Disclaimer: I don't own anything except for OC's

A/N: Hey, hey~!

I should of probably give an update with regards to the status of this project.

First, I like to say as an ATLUS fan (and as TMSFE/Persona fanatic) thank you for your favorites and follows, it means so much to me! Kiria & Futaba are my video game OTP as well so I'm thrilled to see that people are invested in this Idea too. For the most part I wanted to inspire creativity for this section and to experiment on story conspet in hope to see more like this one.

Having said that I'd wanted to make this a high quality fanficion as it can possibly be, mostly for TMS. However... I'm not to happy on how the 2th chapter turned out, so I created and published new revised version of Kiria x Futaba storytelling in this TMS & Persona section.

This old/one-shot/ version will be on a permanent hiatus unfortunately. BUT you can check out Idol Destiny: A Kiria x Futaba Story (NEW ver.) at the Persona & Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Crossover section here in this site.

Heres a preview which sort of follows the last chapter!

Five Hours later

Cafe Lablanc, almost closing time

{Play Persona 5 OST: The Sunset Bridge}

Morgana woke to form his naps with a yawn, he got up, stretched and swift his tail. He waited four hours, up in Akira's room, he should have been back by with his errand by now.

"Grr, you're killing me, man! You could of at least kept Kiria-sempai here and I would of... have her... Number-ugh forget it."

Well at least Futaba is here... what is she rambling about? I bet it's about new Idol chick again? The blue eyed cat thought, he jumped out of his crib and ran down stairs. He peeks out the door to listing to the conversation.

Futaba comically rests her head, and her arms, on the bar counter, as if she were drunk.

Sojiro Sakura was all dressed up for the night, (a tan suit, red tie, and tan hat) he gave her a somewhat reassuring smile, "Look on the bright side, there's always tomorrow."

She looked at her stepdad with an annoyed expression, "Yea but I got things to do in an MMO, not to mention that I have to finish my freaking resume. Ugh, I'm so conflicted right now!"

Sojiro shrugged at his adopted daughter, "Well, whatever you decide is up to you." he straightens his tie, "But I'm sure Kurono would be thrilled to see you there and not to mention that job."

Futaba's brows frown, she looked down and twiddled her fingers, "I know dad, I'm just a little nervous, that all," okay, that's a total lie, she's afraid that she might get the call to return to the Palace for a new mission and lose the once in a life time opportunity to work with her Idol and for filling her dream of being a programmer. When she joined the Phantom Thieves, it was about being a cool masked super hero, just like the Batman comics, she did not expect to run into her-

*Ring Ring*

Futaba stopped her mid thoughts when she heard someone opening the door. Futaba looked to her right to see her three friends come in, she waved at them, "Hey guys! How's goes that errand?"


"Pain," Ryuji said flatly. He sat on the stool and slumped on the counter. That Tatsumi guy had just worked them up like a dog and obviously hated Akira's guts.

"Well you should have lifted with your legs," Ann said.

"I meant it as a metaphor," He retorted.

"Yeah sure. But at least we got our money's worth."

Futaba notices a black haired little girl peeking shyly behind her older friends. The girl wore a white dress shirt, with a blue sleeved jacket, red skirt, long socks and brown shoes. She carried her Jack Frost backpack.

"So who's the kid?" The three friends looked from behind, Ryuji spoke up.

"Remember that kid on the newspaper last month? That's her."

"Really?" Futaba said stunned.

"..." 12th-year-old Tsubasa cringed a little.

"Hey, will you shut up? Don't remind her of that," Sojiro scowled at him, Ryuji flinched in response. The bartender then turns his attention towards the younger newcomer of the group, and smiled "You must be Oribe Tsubasa, my name is Mr. Sojiro, Asha and Tatsumi told me all about you."

Tsubasa walked forward, past Akira, Ann, and Ryuji. She quietly bowed.

"Well then, I hope you enjoy your two-week stay here, anything I can get for you before closing time? How about an Ice cream dessert" Tsubasa thought about it for a moment, she nodded her head.

Sojiro nodded back and put on his hat, "Coming right up! Akira, could you bring her suit case to your room and set up the bed for her."

"Yes sir," Akira replied and bowed, he offed Tsubasa her roller suitcase, which she did, and headed upstairs.

After Akira was up stirring the young girl, Tsubasa sat up the stool, she almost fell which was a close call, and sat beside the girl stranger with glasses. Futaba thought it be great to make a little conversation with the new kid, just to lighten the mood, she taped on the younger girl's shoulder for her attention.

"Hello, how are you?" The orange haired smiled.

"I'm... I'm fine," Tsubasa said with a sad frown, she didn't even look at the older girl.

"Oh that's great, my names Futaba Sakura, It's nice to meet you" Futaba and Tsubasa shack hands, "It's nice to meet you too."

"So do you like video games?" the older girl ask.

Tsubasa nodded, "I have an old UltraDrive system in my backpack."

"An UltraDrive? Awesome, maybe once Akria-Kun gets done up there, we hook it up on his T.V!"

"Um is he okay with it? I don't know him too well..."

"Well he better be okay with it or otherwise he'll have to hear it from me." Futaba teased and nudged the little girl's shoulder.

"..." Tsubasa sighed. She heard story's about Akira saving a girl from being robbed but he got in trouble for it and it some how made it a little embarrassing, since some of her class mates were making fun of her about it like if he was her elder brother. Not to mention her real eldest sister disappeared on that same night.

Sojiro came back with the ice cream dessert, "Here you go, best in the house."

The black haired twelve-year-old bowed her head, "Thank you Mr. Sojiro."

"Your welcome," he offered a small smile to the little girl. Akira came back to the scene, he adjusted his glasses, "I've set up the bed just like you ask."

"Good on you lad, well, I'm heading out for the night," The bartender put on his hat, "You kids hold the fort while I'm gone." and with that, he heads out the door.

{Stop Persona 5 OST: The Sunset Bridge}

Then Haru came rushing in, along with Makoto and Yusuke.

"Guys, guys! You're not gonna believe what I've just heard on the news!" The half French girl was enthusiastically.