Goten stood on the shore, staring at the horizon. Could he really go through with this? Could he really leave everyone, and live his life training and meditating? The image of Bra in the arms of Uub appeared in front of his eyes. Yes, he could.
Anyway, he told himself, what I'm doing isn't all that bad. I mean, I'm not going to kill myself. I'm just going away for a while, to sort myself out, and get over Bra, the way she's gotten over me. Goten took a deep breath.
"Goten! Goten, wait!" Bra called. She could see from his stance that he was about to take off, and leave her forever. She started sobbing. "Don't leave."
Goten turned and looked at her. Tears were streaming down her face. Her eyes narrowed, and she charged at him. He didn't have time to react, and both of them fell into the water.
"You jerk! You fucking jerk!" she screamed. "What the Hell do you think you're doing? How could you leave me?"
Goten became angry. "Leave you? You? And I suppose you getting with Uub was perfectly fine! You left me first, B-chan. It may not have been physically, but you still left me."
"I…I…" Bra didn't have anything to say.
"Let me go, Bra. Go back to Uub."
Goten sat up fully, with Bra still on top of him. "What?"
"I said no! I won't let you go, and I won't go back to Uub. I love you, Goten. I LOVE YOU!!!" She started sobbing violently. "You mean everything to me. Everything. I can't live without you."
"W-what about Uub?"
"Oh, I like him a lot – maybe even love him – but as a friend. I can't feel the same way about him as I feel about you. It's different."
Goten placed his hand on Bra's cheek. She was shivering, but not from the cold. He looked into her eyes, and saw within them adoration and fear. Adoration for him, and fear that she would lose him forever. At that moment, Goten realised just what Bra meant to him. She was his everything, just as he was hers. To live without her would be worse than death. His world would crumble.
And I was ready for that to happen. I was ready to leave her. Goten could not believe how stupid he had been. How could he not have realised how deeply his feelings went? Because she wasn't here with me.
"Well, I am now," Bra murmured. Her eyes were shut, and she rested against his hand. "And I won't let you leave."
"B-chan? How did you know I thought that?"
"Because you said it, idiot."
Amazing! She can read my mind…"What? No I can't."
Goten smiled, and decided to try a little experiment. He had tried it before, and it hadn't worked. But this time…he was sure it would. He reached out to Bra's mind with his, expecting that at any moment, the door would shut him out.
It didn't. He could hear Bra's thoughts. Her love for him. Her fear that he was going to leave her. The way she felt bad about leaving Uub. Goten's smile spread. They had bonded!
"Bonded!?!" Bra's eyes opened.
Yep, that's right, B-chan! Bra heard the words clearly, but Goten didn't open his mouth.
Either he's a very good ventriloquist, or we are bonded!
"We're bonded, B-chan! You'd better believe it!" He pulled her into a long and passionate kiss. She kissed him back with just as much force. They pulled away, gasping for breath.
"Marry me, B-chan," said Goten.
Bra kissed him again. "I thought you'd never ask."
Bra and Goten eventually left the water – they were getting too sandy and salty. Goten was rested against a palm tree, with Bra curled up against him.
"Can Uub be your best man?" Bra asked.
"Well…I'd have to see how Trunks would feel about that. He has been my best friend since I was born."
"I guess so."
Bra snuggled up to him again. Goten smiled. It felt so right, so perfect. He never wanted her to leave his arms.
"Don't worry. I won't," she said.
"Sorry, you're thinking so loud, I can't help overhearing." She looked up at him. "We'll have to ask Pan and Trunks if there's some way of keeping each other out. I mean, I love you and all, but I don't want you going through my mind all of the time!"
Goten just smiled at her. She soon fell into a peaceful sleep against his chest. He stayed awake, and watched the sun rise, while his everything slept in his arms.
I just want to be your everything
Open up the heaven in your heart and let me beThe things you are to me
And not some puppet on a string
If I stay here without you darling, I will die
I want you laying in the love I have to bring
I'd do anything
To be your everythingHeya, that's it! Hope you liked it, from myself and Kate, my co-writer and editor for this story, have fun!
Tinkerbell_star and Bra_chan90