Part One of Two

Craig moved his slender hands up the sides of Kenny's body. Despite everything, he always loved the feeling of the soft destroyed fucker. Kenny's skin felt smooth and delicate beneath the touch of Craig's fingertips. His palms pressed down into Kenny's bare shoulder blades. Kenny released a breathy chuckle and tilted his head to the side.

"We don't have all night. What's taking you so fucking long?" Kenny muttered in a playful voice that was lined with a serious undertone.

"Let me look," Craig's nasally voice said sternly. Kenny grunted and rolled his hips in an effort to press himself down against the protruding bulge in Craig's pants. Kenny's way of diverting the conversation consisted of his lips attaching themselves to Craig's neck and his body rolling in a sexy way that made his lower half grind against Craig's. This time, Craig wasn't buying into it.

"Just show me what he did," he said in a sterner voice. Kenny rolled his eyes and moved off of Craig in a swift movement. He turned on the lamp that was placed on the bedside table of Craig's room. A warm light flooded the small area around Craig's bed. The limited light was enough for Craig to make out the bruises that littered Kenny's back. Craig's blue eyes flicked back and forth between Kenny's back freckles and all his injuries.

"Found my dresses. He wasn't pleased." Kenny's simple words were enough for Craig to draw a conclusion as to why Kenny's back had received such a harsh beating. Kenny just closed his eyes and laid down on the bed. He spread his legs and flicked a cheeky smirk to Craig. "Can you just fuck me now so I don't have to think?"

Craig couldn't say no. He knew sex was a pleasant distraction for Kenny, so he figured who was he to reject making someone feel better. Craig moved over and placed himself between Kenny's legs. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his erection.

[ ]

Craig's concerns for Kenny's wellbeing was growing. He didn't usually care about this kind of shit, but he found that he was developing feelings or whatever for his fuck buddy. He knew that this wasn't exactly the kind of thing he could approach his friends about. He knew that he couldn't exactly talk to Kenny about it. So he figured Kyle was probably the best person to voice his concerns to.
Craig awkwardly stood outside of the school on a Thursday afternoon. He waited for the person he was looking for to exit the building. Once he saw Kyle, he pushed himself off the wall and quickly jogged over to him. He looked around, making sure none of his actual friends were nearby to hear him.

"Oi. Come here." His voice was harsh and quick. Kyle looked at Craig with concern. Craig hardly ever approached him about anything, so hearing Craig beckon him made him feel quite nervous. Kyle hesitantly approached Craig. The taller male looked around, making sure no one was close enough to overhear. He saw Kenny with Eric and Stan by the bus stop. Craig licked his lips then crossed his arms.

"What's wrong?" Kyle asked when he noticed there was something about Craig's bored demeanour that seemed slightly off.

"Kenny. He's got weird marks and shit," Craig said in a soft voice. "It's getting annoying. Can't touch him because of bruised and crap. I think his dad is hurting him." Craig's tone was supposed to be giving off signs of irritation. He wasn't meant to care about Kenny; besides, their fucks were all mindless. They weren't officially together or anything. They just happened to like each other's dicks.
Kyle's eyebrows dipped in concern. He could tell Craig was pretending to be annoyed by Kenny being injured. His intuition said Craig was worried.

"I'll talk to him about it then." Kyle said as if he had fully made up his mind. Craig shook his head.

"It's a sensitive topic. You'd be stupid to try and talk to him about it." Craig begun to walk. "But I know you'll help him more than I can." Kyle watched Craig walk off, and he felt uneasy about the news that was plaguing his mind all night.

[ ]

"No dude I'm busy- fuck off-" Stan's irritated voice slurred through the phone.

"Dude it's important. I need to talk to you about Kenny. I'm worried." Kyle said with a frustrated sigh. He ran his hand through his curly red hair and bit his bottom lip. "I'm coming over-"

"Ugh. Whatever. Just make it quick. Beep beep beep." Kyle sighed again when Stan hung up on him.

It didn't take Kyle to walk over to Stan's house. Sharon invited Kyle in without asking any questions about why he was there after dinner time. She understood the boys were close friends, and she could see that Kyle was worried about something. Kyle thanked her for the hospitality before trudging upstairs, the sound of his shoes stepping over the carpet being a weirdly comforting sound to him.
He walked to Stan's room and knocked on the door. There was no response. So, he knocked again until a muffled voice grunted for him to enter. He twisted the door knob then stepped into Stan's room.

"So, what's wrong with Kenny?" Stan was sitting on his bed with a PSP in his hand. His tongue was poking out while he attempted to fight the boss battle. Kyle stepped over and sat beside him. He looked over at the little screen before answering his friends question.

"Craig told me that he gets hurt. He thinks its Kenny's dad or something." Kyle said as he leaned back.

"Yeah but Kenny loves that shit. There's probably nothing to worry about." Stan said distractedly while he played his game. Kyle had to think for a moment. Kenny was into some weird things. It wouldn't be surprising if he had some kind of kinky partner on the side that he wasn't telling Craig about.

"You're right… but… he's been kinda weird with us lately as well? I think we've gotta trust Craig man. I think Kenny's dad is hurting him." Kyle's voice was laced with concern. Stan paused his game and put the console down.

"Well, even if he is, what are we supposed to do about it? Kenny's parents are always fighting and shit. That family is just like that. Why would his dad even hurt him in the first place?" Stan said as he leaned over to take a sip from his water bottle that had been resting on his night stand.

Meanwhile downstairs, the door to the Marsh household had slammed open with a tipsy Randy. He laughed and walked in to see his wife with crossed arms and disappointment on her face. He reassured her he hadn't drunken much, which he honestly hadn't. He waddled upstairs and was about to go into his room when he could hear two muffled voices from Stan's room.
Randy stopped and stared at Stan's bedroom door. Most the juiciest gossip came from the other side of Stan's door. Randy shamelessly walked over and pressed his ear to the door. Randy would often stop and listen in for gossip ever since Stan became a teenager. He found out all kinds of things of what goes on in South Park from it.

"I think its cause Craig and Kenny are fucking," Kyle said with a nod. "Kenny's dad is like- homophobic or whatever. If he knew Kenny was fucking Craig, then there's no doubt he'd react." Kyle stated with a knowing nod.

"Yeah but dude, does Kenny's dad even know?" Stan pointed out.

"I guess you have a point… they haven't really told anyone about it yet." Kyle said as he frowned and looked down. "Just… where else would he.. yknow..?" Kyle tried his hardest to figure it out.

Randy was standing on the other side of the door with wide eyes. He had heard quite a lot of gossip, but this was something else. It was unique. He stepped back and rubbed his hands together. He knew Kenny McCormick's secret. He happily wondered around, trying to think of the best way to spread this information.
He strutted down the stairs and smirked at Sharon. His wife was familiar with Randy's behaviours when he knew something she didn't.

"What is it this time?" She asked with a sigh.

"Did you know that Stan's friend Kenny is dating the Tuckers' boy? Looks like he moved on from Tweek hey?" Randy said cheekily. Sharon stared at him and blinked.

"Where did you hear that?" She asked.

And like that, word of Kenny and Craig fucking spread around South Park faster than genital warts from a cheap prostitute spreads throughout a group of horny old men. Word may have been traveling fast, but Kenny and Craig still had no idea.

[ ]

Kenny's hand slipped into Craig's hair and he held on tightly. Craig's mouth slid slickly up and down Kenny's cock and it made the boy moan like a slut. His head tilted back and he held onto Craig's black locks as if letting go would end the world. Craig didn't talk much, yet his mouth really knew how to work. He sucked and rubbed his tongue on the underside of Kenny's dick. He sucked his way to the tip, wrapping his lips around Kenny's musky knob. The tip of Craig's tongue slipped between the small slit of Kenny's urethra. Which made Kenny trembled and hold Craig's hair tighter. The tugging of his hair and the way Kenny moaned was a kind of unspoken encouragement for Craig. He sucked further downwards.
His lips brushed over the base of Kenny's cock and it made Craig almost gag. He breathed through his nose and sucked harder while he bobbed his head up and down. Kenny grunted and held onto Craig's hands with both hands. This is when Craig's fingers pressed up into Kenny's prostate. The two were on Craig's bed; Kenny pant-less and Craig topless. Craig had two finger's inside Kenny while he was sucking Kenny's dick and it was driving Kenny absolutely crazy.

"D-Dude- I- I'm about to cum-" Kenny panted. Craig sucked harder then popped off Kenny's dick. His fingers swirled inside Kenny, which made the blond boy whine a little too loudly. Kenny grunted at the way Craig's fingers felt inside his asshole. Craig pulled the two fingers out then sat up straight. He didn't need to give Kenny any directions.
Kenny automatically shuffled over and spread his legs. His face was pointed towards the ceiling and he smirked at Craig. His back ached from having the creases of his parka pressing into bruises, but lying down flat was better than arching his back while on all fours. He was too tired for a position that wasn't vanilla.
Craig moved himself so that he was in between Kenny's legs. He held up Kenny's thighs and was mindful of the small bruises that were littered there. He was still worried, but he was too horny to care. He held up Kenny's legs then rested one on his shoulder. Kenny's leg rested on Craig's shoulder while Craig crouched over and gave his own erection a few rubs.

He then lined his knob up with Kenny's asshole before he begun to push in. Kenny squirmed and panted. Having Craig push into him made him moan and writhe with pleasure. He was being stretched as Craig slipped deep into his hole and it made Kenny's mind go blank. Right now, he didn't have to think about anything at all because Craig fucking Tucker was now balls deep in his asshole, and that's the only thing he needed to focus on right now. He focused on all the little pleasure nerves that were struck when Craig moved his hips.

Their sex this time around was a lot more passionate than usual. They usually had quick fucks then left. This time there were sloppy kisses in between thrusts and occasionally Kenny would wrap his arms around Craig and hold onto him rather tightly. It was a bit gay of them both to be to sappy like this, but deep down they both knew it was needed.
The beautiful, sweaty little sex bubble popped with their orgasm. They came down from their pleasure highs; both boys panting against each other's necks and recovering from such a good round of sex. The fucking was wonderfully different for them both. Craig came into Kenny's ass and neither of them cared immediately afterwards. They just kind of laid there next to each other in silence while they caught their breath.
Kenny couldn't help but giggle when he felt the familiar tickle of Craig's semen dripping from his twitching asshole. He sat up and grunted.

"We got cum on your bed again. It's fucking disgusting." Kenny said with a grunt as he grabbed some tissues from the bedside table.

"I'll clean it up later," Craig sighed. He also got up so he could change into some cleaner clothes.

"What're you all quiet about?" Kenny asked. He noticed Craig was more quiet than usual as this time there was no post sex banter. Craig usually loved to tease the fuck out of Kenny by this point.

"I'm worried about you," Craig said in a low voice. Kenny snorted.

"There's no need to be worried you dickhead," Kenny chuckled and pulled his clothes on once he was sure his asshole was clean. Craig sighed.

"Whatever," he figured both of them would be better off not discussing anything.

Kenny eventually got dressed then gave Craig a sloppy kiss. "I'll see you later big boy." He flirted before tapping Craig's ass and jumping out the window. He landed on his feet and brushed off any snow. He did his parka all the way up; he pulled on the hood and begun walking home. It was cold and while Kenny was walking home, he felt more alone than usual. It made him feel like there was a sinking hole in the middle of his chest, and for the first time ever he properly missed Craig.
Kenny wished he had stayed over at Craig's that night as soon as he stepped foot into his own home.

The smell of alcohol was a familiar one to Kenny. So was weed and other abusive substances. He could hear glass smashing in the kitchen where both of his parents were yelling. He closed the front door slowly and tip-toed into Karen's room. He opened the door and smiled at her through his parka. She had tears in her eyes and patted the side of her bed. Kenny walked over and sat down beside her.

"It's okay…" He said in a small voice. "I'll sleep in here with you okay?" He said to his clearly anxious little sister. She shook her head.

"Dad's mad at you," her little voice was shy and scared. Kenny blinked and sat closer to her.

"What do you mean? What's he mad about?" Kenny asked with a concerned frown. He had been out of trouble recently and he doesn't remember doing anything particularly bad. He watched the door to Karen's room slam open.

"Get out here right now you fuCKING FAG!" Stuart yelled viciously. Karen whimpered and Kenny chuckled despite his fear. His father's voice was more of a roar that put the deepest, most horrible fear in his chest and stomach. He felt sick knowing what was coming for him. He felt terrible knowing he had gone from such a pleasant evening to a horrible night.

"I'll be back soon. It's okay Karen." Kenny said with a genuine smile. His sister nodded and curled up in her bed. She watched as Kenny got up and approached the bedroom door. Stuart grabbed a fist full of Kenny's hair and dragged him out into the loungeroom. Kenny closed his eyes. He had experienced much worse pain during his life. Pain that was worse than what his father could ever do to him.

But that doesn't make it hurt any less.