…but in the meantime I think I need to separate you two."

****Hope you all enjoyed. The fun has just about to begin. Bendy and I will see you all in the next chapter.