"Um, sorry for eavesdropping." she stumbled, twisting the hem of her shirt into knots. "But I'd like to know what exactly is going on and how you both know me."

Kyo froze, swallowing down a sudden lump in his throat as they locked eyes. He hadn't prepared himself properly to answer this question. He was planning it, honest to god he was, but she had busted him way sooner than he had anticipated.

Am I really that obvious?

He was able to see the unsettling confusion in her face as she shrunk herself at his presence. His mouth went dry, opening to reply but only silent stutters coming out.

"I know it wasn't any of my business, but I couldn't help it. I feel as though there's more going on that I'm being lead to believe and... I'd really like to know."

Shit Shit Shit.

She knows! He felt himself going into a crashing panic, still trying to force a response, any response, back at her without completely wrecking everything. The back of his mind was telling him to default into his usual defense of being as brazen and loud as he usually was. He wanted to lie, to tell her that it was none of her business and buzz off. But the innocent, helpless look she carried on her face was tearing him down already. He couldn't bring himself to say anything.

I knew I shouldn't have let that stupid rodent in. Now we've gotten into another mess! She stared on, watching him falter and fumble whilst remaining polite and silent as always.

"Well, uh-..you see-,"

"Honda-san, right?" a voice interrupted.

Kyo's head swiveled, seeing Yuki stepping forward with his signature blank smile on his face, an arm reached out as if he was asking her to dance. Both him and Tohru were suspended in time as he was boldly making his way. Full of composure and poise, he walked towards her and delicately took Tohru's hand into his, leaning over and landing a light kiss on her fingers.

He could see her freeze, being struck in her usual daze as she looked at her hand being caressed, eyes glittering at bewilderment. The air between them was suffocating as Yuki raised his head slightly to meet her gaze, casting a nonchalant wink before pulling away. He felt his entire head fighting himself on admitting how much watching their interaction made his blood pressure rise. Kyo stiffened, nearly biting his cheek in an attempt to keep from blurting out.

Rat Bastard.

"A-am, yes, I'm Tohru Honda." she managed, still side-swept by Yuki's cool demeanor and sudden affection. Her voice was at a small squeak, ears beginning to turn just as pink like her cheeks. "But I'm sorry, I don't think I remember us meeting before."

What is he doing? He's going to ruin everything!

Yuki let out a light, flippant chuckle, moving a strand of hair away from his cheek. "Forgive me, and let me introduce myself."

One of Tohru's favorite past-times, when she couldn't bring herself to be happy, was to remember what it was like growing up with her mom.

She thought about the late summer nights where they would both sit on the balcony of the one-bedroom apartment they owned, Kyoko's arms enveloping her's and giving her a tight squeeze every once in a while as they both star-gazed and talked. When they talked, no subject was off the table. Their entire relationship was built on the openness they had formed with each other and those late night pouring their hearts out about their worries and hopes and memories.

There was a night where Tohru had came to her asking for advice. She had met a new classmate, Saki Hanajima, and was a little bit disheartened that Hanajima had rejected her invites to become closer and brushed her off instead. Tohru knew that she was a wonderful person at heart and was growing more anxious to try and make the connection happen.

She remembers the long drag of the cigarette wafting into the open air. The cool wind playing through the chimes as Kyoko's hair flitted about, freshly cut into a bob that would soon become her signature look.

"It sounds like you really think she should be in your life, hm?"

She really did. It was silly because Hanajima avoided her more than anything in the beginning, but Tohru knew she was a person that she wanted to have by her side.

"Then she'll be there soon."

She remembered the smile, the ever so familiar smile she gave her when turning, hands deep in pockets and eyes soft.

"If people are meant to be in your life, they'll make their way there. Their destiny might take longer than others, and their arrival can be unexpected, but Tohru, trust the process. They'll find their way, they'll find you, just keep your arms wide open when they do."

It stuck with her like glue, and she did exactly that.

Of course, Saki Hanajima and her never did become close in high school. Despite her attempts, they went their separate ways and she didn't remember any significance to the relationship. She was wistful of what could have been and a little bit defeated that it hadn't turned out how she wanted, but the advice still always stuck with her.

She didn't want to think of her mom right now, but her words were seeming to swim in her head as the two men in front of her looked on.

"So, you both were my classmates?"

They were at the table again, and she couldn't help but feel as though it was really an interrogation room. Both men sat across from her, granted, several inches apart to where she almost wanted to ask, but still, both glued on her.

"It's completely fine if you don't remember us, we were in different units. I just wanted to check and make sure it was really you."

She was told his name was Sohma Yuki, and he was supposedly the distant cousin of Sohma Kyo. Even though he radiated a kindness to him that made her feel relaxed, Tohru couldn't help but avoid eye contact whenever talking to him. There was never a face that matched a voice more perfectly than his, the delicacy and beauty are compared to that of a prince. Much like Kyo, his features were extremely out of the ordinary such as silver hair or pale eyes. His looks were encaptivating, from his strikingly light eyes to the natural simper that was worn on his cream skin, he was almost too strikingly gorgeous for Tohru. Not to mention, the way he had laid the kiss onto her hand was still reeling in her hand, so charming and smooth.

A Prince...,

Prince Yuki.

She felt that familiar pain she felt with Kyo crawl up her spine, this time blasting her with an icy chill. She straightened, buttoning her lips to keep herself from blurting out a squeak as it shot itself through her body and froze her blood. Just as fast as that chill came, it dissolved immediately and melted into the air.


Him too?

She shook it off. Perhaps she truly was losing her head.

"Ah.., so Kyo-Kun must not be a stranger either?"

Yuki let out a flippant laugh, his smiling being as dazzling as ever. Tohru felt a little bit confused at his amusement but was to side-swept by the glow to him that he beamed.

"Hardly. Though he may act like a lecher, he's too much of a simpleton to plan anything devious."

She heard a rough bang from the table, swiveling to see Kyo glaring daggers at him through seething eyes and a clenched fist. His face ran completely scarlet, the tips of his ears nearly blending in with the rest of his tangerine hair.

"Don't talk like that, okay! I'm not the one who needs to be all weird whenever you have to introduce yourself to someone!"

"It's called having manners, I wouldn't expect you to know how to even spell that."

"You're really full of it, aren't you!"

She watched as they continued to bicker from across the table, Kyo losing his temper at every quip Yuki made and Yuki effectively dodging and deflecting every blow without blinking an eye. They're contrasting energies made it hard for Tohru to believe they were ever from the same family, even if it was just cousins. Kyo's smoldering and heated appearance directly being burnt out by Yuki's cold and icy glares. Though they both seemed helpful and sweet on their own, the moment either of them had interaction they almost devolved into children. Tohru wondered if there could be bad blood between the two because of a recent incident.

"Ah.., Kyo-kun actually did a very nice thing for me, actually." she intervened, "He let me sleep in his room for the night and fed me, I'm... very grateful."

She didn't think it was possible, but somehow Kyo's cheeks heated up, even more, turning his head away instantly and letting out another huff of disgust. Her confusion only pressed on at his reaction.

"But Honda-san, I do have to wonder." Yuki began, turning her attention towards him again. "Last I've seen you, I thought you were staying with your grandfather. But it looks like…"

His voice trailed off with the unfinished sentence, but Tohru understood completely what he meant. She felt that lump in her throat come up, firming her lips together to keep her facial expression from falling.

Ah…. I've just met Sohma-kun and already he pities me. It must be pathetic for him to see where I'm at right now, having to ask his family for help.

"Grandpa..," she started, feeling her voice wobble trying to keep steady. She was firm on not letting herself cry in front of these people, not after the first day of truly meeting them both. She had to salvage at least some dignity. "He passed on in November.., and I was told I could still live with the rest of the family but…,"

The memories were beginning to swarm back, faster than she wanted them too.

She remembered the unwelcomed aura that always surrounded the house. The awkward scuffling about around her, avoidance of conversation and all together suffocating atmosphere that shrouded the place. The only ever conversation engaged towards her was to remind her that she wasn't wanted there.

When she was sitting on the couch.

"Grandpa may have fought your battles before, but don't think that doesn't mean we won't keep an eye on you while you're still here."

Getting home from work.

"Tell us before you take off this late. We can't have you bringing home any men, okay Tohru?"

Every time she made a mistake.

"What did he see in you, anyway?"

"I felt better getting out of their way."

If life truly made it where people in your life are meant to be there, Tohru knew that it wasn't her place to be apart of theirs. All the failed attempts, trying to convince herself that it would just take some adjusting to and she would eventually grow into her new family and learn to receive the same love that was conditioned by Kyoko. That maybe this was where she was meant to be. She was truly suffocating, suffocating herself pretending as though this is how things were supposed to be and that this so-called family was something that called her.

"That doesn't mean you have to throw yourself out, yknow."

She was dragged completely out of her reminiscences, pulling back into reality by Kyo's angry tone. She looked up, his eyes searing again with that orange-lit rage, Yuki's still calculating as he waited for Kyo's next move.

"You should maybe try and think of consequences sometimes, alright? So what you didn't want to bother them, it's still better than forcing yourself to be homeless just because they didn't like you. You're important too."

It was Tohru's turn to become flustered, the words shooting directly into her chest. They had a familiar dance to them, both the sincerity and meaning. For some reason, she couldn't help but feel that Kyo had told her this once before, or perhaps several times. The ring that it carried had made her weak. A warmth hit her nerves, this time comforting and almost making her want to cry all over again.

"Tha-thank you.,"

"Speaking of which, I couldn't help but notice you're hurt." Yuki mediated, casting a glance at her leg. "Can I ask what happened?"

She followed him and remembered her bruised up thighs, the constellations of blues and greens that clouded her skin and almost fresh cuts that scraped alongside them instantly drained away that warmth. She was hoping to be able to move along from that night as if there was any forgetting it. As if her entire state and where she was wasn't a constant reminder of that night. Nonetheless, she swallowed and began.

"Ah, well, it's a long walk from my original tent to any of the corner stores for food and clothes so I took a detour..," she began.

She could remember the freezing temperatures. How her skirt could barely keep any of the harsh and invading wind from chilling her down to a trembling mess. The chattering of teeth and chapped lips as she had made her way down the winding trails leading into the city. How she could feel her own stomach begging for any fuel as she hugged herself as an attempt to conserve body heat. The trees that swayed overhead almost whispering about themselves as she trudged along.

"I guess that was my biggest mistake, thinking things would be easier if I went through the woods."

She finally felt concrete under her worn shoes, which brought a weak smile to her face. Whenever the dirt paths ever turned to cobblestone or concrete, that was a tale sign that you were close to the main road, which meant the cities were even closer nearby. She felt some sort of relief knowing she had bared the hardest part and was going to make it just fine. She even felt pride in herself for being able to navigate the woods as well as she did and finally reaching some sort of civilization.

That short spout of joy was something she should have cherished.

She remembered the hand over her mouth, quickly tasting grime and filth as it completely covered her lips. Her feet gave in from under her, completely losing footing before landing into the body of somebody. She tried to flail, any feeble attempt at freeing herself from the sudden capture, but she would quickly find that her arms had lost all secludedness as her hands were suddenly being tugged behind her back as well.

The panic kicked in, the sheer bursting of her heart welled up inside her until she finally let out her first scream of fright. It was ugly, the cries for help that followed as tears stung against her cheeks and ran down the fingers of this malicious monster. She heard laughs. Biting, taunting laughs that slithered around her ear and mocked her own cries in volumes. The body pressed himself up against her and she could instantly recognize his intentions that were laid out for her. She was caught in his trap, a spider's web and her being nothing more than a foolishly meek fly.

She remembered her mother, because who wouldn't in these moments? Her tall, surprisingly black and red- blotched figure that stood facing the world with a challenging smile. She remembered her stories, having to fight off much bigger threats and how each day in her life was a struggle to not get assaulted. Would she want Tohru's demise to end up like this, succumbing so easily to such an evil act? Could she truly be recognized as her daughter if she didn't defend herself with her life?

After all, what would Kyoko do?

"I had never been in a situation like that before, so I guess I panicked."

She took the deepest gulp of breath that she could manage between the dirt-caked palms, before shutting her eyes tight and allowing her teeth to fasten themselves onto them.

There were swearing, god so much cursing and words that she never wished to hear herself. His gruff and ridiculing laughs feverishly turned into yells and threats as she deepened her bite, trying to convince herself that it would all be over soon. Immediately she felt himself try and pull his hand but continuing to hold on tight, sinking herself even deeper until she finally felt a break of skin and a slow pool trickling along her chin and lips.

There was then a swipe to her head and her vision doubled.

Tohru kind of wished that she had waited a little bit for this to happen so she would be able to meet some softened piles of snows or slush or wet grass instead of the frozen concrete. The crack that sounded rung out, her body almost following second to it as she finally completely crumpled.

"Crazy bitch!" those were one of the few words that she could recall coming from him, his voice gruff and slurring constantly. Her mind was only a collection of dancing stars and spotty vision as she tried her best to regain composure before feeling another blow meet her upper thighs. She could see his worn boots, shrouded in mud as he fiercely kicked at her. She couldn't react, for she was both simply too tired, cold and already destroyed all around to fight anymore. She only thing she could identify at this point was the taste of copper on her lip, unsure if the blood was his or hers.

"You got lucky tonight, got that!" was the last thing she heard, his barking voice ringing in her ears as she felt herself growing colder. The wind had seemed to cease altogether after that, and finally, the night took over all her perception.

Shigure's house never seemed to have the same energy to it, even after 4 years.

As he opened the door, he waited for some sort of greeting. For someone to welcome him back and give him a sense of belonging and validation. He wanted to hear those words of excitement come from her, as wafts of her cooking invited him into the kitchen where he would be met with her happy grin, smiling only for him. He wondered why those memories were coming back now, why he couldn't stomach it down like usual and go up to his room to shut himself out from those thoughts until the next morning.

Yuki stepped in, throwing off his shoes and sliding the door behind him harder than he ever intended too. He couldn't feel sorry though, the stubborn rage that pounded in his head was more than enough for him to not feel sorry for any sort of destruction he made his way. He needed to find a release fast.

"You're home late."

He hadn't expected Shigure to be even awake at this hour, so he was a little bit caught off guard to find him sitting in his usual spot in the living room, flipping leisurely through a novel. With his eyeglasses on, it was a little harder than usual to read his expression, but he seemed to carry no surprise towards Yuki.

"And you're up late."

Shigure gave a laugh back.

"A writer knows no bedtime, you should know that by now."

Yuki sighed and gave no reply. He was probably up late drinking, that was the easiest since he could make of it anyway. He always said nonsensical things whenever he had too much. He threw his stuff into the corner of the room before turning to head up the stairs.

"I'm going to bed now," he said flatly

"Oh, Yuki~."

He paused but did not turn back.

"If there's something you need to talk about, you should," Shigure turned slightly, the lighting in the room reflecting off his glasses and giving a glint to them. "If you keep things a secret, it could turn bad on you."

His breath hitched, but he didn't reply. Instead, he gulped down the anxiety sitting in his throat and continued up the flight.

Once he was finally in his bedroom, the weight of everything finally hit him and he collapsed onto his bed in exhaustion.

He felt as though he had truly barely escaped some sort of simulation. It was easier to think that perhaps everything he had experienced was just a chance fever dream he was experiencing and Tohru Honda definitely was not back into his life once more. That they had successfully moved her back into her grandfather's home and was still living a happy life there at this very moment. But he couldn't shake her gaunt, bruised body standing before him. Her empty eyes and pale skin as she viewed him as a total alien. As much as he was frustrated at Kyo for being so reckless taking her back in, he couldn't blame him at all. When first seeing her again, all he wanted to do was pull her close and cry. To tell her how much he missed her at the house, how he wished things had ended up differently and he would take back everything to have her back into his life. He wanted to tell her things were going to be okay soon and that most of all,

He wanted to tell her he's sorry.