The night was dark, the lights of the street the only ones on as a figure wearing a worn hoodie and a bulging backpack made for a green game shop. The hood cast shadows over their features as they walked into the building. The figure went up to the house part and tiptoed to one of the bedrooms locking it behind them and taking off their hood. Long tricolored hair fell from the hood with a pale face mixed in both fear and determination.

"Never... never again..." a light baritone voice stated and started to hang 'wards' around the bedroom. Mainly near any windows and the main door into the bedroom.

"Yami, is that you?" Arthur called from downstairs "I need you to run to the store for milk," he yelled up. The teen, Yami, bit his lip and sighed.

"Okay, Grandpa, just give me five minutes," Yami called down after opening his door a crack. He really didn't want to go out but had no other choice as he picked up his phone and called one of his friends. "The Thief better be awake," Yami muttered under his breath.

Bakura was cuddling with Ryou when Yami called. "What do you want, Princess?"

Yami just sighed. "Never mind, you're busy," Yami said into the phone, tossing it away as he went down to the kitchen. There was his grandfather sitting at the table, some money on the table to get the milk from the convenience store down the street.

"Be careful out there, Yami. Reports are all over the news of a Rogue." The elder warned the teen.

"I'll keep my tracks covered, Grandpa," Yami stated.

"Also, use magic to conceal your ears." He reminded him.

"I know. I'm not five, Grandpa." Yami said, taking the change and raising his hood over his head.

As he walked, two figures who looked similar to him appeared. "What a beautiful creature." The one with tan skin said.

"I agree. Such lovely eyes. Though, it seems he has a few bruises." The pale-skinned one said.

"Who would hurt this precious creature?"

"I don't know... but I want him, love."

"We've waited long enough, let's take him."

The two figures smirked together as they vanished in a blink of an eye while Yami walked down the street towards the store.

The paled one appeared behind Yami, putting him under a sleep spell.

The young teen was caught a second later in the tanned one's arms, easily being picked up.

"Let's hope his blood is as good as it smells." The pale one commented as the three disappeared.