AN: I just want to say thank you to all the support you readers have shown me through this writing of this story. To be quite honest this story was never supposed to be written, it was an offhanded idea that I wrote as a challenge to any passing writers who saw my profile page and were interested. So the outstanding reception it has received is the reason it's being written with such fervor.

I've been meaning to do this, but after this chapter is put up I'll be doing a heavy edit/review session with all of my stories and their chapters. I don't have any dedicated betas and my family refuses to have anything to do with my stories. SO just putting it out there for probably two weeks nothing will be updated for any of my stories. When I am finished I will obviously update all of the chapters, but more importantly, I'll be making an author's note chapter that explains any large changes that I may have done for those of you who don't want to slosh through seven chapters that will probably be mostly the same (I know I wouldn't).

Also, super sorry for the late update, my summer has been hectic and I kind of sort of bought Tekken 7 and Injustice 2 so that's been eating up a lot of time. Family from PR now lives in my house for the summer so dealing with them is very time consuming. Not to mention I'm going on vacation and do a heavy revision so no updates for at least two weeks.

Finally, this is a harem story and there will be OCs, though probably only one or two more at most after Asuka, if any readers HATE that then by all means read something else. But know I will always strive to write GOOD fiction that is interesting and compelling which includes the personalities of any OCs I may invent.

Disclaimer: I neither own nor make profit off of Dragonball or The Gamer.


Chapter 6 Summary: A lot of canon rehashing in the beginning which was basically Goku getting the extremely useful Flying Nimbus. Then the fight! That wasn't much of a fight, Goku surprisingly wiped the floor with the Turtle Hermit earning everyone a VERY healthy amount of experience. Then we learned more about Akane which was kind of sad (I hope).


Chapter 7: Levels Galore!

At this point in time, the time being the end of the first day Goku had gotten his Gamer powers, Bulma was convinced she could never be surprised again. When she had heard Goku call her over and seen the adorably sad position he and Akane were in she had steeled herself for some really sad crap. She had anticipated correctly.

Akane had a painful history, one of sadness and cruelty from those around her that had started from the moment she was born. When Bulma made it over to them and asked her question, Akane had spilled her guts. Her speech was a bit tedious as she struggled with many words, which was an obvious sign of her severely lacking intelligence, but she got her message across. She was a fighter. Despite everything that had happened to her she never gave up or gave in, the small scars running up and down her skin were evidence of her struggles against Kumodoshi and his gang, she might have been their slave in body, but never in mind and soul.

After a good long cry between the girls, which left Goku alone and incredibly awkward, Bulma had decided it was time to turn in for the night and set up her hoi-poi house for them all to sleep in. After some arguing and an intense round of Janken it ended up that the girls would share the bed and Goku would be on the floor, again. Akane had tried to switch with him, but he adamantly refused, he could never ask her to be uncomfortable for his sake, it just didn't sit right with him. He went on to declare that applied to all of his friends, but Akane couldn't help but feel special. Soon after they were all tucked in, Akane making Bulma extremely uncomfortable by being the big spoon, everyone was asleep in seconds.


"Yaaawwwwnnnn~~~~" Slowly opening her eyes Bulma took in her surroundings. She almost freaked out when she felt two skinny arms encircling her, but quickly remembered the sleeping arrangements.

Slowly inching out of the bed Bulma roughly kicked the usually energetic boy awake. "Hey Goku," she whispered, "Why don't you go out and get us some breakfast and get a lot, I want to make sure we cure Akane's malnourished debuff as quickly as possible." Bulma might not have been too keen on the idea of eating freshly caught wild animals, but she couldn't deny the usefulness of copious amounts of free food.

"Heehee, Ok Bulma, I'll be back in a sec'." and with that he was off to find the biggest, juiciest animal he could.

Shaking her head at the boy's sudden burst of energy at the mention of food Bulma decided to change into some traveling clothes. When she was done she found Akane waking up, it was then she realized a new problem, 'We still don't have clothes for her to wear. Dammit… hopefully there'll be a town on the way to the next dragonball… Until then she'll just have to go commando in my dress.' Shrugging the girl walked up to the dark skinned cat girl and waited for her to become full awake.

"Alright Akane, if I remember correctly you've got a whole bunch of stat points to allocate, so let's do that." Sitting next to her on the bed Bulma instructed her to bring up her stat page.

Name: Akane Arisawa

Title: Sex Slave

Level: 27

HP: 100/100 (20/20)

KP: 70/70 (30/30)

MP: 100/100 (20/20)


Str: 5 + (-80%) = 1

Vit: 5 + (-80%) = 1

Dex: 5 + (-80%) = 1

Int: 5 + (-50%) = 2.5

Wis: 5 + (-50%) = 2.5

Luk: 5 + (-100%) = 0

Charm: 25 + (-80%) = 5

Points to Spend: 85

"Alright, if I remember correctly you will easily gain Dexterity stats… once you're healthy again. Given your frailty I want to dump a bunch of points into Vitality, but you'll obviously be close range fighter like Goku so Strength will be important." Mumbling under her breath Bulma said a little more. "Not to mention you're even dumber than he is…"

Shaking her head of the unfair thoughts Bulma continued, "If I had to guess you will probably fill the assassin role in our team, especially if you get some acrobatic stuff naturally from your cat...ness. 85 is a lot of points let's see how this looks." Bulma hit a bunch of plusses, but didn't hit confirm.

Name: Akane Arisawa

Title: Sex Slave

Level: 27

HP: 100/100 (20/20)

KP: 70/70 (30/30)

MP: 100/100 (20/20)


Str: 15 (-80%) = 1

Vit: 30 (-80%) = 1

Dex: 15 (-80%) = 1

Int: 20 (-50%) = 2.5

Wis: 30 (-50%) = 2.5

Luk: 5 (-100%) = 0

Charm: 25 (-80%) = 5

Points to Spend: 0

'This will make sure she can level up despite her terrible debuffs, they're honestly worse than Goku's.' Bulma was about to ask Akane about what she thought about her choices before realizing there was no way Akane could have any helpful input on the matter. Shrugging her shoulders a bit Bulma hit confirm and watched the girl's stats change.

Name: Akane Arisawa

Title: Sex Slave

Level: 27

HP: 600/600 (120/120)

KP: 550/550 (140/140)

MP: 400/400 (200/200)


Str: 15 (-80%) = 3

Vit: 30 (-80%) = 6

Dex: 15 (-80%) = 3

Int: 20 (-50%) = 10

Wis: 30 (-50%) = 15

Luk: 5 (-100%) = 0

Charm: 25 (-80%) = 5

"It's not much Akane, but once you're all better, you'll be so darn strong."

"Hehe, thanks Bulma."

Bulma was putting up a strong front for the girl. Honestly she was painfully disappointed how little it felt like she had done. Eager to discover her own progress Bulma vanished the sad thoughts and summoned up her own stat page while Akane paid rapt attention.

Name: Bulma Briefs

Title: Capsule Corp Heir

Level: 31

HP: 500/500

KP: 522/522

MP: 920/920


Str: 10 +

Vit: 25 +

Dex: 25 +

Int: 46 +

Wis: 40 +

Luk: 9 +

Charm: 16 +

Points to Spend: 35

Bulma would have whooped for joy if she hadn't known it would freak the hell out of her soft-spoken companion. 'This is absolutely spectacular, and if my earlier estimate was correct it wouldn't take me much to get to level 32. Now it's decision time. I've got the healing stuff which benefits greatly from high Intelligence and Wisdom which I also know feeds into being a witch soooooooooooo… Easy game, easy life' She was very happy with her decisions.

Name: Bulma Briefs

Title: Capsule Corp Heir

Level: 31

HP: 600/600

KP: 620/620

MP: 1,000/1,000


Str: 10

Vit: 30

Dex: 26

Int: 50

Wis: 60

Luk: 10

Charm: 20

"Now all that's left is Goku… and that's him right now!" Bulma had heard heavy stomps and assumed Goku had caught some large prey, so she went outside closely followed by a curious Akane only to blink in surprise at Goku's catch.

Held above his head was the entirety of a Paozusaurus carcass, only this one was quite peculiar. Instead of the typical earth tones a Paozusaurus would have, this one was a midnight black with intricate purple designs all over it's body and its horns were a gleaming gold.

"Hehe, I found this fella in a cave a little while away, I guess that Mountain Man perk is pretty sweet, oh my Luck also naturally doubled, must have delayed from when I beat the old man. The screen said my win was extremely lucky."

Bulma could only laugh at the ridiculousness of it all, apparently that Mountain Man perk really could pull its weight.

"That's great Goku, I bet this is some sort of super rare magical Paozusaurus or something ridiculous like that. Why don't you chop it up and put everything into your inventory and keep only what you want to eat out."

With a nod of his head Goku happily set to work skinning and separating the dinosaur, all the while whistling a jaunty tune. Bulma on the other hand had no wish to see any of what he was doing and quickly darted inside. Akane happily watched her savior work.


"I finished Bulma!"

"Ok let me observe the meat and see if it does anything special." and hoo-buddy did it.

Legendary Paozusaurus Meat

The meat from a Paozusaurus is normally very tough and doesn't offer much besides protein nutrition wise. Legendary grade Paozusaurus meat on the other hand is one of the most beneficial meats a player can eat! Its effects only affect the eater the first time it is consumed, so amount matters. Besides that, it's extremely tasty if cooked even moderately well and is generally very healthy.

1 oz: +1 to Str

4 oz: +1 to Str and Vit

8 oz: +2 to Str and Vit

16 oz: +2 to Str, Vit, and Charm

2 lbs: +4 to Str, Vit, and Charm

5 lbs: +10 to Str, Vit, and Charm

All physiological debuffs are cured

10 lbs: +20 to Str, Vit, and Charm

All physiological debuffs are cured

Perk [Triple Lidded] earned

20 lbs: +30 to Str, Vit, and Charm

All physiological debuffs are cured

Perk [Triple Lidded] earned

50 lbs: +50 to Str, Vit, and Charm

All physiological debuffs are cured

Perk [Triple Lidded] earned

100 lbs: +50 to Str, Vit, and Charm

All physiological debuffs are cured

Perk [Triple Lidded] earned

Move [Flame Breath] learned

200 lbs: +100 to Str, Vit, and Charm

All physiological debuffs are cured

Perk [Triple Lidded] earned

Move [Flame Breath] learned

500 lbs: +200 to Str, Vit, and Charm

All physiological debuffs are cured

The negative effects of psychological debuffs are halved

Perk [Triple Lidded] earned

Move [Flame Breath] learned

1,000 lbs: +500 to Str, Vit, and Charm

All physiological debuffs are cured

The negative effects of psychological debuffs are halved

Perk [Triple Lidded] earned

Move [Flame Breath] learned

1 ton: +1,000 to Str, Vit, and Charm

All debuffs are cured

Perk [Triple Lidded] earned

Move [Flame Breath] learned

Title/Perk [Monster Hunter] earned

Bulma's voice no longer worked, she apparently had been lying to herself the night before and realized she could never truly know what to expect when Goku was around. That both scared and excited her.

Goku had also read the screen. "Aww yeah! I'm going to eat until I explode!"

Hearing his declaration Bulma shook her head. "Yes Goku, you are going to just eat and eat and eat and eat…" She trailed off as she realized that this was a perfect chance to cure Akane's Malnourished debuff. Turning to said girl Bulma hugged her.

"Oh Akane! We're going to cure you of that nasty Malnourished debuff ok?"

Akane was a bit confused when Bulma hugged her until she heard the words she said. She was filled with such a joy that she couldn't help the few tears that escaped her gentle purple eyes.

"That's great Bulma," she said quietly, "I can't wait."


Akane's words set everything into motion it was only an hour later that an unspeakable amount of meat, a couple of pounds over 200, had been cooked to… mediocre standards. Most of the steaks were either undercooked or a bit overcooked, some of the meat had even been burnt badly, but even the worst steaks tasted fine.

Setting in to eat on the sand the ragtag group of dragonball hunters tucked into a magnificent feast.

After about an hour of struggling Bulma stopped at two pounds of legendary meat. She desperately wanted to eat more, but she knew she would barf if she tried. Looking over at her companions Bulma was simultaneously surprised and disgusted. Unlike the rabid hunger she had expected from the ex-slave Akane ate with a grace and speed one would expect from a ravenous queen. Goku on the other hand ate like it was his last day alive and meat was the only currency there was in heaven.

It was another hour before Akane stopped eating. She could have stopped at five pounds but she was genuinely hungry and ate an entire ten pounds! It was odd the sensation of growing a second eyelid but Akane just knew she was healthy once again. Looking over her now naked form she giggled in delight to find not only had her skin had become incredibly healthy looking and firm, but her muscles had grown taught and even most of her scars had vanished. The onlooking Bulma could only gape as Akane transformed from a voluptuous but dying twig to something even the hottest pinup models could only dream of, even her long, red tail seemed to glimmer in the midday sun! Seeing as Goku was still eating Bulma checked out her and Akane's new stats, after getting the knockout to put her dress back on.

Name: Bulma Briefs

Title: Capsule Corp Heir

Level: 31

HP: 680/680

KP: 700/700

MP: 1,000/1,000


Str: 14

Vit: 34

Dex: 26

Int: 50

Wis: 60

Luk: 10

Charm: 24

Name: Akane Arisawa

Title: Sex Slave

Level: 27

HP: 1,000/1,000

KP: 950/950 (900/900)

MP: 400/400 (200/200)


Str: 35

Vit: 50

Dex: 15

Int: 20 (-50%) = 10

Wis: 30 (-50%) = 15

Luk: 5 (-100%) = 0

Charm: 45

Sure Bulma was happy with her stat gains, but she couldn't help the ugly pit of jealousy that grew within her at seeing Akane's gains. The walking wet dream had gone from frail damsel to a tank-fighter hybrid that could probably seduce everything from here to the moon! 'I'm the smart one, I'm the smart one, I'm the smart one…' Bulma's mantra barely brought her out of her funk. 'Without me they'd be nowhere, remember that Bulma, besides you might not be as… pretty as her, but you're still faster than her! You are the brains of this operation! Maybe I could wish up something nice with the dragonballs… No!' She reminded herself of her goal. 'Future Sexy Goku, Future Sexy Goku, Future Sexy Goku, Future Sexy Goku.'

While Bulma had a small mental breakdown Akane felt the need to run, she had loved to do so as a young child and now the urge just gripped her. So she ran, she ran and ran until she couldn't and then she ran some more. Akane could feel herself getting faster, 'Huh, this Gamer thing is pretty nice!' She finally returned to camp to find Goku finishing his final morsel of meat and to see an awe-inspiring screen pop up.

Good Job! You ate 200 lbs of meat!

When Bulma had finally gotten over herself she found that Akane was missing. Not worried as the girl could clearly take care of herself now Bulma decided to be Goku's cheerleader. There wasn't much meat left but the poor boy seemed to be slowing down, but Bulma's cheers spurred him on. She had also been slightly surprised by the screen despite hoping Goku could eat the 200 plus pounds of meat he had left out.

"You did it Goku!" she yelled careful not to hug the boy in her excitement, the last thing she wanted was his barf all over her.

Goku smiled weakly in response, "Yeah I did." and promptly passed out.

Too excited to wait for him to awaken Bulma pulled up his stats.

Name: Goku Son

Title: The Gamer

Lvl: 33

HP: 3,800/3,800

KP: 4,044/4,044

MP: 340/340


Str: 205 +

Vit: 190 +

Dex: 75 +

Int: 17 +

Wis: 10 +

Luk: 10 +

Charm: 110 +

Points to Spend: 20

Before deciding anything Bulma realized that Goku was technically the "hottest" one in the group. At the moment his comically distended belly belied his potentially gorgeous features, so Bulma went to look at his face to investigate.

He… was… gorgeous. Sure he didn't really look all that different, but it was clear he was good looking. To Bulma it felt as though she had an undeniably strong attraction to him, and that the whole world seemed to gravitate towards him. Akane had also come over and just stared awestruck by the sight of Goku's sleeping face. He was like an angel, soft and sweet, but also hot and sexy like a movie star.

It was with great difficulty that Bulma tore away from the glorious sight that was Goku and dumped half of his points equally into Wisdom and Intelligence.

Name: Goku Son

Title: The Gamer

Lvl: 33

HP: 3,800/3,800

KP: 4,044/4,044

MP: 540/540


Str: 205

Vit: 190

Dex: 75

Int: 27

Wis: 20

Luk: 10

Charm: 110

Bulma couldn't help but wonder what it was like to be Goku, so gloriously and unbelievable strong… and gorgeous. 'The entire thing almost feels unfair, how the hell can I ever attain that level of power? Ugh, shake it off girl, without you none of this would have happened!' She glanced over at the red head staring at her future husband's face. 'Fucking Akane and her sad ass backstory! I wanna hate you so bad… but you're too adorable. Not to mention her utility as an assassin or something.'

"Hey Akane, how do you feel?"

Bulma's words were like ice cold water upon Akane's head shocking her back to reality.

"Who?... uh… I feel super Bulma! Thanks for asking!" Her smile could outshine the sun.

"Huh, that's nice. Why did you disappear earlier anyway?"

"Oh, I was running."


"Just 'cuz."

"Oh… ok."

"Yeah and I feel super fast and stuff!"

Bulma groaned and allowed her head to fall into her chest, already Akane was improving and when she opened up the girl's tats she found exactly what she had expected and feared.

Name: Akane Arisawa

Title: Closet Fangirl

Level: 27

HP: 1,000/1,000

KP: 950/950 (900/900)

MP: 400/400 (200/200)


Str: 35

Vit: 50

Dex: 35

Int: 20 (-50%) = 10

Wis: 30 (-50%) = 15

Luk: 5

Charm: 45

She was too preoccupied with Akane's Dex increase to notice the title change and were Bulma a lesser woman she would have thrown a fit, cried, and stormed off, but she wasn't. She was Bulma goddam Briefs, smartest girl in the world… probably, and there was no way she was going to give up on improving herself when her companions seemed to progress by leaps and bounds. 'It's fine, my Intelligence naturally goes up for every level I earn and when this whole crazy adventure is over I'll just study like never before! Maybe find that witch sister of the Hermit.' Happy to have a course set Bulma wanted to get moving and the couple of minutes she had spent thinking had decreased Goku's stomach size to a more than manageable size. He actually had just awoken.

"Ugh… so fuuuuuuulllllll… don't ever let me do that again Bulmaaaaaaa." He punctuated his sentence with a loud belch.

"Geez whatever Goku, before you complain why don't you take a look at your stats?"

Searching eyes was all the response Bulma got before they opened wide open in obvious remembrance.

"Stats!" the mountain man screamed. "Awww that's awesome Bulma. Oooo, and look I get to pick two new perks!"

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that, let's check 'em out." Bulma said as she scooched over to the bloated saiyan.


For bringing your Vit stat to 100 or more you have been given the opportunity to choose between a number of Vitality related perks!

Can't Keep Me Down! - You've got people to see and places to go, you ain't got time to be regenerating health!

Doubles health regen including health received from healing over time spells

Beefy Boy - You never know when you will walk into a nuclear warhead and blow it up, so you have to be prepared.

Doubles health points gained

Guardian - Sometimes you just need to weather the storms of life, and bullets, magic, arrows, and etc., for your friends.

Gain Powered Passive [Guardian]

Guardian Lvl: 1

The player now receives a certain amount of damage that the members of their party takes. Don't worry, they'll love you for this.

1% of damage taken by allies is transferred to the player

"This is tough Bulma, should we do the stat sacrifice again and get Beefy Boy and Guardian? I think they go well together."

Goku's smart decision slightly surprised Bulma, but then she remembered he was technically smarter than she was when they met even if he doesn't have the information she does. Since the game is all that he really knows she can trust him to make his own decisions.

"That's really smart Goku, let's do that, but no sacrifice for the Charm perks ok?"

That's fine." A few presses on the warm red digital screen later Goku showed Bulma his new stats. "Look good?"

Name: Goku Son

Title: The Gamer

Lvl: 33

HP: 7,400/7,400

KP: 3,944/3,944

MP: 540/540


Str: 200

Vit: 185

Dex: 75

Int: 27

Wis: 20

Luk: 10

Charm: 100

"Yes it does Goku, now let's see the Charisma ones."


For bringing your Charm stat to 100 or more you have been given the opportunity to choose between a number of Charisma related perks!

People Person - People just seem to gravitate towards you, the whole neighborhood wants to be at your parties, and the ladies just can't keep their hands off of you!

All reputation gains are doubled and all reputation losses are halved

Peace Not War - You really don't like fighting if you don't have to, why not convince your opponent of the same thing?

Gain Move [Pacify]

Pacify Lvl: 1

5% chance of the enemy choosing not to fight you and cease any and all hostilities

Charity Case - Merchants love you and practically give away their goods!

All purchases are now 25% cheaper

"Bah this is easy!" said the orphan boy, "We make so much money, right? And there's no way I'd ever pass up a fight. People Person it is."

Bulma didn't have to say a word, Goku's straightforward decision making was really good. Her only doubt was that legendary or higher rarity items were probably worth billions and trillions of zeni or more, but how often would they find them in a shop?

Debuff Socially Inept has been cured

"That's great Goku, but now I wanna see that move you got and that perk you and Akane got."

"Oh right! Skills!"

Combat Moves:

Flame Breath Lvl: 1

Much like the a dragon you can now spout mighty gouts of flame from your maw!

Flame Length: 3 feet

Burn Chance: 5%

Damage: 20 per second

Mana Cost: 100 per second

"Huh… not all that great really… Maybe at high levels it'll be sweet?"

Bulma completely agreed with Goku's disappointment, "Yeah I guess, perhaps at high levels the mana cost would go down as well as the damage, burn chance, and length increasing. It would be good for a close quarters magic user, but I don't think you'll be a wizard any time soon Goku."

Then she noticed the surprisingly high level of Goku's Comforting ability.

Comforting (Passive) Lvl: 15

This skill represents how well the player is able to comfort someone else. Can be used to bring another character out of the sad state or just make someone feel cared for in general. A successful comforting will tend to increase your reputation with the character you comforted. An unsuccessful comforting will tend to have no negative effect on your reputation with a character but holds the possibility of lowering it. At higher levels the player can even cure the depression ailment.

Various ratios will apply but the most basic is the most relevant.

20% chance to cheer up a very sad character.

"Huh… must've happened when he was comforting Akane…" she muttered. "Anyway, let's see what that Double Lidded perk is all about."

Happy to comply Goku hit the Perks tab. It took a minute to find due to the clutter all of Goku's new perks, but they eventually found it. Apparently the pages were now ordered alphabetically.

Triple Lidded - You now have fully developed nictitating membranes, or a third eyelid for short. It is a useful evolutionary adaptations many animals, fish and reptiles in particular, have developed in order to protect their precious eyes.

20% damage received from eye attacks

50% less likely to get blinded

Free goggles!

-20% accuracy while eyelid is closed

"That's pretty nice, good for you guys." Bulma said while looking at her companions. "Good to see that update brought some order to these menus too…"

"Yeah this is awesome. Hey Akane, let's try to close them."

"Oh, uh… ok Goku."

Bulma couldn't stop the giggles that came from watching to two not-quite-humans furiously blink and squint with all their mights in an effort to close their new eyelids. It was actually Goku who figured it out when he physically felt for the new eyelid and then imagined it closing. 'Gotta love that Intelligence.' After Goku showed it to Akane, Bulma giggled some more as they began tripping over themselves in an effort to navigate the beach with their eyelids closed.

"Man this is weird! It's like looking through murky water!"


"Alright guys. You've had your fun, let's pack up and get moving, it'll be another four hours before the sun sets and the next dragonball is a long ways away."

Bulma was answered by some moans and groans from her faithful meat shield, and Akane seemed to be a bit torn in terms of what to do, until Goku eventually acquiesced and helped Bulma pack up. It was only half an hour later that the three man party was back on the road, Goku was running, Akane was on Nimbus, and Bulma was on her tricked out cycle as they faded into the distance.



AN: I'm joking, though it is a sort of "the end." I made a mess of myself by not taking careful note of each character's individual progress which led to mistakes like forgetting Goku's heavy hitter perk. I also don't really like how I setup the user interface, it just seems a bit messy as I navigate it with the characters. So I'm sorry, but don't expect an update for a couple of days or even weeks as I heavily edit and revise this and my other stories.

Very important!

I will judge how different things are when I put out the revised chapters. Whether things have changed quite noticeably or not I'll be putting up an author's note chapter detailing the changes I've made for those of you who do not wish to re-read the entire thing.

P.S. Hope you like Akane's title change. If it wasn't clear her run inspired her and gave her a sense of self greater than being a slave since the only reason she had the title was that she didn't really think of herself as anything else.

P.P.S. I hope you guys and gals will absolutely love what I do with Oolong.