Hello everyone to another Naruto story from me. Yeah I know, that I have been writing a lot of new stories for Naruto, and it is just fun doing that. Lol. This will be a Naruto banishment story, it will start after the Sauske retrieval arc. Anyways hope you enjoy the first chapter and please leave some delicious reviews for me to read. =P
Chapter 1: Banishment?
"The boy is becoming too strong Tsunade, he used to be a dead last in the academy and now he is becoming even stronger. Strong enough to beat an Uchiha." Said Danzo. (Oh and since I know that all of you know how each Naruto characters looks like I am not going to bother describing their appearance.)
"So?" Tsunade raised an eyebrow.
"Tsunade, I have done some research and it looked as if Naruto used the Kyubi's chakra to beat Uchiha Sauske." Danzo declared.
"Where are you getting with this?" asked Tsunade.
"It is only a matter of time until the seal breaks and if we don't do something Konoha will be threatened with the revival of the Kyubi." Said Koharu.
"And on top of that I heard that Naruto Uzumaki was approached by Uchiha Itachi and Kisame Hoshikaze, who were a part of a secret organization named Akatsuki that is after the bijus. According to Jiyaria the organization has various S-Rank missing nins from all over the world, and if they were to launch an attack on Konoha, our village's strength is going to be cut in half. I heard that the Akatsuki has already taken, the Yonbi, Gobi, and Nanabi without any causalities. I am pretty sure that they will do the same with any other jinchuriki." Said Homura.
"What does that has anything to do with Naruto." Tsunade know what they wanted, but she is not going down without a fight.
"Call a council meeting, Tsunade and call every important figures of this village. As well as the Jincuriki. I am pretty sure he has recovered by now." Said Danzo as he walked out followed by the two advisors.
"DAMN!" Tsunade shouted out of frustration as she put her fist down at the table, which broke instantly from the impact.
"Naruto Uzumaki, you are requested to come to the council meeting room in 1 hour." Said an Ambu as he appeared in front of the window of Naruto's hospital.
"Council meeting room." Naruto was confused, big time. "AHH, I GET IT THEY ARE GOING TO PROMOTE ME TO CHUNIN BECAUSE I BRING SAUSKE, BACK! YES! JUST YOU WAIT SHIKAMARU, I AM CATCHING UP!" Naruto shouted out of excitement, oh how disappointed he would be in the next hour.
(An hour later)
Naruto walked in to the council meeting room to see a very angry Tsunade, about 9 smirking figures, that he has never seen before. "That is Shikamru's father, Ino's father, Chouji's father, Shino's father, Kiba's mother, Hinata's father and Asuma sensein." Thought Naruto as he looked at the clan heads.
"There is that, exam proctor guy with a lot of scars and the Anbu General, I tink." Thought Naruto as he looked around the place. "Wait, he is that guy from my old orphanage." Thought Naruto as he looked at the person with a neutral expression.
"Naruto Uzumaki, you have been called here so that we can discuss some matters with you. We are going to ask you questions and you are going to answer them honestly." Said Danzo.
"Sure, old man ask away." Said Naruto cheerfully. This cause Tsunade to wince, at how Naruto will react when he heard about what they have planned.
"Naruto Uzumaki, in your fight against Uchiha Sauske did you use the Kyubi Chakra?" asked Koharu.
"Yes." Naruto nodded.
"Is it true that Itachi came after you, when you were searching for Tsunade?" asked Homura.
"Umm, yeah." Naruto said slowly.
"Ok, then one final thing, have you met the Kyubi?"
"Yes, I have." Naruto said.
"Then Naruto I am afraid, we must banish you from our village." Said Danzo in a final tone. This cause Tsunade to punch Danzo, but fortunately for the war hawk, he was quick enough and Strong enough to block the punch, although he might have a broken bone or two.
"Please calm down, Tsunade." Danzo said cooly.
While Naruto was stunned "WHAT! WHY!" Naruto shouted.
"Because your presence itself put us in danger, Naruto. Your seal with the Kyubi is weakning and Kyubi could potentially break out, and since Aktasuki is after you, it might lead to the Aktasuki, invading Konoha."
Naruto didn't know what to say, he tried his hardest to be acknowledged by everyone and this is what he get.
"I won't allow this!" Tsunade said firmly.
"Ok, then why don't we leave it up to the votes?" asked one of the smirking figure that Naruto hasn't seen before.
"I VOTE NO!" Tsunade shouted.
"Your illogical thinking is stupid. I vote no." said Shibi.
"The council is the most troublesome bunch of people I have ever seen. I vote no." said Shikaku.
"I don't really know what to say other than no." said Choza.
"I think I should check what is left of your brains to see if you have gone crazy. I refuse to let you banish such a loyal and thoughtful Genin. I vote no." said Inoichi.
"I am pretty sure the old man is puking in his grave right now. You all disgust me. I vote no." said Sarutobi Asuma.
"Some mindless beasts you council people are, I vote no obviously." Said Inuzuka Tsume.
"Naruto did a lot for the village, and if you are planning to banish him then, I think the way you think is messed up." Hiashi said.
"That kid stands out the most in the chunnin exam, honestly I was a bit shocked when he didn't made chunnin, but now, accomplishing a mission like this, he should definitely be chunnin, but instead you decided to banish him. How typical, I vote no." said Ibiki.
"Although I don't know Naruto personally I could tell by his actions in the past few months that Naruto has potential to be a great ninja. Banishing someone like him is wasteful and stupid." Said the Anbu General.
Naruto was happy, to say the least although this would probably decide his future, he was happy to see that this many people cared about him. Naruto is pretty good at reading people, and he could tell that all of them were angry.
"I VOTE YES! THIS IS THE PERFECT OPOTUNITY TO GET RID OF THE NINETALE!" said an old man, who was wearing some fancy cloths, he was the richest man in Konoha.
"This meeting is just stupid, I wish that they would kill that monster already." Said a woman who was around her 30s she is the future heiress of the Konoha's research and development technology.
"I vote yes." Scoffed an old man who was around his 70s, he is the person who does most of the trading in Konoha.
"Naturally, I vote yes." Said an old lady who was around her 60s. She is the lead farmer of Konoha.
"Do you really need to ask, of course I vote yes." Said a young man, he is the new head of the Konoha, civilian transportation method.
"Why not?" spoke a fat man. He was the head of Konoha's taxation organization.
"Although it pains me to see a young man been banished I must vote yes, as this can threaten the village." Said a man, with glasses, he was the headmaster of Konoha's civilian school.
"I can't believe how stupid you shinobi are. You are supposed to be guarding this village not destroying it! And yet you can not see that this boy is a threat, from the day he was born. I am pretty disappointed that you are only banishing him now, I ….." the man was interrupted when he felt a massive killer intent on him. It belong to the Hokage. "If you keep ranting then, I assure you, you will be spending your entire life in the hospital." Said the last Senju.
"I vote yes." the man squeaked out he was the founder of the new Konoha police force after the Uchiha massacre.
"I vote yes." A woman said quickly, she is the founder of the Konoha's cleaning organization.
"I vote …." The man stopped midsentence and stares at Naruto for a while. He was the founder of the orphanage that Naruto used to live in until he was kicked off. The man had some affection to Naruto although he will never admit it. He only realized that he sort of missed Naruto after he kicked him out. After a few minutes of thinking the man finally chose "Yes." Naruto was pained by that, he thought at least he would say no but it didn't happened.
"The three of us vote yes. There you have it, Naruto is banished." Said a neutral Danzo, "Wait! We still have Jiyaria. He is going to vote no!" shouted Tsunade. "Even if that is the case, we already out numbered you all. You may be the Hokage Tsunade, but when a village security is threaten, then we have the ability to out vote the Hokage. It is written in the rulebook your grandfather wrote." Said a smirking Danzo.
"IF THAT IS THE CASE THEN, YOU CAN NAME THE LAST TWO SENIN OF KONOHA AS MISSING NIN, AS I AND JIYARIA ARE GOING WITH HIM!" Tsunade shouted, getting surprise glances from almost everyone but for Danzo, this couldn't have work out better. Meanwhile Naruto was depressed, broken. "The village that I called home. The village that I wanted to leave, is now banishing me. Now it all make sense, I now know how Haku felt, been betrayed by your own village. THIS VILLAGE DOESN'T DESERVE MY SERVISE!" Naruto shouted in the inside.
Then he remembered something, "If a person want to protect someone close to them, then that is when the person truly become strong."
"I can't let Ba chan suffer because of me." Thought Naruto as he decided one last thing "I am going to train, as hard as I can, not for this village but for my friends."
"Ba Chan." Naruto said softly, getting everyone's attention.
A few tears broke out of Naruto, to many council member amusement. "Please promise me that you will not stop been Hokage, no matter what happen to me." Naruto said softly, which surprised everyone.
"Please, carry out the dreams that I couldn't accomplish for me, promise me Ba Chan." Naruto said as he giver her and every shinobi (except Danzo) a true smile, a smile of gratitude and sorrow.
"Naruto." Tsunade mumbles as a few tears escapes her eyes.
"Tell me the exact day and time I have to leave." Naruto said facing the council.
"You will leave in exactly one week from now. Until then you are not to leave your apartment. Today, will be an exception, you can wander around the village until 7 in the night." Said Koharu.
"I see, then excuse me." Naruto said as he walked away.
"At least the boy has some common sense." Said Homura, while scoffing.
Most of the people in the room were grinding their teethes while some were smirking.
(1 hour later)
Naruto was walking in a deserted street of Konoha when he heard someone called "Hey Gaki, sup!" It was Jiyaria.
Naruto didn't answer, and didn't even stopped walking.
Jiyaria who didn't know about the banishment wanted to know why Naruto was down so he asked "Hey, Naruto why are you so down, right now. I heard you recuse your Uchiha friend." But Naruto still didn't answer.
Jiyaria frowned before walking in front of Naruto to see what was wrong, the he realized Naruto was crying. This shocked Jiyaria, he had never seen Naruto crying before.
"Hey kid, what is wrong tell me." Said Jiyaria before kneeling down to look at Naruto, but he got what he didn't expect. Naruto suddenly hugged him and sobbed even harder.
Jiyaria has not been in this kind of situation before, never. So he decided to just hug back.
After Naruto calmed down.
"Naruto what's wrong? You can tell me." Said Jiyaria,
Naruto then started to tell Jiyaria about what happened and as the story progresses, the angrier the old senin become. "HOW DARE THEY! I WILL KILL THEM IF I HAVE TO, I AM NOT GOING TO ALLOW YOU TO BE BANISHED!" he shouted.
"Ero-Senin, it is ok." Naruto said softly.
"NO IT IS NOT!" The angered Senin snapped back.
"I don't want anyone to suffer because of me anymore. As long as I am in this village, the council are going to try to remove me in anyway possible. And who know, if I do something back in the future they might even excute me for that. I don't want to live like that anymore." Said Naruto, while the Toad sage wanted to argue Naruto did had a point.
"Naruto, how about your dream?"
"I don't have that dream anymore. This day I found out that no matter what I do, the citizen of this village will never accept me. That is why, starting from today, I swear to get stronger not for this village but for my friends and myself." Naruto said, eyes burning with determination.
Jiyaria's eyes widen when he saw this, He could see both Minato and Kushina in Naruto. He was shocked and happy. "You have mature a lot Naruto. I think the current you might be able to handle the truth now." Said Jiyaria.
"The truth?" Naruto raised an eyebrow.
"Naruto do you hate the fourth Hokage for sealing the Kyubi inside you?" asked Jiyaria.
"No, in fact he is my idol." Said Naruto.
"I see, then, Naruto I want you to have this." The toad Senin said as he handed Naruto a scroll of some sort.
"What is this?" asked Naruto.
"I want you to read it in your next birthday, which will be coming up in the next month, isn't it?" asked Jiyaria and Naruto just nodded.
"What is it about?"
"Your parents." He got a straight blunt answer.
"But promise me that you won't read about them until your next birthday." Said Jiyaria.
"You knew them?"
"Yes, they were great people. Far greater than I will ever be."
"Really? Are they still alive?" asked a hopeful Naruto.
"This letter was written by your parents, moments before they died." Said Jiyaria sadly.
Naruto just hung his head down, he really wanted to read about them now, but why did he have to wait for another month, but nonetheless he was grateful that the senin gave this to him.
"It is ok, thank you for this Ero-Senin." Naruto gave the toad sage his trademark smile before running off, not wanting to show his teacher that he was crying, both out of happiness and sadness.
(6 days later, 8 pm in Naruto's apartment)
Naruto heard a knock in his door, so he stood up to open the door to see team 9, along with their sensing Guy, behind them was his sensein Kakashi and Sakura with a sad look. Behind him was Asuma and his team. Along with Kuranai and her team with the exception of surprisingly Hinata. Behind all of them was a sobbing Iruka followed by a sobbing Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi.
"Umm hey guys." Naruto said, overwhelmed by their presence. "Naruto-san, is it true that you are going to be leaving tommorw?" Lee asked breaking the silence.
Naruto just nodded.
(After a while)
There was a party in Naruto's house, a lot of food and music, chatters and songs.
Naruto was happy although he was leaving tomorrow he was happier than he has ever been, he never knew that this many people cared for him.
"Hey, Kiba where is Hinata?" Naruto asked, a bit sad that Hinata didn't come, but he got an answer he didn't expect.
"She is …..um in the hospital." Said Kiba in a sad tone.
"SHE IS WHAT!" Naruto almost shouted.
"Yeah, when she heard of your banishment she passed out, and still hasn't awaken yet. The doctors said that it was due to extreme emotions.
"I wish I could visit her." Naruto said sadly, he didn't know that someone actually care for him that much.
"Naruto." Naruto heard someone call his name, from behind and saw that it was Kakashi. His only visible eye, was red and his expression was almost lifeless.
"I am sorry." Kakashi said as he hugged Naruto.
Naruto was taken aback by this action. "Hey there is no need for you to apologize." Naruto said trying to sound cheerful.
"It was my fault Naruto, I failed you as a teacher, if only I stopped Sauske from doing that this would never happen. If only I was more responsible. I promised you that I would not let you be harmed and yet this happened. If I hadn't taught Sauske, the chidori, if I had focused more on you….." Kakashi was stopped when Naruto said "Don't be sorry Kakashi-sensein. You are the best teacher I could ever dreamed for. You are like a big brother to me." Said Naruto, catching Kakashi off guard.
"Naruto, thank you and here have this." Said Kakashi as he handed Naruto a scroll.
"What is it?"
"That is the list of almost all the jutsu that I can use. I included my most impressive jutsu, it even has chidori in it." Kakashi eye smiled.
"Really? That mean I can use it?" asked Naruto.
"I don't know but I just put it anyways since I don't know your element affinity. Sadly you can only use the Chidori if you have an affinity for lighting." Said Kakashi.
"I didn't understand a word you said but I think I will get it in time." Naruto said, giving Kakashi a cheerful smile.
"Naruto." Came a soft voice from behind Kakashi. It belong to Iruka, he was trying to hold back his tears. "Iruka-sensein." Naruto ran to Iruka and give him a big hug, which Iruka returns. "I am sorry I couldn't do anything Naruto." Said Iruka but Naruto just said it was ok. "Naruto-nisan!" the three kids, Konohmaru, Udon and Moegi shouted, while crying. "Why are you leaving? I thought we were competing on becoming Hokage." Konohamaru said while Moegi and Udon nodded. "Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi you three would be great ninjas one day and promise me that you would become Hokage for me Konohamaru." Naruto smiled while extending a fist, which the kid gladly return. "When I become the Hokage, I am dragging you back to Konoha!" Konohamaru gladly declare.
While Naruto just thought, "If Lee trains twice as hard as he is now, I don't think he will have enough time in a day. He already train like what 15 hours a day. That is twice as much as my training time."
"Geez if you idiots become the Hokage, then you will need an advisor like me, and you can bet that I will advise you to bring Naruto back." Said Shikamaru.
"Never thought you would say that, I thought it would be too troublesome for you." Naruto said while Shikamaru just smirked.
"Naruto, you save me from myself, for that I am eternally grateful, and I will do everything in my ability to bring you back, that is a promise on my pride." Said Neji.
"I am just glad that you don't believe in fate anymore." Naruto said smiling.
"Hey, Naruto back in the academy I thought you were nothing but a dobe but now I have to admit that you are the strongest of the rookie nine, both physically and mentally." Said a smirking Kiba.
"Thanks dude."
"Naruto, I am really sad that I can't see you for a long time, I will miss the old times, and I want you to have this. Naruto." Said Choji as he handed Naruto a giant scroll.
Naruto with quick look knew that it was a sealing scroll. "It may be not much but the food in there can last you for a whole month. It was given to you by my clan." Said Choji smiling.
"Thanks a lot Chouji." Naruto returned the smile.
"Naruto, even though we don't talk a lot with each other I want to say that I consider you as one of my best friends even in the academy." Said Shino with his usual Poker face.
"Really?" Naruto asked shocked about the revelation.
"Yes and plus you are the one who is not afraid of my bugs ."
"Haha right." Naruto said as he rubbed the back of his head.
"Hey Naruto, honestly I used to think that you were just a stupid, troublesome clown but now I realized how wrong I was about you." Said a sad Ino.
"Shikamaru must be rubbing off on you if you use the word troublesome." Naruto tried to lighten up the mood a little.
"Naruto." Said a voice behind Naruto.
Right after Naruto turned back he was greeted with a hug. "Naruto, thank you for fulfilling your promise. If only I had been stronger, if only I had been more useful, I could have…" Sakura trailed off.
"It is ok Sakura-chan and don't ever say that you are useless, that is not true." Naruto said returning the hug.
(1 hour later)
Everyone had gone back to their respective houses when Naruto heard a knock on his door.
"I am having a lot of visitors today." Naruto thought with a sad smile as he got up from the bed to opened answer the door, only to see the person he wasn't expecting to see.
"Sauske…" Naruto shocked at seeing the reason of his banishment.
"Naruto." Sauske said as he stares at Naruto. They stare at each other for the first few minutes and Naruto broke the silence.
"Anything you want Sauske?" asked Naruto with a smile, surprising Sauske.
"Aren't you… mad at me?" Sauske asked, surprised.
"What mad at you, why should I be." Said Naruto.
"After the word of your banishment spread, I got visited by three people, Anko, Kakashi and Jayaria." Sauske said.
Before Naruto could say anything else Sauske continued on with his speech "After speaking to them, I decided that I no longer need the snake's power to take revenge. I am going to do it with my own hands. My own power, I no longer need the curse seal. Next time we meet Naruto, let's spar with our own power, I won't use the curse seal, what do you say?" Sauske asked looking uncomfortable.
"Hahahaha, you are so funny Sauske-Teme!" Naruto laughed at Sauske.
"HEY WHAT IS SO FUNNY!" Sauske snapped.
"If you regret your decision then, you can say that. I understand perfectly and you are still my best friend you know." Naruto said grinning and giving Sauske a fist. Sauske looked shocked but a small smile escaped his lips as he returned Naruto's fist.
"So friends?" Naruto asked.
"Yeah, friends." Sauske replied with a smile before saying "I gotta go" and running off. "If he wanted to cry then he could do it right here." Naruto said as a tear escaped his eye, as he went back to his bed, and decided to take a nice rest thinking no one would visit him anymore, but unfortunately he had one more visitor left.
(It is 1 hour passed midnight and Naruto still couldn't sleep)
Naruto heard someone knocking the door again. "Who could it be this time." Naruto thought as he once again got up and opened the door, only to be tackled to the ground by a white blur.
Naruto thought it was an attack but then he noticed that it was someone hugging him with so much force. He noticed someone sobbing, while hugging him. It was Hinata, she was still in a patient's cloths.
"Hinata?" Asked a stunned Naruto.
"Naruto-kun please don't leave us." Hinata sobbed.
"I am sorry Hinata but I …." Naruto trailed off as he returned the hug.
"I am sorry Naruto-kun, I should have been stronger, and yet I couldn't even do anything for you, I couldn't helped you even though you supported me all the way. I am so weak."
"What, who said that you couldn't do anything for me? You have been the most supportive to me Hinata. Everytime I failed in class and when everyone laughed at me, I looked around and saw that you weren't laughing, but looking sad because I failed. You didn't make fun of me and you even say nice things to me. Remember, the day you shared me lunch? Because I would never forget that. It was the first time anyone had ever done that to me, Hinata. You are a really good friend." Said Naruto trying to comfort the sobbing girl.
Hinata was surprised "Naruto-kun.. I … I love you." Hinata said silently, which caused Naruto to widen his eyes. "Oh so that is why you are always following me around!" Naruto declared with a large smile at this Hinata let out a "Eh" as her face went bright red. "You….. kn….ow about that?" Hinata shuttered. "Yeah of course, after having Anbu following you around your whole life, you would notice these kind of things." "EHHH!" Hinata could only say that in her shocked state.
(After everything was over)
It was already about 3 when Hinata went back, knowing that the Anbu would wake him up the next morning he quietly slipped into bed, and having a peaceful sleep with a small smile plastered on his face.
(The next morning 7 am)
The street of Konoha was filled with people as they got out to see the demon getting banished with smirks on their faces. While Naruto with two Anbu guards on his side, led the young boy to the gates of Konoha. Naruto seeing the villager's faces felt sad. Real sad, but he wasn't going to shed any tears in this place. Oh no. Instead an idea popped in to Naruto's head as he remembered what he did right after he finished the academy. He set up a trap that would fill most of the Konoha with orange paint, one year ago. It took him 4 years to gather the neccesery material for it. And only he can activate the trap. One would think that such a large scale trap would be found out already, but no Naruto made it extra sneaky.
"HAHAHAHA!" Naruto laughed. "IF YOU DUMB PEOPLE THINK YOU HAVE SEEN THE LAST OF UZUMAKI NARUTO THEN THINK AGAIN BECAUSE, I AM GOING TO MAKE ALL OF YOU REGRET THAT YOU BANISHED ME! OH NO! ONE DAY I WILL RETURN TO THE VILLAGE AND REGARDLESS OF NOT BEEN A KONOHA SHINOBI I WILL BE LABLED THE HERO FO THIS VILLAGE! I WILL MAKE YOU ALL SEE THAT UZUMAKI NARUTO IS NOT TO BE MESS WITH! THIS IS MY A GOODBYE GIFT TO YOU SUCKERS!" Naruto shouted although he wasn't sure if his prank would still work. Or if it had been discovered but Naruto decided to try it anyways. He made a ram hand sign and right after that every Anbu went a high alert. Naruto smirked when he heard wires, a lot of them. "GOODBYE KONOHA!" Naruto shouted as he disappeared in a puff of smoke. "Kage Bushin!" the ninja thought. Yes, the real Naruto was able to sneak pass everyone and is already in the outskirt of the village.
Right after that, the Konoha exploded in to orange, everyone standing outside had orange paint all over them, the houses, the Hokage mountain, the streets everything was failed with Orange. "Everyone went in to an uproar, while Tsunade and Jyaria thought "haha that kid, going out with a bang." While the whole village went in to an uproar.
"Good luck Naruto." The rookie nine thought, while many of the clan heads were laughing while the villagers were screaming curse words. "This is going to take a long time to clean up." The anbu were thinking but they were regardless impressed with Naruto's skills to make people happy and annoyed despite been his final day.
If you guys like this story and want me to continue, then please leave me delicious reviews and please favorite and follow. Anyways guys, peace out!