Void's chosen
Resume :
Harry had never been alone.
When he was a child, he lived with his twin brother, Arthur, and his parents.
When he was he was abandoned by his parents because of an old man, he still wasn't alone: in his head, there were two men that always protected him.
When his abusive relatives died strangely and he was placed in an orphanage his friends, Tom and Gaster decided to teach him magic.
He discovered that he could protect himself and that the other kids were weak but the other kids hated him for his power.
Harry didn't care anymore.
The orphanage was attacked by a bunch of snakes and he smiled.
The adults didn't understand that he wasn't talking to himself and they said that he was mad, broken. Harry just smiled.
He'll always have his friends.
They put him in an asylum. Two years later, the only thing left was ashes on the ground.
Harry look at the hole behind him and jump.
With a smile, he closes his eyes.
At the young age of ten, Hadrian James Potter, twin brother of the boy-who-refused-to-die, vanished in the ground.
The 31st July 1980 at 23:59, exactly when the month end, a child named Hadrian James Potter born. Five minutes after, the boy's twin, Arthur Fleamont Potter born.
Alas, the only clock in the st Mungo room, James Potter's watch, was five minutes late. Consequently, everybody thought that Arthur was born on July.
Years passed and the two kids lived happily with their parents and their godfathers, Sirius Black for Harry and Remus Lupin for Arthur.
However, the two children were two extreme opposite, first of all with their appearance:
where Hadrian had black, shadow-like hairs, Arthur had fierce red hair.
Where the elder had bright and almost too intelligent for his age eyes, Arthur's eyes were hazel, like his father and friendly.
When Harry always tried to be alone and was always quiet, his twin always wanted to be at the center of the attention and coo for someone to notice him.
But the biggest difference was their souls, even if the only man aware was Albus Dumbledore:
One day, when Lily and James Potter was in their kitchen with Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, the old man crept in the room of the twins and approached their cribs. He took his wand, and with a complicated gesture of the wrist, brought out the souls of the two boys.
The one that immediately attracted his attention was that of the elder:
When the one of Arthur was white and pure, Hadrian's was as black as his hair and seemed to suck all the lights of the room.
This prompted the old man to think that his first theory was the right one and that Arthur Potter would indeed be the child of the prophecy.
But if it was true, he would have to thought of a way to get rid of Hadrian Potter, or at least make it weak and manipulable.
With a soul like his own, entirely made of darkness, he could not derive any benefit from the child.
With luck, he will succeed in making him sacrifice himself for his brother.
A year passed in tranquility and the night of Hallowe'en arrived.
That night, the twins were alone in custody of Peter Pettigrew, a loyal follower of the Dark Lord Voldemort, also the guardian of the secret and one of James Potter's best friend.
If that night, Wormtail had not given the hiding place of the Potters, many things might have been different:
Harry Potter could have lived with his parents, knew his little brother, learned to ride on a broomstick and would surely have died by the hand of the Lord of darkness while protecting his brother.
His soul, by being exposed to the soul, so pure, of his brother would have cleared up towards a neutral gray.
But the traitor did his work and Lord Voldemort entered the house of Godric's Hollow alone, except for the two unaware children of the danger on the first floor.
The snake-faced man opened the door of the nursery, verifying that no charm protected the room before smiling darkly and approaching the two cribs.
The fact that there are two children would not be a very long problem to solve, it would suffice to kill one first and the other.
No, the real problem will be to choose which one to kill first.
If something was not going well, if the Potters came back, if Dumbledore landed or if another similar nuisance happened, the child of the prophecy would have died.
Lord Voldemort looked at the two children, scrutinizing their magical core.
That of Arthur Potter, if he could rely on the name indicated on the cradle, was pure white, following the long line of light sorcerers of the Potters.
That of Hadrian Potter made him back a step: the darkness emerging was extremely similar to the ones of his own core, but even darker if it was really possible.
The Dark Lord realized at once that it was the child with ash-colored hair that would bring him to his ruin.
As this thought passed through his mind, the child opened his eyes and gazed at him with curiosity with his two large emerald orbs.
'What a mess ...' thought the sorcerer, formerly known as Tom Riddle, 'A core so powerful at his age ... If it had not been for this damn prophecy, I would have taken it away by the second! But this is not the time for vain suppositions. '
"Farewell, Hadrian Potter, if our fate were different, I would have had a great pleasure in making your acquaintance." Murmured the Dark Lord before pointing his wand at the child's forehead and saying,
"Avada Kedavra!"
At this moment several things happened simultaneously: A ray of the same green as his future victim's eyes came out of the yew wand, Arthur Potter awoke and began to cry at the sight of an unknown person and Hadrian smiled calmly. While the spell of death was about to touch the child, a sort of black shield, of the exact same color that his soul and core formed around him. When the spell came in contact, the Avada Kedavra bounces, touching the Dark Lord in the heart. A shock wave came out at the moment when the wizard's carnal envelope disintegrated, leaving only dust where a few seconds earlier the greatest Dark Lord that had never existed stood.
The roof began to crumble, a piece of stone falling on Arthur and leaving a star-shaped scar on his cheek.
As for Hadrian, even protected by the strange shield, the force of the curse had left him a scar in the form of lightning on the forehead.
The first one to arrived was Sirius Black, who quickly put a shield on the twins before leaving after his former best friend in search of revenge.
Then James and Lily Potter came in in panic and ran into the nursery, followed quickly by Dumbledore.
When they arrived, Arthur was crying, holding his bloody cheek as Hadrian slept, his core almost empty because of his outgo of magic.
Seeing this, the old man came to the wrong conclusion and immediately thought that Arthur had defeated Voldemort.
Now all he had to do was get rid of the elder.
"Lily, James," he said, taking Arthur in his arms and throwing him a swift cleaning charm. "Arthur is the child of prophecy, he has defeated Voldemort, his wound is still full of black magic!"
"Are you sure Albus? Harry is also hurt." Lily asked, removing the blood from her eldest son's forehead.
"It's just a debris from the roof that hurts it by falling, it's obvious." The old man certified.
"What are we going to do Albus? With the fall of their leader, the Death Eaters are going to want revenge on Arthur and Harry." Asked James Potter. "And if Voldemort came up here, it's because Peter had betrayed us" He added after a few seconds.
"The only solution is to protect Arthur and give him your full attention and love, so that he may later be able to defeat Tom because he is not dead, my children. hé is in a state that may be considered worse than death, but he still lives ... "Dumbledore replied.
"But Harry, we can not abandon him!" Lily Potter said, squeezing the child against her heart.
"I'm afraid that Hadrian may be possessed by some dark magic left by Tom, wherever he becomes jealous and embittered by the popularity of his brother and turn dark."
"You've lost the reason, Albus? The best way for him to be jealous is that he be abandoned! And if we realize that Harry is infested with black magic, we could protect him! " James Potter shouted.
"I should have known that you would cross the path of light ..." the old man raised his wand and pointed it at the couple "Do not forget my children, all I do is for the greater good ... "
"A-Albus, what are you talking about?" Asked Lily.
"I'm sorry but you do not leave me choice Imperio!"
A silver beam came out of Albus Dumbledore's wand and hit the couple. The eyes widened in surprise before becoming empty and inexpressive.
"Now you're going to bring Arthur to Hogwarts so that he can be cared for. You'll forget the existence of Hadrian James Potter until his eleventh birthday, you will never visit Petunia Dursley or ask for news. You'll Forget about making Peter Pettigrew your secret keeper and you will testify against Sirius Black if he ever has a trial. You will move away from Remus Lupin and will not believe a single word he will say. You'll forget what I've done to you and you will think that it was your wish to abandon your elder son. " Said the director of Hogwarts with a satisfied smile.
Tranquilly, he took Hadrian from his mother's arms and disappeared with a pop.
A few seconds later the old man reappeared in front of the door of 4 Privet Drive where he carefully laid the elder of the Potters in a wreath with a letter.
On this letter, three words:
"Hadrian James Potter"
The Hogwarts' Headmaster faints in the shadow.
Here's the prologue, I hope you liked it !
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