So here is the next chapter sorry for being gone so long I have been very busy and my life has gotten super crazy on top of the 18 credits that I am taking for class. I swear I am developing narcolepsy or something because I can hardly stay awake for more than 3 hours at a time anymore. I literally am constantly sleeping and it is making it very hard to do anything. I am still working on my other stories; it is just taking me forever.
This chapter ended up being 10146 words without author's notes.
Start Chapter 21
"So... we went over all of the required information…. emergency protocols. The dorm guidelines were read... We went over allergies and cleaning responsibilities that will be put in action once Midoriya and Bakugou are done with their punishments…." Aizawa scratched at his chin and continued.
"I believe we got all the formality stuff out of the way now. So… we will be discussing training and special movies. You will…. all end up in small groups for important specialized lessons, but you will also be using this building to figure out your signature moves….. Special moves are very important for a hero to figure out. We were going… to give….. all of your hero licenses at the end of the camp…. But now we are going to have to make you train until you drop in preparation for the Hero Licencing exams….. The competition is fierce and you will have to stay serious. You all need to give it your all if you even want any chance as most students don't even try to attempt the exam until they are at least a second year." Aizawa explained, tone dead serious. "You can come in now."
Several teachers came piling into the room. One being, Cementos, A man that essentially looked like a block of cement with equally as blocky limbs. He walked in politely greeting the class and got right to work in creating a mountain like-scape for them out of the cement floor.
"Find a spot and start practicing. Some of you….. may need to first focus more on trying to figure out your fighting styles then… work your way up. I want you all to work until you drop!" Aizawa barked out after a few moments of watching his students stand around and looking on in awe at the mounds.
"Hey, Shouta, I'm feeling a lot better today! Mind if I join in teaching our next generation of heroes?" All Might asked in a cheerful tone of voice after he walked in. He was now forced to stay in his true form after losing the last of One for All in the fight with his arch enemy All for One. He was deathly thin and his eyes were still sunken. Even still, Toshinori looked healthier and more lively than he had in years. He stood up straighter in a suit more his size instead of hunched like he had walked before and on his face was a cheery grin. He had even recovered from his severely injured arm. Now that he no longer was able to push his body like he was before and was sticking to the healthy high-calorie diet that both his doctors and family demanded of him, he was finally not struggling as much to gain weight. He actually felt pretty great at least compared to before when the pain was so horrific all of the time that he could hardly convince himself to get out of bed most days.
"Knock yourself out. I don't really care." Shouta said, tone as dull as his eyes. Toshinori was a pretty terrible teacher, so he was sure that his advice wouldn't be worth anything, but he was happy that at least he was out of that apartment for something other than a doctor's appointment and it was good for morale on both ends. The brunet's eyes widened a bit in disbelief when the man began to actually give out really good sound teaching advice over and over again going up to students with a cheerful smile and excellent, encouraging advice. What the? How was he suddenly a decent teacher? Shouta's eyes zeroed in on a book with multiple paper tabs sitting in the blond's back pocket. Pained amusement filling him as he comprehended what the title on it said. 'How to teach for Dummies'. That shouldn't have surprised him as much as it did... Maybe Toshinori might actually have the tiniest chance of being a decent teacher after all. At least the man was willing to work at getting better. Shouta did his best to ignore the bubbly feeling in his gut at seeing the man doing so well.
"But, but please! I can' afford a 3D printer as good as the school's! I beg you, Yaozoyoro, some crazy unsupervised support student blue up a bunch of stuff an' now only people with some special shop privileges can use them! I was just trying to make everyone an awesome surprise while teaching myself self, but I'll never be able to do that now!" Mineta sobbed literally groveling at the tall girl's feet.
"I'm not going to make you a printer for some creepy perverted fantasy dolls or something!" The girl insisted.
"They're collectible figures and they-they aren't creepy! See?" Mineta said, immediately holding up an adorable professional-quality figure of an adorable looking Harrison grinning sweetly with an excitable flush on his face. "My figures are full of wholesome cuteness!"
"Oh, wow! That is really cute!" Momo's eyes gleamed as she eyed the hand-sized figure.
"I was making them for each student in our class as a surprise... but now... I'll never be able to finish! It's just... too bad too because... I already have a couple of the designs all ready to print and everything but... I only ever managed to get Harrison's, Midoriya's, and Kirishima's figures printed." Mineta said in a pitifull woeful tone of voice. Holding up equally as adorable figures of the other two to the girl.
The girl grimaced, giving in. "Fine... but... no... no perverted stuff! It can only be used for this, all right?" She said, reluctantly.
"Of course! Wha'ever you want, I just want to finish this for our wonderful classmates!" The purple ball headed teen readily agreed, practically throwing the schematics for the printer in the girl's face, trying not to look too desperate. Yes, now he could finally print his latest design. It, of course, would immediately go into his ship collection where it so rightfully belonged!
Wait... she made the printer in the middle of the hallway. "Thanks so much! Now, all we have to do is take it to my room so we can set it up!" Mineta cheered eagerly.
"Uh... no. I want to make sure you are doing what... you said you plan to so... Unless you get someone else to help you, it's going to stay here." Momo said, awkwardly fidgeting. No way would she go into his room. For all, she knew he had a porn dungeon thing going on and she didn't want to get nightmares about that! That or he would try and creep on her!
"What! But my computer is a desktop! How am I supposed to do this?" Mineta squawked. He wasn't even being a creeper he totally just wanted to get that thing up and running! He may have normally had less than pure motives but he wasn't at that moment! He genuinely was wanting to work on his little side project, that was it!
"Hey, girly! You want to go to that new muffin place with us? Tsu' said she's buying!" Mina said, playfully waving at the other girl. She eyed Mineta suspiciously once she realized he was there.
"Oh, really? Of course! This is going to be so much fun!" The girl cheerfully exclaimed.
"Uh... hello? Someone? Please! I just want to get this to my room! Uh, Shoji? Anyone? Please?!"
Fumikage sat placidly and watched enamored as Harrison compulsively rubbed his scent all over his room, as he did weekly, if not more often. Feeling utterly lovestruck and blessed that such a creature would find him so desirable as to be so infatuated with himself as well. It was probably one of the most endearing adorable things he had ever seen in his life. It made Fumikage feel utterly adored and loved and the warm butterfly feeling in his stomach would be cherished for however long Fumikage was able to remember it as it wasn't just something that one should take lightly. Fumikage adored that possessive little streak in his Harrison. His need to show everyone whom the bird-headed teen belonged to just as he and Dark Shadow enjoyed doing.
Fumikage rolled his eyes as Dark Shadow enthusiastically assisted their goddess in marking their territory even though their scent was already clearly in every nook and cranny of the room and they weren't in the wilds or anything. Though... he tried to steer clear of that little fantasy that had popped up recently. Seeing his future mate so thoroughly mark the room and stop every once in a while to admire one of his many bobbles made the dark feathered teen preen, the urge to get his Harrison another interesting and shiny treasure nagging at him.
"Calm, my love, none threaten your hold over us! We belong to you utterly…. though forgive us for our affections for Shinsou as well my darling." Fumikage crooned, "Now let us sleep. The test will surely be grueling tomorrow. We must get plenty of rest if we are to perform well. Especially you, as I am used to sleeping very little. Even Dark Shadow is to rest tonight. I know you worry over Shinsou but if he is unwilling to go to bed at a reasonable time for such an event than we should not lose sleep..." The bird-headed teen said fondly, pulling the mess of blankets up, crawled under and held the rest up in an attempt to get Harrison to nest down for the night with him.
"Please find comfort in this meager offering of a nest I provide you with. Do not leave me to suffer this night on my lonesome." Fumikage practically purred, ignoring Dark Shadow's indignant 'hey'. He couldn't hold back the content warble that bubbled up from the back of his throat when Harry eagerly accepted his offer and snuggled against him, nuzzling against him oh so sweetly.
"Fumi-Fumi!" Dark Shadow whined.
"Go to bed Dark Shadow, we have a lot to do tomorrow," Fumikage growled.
The shadow muttered something about not wanting to watch him preening anyways before disappearing.
Fumikage gently pet at messy black locks. The urge to preen the other stronger than ever had his face heat up, though he wouldn't ever admit how badly he had wanted to do so since the other had decided he wanted to sleep in his room that night. To share his nest. Fumikage carefully eased an unruly clump of curls into his mouth. He then ran a hand down Harrison's arm and curled his fingers into short sleeves to ghost over delicate shoulders and tugged, carefully rearranging and straightening out his future mate's lovely ebony plumage. He couldn't help but groan and make pleased little noises in response to his Harrison's content, breathy hums of pleasure. Fumikage couldn't help but moan when Harrison began recuperating, carefully running his fingers through his silky feathers, doing his best to straighten and carefully pull out imperfect and damaged ones as he went.
The bird-headed teen warbled involuntarily when Harrison shifted a leg to lean closer. Only in the moment that his groin brushed against Harrison... did the teen realize his penis was fully erect. He could feel his face practically set on fire at the realization. Thinking fast, Fumikage shifted his leg to try and hide his aching bulge and yet... he hadn't stopped his hormone-addled brain, insisting he needed to feel more, that he couldn't stop, not yet! That he needed to touch all over, run his unworthy hands all over soft flesh and make his darling mew.
Fumikage tried his best not to think about the fact he was so excited at that point that he was near certain he had completely leaked through his boxers and would soon leak through his night pants as well. Fumikage groaned as Harrison accidentally grazed his bulge as he shifted to get more comfortable. The dark teen could only hope that his beloved didn't notice the way his hips did an embarrassing involuntary hump forward. Honestly, he was afraid that he would die of embarrassment if Harry had noticed him do such a thing.
"We... we should go to sleep. I am sure if we shall continue with this all night if we were to allow ourselves to continue." Fumikage managed to croak, very reluctantly pulling away.
"Your right." Harry agreed with a little laugh. "Ummm. You smell odd... good." Harry mumbled, feeling a bit hot for some reason. Kind of reminded him of how his parents often smelled the last few months at home in the mornings, especially after they had flirted quite a bit the night before. Though his parents hadn't smelled anywhere close to good to him, really the smell made his stomach roll... Though it could have been because he... knew that they had done... things together during the night... adult... inappropriate sex... things. He didn't like thinking about his parents... in such... situations. Though... Harry had smelled Shinsou on more than one occasion smelling sort of like... that too before... actually he had a tendency to smell like that a lot when around him... and especially after his middle of the night visits to the bathroom. But unlike with his parents... Shinsou... smelling that way... always smelled... good! It was so embarrassing!
Why did Fumikage smell like... that though? What was that wetness?
"Please.. My love. Stop squirming, I beg of you!" Fumikage hissed as he went ridged. Completely flustered as he softly spoke between his gritted beak. "I... I'll be back in a couple of minutes. It.. It seems that the stimulation from our mutual preening was... a bit too much." The bird-headed teen forced himself to admit, his tone gravelly. He was beyond mortified. This wasn't the time or the setting that he had envisioned for such a thing to occur around his beloved. He had thought things would stay mostly mild and chaste between them and the first time Harrison would even see anything... or well feel anything below the belt would be after romancing him on the night of their moonlight wedding Harrison's lovely body bathed in starlight. Even still, Fumikage did his best not to show his discomfort. He didn't want it to be any more awkward than it was for his virginal temptress.
The occult loving teen forcibly reminded himself that what was happening was a bodily function and he was a teenager deeply attracted and in love with the very same boy he had cuddled up with him in his bed doing sensual things to each other's bodies far more aggressively than either had done to one another before. It wasn't like it was strange that such a thing had ended up happening... It was... merely the first time... that Fumikage had grown aroused with another around is all. He still couldn't help but feel disappointed in himself for falling under the influence of his carnal desires so easily. Harrison deserved so much better than that. Maybe he really was simply being too idealistic... he would have to get used to his body responding in such a way.
Fumikage carefully crawled from the bed and made his way to his bathroom with shuffling steps, trying his best not to just rip his pajama pants and boxers down with one swift tug and spiral into release then and there for Harrison to watch. What a depraved thing he was for such fleeting, exciting thoughts to even pass through his mind!
The bird-headed teen was quick to strip, taking himself into his own hand and frantically stroked. No teasing or build up like he would usually do. Fumikage gritted his teeth together, trying to prevent himself from letting out the stream of moans that wanted to escape from his rough pace or the dialogue he usually crooned as he allowed his fantasies of intercourse with a shy angelic Harrison and devilish and teasing Shinsou play out. Even still, it wasn't particularly surprising to him that he finished fast, cleaning himself up, the teen quickly realized that he would need to change everything below the waist as well.
Fumikage sighed, peaking from the bathroom after several long minutes of indecision, relief hit him. Harrison looked to be asleep. Fumikage was quick to pull on some boxers, deciding to forgo more sleep pants and crawled back into bed.
"Ugh, it's so early! How are you always so awake?" Denki whined, nearly missing his mouth with his spoon.
"Yeah! You're already ready and ate and everything! Mr. Aizawa literally dumped water on me!" Ashido wailed.
"Me too!" Kirishima grumbled, pouting. "Though I guess he was right... Shouldn't have stayed up so long playing that new game even if it's awesome!" Kirishima pouted.
"Yeah, it was totally worth it, though!" Ashido said.
"True. The quirk generator is amazing on it!"
"You should all have your uniforms on already! We only have 20 minutes before we are supposed to leave and we must all look impeccable! We are representing not just our class but our school today!" Iida lectured the group of half-asleep students with his signature class mom disappointed frown. "Hizashi-Yagi-Aizawa... Tokoyami... Hitoshi. Good morning to all of you. You to, Momo, Midoriya! All of you are looking nice this morning!" Iida said, smiling at the others, he glanced back at the little group of half-asleep students pointedly.
"Morning Iida!" Midoriya chirped, pleasantly.
"So, I've got the snacks and the emergency kit," Shinsou said, holding up a cooler bag.
"And I have got the glucous meter and anti-nausea pills," Fumikage said.
"I've got the books and Fumi's drawing stuff! I was going to grab that ebook thing, but I was afraid with how nervous I am right now that I might mess it up." Harry sheepishly admitted. "I got you a pillow for by the window as well, so you can try to sleep some more," Harry said to Shinsou.
"So we just need to grab the bottles of water I made up for us last night and we'll be ready for the bus," Shinsou mumbled, making little checkmarks on a pad of paper.
"The pot of coffee is done for mom. The one for the others is done to. Now all I have to do is get everything out for everyone else." Harry explained then pulled out a coffee pot sized mug and emptied the coffee from his mom's crappy old coffee machine into it. Harrison then went into the refrigerator and grabbed the bottles of water and the frappuccino he had gotten up early just to get as a surprise for Shinsou, knowing that it was his favorite. It was so hard to get that into the grounds with him being monitored so much around anything sugary! He had to practically become a ninja just to succeed. It had also been absolute torture to not sneak a sip. Though, the fact that the drink had expresso in it helped. He didn't like coffee things.
Harry got a mango, pineapple, and green apple smoothie for Mezo, a berry one for Midoriya, an apple juice for Shouto and Fumikage, orange juice for Iida, grape juice for Mineta, a protein Bro for Kirishima, Momo's tea was already in its travel cup. They would all be on the bus for a couple of hours so he didn't want anyone to end up going thirsty.
"What the? Why do you have all of that?" Shinsou sputtered. He snorted as Harry began handing out travel cups full of drinks. "Your such a good mom." He snickered.
"I think it is sweet." Fumikage defended, even as a look of clear amusement couldn't be hidden from his eyes.
Harry blushed, doing his best to ignore his boyfriends. And after passing out the drinks to the others, he picked up the triple expresso caramel creme frappuccino that he had gotten Shinsou and pressed it into his hand. "I got.. Got that for you so you better be happy! It was very difficult to get a hold of!" Harry insisted. "I literally had to practically play ninja to get out to get it!" Harry explained. Harry felt faint at the horrifically intense look of utter love and devotion the purple-haired teen gave him. Like his dad gave his mother. Like he was everything. It made Harry melt.
"Have I told you how wonderful you are today? Your so good to me, to us." Shinsou declared, planting a firm kiss to Harrison's delicious lips.
"This is totally giving me Presentzawa PTSD flashbacks, man!" Denki shuddered as he watched the looks of utter unholy adoration being aimed at the onyx haired teen.
Iida and the others looked on with equal discomfort.
"Awww, I wish I had someone like Harr' he's so thoughtful and sweet. It's super manly! Tokoyami and Hitoshi to! They really love and appreciate our buddy, don't they?" Kirishima fawned tears in his eyes.
"Why aren't you all dressed?" Aizawa hissed, murderous daggers practically shooting from his perpetually bloodshot eyes. "All of you know by now how I feel about schedules and arriving on time to things. Don't make me remind you again." The man growled, his tone and look lighting up all kinds of danger signals in the teen's minds.
"Yes, sir!" The teens squeaked collectively in terror.
Shinsou snickered, he himself and the other two long past the point of needing any prompting or reminding from the surly man. No way was he stupid enough to poke that particular bear. Twice was enough prodding from him. He wasn't even sure how he was dumb enough to press it a second time to be honest. He couldn't understand how so many of the others in class were brave enough... or maybe stupid enough to prod at the man so much. He was sure that Aizawa was just waiting for the perfect time to beat their faces into the ground because no way in hell would he ever forget or forgive such annoyances outside of his family. Hell, he still found ways to get back at them most of the time!
"Ugh, I need some more coffee." Aizawa groaned, it was like everyone was competing for who could irritate him most and it was only 6:20am... which he always got up before everyone else on days that he had to teach or do something important, but he couldn't even get a full 30 minutes alone that morning to veg out with his pitcher of coffee and the confiscated chococrunch muffin he found sitting out on the counter. He hadn't eaten anything like that in literally months but he decided that it would be okay as long as Harry didn't know. He need to go grocery shopping and it would remind the students that they weren't to leave such things outside of the locked cupboards with Harrison's difficulty with self-control when it came to all things sugary... that and it had tasted as delicious as it had looked.
"I thought you would need some more. Here." Harry said, handing the coffee pot sized travel cup over.
"You are a very good son," Aizawa said, eyes doing that freaky intense thing they seemed to do when he was feeling intense emotions of... affection, approval, love? No one was quite sure but they were convinced that years had come off of their lives the couple of times the man expressed whatever that was around them. It was especially potent after seeing the horror that was displayed only minutes earlier by their classmates. The ones that had never seen such disturbing looks yet clearly were ready to run screaming from the room.
Aizawa affectionately patted Harry on the head a few times before heading to the door. "Time to get going, now. Anyone not dressed properly will have to do it on the bus or you won't be coming with... and if you don't... after all of the effort I exerted on all of you..." The pure pain promised in the man's eyes was all they needed to know how screwed they would be. The group of pajama-wearing teens literally sprinted to the elevator. Kirishima made an absolutely terrified noise and panicked the other teens even more.
"Why do I feel like I jus' lost ten years off of my life? What was that horror? Why did you all look like you were have'n like war flashbacks?" Mineta squeaked, holding his chest with a traumatized look as he trembled head to foot.
"Mr. Aizawa's show of... affection is um... unusual." Iida finally managed after a moment of fumbling for any type of response to the smaller teen, his voice high pitched and slightly strangled sounding. He tried not to cringe at Hitoshi insisting in that near fervent way after seeing Mr. Aizawa and Mr. Yamada's intense displays of everlasting... um love? That he was sure Harrison would be just as loving and wonderful as his mother once he to was one, if not more so. Such a declaration was far too soon especially with them all still just first years in school. Tokoyami looked just as flustered if not more so than Harrison at the dusty purple-haired teen's passionate declarations.
Iida wondered if he should insist on the tiny black-haired teen sitting with him but decided with Tokoyami behaving the way he was that at least... at the moment .. Harrison would be all right. Still, he took his duties as both class president and friend very seriously and not Yagi's?(he wasn't really sure what to call Harrison anymore), nor Uraraka's, nor even Midoriya's innocence would be threatened on his watch! They were far too vulnerable and trusting especially Harrison and Midoriya! Maybe he should speak to Mr. Aizawa or Yamada about such concerns?... Though he didn't want to be barging into things that were not his business... He would just have to play things by ear Iida decided, anyways, Harrison was a very responsible individual... as long as it didn't come to his own health, that is.
Thankfully in the want to look professional... and likely the desire not to have a bus full of throw up and bruised terrified students, which would make UA look bad, Aizawa was not the one to drive the lot to their destination. Instead, the school had opted for an actual professional driver much to the joy of all. Even if everyone had brought barf bags for no reason. That didn't prevent Aoyama from becoming car sick of course but thankfully Harrison, being afraid of the same thing happening to him and the others if his mother drove, was more than prepared and handed the boy some Dramamine. This made it, so they thankfully averted anyone having to listen to constant hurling like they had to endure on the last trip. Aizawa took full advantage of the seatbelt straps provided for the front seats and used them to secure himself in his sleeping bag so he could lay completely across his seat and nap the trip away. Overall the couple of hours, they all had to sit on the bus, although it went a little slow, was nice.
Harry rubbed at his eyes and defiantly nuzzled deeper into the warmth of what he was snuggling as he was gently prodded awake. After a few more pokes, Harry's eyes snapped open, and he swotted at whatever it was bothering him with a clearly irritated expression.
"Oouuh, he's definitely getting that Mommazawa look down!" Shinsou poked fun at Kirishima, who was hanging over the back of the seat, while eyeing Harrison's displeased, sleepy-eyed expression with a pout.
"It's not my fault you both refused to wake him up. You know how out of it and clumsy he can be if you get him up running around the moment he wakes up from a nap so someone had to do it!" Kirishima said, grinning in amusement at Harrison's blurry-eyed stare. "We only got a couple minutes left buddy! I'm super pumped!" The redhead explained cheerfully.
"Sit right in your fucking seat, you dweeb! You're going to regret it if this tin can ends up stopping too fast Shitty hair!" Bakugou snarled, snatching the other boy's shirt to try and force him to sit properly.
Kirishima laughed at Shinsou who rolled his eyes at Bakugou's lecturing. "Awe, he cares." The perpetually exhausted purple-haired teen cooed. Getting snickers from Kirishima again.
"Awe, you guys know he isn't that bad! He's a nice guy, just grouchy!" Kirishima defended. Getting an irritated growl from Bakugou.
"You know I can hear every damn word you asshats say! Don't pretend I'm not here!" The blond hissed, gnashing his teeth, furious.
"Calm yourself. They don't mean anything bad by it, I assure you." Fumikage said, eying the seat in front of them with a little trepidation. He, after all, was the one that the hot-headed teen was sitting directly in front of and he would rather not have to deal with the angry blond's foul temper.
"Shut your trap, you fucking Shadowy Chicken Nugget reject! They're talking shit about me, not you. Stay out of this!" Bakugou fumed, trembling in his seat. Another word and he would knock those idiots on their asses! Even still, with the shock of finding out Harrison was well... a he.. Bakugou always felt anger towards the pair of rejects and it made his aggression towards them even worse.
"Chicken... nugget?" Fumikage said to himself, raising a nonexistent eyebrow.
"Doesn't your mom call you that when you're talking to her over the phone?" Shinsou cackled.
Tears began to make Kirishima's eyes water as he did his best to hold back the laughter he could tell the stoic bird-headed teen wouldn't appreciate one bit.
Fumikage's crossed his arms and gave the purple-haired teen an unimpressed look. Even as Jirou snickered in the seat diagonally from them, the bird-headed teen easily held his composure.
"Don't be so mean!" Harry scolded.
"Quiet down, all of you! Kirishima, Ururaka, stop leaning over other people's seats and listen up! Now we are here. No one better try to wander off or be left on this bus! If your seatmate is asleep, then you better wake them up and make sure that they get off with you. I will be counting all of you and do not want to have to get back on this bus to retrieve someone!" The man all but hissed accusingly.
Harry could practically feel his mother's eyes burning right into him, even with the man standing all the way in the front of the bus. Harry could feel his cheeks heat at the knowledge that his mother most definitely was singling him out without outright saying that he entirely meant him. Harry pouted when both Shinsou and Fumikage gave him knowing looks.
After gathering outside of the bus and being counted, the students made their way, following Aizawa, past the admissions gates. They were of course, at Iida's insistence, in two perfect rows as they walked. Excitedly chatting away to each other for most of the walk to the waiting area which wasn't much more than a massive round cement courtyard of sorts between all of the buildings at the test center. Even though he allowed the students to relax the line and interact with each other Aizawa made sure to warn them of both the other students and of the fact that they were only first years and how most other students that were applying to get their provisional heroes licenses were at least second years at that point.
Harrison was a nervous wreck at that point, both feeding off of the stressed energy of his fellow students and panicked about having to deal with lots of likely unfriendly people from other schools. He hadn't been under any illusions about how everything could turn out. Just because someone wanted to become a hero didn't mean that they were a nice or even good person. Plenty of people only went into it for the money and fame and nothing else. Even some of the ones that were becoming heroes for a good reason could end up wanting to kick the snot out of them so they could achieve their dreams. Heck, if Shinsou hadn't grown fond of a majority of the class to some degree Harrison would probably be worried about what he might do.
Midoriya pouted as Shinsou teasingly jabbed him, the purple-haired teen's smile was mischievous as the other boy's eyes became wide and pitiful as he looked at their other classmates pleadingly.
"Hitoshi! Stop harassing other classmates! You know that Midoriya doesn't like it when you do that!" Iida barked.
"But it's true~ Icy hotpocket boi and broccoli best boi here have a secret." Shinsou teased knowingly. Making Midoriya choke and turn a disturbing shade of red. Shouto, on the other hand, didn't seem particularly bothered or alarmed even as his eyes widened in what looked to be surprised.
"Now-now quiet down. Remember, all of you to do your very best. Tell yourselves that you will get your provisional licenses don't let yourselves doubt. Now all together, PLUS ULTRA!" Aizawa pep talked. Startling as a tall teen wearing a hat enthusiastically chanted with his students UA's signature phrase.
"Yaorashi you know it's rude to get in the middle of other people's pep talks right?" A tall teen covered in long wild brown hair sighed.
"Oh! I am very extremely sorry!" The large enthusiastic teen nearly shrieked smashing his head into the ground as he bowed to the class with so much vaguer that his head literally cracked the pavement below. He sprang back up with an almost manic looking grin, blood pouring down his face. "I just love UA so much and wanted to be able to say that at least one time!" The boy exclaimed, being ushered away before he could say much more.
Right as everything began to seem to calm back down a woman's voice called out. "Hey, I'd recognize that grouchy face anywhere! Erasure?! It is you! I saw you in that booth at the Sports festival but I haven't actually you know.. Seen seen you in ages!" A woman with almost pastel green hair dressed in an outfit of a black sleeveless shirt and a lot of orange with stripes exclaimed. She practically sprinted over to stand beside the man after that, rocking back and forth on her heels eagerly. "Hey! You know what we should do? Let's get married!" The woman exclaimed, making a 'you, me,' hand gesture at the man who curled his lip and visibly cringed. Her eyes practically sparkling as she spoke.
"Absolutely not. Honestly, I'd rather die." He said, tone almost insulted sounding.
The woman immediately started laughing in a forced manner. "Oh! You're such a jokester! You get me going every time buddy!"
"As usual, your... impossible Joke." Aizawa grumbled, looking at the woman in distaste.
"Oh, wow! You know that's Joke the Smile hero, right? She can force people to laugh and her fights are always the craziest!" Midoriya immediately piped in excitedly name off facts he remembered about her fights. Practically shaking in delight.
"Come on, Erasure! If I were your wife, you would have a wonderful future full of constant streams of laughter with me!" The woman exclaimed.
"That literally sounds like something from my worst nightmares." The brunet deadpanned, tone brutal and blunt in his dislike.
The woman let out a nervous laugh. But eagerly jumped on the chance to explain she and Aizawa's relationship after Asui spoke up and pointed out that the pair seemed to know each other relatively well. "Our agencies were near each other's and when we were young, first trying to fulfill our hopes of making the world a better place, our love for one another bloomed!" The woman insisted, gushing dreamily.
"No, as I have explained before, it didn't." The man muttered irritably.
"I do love your quick little tit for tat! You're my favorite person to tease future husband!"
At that point, Shouta decided it was best to change the subject completely trying not to visibly shudder at the thought of being with that woman... or well really anyone that wasn't his Hizashi and Toshinori. It was frankly a worst nightmare of his, in all honesty. "So if you are here Miss Joke, does that mean that your class is competing in the licensing exam as well?" The man asked.
"Of course! Over here class! They're second years and my students!" Ms. Joke said, a sly look in her eye.
"You must be Midoriya from class 1A! You faced villains, right? You poor thing! You must have all been so terrified! Especially you!" A curly-haired boy that oddly enough looked like he could be related to the greenette exclaimed, holding the other boy's hands in his own. "I'm so happy to have the privilege to meet all of you in person, especially you!" The dark-haired second year exclaimed.
Harrison couldn't but tense. Something... felt off about that boy. He felt cruel and... calculating. Harrison didn't trust him.
Shinsou seemed to feel the same way even as the other teens got fawned over by the older boy, pressing himself in front of Harrison. His lips screwing up into an agitated toothy frown and his eyes narrowing in scrutinizing distaste.
Fumikage moved to stand next to him, noticing the irritation the purple-haired boy was displaying immediately.
"Stop using all of those fake niceties you bastard. Your eyes aren't nearly as fucking sweet as that mouth your running!" Bakugou barked.
"Man, don't be a prick! Sorry about him. He's just kind of temperamental." Kirishima apologized.
"Isn't he the one that got kidnapped recently?" The boy asked, an odd look on his face. "It's fine, a strong temperament for a strong person!" The boy said sweetly, still holding Midoriya's hands in his own. He continued the niceties somehow still holding the boy's hands. After more than a few minutes of it though, Shouto began eyeing the situation with a frown.
Aizawa cringed internally, hoping his students realized what the boy was up to... or at least was mostly up to other than possibly also creeping on one of his innocent little problem children. He had learned from the best or well rather worst in that situation it seemed. Hopefully, unlike with Joke... He understood what not interested meant and wouldn't try to precede anything further. "Listen up, it's time for you all to head to the meeting building."
"I'm just exhausted. I've hardly been able to sleep in weeks... Anyways.. This year we are doing things a... bit differently. So many applied that we will have to only accept the best and the fastest. To be able to deal with crimes effectively, one has to be quick to. That is why the entrance test will specifically be a test of speed. Whomever ends up knocking two opponents out before 100 students have earned their spots will get the chance to participate in the licensing exam. That is out of over 1000 students... good luck. Now how you participate is that you must place 3 targets on your body and you get that many balls as well. You must hit those targets to knock other students out of the running and whomever hits the third target earns that win for themselves. The targets have to be in an area that is exposed so no armpits or souls of the feet. You will all have a little bit of time to put them on and prepare for the test to start. Good luck... I guess."
The building immediately folded out revealing that it was in the middle of a massive stadium full of different places and terrain to hide and utilize. Harrison was frankly a nervous wreck especially with so many other people around. He was sure everyone would go at them right away. They were the only school that they knew of that had a broadcasted sports festival after all and they had a lot of fame revolving around them after dealing with the league of villains on more than one occasion. He was sure that other students would want to knock them out as soon as possible. It didn't help that they were only first years and a majority of the participants were in the start of the second half of their second year or desperate 3rd years in their last semester frantic to get their certification before it was too late.
Harrison had decided to place his targets in probably not the most honest spots, but the man didn't say anything about long hair being a factor in placing the targets so he ended up placing a target in between his shoulder blades. His black hair, even in a ponytail, covered it entirely, next he used a hip and the last place he used near the inside of his lower thigh. All places reluctantly being approved by the man who had given them to him.
"We should all stick together. Everyone probably figured this strategy out at the other schools too, to up their chances... so they will also probably go after all of the quirks that they already know." Midoriya explained as everyone was told to start, already taking over as leader once Todoroki and a few others left.
"Wait! You're not saying what I think you are saying, right?" Jirou sputtered in a stressed squeak.
"There you are! I saw that quirk of yours on tv. It gives you super strength, right? But it also destroys your body!" The same boy who had been fawning over the greenette called, target ball in hand and a vicious grin on his face.
"I knew you couldn't have been that nice!" The green-haired boy exclaimed, glaring down the other teen. "We won't lose!" Midoriya continued launching himself up in the air, green sparks running over his body. He then twisted mid-air to kick one of the dozens of balls flying at him and his classmates. The wind created from the power of his quirk sent the rest flying in all directions.
Everyone else began using their quirks to dodge, capture or even destroy the rest of the projectiles aimed exclusively at their class, stopping the onslaught. Harrison wasn't sure how but he hadn't had a single ball end up anywhere near close to where he was so unlike the others, Harry ended up standing there sort of awkwardly it was making him feel a bit flustered to be honest.
It wasn't long before the whole class got separated by an earthquake-like attack by, Shindo, the boy that had pretended to be nice before the exams started. Harry had been convinced that if his quirk hadn't lashed out, he would have definitely have died after he had managed to run off and got himself lost in some mountain looking area full of metal towers. Older teens ended up sending an avalanche of rocks down on him. He frankly didn't remember much about what had happened. Obviously, his quirk had reacted explosively with the weakness he felt and the shiny melty glass all around. He watched a little dazed as electrical towers, blazing red, bent and dripped globs of molten metal across the ground. He was cold.
"It seems like something may have happened to contestant... 937's targets in that crazy explosion... They're in luck, though. Right before all of our equipment suddenly decided to die on us over there we picked up that the wind created by that impressive green colored quirk ended up knocking 21 people out of the competition and destroying a good 6th of the facility! Congratulations, head to the Anteroom!..." The tired announcer exclaimed sounding more than a tad unnerved.
Harry frowned. Did they mean him? Harry decided to head over whether he was the right person or not. He felt... woozy off. Frankly, he couldn't really contemplate much at the moment. It felt like someone had filled his brain with wooshing static. Harrison wasn't sure how he ended up inside but eventually got there, feeling even more confused. Oh.. He must be having low blood sugar... right?... Why was he on something cold? His hand. What was in his hand?... What was happening?... Where was he? What was? What wa?... What?... What?... Harrison flailed as he was flooded with awareness again. He gasped for breath and trembled head to foot. Whoa, wow, wow! What was even going on?
"Hey, settle down kid. Your lucky this young man found you when he did. Your blood sugar was so low I was worried I'd have to ban you from the exam and send you to the hospital. Whatever medications were in that syringe, you were gripping must be pretty amazing because it didn't even take a full five minutes for you to wake right up! IF you have blood sugar problems, though, you really should have kept your medications with you." A young man exclaimed, grinning. "Now, I can begin to heal you."
Harrison's head immediately jerked up to stare the man down. Before he could say anything, a familiar voice cut in.
"If you want to get fried maybe. Harrison's quirk reacts aggressively towards the effects of other quirks." Todoroki explained.
Harry nodded bashfully.
The young man frowned. "All right, I'll clean up the cuts and wrap these up then... I mean if he thinks that he can handle the rest of the exam, that is." He said, eying Harrison's nearly naked body and badly battered up arms and back.
Honestly, Harrison didn't even feel really much of anything at that moment. He looked down as he realized he didn't feel any sort of fabric even rubbing at his skin and squeaked. He quickly reached up to his neck and realized his bands were gone too, even the one there!
"Don't worry, I grabbed your Gym uniform from your locker," Todoroki explained, holding up the clothing.
Harrison was still pretty out of it even after Todoroki had led him away, all patched up. He snuggled into the larger teen's warm left side as he gorged himself on the food allowed to be eaten by the students and once Asui, Momo, Jirou, and Mezo had arrived, he practically made a nest out of his large silver-haired friend's lap. He groaned in discomfort as the realization that he was indeed in pain set in, significant pain. He wasn't so interested in food after that. More interested in trying to sleep some of both the pain and mental fuzziness away.
Shinsou was all over the pair once he arrived. Immediately fretting over his boyfriend. He had nearly got himself knocked out of the competition when he had seen the explosive reaction of Harrison's quirk, knowing that something major had happened to get it to react so extremely. He was a mess after that. Especially when he was unable to find the smaller teen. Shinsou had just managed to get ahold of himself quick enough to stop the group converging on him. After that, it was child's play. Though Shinsou hadn't been happy when he saw the other teen's torso, arms and neck covered in wrappings nor how gray his skin was. Thinking quick, he ordered an uncooked steak from the ridiculous assortment of lunch tables and brought it to Harrison, hoping, like it usually would that it would stimulate Harrison's appetite.
Harrison eagerly scarfed down the meat given to him. The taste of rich iron on his tongue was heavenly! It had just the right amount of fat and made him want more. Need more. He pouted when Mezo tried getting him to eat the fruit he had gotten him before as Shinsou went to get more food with Momo and Jirou.
"You can't just eat meat, Harrison. If you want your blood sugar stable enough before the exam to participate than you're going to need to eat some fruit too, even if you are nauseous." The muscular teen pointed out gently.
Harrison grimaced. "But all I want is meat." He mumbled.
The other boy snorted at the sleepy-eyed grumbling the other boy was doing.
"Hey! I thought my eyes were just deceiving me. You're my Harrison aren't you?! This is so amazing! I can't believe you're here to it's... it's like a dream. I'm so happy! Finding my soulmate in such a strange place. Please, let us fulfill that childhood promise we made and get married once the exams finished up!" The same massive excitable teen that cheered during Aizawa's pep-talk exclaimed. "I've been working hard and already have saved up plenty of money to get a ring and everything!"
"I think your confused or something... Harr's already in a triad and definitely hasn't told anyone about promising to marry anyone..." Kirishima pointed out, giving the other teen a dubious look.
"All of your videos are just so adorable too!" The teen continued, ignoring the redhead and shook a keychain in the other teen's face. It was some sort of chibi black curly-haired dog fox thing with bright green babyish eyes and a pair of strange long strands of curly shiny black hair around its face, much like Harrison's own unique strands of hair. Harry couldn't help but make a high pitched whine at the sight of the cute charm only really knowing what was going on after the boy had pulled the object out. Inasa grinned looking near ready to pass out at the sight of that pure boy smile.
He glanced over at Todoroki, green catching his eyes and gritted his teeth when he saw the bunny charm with curly dark green hair and spots like freckles on it's cheeks hanging from the other teen's phone, just another reason not to trust that passionless soul! His Harrison was obviously best waifu!
"Get it through that thick skull of yours. Harrison is already in a relationship with Fumikage, technically his quirk, and I. If anything he'll get married to us. Not you." Shinsou said, tone diving and flipping right over the edge of possessive.
The gigantic teen laughed and shook his head. "Harry has a lot of love to give and it's been a long time so I'm totally willing to share him! He's my soulmate after all! We promised to get married in grade school! He was really smart and passionate and he had this smile that could light up a room and I remember how much the dogs in the area always loved him so much! We were best friends! I was going to be a hero and Harry wanted to be either a teacher or a pediatrician and we are going to have 12 kids! I can't wait, I just love kids so much! I want to name the first one after that stag beetle we found together! That would be awesome, wouldn't it?" He said, completely serious.
"12?!" Several other students exclaimed.
"Yeah!" The short-haired teen exclaimed excitedly. Loving the idea of having so many kids.
"If anyone's going to subject themselves to those fuck'n dweebs, it'll be me not you!" Bakugou growled.
"Like we would be willing to subject ourselves to your constant brutish howling." Fumikage said, all but rolling his eyes as Bakugou hissed at him like some feral demonic thing, proving his point.
Harry was unsure what to even say at that moment. He did remember the other boy vaguely but... well he didn't really remember the whole promising to marry thing... He felt terrible for the boy dwelling on some promise that long but Harrison really was only interested in Fumikage and Shinsou... As in... in love with them and had daydreamer about their lives as adults, married, with a busload of kids. Honestly.. He hadn't so far ever even felt attraction in any way towards anyone else... and before the two had begun to wonder if something was wrong with him. It was like he literally was incapable of feeling things like that unless he was already super bonded with someone.. Though he didn't think that he liked Kirishima like that either and he was an amazing friend! Same with Mezo. Though... he may have... maybe felt something before he didn't think he did anymore. Fumikage and Shinsou... Harry was pretty sure his Daddy was right. He was about positive he had found his... ones. Harrison's cheeks reddened at the thought.
Just as Harrison went to explain to the other teen that he was sorry that he couldn't return his feelings Inasa and several others got in a fight over best boys and... waifus? Harrison was unsure what that meant but it was apparently an intense subject and frankly, Harrison didn't want any part of the sudden near brawl. That ensued that ended up involving not only Inasa, Todoroki, and Bakugou, but also Kirishima who was trying to play mediator, Shinsou, Shindo of all people and Uraraka. Even Fumikage dared to speak up after Shindo tried taking a swing at Shinsou.
Only the announcements that started up to signify the start of the actual licensing exam were able to stop the brawl only moments from starting. It was quite the relief... until they actually had to deal with the test.
"You don't just blurt things like that! Didn't you get taught anything? This is the worst day of a victim's life! You are supposed to make things better, not worse. The victims will be terrified here. Take note that there are many different factors in this sort of work to consider. Heros are saviors and authorities when they are the first responders. They have to be the decision-makers and practice good judgment! Do you understand? The first thing you said was, 'this looks bad' Seriously!" The tiny man lectured, wiping fake blood from his face.
Izuku nodded, guilt clear as day on his face as the other teens looked on sheepishly. "Y-your right." He shook his head, a determined expression on his face. It quickly morphed to a radiant confident smile. "Hey, everything will be fine! I'm here to save you!"
The man immediately began shrieking, wailing about his grandfather.
"Everyone, I'll take this boy to first aid myself! I want you to go on without me. Once he's all right I'll catch up with you!" Izuku said, picking up the wailing 'child' and running off.
After the other teens managed to save their first victims, everyone began working significantly better together. Harrison found his excellent hearing and enhanced sense of smell to be a significant help in finding victims. Somehow he had ended up separated from his class when he let his nose take over and found a group of students too large to rescue the person that they had found. "I can get in... in there to save them! I'm flexible." Harry squeaked, approaching the hole and howling yowls for help. On instinct, Harrison began carefully but quickly digging the tiny opening out enough to easily slide through and began to crawl. Grateful in that moment for his odd anatomy that allowed him to move on all four just about as easily as he did on two legs, even though at that moment, he had to nearly slide on his belly to make his way through.
Sitting at the end of the tunnel was a 'child' nearly as large as himself, flinching away in terror.
"No! Don't hurt me!" They shrieked, rattling Harrison's ears in the small space as they tried crawling away from him. After seeing the glow of his eyes reflecting off of the 'little girl's' glasses in what he assumed was the pitch-black dark, it sunk in that it was likely incredibly eerie to see. Fumikage and Shinsou had both expressed that they found it 'comforting,' beautiful and 'like looking upon the green of Ethril starlight' but he knew that it had startled and frightened other classmates on multiple occasions back at the dorms. Denki and Uraraka had even shrieked when seeing him in the dark before!
"It's all right, I'm a hero here to help you! Don't be frightened. My eyes may look a little scary in the dark but it's just because of my quirk! I won't let anything else happen to you, I promise!" Harrison blurted.
"I'm scared!" The 'girl' wailed.
"I know, I know, but you're going to have to be brave now! Can you do that? I'll be with you the whole way. The outside isn't far. Do you think you can follow me?" Harry said, tone gentle but firm.
"You're very brave!" This hero thing was so much easier when it felt like he was talking to a child. It was like that motherly instinct he had just took over. It was a relief when he finally got her out.
A girl built like a tank with what looked to be a bear mutation-based quirk immediately snatched the girl up who began shrieking and reaching out to Harrison, insisting that she couldn't be separated from him. Harrison ended up running alongside the much larger teen and talked soothingly to the victim. Giving in as someone called to him about another person being stuck in a tight spot because the girl threw a tantrum. He couldn't help but to give in. He couldn't stand upsetting children even if it were just a simulation he-he couldn't.
Once the girl was sat down by the bear quirked hero in training, she began freaking out again once Harrison tried to leave. Finally, after several attempts and the same group of students begging him for his help, Harrison put his foot down. "I'm sorry but I have to go. There are other people that need my help! Other people that they can't get to without risking the other's or themselves getting hurt. I'm sorry but you are going to have to be brave... Just like before alright?" He finally managed to get out. An oddly bad taste in his mouth. He had only even said anything after severe prompting from the other students. He knew they were right though. He had to help others. As many as he could. Who knew that being so small and flexible would actually be so helpful in heroic sorts of activities?
Harrison was ping-ponged a bit after that. Helping in the dark and small places or even just to direct other students working in dark, dangerous situations as his night vision was so good.
Harrison stumbled as large explosions went off nearby. He was glad he had managed to get that last elderly man out before it had happened he was sure with the way the pile of rubble fell that he had just crawled out of than the person could have genuinely died!
"We have to get them to safety!" A boy that looked more like the iron giant called, scooping several rescuees into his arms. The others nodded or made sounds of agreement as they rushed away from the first aid area.
Seeing how quickly the villains were gaining... Harrison quickly realized they would catch up if someone didn't end up stopping them. Midoriya was pinned in by a group of minions... Todoroki and that Inasa guy were going after.. After the big boss but... but... Harrison grimace dreading his own decision even though he knew that even he could hold off these lesser villains at least for a little bit. He really was decently suited in all honesty.
Harrison sighed and darted towards the gaining Villians. He springboarded off of one and kicked another in the head, wishing that he had thought to bring extra bands and his scarf. He still couldn't believe he had forgotten it at the dorm when he wore it near constantly now! Suddenly.. An idea came to mind. What if... what if he used his own hair to trap them? That could work right? His hair reacted to his cord just like the rest of him did. It was conducive... at least when exposed to his quirk... yeah maybe snaring them would work... it was stronger than normal hair to... but would it be safe?
It was a lot harder to channel his quirk in the way necessary to just enhance himself when he didn't have anything forcing his quark down and well... he was honestly still exhausted and the pain he should have been feeling all along was increasing in throbbing waves he wasn't sure how much longer he could tolerate the pain before it became debilitating with his inferior pain tolerance. It was worth a shot, he just needed to- "The last victim has been rescued! The exams have been concluded. Give us a few moments to compile the last of the data and then we will be announcing our results! Remember to pay attention to the papers handed back as they will tell you your strengths and weaknesses and what you should try to improve upon in the future!" A voice announced before Harrison could even continue on his line of thought.
"It's... it's a 74%. It... it says here that I did well with soothing the victims, being willing to work with others, and focusing on getting to the victims that others couldn't get to... but that I didn't focus on the bigger picture enough and allowed my emotions to guide me instead of my head which if in a real-life situation could of ended up being dire for a victim. I also risked myself too much and I need to assert myself more and didn't try to actively plan things out enough." Harry mumbled, curling in on himself a little at all of the things the person said he needed to work on. He couldn't remember getting such a low grade... possibly ever.
"I've got an 83%." Shinsou said, nearly choking.
"What?! Man. I thought I had the best grade for once... Oh well, second place in a class like this ain't too shabby! You've been working so hard... You totally earned it man, congrats!" Sero exclaimed, smiling at a stunned looking Shinsou who looked like he was barely holding back tears.
"Yeah! You did pretty great! Especially for not having nearly as much time training as us!" Denki agreed patting Shinsou on the back.
"Y-yeah you did amazing Shinsou! I'm really proud of you!" Harrison agreed smiling at the other teen even as he tried his best not to show the agony that at that point wouldn't quit lancing through his well... everything. "I'm proud of you to Fumi! You'll be real heroes!" Harrison exclaimed, eyes practically sparkling.
"Yeah, we will be heroes... I'll... I will be a hero. I'.. I'm a hero." Shinsou agreed, voice hoarse sounding as a wabbly smile split across his face, clinging to that paper for dear life. If his eyes looked suspiciously moist no one commented on it.
"Yes, we all shall be heroes. Let us look to that bright future and covet this day." Fumikage said, eyes soft and incredibly happy.
End Chapter 21
So yup not dead yet, here is Chapter 21. I hope everyone likes it. Let me know if something sounds off as I have had a really hard time feeling awake for the last about a month and a half and so corrections may not be as good as they usually are. I swear I am developing like Narcolepsy or something. It's honestly kind of worrying me, especially with school.
I am thinking about making this the last chapter for this story and moving onto the sequel, which is when everyone is in college. I already have two chapters done of it.
I also am nearly done with the new chapter for several other stories, including Like the Glow of Light-Green Emeralds, Not the Place I was Hoping for, and If Only a Hero had Stopped.
Also, you can find some of my artwork on my facebook page and my Instagram that I renamed Yuvush1 after my old deviantart account because I didn't feel like getting stalked by some people at my college. I upload a lot of my doodles onto there. All of my avatars are made by me though most were from several years ago so I should probably redraw some stuff once I get the chance to.
Please review. It really helps me improve and honestly, I don't have a lot of motivation to do much of anything lately with how exhausted I was. The only reason I even managed to force myself to continue on writing was because of the reviews that I would every once in a while get reminding me that I really needed to writing and finish some things.
Hope everyone had good holidays over this winter!