Chapter 50
After a few hours in the waiting room, two grandfathers were met by a beaming happy father and led to the nursery to peer into the large, plate glass window at their new grandson. Hair as black and thick as his mother's and eyes as bright and dazzlingly green as his father's. His father's chin, his mother's ears. Lory and Kuu laughed proudly as Lorence Kuu Hizuri was displayed before them by the nursery nurse in his tiny little diaper and cute little blue beanie and mitts, swaddled in the light blue receiving blanket with little sheep on it.
Both grandfathers looked at the father quizzically. "Why did you guys name him after us?" Lory asked as he felt his heart swell with pride.
Kuon chuckled. "We wanted to name him after the two people that changed our lives for the better and gave us so much." He told them simply as if it were the most logical thing in the world which earned the new father the biggest hug from the two proud men that he had ever received in his entire life.
"How's Kyoko?" Lory asked.
"She's doing good. Just really exhausted. She decided to go without anything for the pain." He laughed softly flexing and shaking his hand. "She forgot all about it when they gave him to her to hold and he latched on." He smiled softly remembering the moment. "We can see her later this afternoon. She needs her sleep."
Lory looked at Kuu and then back at Kuon. "Then that gives us enough time to go get the new mother some flowers and something to spruce up that hospital room of hers."
"I need to run home and grab her hospital bag and bring it to her. The gown they have her wearing can't be comfortable." Kuon told them.
"I'll stop by and pick up Julie." He looked at Lory. "I think maybe Maria might want to visit Kyoko too?"
"You're right. If I don't pick up Maria and bring her to visit, she'll curse me for eternity." He gasped as the three left to do their self appointed tasks and return before the new mother awakened.
Over the years, the nightmares would fade away and be replaced by the dreams of the loving family and three more beautiful Hizuri children. Two little identical twin girls and one more little boy. The Hizuri name would be noted worldwide in many fields that ranged from acting, music, medicine and law. They would be given awards and prizes in their fields of expertise and make their marks on the world for their contributions to society by helping others as their parents had taught them.
Towards the end of their lives, Kyoko and Kuon would pen a book telling others of their trials and would be an inspiration to others that had led similar tragedies. They would refuse sympathy and tell others that would pity them that their experiences are what made them who they were and tell them that no one should allow bad experiences to rule their lives, like so many were inclined to do.