When accused of stealing from her husband's family, Riley starts to wonder if Farkle is really the man she married anymore. Can she ever trust him again when he believes she's capable of something so awful? Will they be able to last in a world that they don't both truly belong in? Part 2 of 2

Interrogation Recording of Maya Penelope Hart from the New York Police Department

Maya Penelope Hart: This is ridiculous.

Detective One: Millions of dollars is missing. You think that's ridiculous?

Hart: I think that you having me locked up in here is ridiculous.

Detective Two: You're good friends with Farkle Minkus, correct?

Hart: He married my best friend. That wouldn't have happened if we weren't solid.

Detective Two: So, you stole from a friend, then?

Hart: I didn't steal anything.

Detective One: Oh, no?

Hart: No.

Detective One: So, where were you last night from 11 to 11:45?

Hart: Home. Check my apartment building's surveillance.

Detective Two: Oh, see, I was hoping you'd say that, Ms. Hart. The virus sent to take the funds from the Minkus Trust was from your IP address. The one you'd be on if you were home.

Hart: I-

Detective One: You have quite the record, Ms. Hart. Maybe you think you're some kind of Robin Hood, maybe you're just low-class trash, I don't know. I do know you stole from the Minkus's. From your friend.

Hart: I would never do that, okay? Farkle's done a lot for me, I'd never backstab him like that.

Detective Two: Mr. Minkus has done a lot for you, hasn't he? Paid off your student loans, invested in your little gallery, got you all new equipment to try out photography a year ago-

Hart: How did you-

Detective Two: But he also married Riley Matthews. And since then his family has brought your best friend nothing but pain. Maybe you wanted revenge? For Riley.

Hart: I would do anything for Riley, I love her but-

Detective One: Sounds like a confession to me.

Detective Two: Huh, me too. Me too.

Anchor One: Good morning, New York!

Anchor Two: Developments in the Minkus Trust Robbery Scandal point towards the family's new daughter-in-law's best friend!

Anchor One: After what Jennifer Bassett-Minkus has said, I am not surprised. Maya Hart, the childhood companion of Riley Matthews-Minkus, has previously been charged with vandalism and cyber crimes related to robbery.

Anchor Two: Oh, come on! How can she not be guilty?

Anchor One: I don't know but Minkus International CEO, Farkle Minkus, has issued an official statement claiming his support of Hart and saying he believes she's innocent.

Anchor Two: Of course he did, he's under the spell of his pretty, young thing— I mean, wife.

Anchor One: Honestly, I think Matthews-Minkus had something to do with the robbery.

Anchor Two: How could she have not? Her and Hart are always boasting how close they are!

Anchor One: Exactly, and both girls grew up lower or middle class. Matthews-Minkus was probably the mastermind and took advantage of Hart's cyber skills. Poor Farkle Minkus has no idea how he was just played.

Anchor Two: It's sad, really, that someone could do that to the man they claim to love.

Anchor One: And you know what? Once he realizes the person she really is? That's going to be one nasty divorce…

Interrogation Recording of Riley Nebula Matthews-Minkus from the New York Police Department

Riley Nebula Matthews-Minkus: Maya Hart is innocent.

Detective Two: Is she?

Detective One: Does that mean you have something to tell us, Ms. Matthews?

Matthews-Minkus: It's Mrs. and Matthews-Minkus, but I think you knew that. And no, that doesn't mean anything except that Maya Hart is innocent.

Detective Two: The virus was from her IP address.

Matthews-Minkus: And you honestly think that someone smart enough to write that virus wouldn't be smart enough to also reroute the code through a false IP? Pretty shoddy police work, if you ask me.

Detective One: No one did.

Matthews-Minkus: Oh, is that not why I'm here? For you to ask me things?

Detective Two: Don't get smart with us.

Matthews-Minkus: Can't help it. My default state of being is 'more intelligent than you'.

Detective Two: Your husband know what a bitch you really are?

Matthews-Minkus: *Long Silence* Yeah, he does. And he's fucking proud.

Phone call between Riley Matthews-Minkus and Maya Hart


Automated Voice:Inmate-

Maya: Maya Hart.

Automated Voice: of the New York City Jail is attempting to call you. Do you accept this call?

Riley: Yes, I do.

Automated Voice: You have accepted. Please wait while you are connected.

Maya: Honey?

Riley: Peaches!

Maya: God! It is good to hear your voice!

Riley: Same. I need you, Peaches.

Maya: I know, Honey. How are you?

Riley: Maya, you're the one in jail! I should be asking you that!

Maya: I'm fine and I know something's up, Riley. You can't lie to me, Mrs. Matthews-Minkus.

Riley: Don't call me that.

Maya: Call you- Wait, is it you and Farkle? Did something happen between you two?

Riley: I'm fine, Maya. No one's bothered you there, ri-

Maya: Honey, you aren't fine. I can hear it in your voice. Tell Peaches what's wrong.

Riley: *Takes a deep breath* Maybe everyone was right, Maya. Maybe Farkle and I are just too different. *Long silence* He won't speak to me.

Maya: He won't- Why not?

Riley: *Humorless laugh* Fuck if I know. Since the thing with the money, he won't speak to me and he moved out of our bedroom and has been avoiding me all week. I don't- Maya, I don't know what to do. I think that he might actually think I had you do this.

Maya: Careful what you say there, Riley.

Riley: I know, I know, being recorded. I didn't do anything, Maya, and neither did you… I just don't think my husband knows that for sure. How can he think that I would ever take from him? He's given me the world and I- *Swallows hard* I cannot be married to someone who thinks I'm capable of stealing from him.

Maya: Honey, I don't think you know the full story.

Automated voice: 10 second warning.

Riley: And how exactly am I supposed to get it when he won't even look at me, Maya? I can't do this. I don't have you and I need Farkle to be here for me and he's not! He's nowhere!

Maya: Riley-

Automated voice: You have reached the end of your allotted time. This call has been ended.

Texting Conversation between Farkle Minkus and Unknown Number (Several Weeks Old)

Unknown Number: You should tell your wife.

Farkle Minkus: I can't. You know that.

Unknown Number: If you don't, I will.

Farkle Minkus: Nah.

Farkle Minkus: You won't.

Unknown Number: Sure about that? It's wrong to keep her in the dark.

Farkle Minkus: Same reason I can't tell her.

Unknown Number: ?

Farkle Minkus: Because I love her and so do you.

Unknown Number:

Unknown Number: Then I can't do this anymore.

Farkle Minkus: Yes, you can.

Unknown Number: I suppose you have some reason for that, too?

Farkle Minkus: Yeah, because you love me.

Farkle Minkus: And I love you.

Unknown Number: You are damn lucky, Minkus.

Farkle Minkus: I know ;)

Texting Conversation between My Babe and My Love (Present)

My Babe: Can you meet for lunch?

My Love is typing…

My Love: No. Busy.

My Love: Sorry.

My Babe is typing…

My Babe: Why? At first, I thought something was wrong with me, that I had somehow messed up with the money or something… I don't know! But I saw the texts, Farkle. Who is she? Is she prettier? Smarter? I know you love her, you told her so. Why would you do that to me? To us? Everyone thought we'd just be a quick divorce. Guess they were right. (Unsent)

My Babe: How could you do this to me? You said you loved me? You told her so! You told whoever the hell she is that YOU LOVE ME! Don't say shit you don't mean. (Unsent)

My Babe: I hate you (Unsent)

My Babe: No, I don't. But, fuck, I wish I did. (Unsent)

My Babe is typing…

My Babe: Me too

To the Boy I Loved Before,

I know you can't read this. You're not that boy anymore, the one who made me feel like I could do anything like I belonged in a world I definitely did not, like I was your missing piece as much as you were mine. I wish you were. I miss you.

But, I've been told I don't look at things realistically and I guess I should probably start now.

I needed you, Farkle. Maya was wrongly accused, I was wrongly accused, and I needed my husband to be there. I needed you to tell me that everything was going to be okay and even if it wasn't, that you would be there when it fell apart. Instead, you left me alone.

I could have forgiven that, my Love. I really could have.

I cannot forgive you loving another woman though. You probably can't help it. She's probably funnier, prettier, more intelligent and she probably fits into your world in a way I never could. I'm happy that you found her. But that you would see her, love her, behind my back?

That I cannot forgive.

Which is why I have to go. When you find this letter on the kitchen counter, I imagine you'll think about stopping me before I'm gone… But once you run to our bedroom and find my things already gone and come back to finish the letter, you'll know you're too late.

It's for the best. We were too different, Love. We never fit into each other's worlds, Farkle.


Conversation Captured by Surveillance Footage at JFK airport

Farkle: Riley! Wait!

Riley: Farkle, what are you doing here?

Farkle: You can't go back to Philadelphia!

Riley: I can. And I am. Farkle, please just go! Leave me alone!

Farkle: No! You do not get to walk away from us! Not without letting me explain!

Riley: Explain?! Farkle, you had every opportunity to fucking explain from the moment picked some other whore over me!

Farkle: For fuck's sake, Riley! There isn't some other wh- girl! There's never going to be anyone after you!

Riley: Oh, please! I'm not that much of an idiot! An idiot, yes, but not that much of one. I saw the texts!

Farkle: The texts… These?! *Pulls out phone and flicks through to his conversation with the Unknown Number* Riley, these are from a burner phone! THAT I GAVE TO MAYA!

Riley: *Stops dead* M-Maya?

Farkle: Yes! Maya!

Riley: *Face turns red* MAYA IS THE OTHER WOMAN?!

Farkle: THERE'S NO OTHER WOMAN! *Looks at the people giving them looks* Babe, please just listen to me, okay? Please.

Riley: *Reluctantly nods* Fine.

Farkle: These texts? *Waves phone* Aren't about an affair. They're about Maya and I taking all my family's money and giving it to charity. My parents never would have let me give away our fortune, so I made a plan with Maya to use a virus to do it. She had to take the fall for a little while so that I could transfer the money to a charity account, but I was on my way to the NYPD when my wife decided to leave me. So, I ran down here instead.

Riley: So, Maya did take the money.

Farkle: No, she built the virus. I'm the one that sent it and I'm the one who handled the money afterward. It's not illegal to write code so the police will have to let her go. And it was my family's money, so they can't arrest me either. I just withdrew from my family's Trust in an admirably creative way.

Riley: …Those cops are going to be so pissed.

Farkle: Maybe, but they can't arrest me.

Riley: … Your parents are going to disinherit you.

Farkle: Maybe that wouldn't be the worst thing. I love my parents but they aren't who I thought they were. If they were, they would have accepted you, loved you, like I do.

Riley: Why didn't you tell me?

Farkle: Well, you would have never let Maya and me do it… And you're not signed onto the Minkus Trust so there was a risk on them pinning everything on you as robbery, even with my confession. I couldn't, Riley. *Long Pause* Please don't go, Babe.

Riley: *Slowly smiles* Ugh! I'm not going anywhere. Except with you to get Maya out of jail.

Farkle: *Grabs her and hugs her close* Oh thank God!

Riley: *Leans back, looks into his eyes* Ever keep something like this from me again? And I will get on the plane.

It was, like, really hard finding a loophole that worked to make this a happy ending but I DID IT!