Hello, YatsuKat here. Now granted, I did place 'Futa-Harry is Morgana lLe Fay is Naruto and Hinata combined' story in my challenge list, but that was more of a 'care to try your luck' type deal. This one, however, I'll be doing myself.
In this case, its Naruto becomes a futa from a freak accident (unless you got a better idea on how to get a young Naruto, or 'Nikorra,' become a futa afraid of women until it's been dealt with, then deal with it) without knowledge of said fact. Let alone what's temporarily left behind after the Kyubi disperses for a couple of years. Then a couple of years later, at age 9, decides that she needs to get out of there before the village totally destroyed her. Hinata, with a little work, manages to convince her to wait until that night to head out, to give her a bit of a 'going away present.' Which causes a 'little' something to happen to the both of them. Her return to Konoha 3 years later is when the ball really starts rolling.
This is my first attempt at a lemon, so I have absolutely no idea how it'll be to you guys. If it turns out that at least the majority of you (review wise) don't like how this goes, then please give me options on how to make it better. Otherwise, I'll just stick to leaving it "off screen," so to speak. Please note, however, that this chapter is the only one where the characters are under 'Naruto legal' age (12 for ninjas, 16 for civilians). Any others, such as Hanabi or Moegi, will be either more lime style, plain inference, OR AFTER timeskip.
"I wonder what Hinata wanted to give me?" a young blonde-haired boy said to himself as he moved through the night streets towards the Hyuga compound "The longer I take to get out of here, the greater the chance the villagers will kill me for good. Or worse..." Quickly shuddering, he minutely sped up to his destination. Iruka isn't really able to help, the Ichirakus are civilians, and the Hokage has ultimately done more harm than good. By the way, I wonder how's tha- a wave of heat sharply passes through him, forcing him to momentarily stop and lean on a wall while panting some. About a minute or so later, the heat passed, and the boy was able to continue to Hinata. Little did either of them realize just what exactly was going on with him.
Arriving at the compound, he saw the only guards even remotely in range were the two at the front gate. And even they weren't all that attentive. Are you freakin' kidding me? TWO guards, that aren't doing their job at that?! No wonder Hinata's the only one with an actual head on her shoulders, if they're this arrogant. Finding a usable tree, he climbs up and was about to climb over the wall before another wave hit. NOW!? OF ALL DAMN TIMES?! It almost made him fall out of the tree and alert the guards.
Once this wave was over, the boy quickly crawled over the wall and down to the ground before it could happen again. After making sure no one heard his soft thump, he used the shadows to help move around for two reasons. He wasn't planning on letting them have any easier time in finding him, and he had absolutely no idea which room was Hina- just then, he noticed Hinata's head leaning out of a window looking around. Most likely looking for him. Unfortunately, no real tree was close enough for him to use to climb over there, and inside would take to long, so climbing the building it was.
Thankfully, for him, the next wave didn't happen until he was near enough to Hinata for her to notice and quickly help pull him inside, although that resulted in him landing on her. However, this was the most intense yet, as Hinata could quite easily tell from his blush, panting, and He's only nine, and that big already? DAMN YOU, ELDERS! YOU JUST HAD TO FORCE FATHER TO MAKE ME SO KAMI-DAMNED WEAK UNTIL NARUTO GOT AHOLD OF ME!?
"You okay, Naruto?" she quietly asked as she helped him sit up.
"Yeah," he replied after a few moments "I just have no idea what's going on? I've been having these weird heat waves flash through me every so often today, although they have been coming closer together on my way here, actually."
Would that have anything to do with the state that he's in? She wondered I better check to be sure. Activating her clan's special ability, the Byakugan Eyes, she quickly saw something that was out of place.
"Naruto," she began to get his attention "might I ask why you're under a illusion?" That surprised him cold. He was under a illusion? He knew what that was, but he didn't know how to get out of one. Thankfully, Hinata stated "It looks like nothing is holding it, so to save time, I'll deal with it. Just don't move, and try to stay quiet." She then channeled a bit of her chakra into her hands and started hitting Naruto in enough spots to end the illusion, allowing her to just was underneath. Thankfully, Naruto managed to stay quiet throughout the whole ordeal, although Damn, that hurts! Just what is she learning that allows her to do this?! However, both states pretty well ended upon seeing the result.
His hair had grown a bit, while gaining a red tint. His skin seemed to darken a bit as well. But what shocked both of them was his body-
WHAT THE HELL AM I?!/ When did Naruto turn into a futanari? Although I'm grateful that it didn't take Naruto's size. And he's quite cute too. Hehehe...
-he had turned into a girl with a somewhat slanted heart shaped face and slender hands. Underneath the clothes had a similar slender appearance, alongside an opening he found between his legs. However, he still had his member, located right above the opening.
Noticing he was building up to a scream, Hinata quickly placed her hand on Naruto's mouth to keep him quiet. "Shh, quiet! Do you want to get us caught?" she gritted out. Despite how nervous she was making him, Naruto couldn't help but take a proper look at Hinata's appearance. Sparkling pale eyes (which seemed rather familiar), short blue hair, and for some reason, a small, pale-tan robe that was somewhat on the loose side. Wow, orange looks good on her- wait. Those are the only things she's wearing! Terrified, his eyes shot straight up to meet Hinata's in time to hear her say "Now, I need you to listen very closely." Not knowing what she was talking about, but still terrified of her reaction, he quickly nodded in acknowledgment before continued in a more subdued voice that stiffened both his back and his member. "I'm going to take my hand away, you'll not scream, and you'll follow whatever I attempt to tell you. Eventually, to keep quiet, I'll be gagging the both of us so that whatever noise we make will be muffled. However, like I said, you'll need to follow all my instructions."
Now he was getting confused. What was Hinata talking about? And what did this have anything to do with the gift that she had mentioned she wanted to give him before he left? Wanting to find out, he agreed.
"This is just really to ensure that you can at least head out by dawn. But trust me when I say this: unless you don't cooperate, we'll both be... enjoying... this."
*****If you don't want to read this, but still read the story, skip to 'And now, back to our program.' For those that do read this, Naruto won't really know about anything like lust or arousal at this time.*****
By then, Naruto had realized where he had seen the sparkling in Hinata's eyes. He was the one that somehow managed to put it there earlier that day. But before he could try and do something about it, Hinata connected their lips together.
I may not what exactly you did earlier, or what's been happening to me, resounded through his head but I've never felt more alive! Now I can finally show you just how I truly feel about you, Nar-u-to. Now strip!
With Hinata now off him, Naruto blushed a bit and started to comply, taking off his shirt and undershirt and showing his new solid A breasts. But once he got to his pants, he heard Hinata say "Leave those on. I'll take care of them in a bit. Put on this gag, and don't turn away or close your eyes." By then, the two were blushing pretty badly, partly from embarrassment, partly from lust. A bit hesitantly, since she still had confidence issues, Hinata slid of her robe, fully showing just how developed she was for her age. Despite being covered in orange undergarments, she was Already a solid A, maybe close to borderline B. At best, Ino's borderline A and Sayuki's right under solid A. AND HOW THE HELL DO I KNOW THAT JUST FROM LOOKS?! Thankfully, he was already gagged, otherwise the groan that escaped him as he was stuck watching her shyly taking off the rest of her clothes, somehow making his member strain in his pants.
Softly giggling at that, Hinata felt confident enough to tease him with "Is that a sword in your pants, or are you liking what you see?" while playing with her body a bit, making the strain even worse. And Naruto still had no idea why he was reacting like that.
Gently sitting him on her bed, she proceeded to take off the rest of Naruto's clothes, unleashing his five inch 'sword' from its confines. Her shyness set back in upon seeing that, to the point that Naruto tentatively tried to ask through the gag "Um, Hinata?" Even though it was muffled, it did the trick. Snapping out of it somewhat, she slowly opened her mouth and put his member in it. Or at least tried to, since she wasn't quite able to get beyond 2 ½ inches before she started gagging. Backing off slightly, to make it easier on herself, Hinata tried out some of the things she read about in her stash of Icha-Icha books. Starting with moving her tongue around what she could get in her mouth, making him moan almost loud enough for them to be discovered, giving her incentive to momentarily stop and ensure he was quiet for this. Rendered mute, and having trouble focus, Naruto was stuck with Hinata working her mouth and tongue on his member, and his body was 'shocking' him with pleasure from the experience. Unconsciously, his right hand moved to his chest and started squeezing and twisting it, while his left worked its way down to below his member and into the now wet opening that was there.
Noticing what he was doing with his slit, Hinata slipped one of her hands up to show her how to play with one while her other hand went down to play with her own dripping pussy. Let me, Mistress Naruto heard in his head, but by then he didn't really care. He was loving... whatever was going on. But even with his impressive stamina, due to lack of experience, he felt something come out of his member and down Hinata's throat. Right when Hinata had fingered herself to orgasm. However, unknown to the both of them, that was when the full moon came out from behind the clouds and in through the window, landing on the pair and starting a drastic transformation.
Naruto's body started developing variably thick black fur over most of his body, with the hair on his head grew some more and turned to crimson red with some black highlights. His ears grew, gained a point, and moved up to the top of the sides of his head. His fingers became four black claws, while his toes became three claws. His legs slimmed a bit more as most of his feet became part of his legs. His member turned pink-red and gained a bit of a point to it. His opening was just hidden from sight. A set of fangs and light blue slit-ted eyes finished the change. Although it did reverse the effects of Hinata's hits on him.
In Hinata's case, her skin gained a thinner set of pink hair that had a similar feel to silk cloth. This made it look like her skin just completely turned pink. Her own ears changed in a similar manner as Naruto's, but were a bit rounded in comparison. Besides her eyes almost becoming pure blue-purple in color, the biggest other differences were the four little bit shortened and fluffy pink clawed fingers on her hand and feet, and a pink cat's tail that towards the end of it split in two.
With the transformations complete, and the moon still shining down on them, their shared lust had completely clouded their minds. In a feminine tone that clearly revealed his state of mind, he said "Mistress, huh?"
"I've never been much of a dominating person, even more so when you're involved. It evolved into my personal fantasy of you pounding my slutty pussy good and hard with that delicious cock of yours."
"Well then, kitty, looks like I got a job to do."
With that said, Naruto surprised Hinata with how seemingly aggressive yet passionate he became by running up to her, spearing her on his cock while kissing her with a vibrant hunger, and placing her on the bed. Not caring about the blood or pain, once they broke for air, Hinata just had enough time to say "Me-ow!" before their lips reunited and he pounded full-throttle on what was just a few moment's ago a virgin pussy.
It was easily about two hours and countless orgasms before the two finally came out of their lust-filled states and fell asleep with Naruto still inside Hinata, tired out from the whole thing.
*****And now, back to our program. Although, just for the record, the lemon (in story) was from 10:30 pm to 12:30 am roughly, and afterwards starts at about 3:00 am.*****
The pair were still sound asleep when a small mass of red mist came up through the floor and went into Naruto's open mouth. Once it was all in, he slowly opened his eyes. However, instead of light blue, they were blood red. Gritting 'his' teeth to keep the moan in, 'he' slid 'himself' out of Hinata, who whimpered in slight pain and disapproval, not wanting the filled feeling from her 'Mistress' to leave. Kissing her on the lips, 'he' said with a gravely undertone that dictated power "Do not worry, little one. Your Mistress will return in time, but for now, she needs to live. And she can't do that here. But at the very least, she will come back for you. This I promise, on my honor as Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox, and daughter of the Sage of Six Paths." Then, with some work on adapting to Naruto's current body, Kurama heads on out, taking Naruto's pack with her. I only have a few hours, but anything that can help him out is good enough for me. Although I'll not exactly of much 'help' with his behavior patterns. Too bad I wouldn't be able to join them next time, hehehe...
Finding a safe spot, away from civilization, she stopped and quickly set up a letter explaining everything to Naruto, including who she was, how he got there, and what happened to him. Needless to say, he had this reaction:
Now, to note a few things:
They're still inexperienced kids, so they wouldn't have really been able to do all that much without a major boost.
Naruto is still a prankster, but since he's originally terrified of women, his main reason for the pranks was really to train to make sure that he wouldn't have to worry too much about one of them taking him out. After his transformation, he eventually becomes Nikorra, a nudist that won't really care who or what she fucks, but will kick the asses of anyone like a rapist, a kidnapper, or just someone who did not receive permission. So she won't be with anyone like Jiraiya.
Hinata is a pervert from a perverted family. However, her confidence issues from from the Hyuga Elders being a coalition of perverted idiots, traditional idiots, and sexist idiots. They put pressure on Hiashi, forcing him to put pressure on Hinata, who preferred equality and compassion over 'force to submit' and power. After her transformation, she's not about to let anyone, except Naruto (Nikorra upon return) and whoever Naruto invites to the 'party,' walk all over her. Especially her own family.
For those who don't know who any of the characters are, just look them up on Google or something.
In regards to just WHAT they transformed into, Naruto is basically a 'Were-Zoroark,' and Hinata is a 'Were-Espeon.' Although they do have a bit of a boost with their abilities.
Also, like I said in the beginning, this is the ONLY time the characters in the lemon are under official Naruto age of majority. And while this is the official end of the chapter, what's right afterwards will be just going a bit more in depth with Hiashi and Hinata.
Omake: It's about time!
A knock echoed into the room and to the sleeping occupant, forcing Hinata to wake up with an unpleasant headache but a rather pleasurable ache between her legs.
"Who is it?" She asked after a bit.
"It's Ko, Hinata. Your father would like to speak to you." a male voice responded
"Okay, ngh. I'll be there in a bit. A bit of a headache." she answered, slowly working her way into a sitting position, and then a standing position. "I'll inform him that you'll be with him in a moment, then." Ko said before leaving. Hinata, after finally getting her headache under control, noticed Naruto's clothes still on the floor, the state of her bed, and her new found appearance. A quick 'Yipe!' she started to panic a bit before said clothes, herself, her bed, and her dresser were suddenly covered in some form of red energy. Next thing she knew, Naruto's clothes were under her bed, she looked like her original appearance with her normal set of clothes on, and her bedsheets weren't covered in cum. What the? I started to panic about how it all looked, including myself, and then this red energy appeared and took care of hiding the evidence. Did I gain super powers or something? This bears future investigation, but I need to get going and meet Father. He never did like being kept waiting all that much. Although I'm definitely am going to have to do something about the tail, the pants, panties, and jacket are rather uncomfortable on it.
Arriving at her father's office, Hinata knocked politely and waited until she heard him say "Come in." Opening the door to him standing by the window, I'm may have to come out