A/N: Hello, everyone! I decided to try my hand at another crossover, because they're really fun to write and I felt like these two fandoms would work pretty well together. I'll keep this short and sweet, but for some context, here are the times within the "universes" that this fanfic takes place:

Ouran: During the spring of Haruhi's first year at Ouran Academy. She's known the boys long enough to truly become friends with them, and is (somewhat) legitimately enjoying her time in the Host Club.

Mystic Messenger: 6 monthsafter707's route. The Mint-Eye/Rika situation is resolved, and the RFA has hosted another party that MC (referred to as "Mia" in this fanfic) actually got to participate in this time.

*Spoilers in future chapters for those who haven't finished 707's route and After Stories!*

New Chatroom: Who Dis?


"Milk, eggs, bread... milk, eggs, bread...," Haruhi muttered to herself, tapping an index finger against her palm with each different word. Though her current mission was only a simple shopping trip, today the brunette seemed a bit distracted. A high-pitched ding sounded from her jacket pocket, and Haruhi rolled her eyes.

And dad wonders why it takes me so long to do things nowadays, she thought, pulling out her phone. As expected, a text from Tamaki prominently lit up the screen. It's because certain people keep bothering me...

Haruhi slowed her pace, fiddling with the touch screen. She had yet to master the phone, seeing as it had been gifted to her as a birthday present only a few days prior. The black casing and simple display was the cheapest model of "Smartphone" money could buy, but Haruhi didn't mind; she'd never been obsessed with material possessions and was grateful that her dad had secretly saved enough money to buy the gadget in the first place.

At this point in her life, Haruhi could walk to the convenience store near her house with her eyes closed. Therefore, she chose to focus on the phone in her hands instead of the real world and didn't see the girl rounding the corner until they literally slammed into each other. Bodies met bodies, cell phones went flying, and behinds met solid concrete.

"Ouch... Oh, hey, I'm sorry!" the other girl apologized after a few seconds, coming out of the daze caused by the rather spectacular fall. Though the girl spoke in Japanese, she had an accent that Haruhi couldn't quite place.

"Don't worry about it," Haruhi said, wincing as she stood up. She held out a hand and the girl took it with a thankful smile. Adjusting the off-shoulder neck of her salmon-colored outfit, the girl stood and said:

"Sorry, I wasn't looking..." She spoke like this was a guilty admission and fidgeted with the sleeve of her sweater dress.

That shade matches the straps of her tank top perfectly, Haruhi thought, and then grimaced to herself for even noticing such a thing. Oh god, the twin's influence is already wearing off on me...

"Oh no, where... Aha!" the other girl exclaimed loudly, startling Haruhi with the volume. She picked up the two phones, both styled in the same, generic black casing, and handed one of them to the short-haired girl with an apologetic grin. "Here."

"Thanks," Haruhi responded, briefly checking the screen for scratches. Finding none, she dropped the device in her pocket and offered the girl a soft smile in return. "Well... I'm glad you're okay, but I really have to get going. Er, sorry for running into you, also."

"Yes; sorry again!" The girl tucked a long piece of brown hair behind her ear and nodded. With a final, "Bye!," she took off at a brisk pace, soon disappearing around another corner of the sidewalk.

Haruhi stood still for a moment, before giving a small sigh and continuing her journey to the store.

Back to normality once again.

From the depths of her pocket, the phone began to buzz. Haruhi chose to ignore this, not wanting another incident, nor to be distracted from her mission any further. The boys could wait until she got home for a response. As the screen dimmed within the darkness of the girl's jacket, snippets of incoming texts could be seen fading away:

707: lol, what r u typing?

707: you usually don't take so long to answer lolol

707: ...Hello?

707: Mia... u ok?